Never Before Things

Clash of Colors

Namjoo stared at him.

Uncle Jaejin.

A father.

Head of the household.

A warm husband.

As time passed, she didn’t know what to think of him, how to see him. A protective husband? A cold father? A man with purpose, doing what he thought was best for his family? Was that a kind of love? Did that make him coldhearted and mean?

For keeping her here pressed into Chunhei’s spot, refusing to let her go. Dictating her every move. Limiting her free will, even though he knew she wasn’t his daughter.

“Nothing,” Namjoo lied. “Nothing. I was just…thirsty.”

“The kitchen is that way,” he told.

“I just saw that the book was open,” Namjoo excused. Closing the book, she hurriedly passed him. Heading into the kitchen she poured herself a glass of water. Watching discreetly how he glanced in her direction before returning down the hallway. So, he had indeed been waiting for her to come down. Waiting to see if she would head out to meet Sehun maybe.

Namjoo gripped onto the glass of water.

That night she lay in bed for a very long time. Wide awake and listening to Hyunjae’s footsteps as he returned home. Turning, she stared at the window in her room.

The family had taken Hyejoo when she had been in the accident. How had it happened? Why?

Now that she knew part of it, what was she supposed to do with the information?

When Namjoo awoke again the sun was out. Blinding her immediately. Shifting away from it she sleepily moaned before waking at the knock on the door. Brushing her hair out of her face she pushed herself up. Stumbling tiredly toward the door unsure when she had fallen asleep last night.

“What are you doing?” Aunt Youngja was on the other side appearing fresh faced and ecstatic. “Hurry up and get ready.”

“What?” Namjoo croaked.

“Your aunt wants to have breakfast with us today.” Excitement blurred through her face. “Get dressed and come down. Your father and I are waiting for you.”

“Who?” Namjoo blinked more awake now.

Aunt Youngja pushed her down the hall toward the bathroom without answering. Namjoo instinctively rinsed her face, brushed her teeth still dazed. Biting down on the bristles of her toothbrush she stared at herself in the mirror.

Breakfast at her aunt’s… Her aunt would mean Sehun’s mother.

Wide awake Namjoo sped back to the room. Rummaging through her closet for something pretty to wear. Dashing over to her vanity to pat on some quick makeup and rushed downstairs where Uncle Jaejin and Aunt Youngja were waiting. Doing all this so fast without thinking. She landed on the bottom stop smiling too widely. Looking too thrilled for a simple breakfast.

When Uncle Jaejin’s stoic eyes landed on her Namjoo finally caught herself. Reminding herself not too be too happy, even if she was about to die inside from exhilaration. His eyes traced her glamorous outfit. She had overdone it.

With a gruff he spun around opening the door to head outside. in a breath Namjoo wanted to slap herself.

The drive to Sehun’s was explicitly quiet. Namjoo could not utter a word.

“What kind of occasion calls for breakfast together?” Uncle Jaejin murmured from behind the wheel. “This is ridiculous.”

“Don’t say that, honey,” Aunt Youngja said. “It’s nice that the family gets together once in a while. You’re home all the time. Getting out for some fresh air and meeting friends is so nice.”

“Friends,” he scoffed. “It’s silly going all the way across town just to see your sister. She’s a busy woman. I don’t see how she’d have the time to cook up a feast, and breakfast at that. What is she thinking?”

“It’s nice to catch up.”

“She belittled you, Youngja.”

“She’s still my sister,” Aunt Youngja retaliated. “Please, can’t you be more understanding?”

“Regardless, her family is too carefree. Can’t you see that’s why their son is uncontrollable?” He intentionally glanced into the rearview mirror, looking at her. “He has no job. He lives everyday without purpose. Look at Hyunjae. Our son is responsible. He’s never made a mistake in his life. They don’t have moral, that’s why they aren’t like us.”

Namjoo dug her fingers into her palm. Staring hard at the floor. Wishing with all her might she could tell him to shut up.

“They raised Sehun with a lot of love. Don’t say that,” Aunt Youngja gently defended, but her husband’s head was too high up in the clouds he refused to be understanding.

“I’ll have breakfast with the family, because she’s your sister,” Uncle Jaejin bargained, “but that’s all we’re staying for. I don’t want our daughter hanging with the likes of their son. He’s a bad influence.”

Aunt Youngja glanced back at her. Turning to her husband she gave in, “All right. We’ll do as you want.”

Pressing her lips together Namjoo stared out the window.


Standing in front of the door anxiously, Sehun paced. Cracking his knuckles. Anticipating the moment Namjoo would walk up the yard toward his house. When the vehicle pulled up, he glanced back, calling, “Mom! They’re here!”

His mother rushed out of the kitchen wiping her hands on her pants. “Let me open the door.”

He backed up. Feeling his heart hike up his chest when the doorbell rang. Holding his breath as his mother opened the door for their guests. Uncle Jaejin appeared followed by his wife. He eagerly glanced past them for Namjoo. Lips stretching up toward his ears when she finally appeared.

The bright yellow sun shone even more blindingly behind her. Disappearing into crystal rays as the door closed.

“You’ve arrived?” his father stepped out of the kitchen to welcome them. He’d been helping his mother set up the table while he had dilly dallied.

As the adults chatted, his eyes settled on Namjoo. Wanting to talk. Have a few private words with her. That much would fill up his heart.

“Come, Chunhei,” Aunt Youngja took her hand pulling her along. Namjoo partially glanced at him as she passed. Lowering her gaze before disappearing into the kitchen with everyone else.

“What are you doing?” his mother glanced back.

Had they scolded her? He worried.

“Look at all the food!” Aunt Youngja exclaimed sitting down. “You didn’t have to make such a sumptuous meal.”

“Of course, it’s been so long since we’ve all gotten together,” his mother politely said sitting across from her sister. “We didn’t properly have a meal together when you returned. It’s only right I cook this much.”

Fried noodles with veggies. Egg soup. Cucumber salad. Potato and pork soup. Stuffed pancakes for dessert.

He happily took the empty seat across from Namjoo. Eagerly waiting for her to look at him. Acknowledge that these were the foods she had wanted when they talked yesterday. He had paid attention. He had remembered. He had asked his mother to make them just for her.

Isn’t it special, he wanted to ask?

“You have such a busy schedule. Thank you,” Uncle Jaejin thanked. “It’s a lovely meal, but I think the soup is a little heavy for breakfast.”

Aunt Youngja nudged him. “Why would you say that? Do you know how long it takes to make such a delicacy?” Grinning at her sister, “It looks delicious. We’ll enjoy it.”

“Eat up,” his father urged. Awkwardly encouraging, “Do have a lot uh…err…Chunhei.”

Namjoo quietly nodded. Picking up her spoon. Sehun made sure the adults were preoccupied before discreetly pushing over the bowl of soup on their side closer toward Namjoo. Finally looking at him he smiled. There were lots of things he wanted to say, but he knew better.

“How is the food?” his mother leaned forward to ask Namjoo.

“It’s really good. Thanks.” Namjoo was too polite.

Sehun observed her. Wary. Worried.

“Have some egg soup, too,” Sehun said pushing over the bowl. Cautiously glancing over at his aunt and uncle Namjoo reached for the bowl. Their fingers brushed momentarily bringing a gleeful smile to his lips.

“Thanks,” Namjoo quietly muttered ushering a small grin onto her face. Hurriedly pretending like nothing had happened he stuffed a spoonful of plain rice into his mouth. Struggling to keep from bursting into a hopeful laugh, because he was suddenly too overjoyed. Namjoo quickly lowered her head when Uncle Jaejin glanced their way.

Breakfast progressed with small talk between the elders then Aunt Youngja helped clear the dishes. His mother refused to let any of them help her wash the dishes, so he was left standing around with nothing to do. Uncle Jaejin was already by the door preparing to leave. Already in his shoes and wanting to make his exit.

“Lets talk again next time. Take care,” his father bid farewell. Opening the door for them. Sehun’s heart sunk. He hadn’t even been able to have a few minutes chat with Namjoo and she was already leaving.

He made sure Uncle Jaejin and Aunt Youngja had their backs turned. Waiting until they started disappearing outside. Brushing past his dad to at least touch Namjoo’s hand.

“I’ll call you,” he whispered when she looked up at him then regrettably let go. It wasn’t fair he thought when Namjoo trekked across the yard further away from him.

“Be patient,” his father touched his back. “They’re taking good care of her.” but those weren’t the words of comfort he needed. Ignoring his old man, he headed up the stairs to his room.

Namjoo didn’t call. Send a message or secretly dropped by. He didn’t call either or leave a message. Was Aunt Youngja and Uncle Jaejin giving her a hard time, and she hadn’t been honest with him?

Sehun paced his room. Lacking an appetite. Constantly not in the mood to talk to his parents or even give their good intentions a chance to be heard. Throwing his head back he plopped onto his bed. Stared at the marshmallow pops Namjoo had bought him. Getting up and drawing aside the curtain in his room.

The moon was shining brightly outside. Through the dusky night he easily spotted the cherry blossom tree, the deck below. Removing his hand to let the curtain slip back into place. Quickly pulling it aside again to stare at the tiny pot of flower he had brought back with him to the city. The tiny flower was dead.

It had been a desperate moment’s act of remembrance. Done on impulse. At that moment the flower had felt significant to him.

Sehun stared out the window again.

Swiping the tiny pot of flower off the window sill he left his room.

The cityscape was like a distant land as he blew past the bridge toward the opposite side of town. A hundred sparkling lights followed him on his short voyage, as if guiding and also pulling him back from acting rashly. But he couldn’t remove his foot from the accelerator.

He just had to see her.

From where he parked, he could see the lights were dimmed out. He hoped anyway as he sent her a message and stepped out to wait. Not wishing to make any disturbing noise in case Namjoo was caught.

The silence of the night skipped past. Reminding him how alone he was in the shadows. Patiently staring at the iron door. Praying it would open. A long minute and another winded by. Maybe Namjoo was asleep. Sehun started doubting his timing.

Another minute he thought clutching onto the tiny pot of flower. He would wait. He had to wait. And then…the door squeaked open. Namjoo poked her head out. Peering right, left, straight at him. His teeth flashed as he smiled.

Giving the street one more confirmation that no car was coming, she crossed the road toward him. Recognizing the sweater hanging off her shoulders as his when she neared. His heart fluttered a thousand times over.

“I thought maybe you were asleep.” He professed. “I was starting to get worried.”

“Well, I woke up,” she timidly smiled. Sehun wanted to lift his hand up to touch her hair, but she cut him off. “Oh…what’s that?”

Holding up the tiny pot he showed her, “It’s dead. I forgot to water it. Is there a way to revive it?”

He received a quizzical look. “There’s nothing I can do about it.”

For some reason that made him despair.

“You came all the way here to ask about a flower?” Namjoo asked.

“The flower, yea,” he quietly said, “and to see you. Are you ok?”

“I’m ok.” Namjoo nodded.

“Really?” he observed her expression.

“Really.” She nodded with emphasis.

Snaking an arm around her waist he pulled her forward. “You were really silent today. I had my mom cook all the food for you, you know.”

“I know,” she told. “That was sweet of you.”

“So, you know,” he teased then pinched her cheek. Giving her a peck on her other cheek when she yelped. Breathing a laugh because he was happy. Then, because she had said he didn’t need to ask, he kissed her. Building it up slowly then with more fervor.

Until her bated breath met his and their hearts raced in sync. An electric rush shimmered through her eyes when they withdrew. Hugging him more fully she buried her face into his shirt.

“Sehun,” Namjoo started, “I don’t care what anyone says. You’re a good person. Regardless what you choose to do, I always believe in you.”

“What’s with the mood?” he asked, lost. “Are you sure you’re not in trouble?”

Inching back, she peered up into his face with a more vibrant smile this time. If not possible yet he was even more head over heels in that moment. Sehun’s heart threatened to burst when she planted her hand against his face.

“Stop it,” he playfully said, “you’re making me feel weird.”

She giggled. Appearing so snuggly in his sweater. Incapable of keeping his emotions inside he ended up laughing with her. Just because in that bubbly moment, they were happy.

They did finally have their buffet date. Sehun always made sure she returned home before Aunt Youngja woke up from her midday nap. Always waiting until night fell to call her, so they could talk into the wee hours. On days he could not see Namjoo he visited her late at night when the entire world was tucked in bed and dreaming. Stealing kisses from her under the moonlight.

For at least a couple of weeks it felt like everything would remain a peaceful secret between them. Their night meetups, late night love talks, escaping the house to meet him during her free hour. Forgetting that there was also a part to his life he didn’t want to expose Namjoo to.

They hadn’t even dated that long, but Sehun felt like he’d known her forever – as cliché as that sounded. Sometimes when he lay in bed, he daydreamed of a future married to her. Imagining scenarios that had never concerned him before. Asking her father for her hand in marriage. Going on a honeymoon overseas, because Namjoo had never left the country before.

As cheesy as it sounded, he always wanted to tell her how happy she made him. Sehun could spend the rest of his life with her. Whenever she left his aunt’s house, he would talk about it with her.

“I want that,” Namjoo pointed to a vendor grilling chicken on a stick. They were back at the night market he first brought her to when his aunt collapsed. Another secret outing of theirs late in the wee hour of the night. They had waited for his aunt and uncle and Hyunjae to turn in before she snuck out. This was probably the 20th time she’d come out for him. So far, they hadn’t been caught yet and they planned to keep it that way.

“But you just ate,” he reminded. Sighing when she batted her puppy eyes. “Fine. Just one.”

Holding her hand so he wouldn’t lose her in the thickening crowd, they joined the line of overflowing customers. Enjoying the intimate brush of their arms, the grip of her hand. Leaning in to talk to each other because the noise was too great.

“Yo! Sehun!” A voice dimly called out a distance away.

Ignoring the voice, he continued debating with Namjoo about where they wanted to go next.


He was probably hearing things. Attention remaining on Namjoo he suggested the park. Buy something, eat by the river, and he would return her. No one would know she had left the house.

“Sehun!” A hand landed on his shoulder. “Hey, didn’t you hear me calling you?”

Straightening, he turned to look into Minjae’s boyish face. The coy smile on his lips increased a width when he glanced at Namjoo. Whistling the next second, impressed. Dread looped through his veins.

“Who’s this cutie?” Minjae asked.

Namjoo’s curious eyes lurked toward him. Sehun gritted his jaw, warning, “Leave.”

“Ow…that’s not nice,” Minjae cooed. Side eyeing Namjoo, he explained, “I’m Sehun’s friend, Minjae. You must be Sehun’s girlfriend.”

“I said leave,” Sehun repeated through tightly gritted teeth.

Ignoring him, Minjae’s eyes settled on Namjoo. Hooking an arm around Sehun’s neck, he suggested, “If you’ve had enough fun here, how about we go somewhere else? Aren’t you interested in where Sehun’s playground is?”

“What?” Namjoo asked confused.

Sehun glared at Minjae who spoke before he could tell him to back off, “Don’t you want to get to know your boyfriend better?”

***Not exactly parallels, but they're influencing each other to do things they'd never done before: Sehun dreaming of realistic possibilities for his future. Namjoo sneaking around and constantly lying


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Chapter 34: I’m trying to plot in my mind how long was she gone in the farm. All those things happened. A day with Sehun turned to a stay over, meeting the family of her twin sister, staying at her birth mother’s place. Wow
katmod16 #2
Nice story. It’s a hidden gem.
Chapter 34: reread this again :( it’s just soo good :((
Chapter 29: Ok maybe I should have wait for this before leaving my frustration just the chapter before... but I still think that part of the story was a little non sens. I like the begging better
Chapter 28: It's just my opinion but for the first time .. I think the plot is non-sens.
Like wth really?
They took her and looks nice but the father became a psycho. He talk about going by the law but if they really go there he will definately loose. And why Namjoo accepting this compartment? For the sake of discovering about her sister ? I'm sure there is other way to found out. And what about her real dad ? Like his daughter just left for the city for more than a month and he didn't really mind ? I'm glad you put him again in the story with the phone call the previous chapter but I still find it odd. I will still finish the story because you're a wonderful writer and I usually like your story very much because 1) It's written beautifully 2) it's realistic, but I'm not really sure I like/understand this one.
I hope I'm not harsh, and if you feel like it I'm really sorry. I'm still a big fan and I will definately read your other stories. (Some of then I already red them 3 times haha)
Chapter 34: this story is so beautiful omg TT
Chapter 34: I loveeeeee this <3 thankyou for the beautiful story!
Chapter 34: two thumbs up for the ending! :> you really are a great writer ?
Chapter 29: myggggg. I was like “huh??? how did she know about namjoo and all??” and then boom! your A/N. idk what to feel about Aunt Youngja
Chapter 20: the audacity of that family to keep her there until they say so when in fact, Namjoo’s just doing them a favor.