Hypocrites | P.cy


Third Person's 

The atmosphere between the Yoshida siblings is noticeably awkward making the tall Korean guy uncomfortably squirm in his seat. Chanyeol glances at Yuuzan who frowned because none of the younger one's brothers and sisters would play with him."I think Yuuzan's hungry.... " He excuses himself and runs off with the youngest of the Yoshida Children leaving the siblings to finally talk about their conflicts. However, they refused to talk allowing pride to swallow them. 

Zadkiel pursed her lips and stared out into abyss,  eyes looking dull and swollen, lips bruised and bleeding. She still caught up on the fact that her mother's dead and nothing else really mattered. From time to time she wonders "Had I not shouted at her and took my time to cherish her remaining moments, I'd have no regrets." Their Okāsan's been dead for 3 days now and she's been out of it since then. 

Raizel, being the eldest took it to himself to break the news to Yuuzan who nodded and smiled. Saying "It's fine. Okāchan told me to be brave." Raizel admired how strong their Youngest is but he eventually broke down when he walked in on their father who comforts Yuuzan while he wept in his sleep. Raizel then realized that his own youngest brother didn't recognize him and didn't trust him. 

Izreal cried but since his sister wouldn't respond to anyone even Chanyeol, he distracts himself by consoling his sister. Despite the grief,  Azriel and Zairel let their vexation towards each other swallow them. 

All their attention is now directed towards a man who enters and seats himself in front of them. "I'm Kim Namjoon. Your mother's lawyer." Namjoon smiles and bows before sitting down again. The younger twins looks confused while on the contrary the elder twins seems to know what the Lawyer is going to say. The Lawyer takes out documents on his briefcase and hands it to them individually.

Azriel knits his brows on what he reads when he opens the brown folder. "Inheritance titles? We don't even have that much to inherit." Namjoon sighs, "Read further. The Mikhailov family owns much more than you think. There are a total of 10 Mikhailov children but only four are biological. The rest? Adopted." 

Izreal frowns, "So?"

"Those six adopted children pledged to take care of the family business there is all for the benefit of the biological children, but two of them died. Your mother, Mariya and her twin brother, Mikhail are the only ones to claim inheritance but Mikhail refused all the responsibility and Mariya's health is horrible. All those businesses, money, land titles, are now yours to claim. Yuuzan's share is still on hold until he is of legal age." 

They nodded listened to the additional information and instructions from Namjoon.  Before Zadkiel could sign the claims to her inheritance, she finally spoke making the younger twins sigh in relief. "Does this mean all the time Mom wasn't with us was because she worked hard to secure all this?" 

Namjoon was about to speak but was cut off when Zairel spoke, "Yes, and if you weren't such an ingrate and just tried to understand Okāsan then you wouldn't need to cry like a regretting everything." Zairel hissed at her but instead of getting mad Zadkiel pursed her lips and signed her contract. Azriel stood up and glared at his eldest sibling. "Don't talk to her like that when you don't understand anything." 

Zairel scoffs, "I don't understand anything? Me?" She raises her voice and points to herself then stood up. "Zadkiel is the one who doesn't understand. I worked hard to be worthy of this inheritance. I worked hard so Okāsan would hand the company over to me! But Okāsan gave it to Zadkiel! She didn't do anything but pathetically teach little children when she could be more!" 

"Don't you dare reciprocate that hate when Neesan didn't even knew  that we had a company to begin with." Azriel clicked his jaw in annoyance. 

At that moment Zadkiel stood up and held her brother's arm. "Azriel that's enough. It's fine." She smiles then turns to looks at Namjoon. "Thank You attorney for helping Okāsan." Zadkiel bows and Namjoon smiles in return, flashing his dimples, then proceeds to exit the room to give the Yoshida children more privacy to themselves.

Zairel grumbles and grabs her purse. She looks at her sister dead in the eye and glowers. "I still think you're unworthy to handle the multi-million technology company of the Mikhailovs." 


"Urgh,  Zairel you Мудак, I don't ing want that company." She groans and pulls her hair our of frustration. Chanyeol clicks his tongue and slaps her hands lightly. "I keep telling you to not hurt yourself when you're upset! Look at your lips, it's all chapped and bleeding." The Korean nags making the Haru who's beside them laugh. 

(Мудак: head)

"Finally! Someone tells her to stop!"  Haru sighs and meets Zadkiel's gaze that's full of annoyance. "Park Chanyeol you're the only person who gets to nag me like this." She informs as if It's something that the giant should be proud about. 

Chanyeol hisses , "What's the point when you keep doing it anyway?"

She shrugs,  "It's a force of habit." 

Haru smiles while observing the both of them. Zadkiel isn't well but she's definitely better compared to earlier. The fact that her mother's body was cremated immediately didn't console her. Apparently Mariya had her organs and eyes donated, and their father wasn't doing any better. He decided to retire and take his wife's ashes with him to Japan. 

Once Haru excuses himself to go get popcorn, Chanyeol looks at Zadkiel seriously. "If you don't stop bruising your lips,  I'm going to kiss you, wherever we may be and whoever might be around." The Korean warns but Zadkiel didn't seem to take hims seriously. "Enough with your nonsense Park Yoda! The latest episode of Game of Thrones will be starting anytime soon." Zadkiel ignores him and lays in a comfortable position on the pulled out couch. 

Chanyeol catches her off guard when he pulls Zadkiel in for a brief kiss and knits his brows. He spoke in a tone of his voice deeper than usual. "I'm serious Zadkiel. If you bite your lips again, I'll make your lips swollen my way." Zadkiel gulps and stares nervously into his eyes, she cowers in how his honey brown eyes her in. "I-I'm telling you C-chanyeol i-it's force of habit." 

"Don't you mean Chan-kun?" Chanyeol distances himself and jokes. 

"Get over that." Zadkiel says and crosses her arms over her chest. 

Haru throws the remote at them, "Stop being gross when I'm in the same room as the both you. Now move over! It's starting!" He positions himself in the middle of Zadkiel and Chanyeol then the three of them directs their attention to the show on the television.


Izreal squints his eyes and yawns as he makes his way down the flight of stairs, moving as silent as he could so no one would wake. Partly because it's only 3 AM. The blond couldn't sleep properly and decided to drink it off... with water. Izreal fights off the sleep by slapping himself awake. His sight catches the kitchen light on making him stop and think. "Azriel?" He calls out hoping that his twin would be the one in the kitchen. 


There was no response making him wide awake and eyes bulge off his socket. Izreal isn't the skeptical type and he isn't that fond of horror and gore.  The reason being Zadkiel because she'd often tell him old Russian and Japanese folk lore about monsters, ghosts and demons so he'd behave. Each and every details of the story clung greatly to his memory as it still haunts him. 

"Azriel? C'mon bro we talked about this, Nee-san told you to not scare me." 

Still no response and that's when he turns around and attempts to run upstairs. However before he could even take a step, a cold hand lands on his shoulder making him jump. "Izreal? Why are you up so early?" A familiar deep voice stops him from wheezing in terror. "Raizel? The ?! Hey!  Don't scare me like that." Izreal frowns whilst sighing in relief 'twas no demon or ghost. 

"Pft. Who'd you think I was? Kuchisake Onna? Hanako?" Raizel laughs as he mentions some Japanese urbam legends that's meant to scare kids. "It's made up." He reassures only to receive a scowl from the latter. "It's not. How can they just make up stories like those with no basis? They're real." 

"Not real. Zadkiel just got in your head." 

Raizel manages to tone down his laughter when Izriel gives him an unamused look. A moment of silence envelopes them until Raizel decided to break the ice. "I'm glad we're alright." 

"Alright?" The younger questions, quite unsure.

"Well yeah,  I expected you to be hostile like Azriel. Considering the fact that we were raised apart for more than two decades."

Izreal sighs. "I'm sorry about that but Azreal's right. You can't impose on us specially because we never met you. There is such a thing as video calls but the both of you never cared about us, am I wrong?" Raizel uncomfortably clenched his jaw and shrugged. "You're not. Both Zairel and I never cared about the siblings we had.  We're to focused on our career that's why." He pauses and ponders for a bit. "But I don't get it, Azriel mentioned something about Zadkiel's law career being ruined by me." 

The younger knits his brows.  "You didn't know why Zadkiel left Russia after seven years? Don't you even have a small idea why she settled with working at a daycare?" The older shook his head making Izreal run his hand through his hair in frustration. "Neesan had to attend night class because you couldn't take responsibility for your kid. She was just a highschooler when you dropped such heavy duty unto her. Neesan had limits so slowly her grades dropped." 

"Zadkiel Neesan begged us to hide the report cards the school sends to mom. It got even worse when she failed the second semester of Law, she really wanted to become a lawyer. But she let it be because she cared for you and wanted you to get the job you wanted without having to worry about her. In a way, you ruined her." 

Raizel tensed up, "She failed Law? Kiel told Zairel and I that she changed her mind about that course." He sighed heavily all while thoughts and questions ran in his head. What could possibly have prevented his sister from telling him? The elder couldn't answer that. Probably because he doesn't know Zadkiel as well as he thought.

Izreal sighs and pats his brother's shoulder. "Neesan has to deal with Zairel's judgmental stares because she couldn't finish law.  At the very least let us be mad at you in Neesan's behalf." He then climbs back up the flight of stairs completely forgetting about his sole purpose of coming down in the first place— water. 

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_sehunnie__ #1
Can't wait for the next part!!!!