Viva Hollandia || DISCONTINUED


After the Berlin Wall fell, Taekwoon and Hakyeon moved to the Netherlands. After what happened in Germany, the two can't stay there any longer as Munich warned the entire country to watch out for the vampires. So the two moved to the east of the Netherlands and they hope that they can stay there for a longer time. Now that Taekwoon is living like a vampire, he is used to his new life and Hakyeon supports Taekwoon if Taekwoon has difficulties in living his new life. But the memories from his parents never left his mind and Taekwoon now and then hopes to give their deaths some piece, so that he can leave his former life behind for good.


This is the sequel to Germanized, please read that one first before you read this one.

Click here to read Germanized

Also, this contains my main language which is Dutch. Like I did with Germanized, I will mark the Dutch language in a different color.

Green for Dutch

Will work on this one once I'm done with some stories

Poster and background made by


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