Final 1 (Choonhee's POV)

Paper Heart
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{May 18th, 2018; 6:00 A.M.}

Dear Hong Minchan,

I just want to say that I like you and...

"UGH! How am I suppose to write this love letter?!" I thought sitting on my chair, in my room pouting, and writing on my piece of paper that is on the desk. I crushed the piece of paper and threw it in the trash. I looked at my trash and see so many pieces of paper I crush. I sighed and talk to myself, "why can't I just write it well and get it over with? How do I make a love letter good?"

"Noona! Come down to eat breakfast!"

I sighed and went to my door, then opened it. I saw Kangmin was there smiling like a little kid is happy to see someone he loves; I ask smiling, "why are you so happy?"

"Because I just am," he reply laughing. I roll my eyes with a smile and out of my room. He followed behind me like a little puppy following his owner happily. When we got in the dining room, Kangmin and I sat down on the chair, waiting for our food, and parents to come sit down. When mom set the food on the table, she went to get dad to come eat, and then came back with him. They sat down and we started digging in. Dad look at me and ask with a straight face, "did you study for your finals for this semester?"

"Yes, dad," I reply nodding. Mom look at dad and reply, "don't be too harsh on her. I know she is failing one class, but she can still get it up in no time."

"I'm just worried since I want her to do well in school," dad reply looking at mom. I sighed and reply, "I'm going to school now."

I got up and mom reply with a worried face as I was walking to the front door, "you haven't finish your breakfast."

I already left the house when my mom finished her sentence and I walk to my bike. I sat on my bike and was about to leave, but Kangmin came out yelling, "noona!"

I turn to look and see Kangmin grabbing his bike, then follow me from behind. He reply with a small smile, "you are suppose to take me to school and then you can go to your school."

I gave him a small smile and reply, "sorry, Kangmin. It's just dad-"

"I know, dad is always like that," Kangmin reply cutting me off, then he started riding his bike and went in front of me. I started riding behind him and reply, "yah! Kangmin! You don't just cut off your noonas' sentence off!"

"I can if I want!" Kangmin reply sticking his tongue out at me and then look forward. When he look forward, he was about to run over someone; but Kangmin saw the person before he ran over that person and turn his wheel to the left with a scared face. His bike hit the wall that was next to the person and Kangmin fell to the ground when his bike crashed to the wall. My eyes went wide when I saw that happen and I bike to him. I got worried and got off my bike when I got closesr to Kangmin. The person was asking Kangmin if he was ok, that I didn't even pay attention to the person that was talking to Kangmin and I ask with a worried face, "Kangmin, are you ok?"

"I'm ok, noona," Kangmin reply with a small smile, "just a little scratch on the side of my hand and a bruise on my leg."

"You should have look where you were looking," I reply with a worried face. Kangmin reply trying to set the mood up, "but you started it."

"Oh shut up," I reply smacking his arm softly with a small smile.

"I have a band aid in my backpack for the scratch if you want."

I turn to look who it is and it was Minchan. My eyes went wide and I was about to say something, but Kangmin reply smiling, "alright, thanks."

Minchan nodded with a straight face and opened his backpack to find the band aid. He found one and hand it to me. When he hand it to me, our eyes made eye contact and I can feel my cheeks burning while my heart started beating. I looked away and took the band aid, then reply, "thank you, Minchan-sshi."

He nodded again with a straight face, then walked away from Kangmin and I. I kept staring at his back profile until Kangmin clapped his hand in front of me, so that I can pay attention to Kangmin. Kangmin smiled at me cheekly and ask, "you like him, don't you?"

"Y-Yah! I do not," I reply playing it cool that I didn't like Minchan. I ask clearing my throat, "where is the scratch?"

Kangmin showed me his hand that got a scratch and I put the band aid on, then reply, "put ointment on when you get to school and put another band aid on."

"Noona, I know you like him," Kangmin reply cheekly. I roll my eyes with a smile and poke his head, then reply, "aigoo, my little brother thinks he is so smart."

"I know I am right!" Kangmin reply pouting. I smile and reply, "alright, let's go to your school or you will be late."

"What about you? You are gonna be late too," Kangmin reply looking at me with a worried face. I shook my head with a smile and reply, "it's ok."

Kangmin and I started riding our bikes to go to Kangmins' school.

{8:00 A.M.}

When I got to school, my gym teacher was at the gates with the students who were tardy for class; the students hands were up high and they were in a straight line. I bit my lips and walked over. I thought if I can sneak around my gym teacher, he wouldn't notice me since he was focus on the students in front of him; but to my suprise, he notice me and reply sternly, "Yoo Choonhee."

I look at him with a innocent smile and he pointed the spot next to the junior student name Yongseung. I sighed quietly and stand next to Yongseung, then put my hands up high. The gym teacher sighed and reply, "Yoo Choonhee, you are a senior in high school now and you should stop being late to class."

"Sorry," I reply looking at the gym teacher and bow to him. He sighed and shook his head at me. The gym teacher saw someone coming towards us and reply with a surprise face, "Hong Minchan?! You are usually early to school!"

My eyes went wide when I saw Minchan coming towards the gym teacher and I. I thought with a confuse and surprise face, "what the?! He left before Kangmin and I! I thought he would be in class by now since he left first."

Minchan bow at the gym teacher and reply, "sorry about being late."

"I-It's ok," the gym teacher reply with a small smile, "you can go to class since it is your first time being late."

"I think I should stay and be punish like the others since it isn't fair," Minchan reply looking at the gym teacher. The gym teacher nodded slowly and reply with a small smile, "ok, that's fine. You are a good student, Minchan."

Minchan nodded slowly with a straight face and stand next to me, then put his hands up high. I gulped nervously and thought, "oh my gosh! He is literally next to me! Why does it have to be me?"

"How long do we have to do this?" A student ask with a tired face. The gym teacher reply looking at the student, "you guys will be done if you guys stop complaining."

Some of the students groaned and waited until the gym teacher was satisfied with us. 

"You guys may go to class now," he reply looking at us. We put our arms down and some of the students started walking to class, while others were going somewhere to hide for the rest of the day. The gym teacher stopped Minchan and I was curious about what they were talking about, but I saw they were staring at me and I look away with a surprise face, then kept walking to class.


We all sat down when the bell ring and when our homeroom teacher came in with a smile on her face. She reply smiling, "hi class."

"Good morning."

"I have some news for you guys; we have some good news and some bad news," she reply with a smile, "which one would you guys like to hear?"

"Bad news!"

"Ok, the bad news is that, we will not be camping at the end of the summer," she reply with a sad face. Some students groaned with a sad face or some students were cheering about the camping since some didn't want to go. The homeroom teacher reply smiling, "but, we are going to a water park and spend 3 nights there!"



I bit my lips and thought nervously, "but I don't even know how to swim..."

"Now since you all already paid for the camping trip, the money will go to the water park and you guys get a free room! You guys have to have 4 buddies to stay in a room with you and always stick together!" She reply smiling. I sighed silently and thought, "I don't even know and talk to anyone in this class."

"Make sure to bring a swimming suit and money for food or clothes," she continued with a happy face. Everyone except me and Minchan were happy about it. She reply smiling, "alright, alright. Now that announcements are done, lets start our lesson for today."

I thought pouting, "how do I find buddies to be my roomates?"

Ding Ding Ding

"Alright, that is all for the lesson and see you guys after lunch," our teacher reply with a smile and left us while other students went to the cafeteria or went to other classrooms. The only ones that were left in the classroom was Minchan and I. I looked behind me since Minchans' desk was 2 rows behind me and swa Minchan was sleeping. I took my notebook out and started doodling. I also started thinking about the day I met Minchan.

{November 9th, 2015; 8:00 A.M.}

"Oh look who is late again."

I sighed and stand next to one of the students, then put my hands up high. The gym teacher sighed and ask me, "why are you late again?"

"Didn't I tell you many times that I had to take my little brother to school?" I ask looking at the gym teacher. He sighed and reply, "you do this everytime though. You should know better to wake up very early and take him to school early, then come to school early."

"Ok," I reply knowing that if I argue with him, he will get upset and take me to the principles office. Then, a new student started walking towards the gym teacher and I. I look at him and notice how handsome he is. My heart started beating and my cheeks got warmer than usual. He had brown hair, his eyes were brown and sparkling, and his lips are rosey. 

"Who are you?" The gym teacher ask. The guy reply with a straight face, "I'm a new student here."

"Oh! You are the new student!" The gym teacher reply with wide eyes, "come inside with me."

"What about us?"

"Ok, you guys go to class now," the gym teacher reply sternly. The students that were tardy started running to class or was just walking and taking their time. I walked into class and notice the homeroom teacher wasn't here, so I went to my seat and waited until class started. Some students were either messing around with friends, talking with friends, or just sitting down waiting for the teacher to come in. 

The teacher came in and every of the students went to their desk. Our homeroom teacher came in with the new student and I was surprise since I thought he was older than me by a year since he look like it. The homeroom teacher reply smiling, "class, we have a new student today and his name is Hong Minchan. He is actually a year older, but he is held back; so, hopefully he will graduate with you guys."

"Ok, she didn't have to go that far in telling us about him being held back," I thought with a 'are you serious' face. Minchan bowed and reply to the class with a straight face, "I'm Hong Minchan."

"Minchan, you can sit over there behind Jo Gyehyeon," she reply pointing to the desk that was 2 rows behind me. I bit my lips and thought, "why does he have to be 2 rows behind me?"

"Ok, lets start the lesson."

Ding Ding Ding

"Have a good lunch break guys."

She left and went to her office, some students went to the cafeteria, and some students went to other classrooms as usual. I thought I was the only one in the classroom since usually I'm always alone in my class.

"Yoo Choonhee?"

I look up and saw Hwiyoung by the door. He ask with a confuse face, "Yoo Choonhee, right?"

I nodded slowly and bit my lips. I thought nervously, "I'm so nervous... what if he rejects me? What if he tells other people about it and I get made fun of?"

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darknesself #2
Chapter 1: That was nice. I can't wait for part 2