Sparks And Passions

Spotlight: Isolation

Tension permeated the room as the silence overwhelmed its inhabits, all afraid to be the first to make a move after Skye’s declaration.  Seungyeon shifted uncomfortably in her seat looking to the camera director as she asked, “Should we cut?”

Skye’s gaze shot upwards at the other’s words, shaking her head as she met the interviewer’s eyes.  “No, please let me explain,” Skye declared.

Skye took a deep breath, calming herself as she collected her thoughts.  From the corner of her vision, she noticed Kyulkyung’s reassuring nod, exactly what she needed.  Skye looked directly into the camera, and began her explanation. “I remember very little of my early childhood prior to my teenage years,” Skye admitted.  “All I know is that I was a very different person before my thirteenth birthday.”

Flashback – December 31st, 2011 – Los Angeles (Caution – Slightly Disturbing Content Ahead)

“Go fetch, Akira!” Skye exclaimed, cheerful laughter echoing through the backyard as her pet Akita raced after the ball, tail wagging furiously as he retrieved it.  The young girl kneeled down, opening her arms as the puppy bounded forward, lovingly tackling Skye into the grass. Skye shielded her face as she was assaulted by puppy kisses, shrieking in joy as she rolled away.

“Dinner’s ready!” her mother called from the kitchen window.  “It’s your favorite!”

“I’ll be there in a second, Mom!” Skye responded, dusting herself off as she stood, beginning to make her way inside where her family waited.

“Happy birthday Skye!” she heard from behind her, turning to see her neighbor waving with a present.  

“Thank you so much Mr. Knight!” Skye exclaimed, running over to the fence and giving the elderly man a big hug.

As the pair pulled away from the embrace, Mr. Knight handed her the gift wrapped box, asking, “Did you have a nice day today?”

Skye nodded happily, shaking the box next to her ear as she responded, “Yep, I was able to spend it with my whole family!  Even my grandparents were able to make it here from Colorado!”

Mr. Knight smiled at the joyous girl’s story, thinking on how their conversations were always the highlight of his day.  “I’m very glad to hear that,” he responded. “I don’t want to keep you too long, but go ahead and open up your present really quickly.”

Skye eagerly tore through the wrapping, opening the lid of the box to reveal a small golden pendant with some foreign markings and the word ‘dream’ on the other side.  “I just got this for you during my trip to Korea,” the older man explained as she studied the gift. “The markings on the front translate to ‘passion’, and I want it to be a reminder to you that you can achieve any dream as long as you keep the passion to do so burning inside of you.”

Skye finally looked away from the gift as she embraced him once more, thanking him profusely.  As she pulled away, she handed the pendant to him and turned, asking, “Can you put it on me please?”

The man was happy to oblige, opening the clasp and securing it around her neck.  “A perfect fit,” he remarked, pulling his hands away.

Skye began to turn to thank him once more, but she was interrupted by a deafening explosion resounding from her house.  Skye raced forward into the house through the back door, but was halted in her approach by massive flames advancing from the kitchen.

“Mom?  Dad? Where are you?” she called out, coughing as the smoke from the fire began to fill her lungs.  She desperately looked around, panicking as she attempted to find something, anything to help her. She found her answer as Mr. Knight burst through the door with a fire extinguisher, assaulting the base of the flame and driving them back.

Skye took the opportunity once the danger was contained to rush into the kitchen, vision blurry as the toxic air caused her eyes to water.  Once inside, she was met by a horrifying sight, as her family lay charred and lifeless on the floor. “No … no … no ...” she muttered repeatedly, moving from body to body in a desperate attempt to find any signs of life.  As she reached her mother, she found the faintest hint of survival as she felt the tiniest of pulses against her hand.

“Skye, is that you?” her mother asked, coughing up blood.

“Yes Mom, it’s me.  Stay with me, please!” Skye pleaded, holding her mother’s hand in her own as she pulled her close. 

“You need to get out of here, it’s not safe,” her mother whispered, barely holding her eyes open as she breathing gradually slowed.

“I’m not leaving you, you can’t leave me!”  Skye screamed as she wept freely, tears mixing with the growing pool of red on her mother’s shirt.

“I love you Skye …” her mother murmured with her final breath as she went limp, closing her eyes for the final time.

Skye sat, pleading to ears that could no longer hear for what felt like years until Mr. Knight gently picked her up, carrying her out of the wreckage.  Her long, blonde hair was stained red with the blood of her family as she stayed motionless, unable to comprehend the events that had just occurred. “I’m … alone,” she whispered.

Return to Present Day

“Due to a freak accident, I was left without any family at the age of thirteen,” Skye explained, emotionless gaze piercing through the hearts of all listening.  “This is the only thing I have left of my past.”

Skye pulled the worn pendant out from under her shirt, showing it to Seungyeon.  “I was able to pay for my education using the life insurance money, and I used that as my outlet.  I fully threw myself into my studies as a distraction from my past, and to a certain extent, it worked.  I was able to finish college two years earlier than most as a result, but I was lost as to what to do once I received my degree.”

Skye paused for a moment, taking a deep breath after her explanation of her past.  “I came to Korea to receive a blank slate. I told myself that I chose to pursue lyricism as an attempt to express the emotions that I had repressed for so long, but if I’m being honest with myself, it was an attempt to continue my self-imposed isolation.”

Seungyeon nodded, asking, “So why did you choose to accept the offer to join this program then?”

Skye’s eyes diverted from the camera as she met Kyulkyung’s teary gaze, noticing for the first time that Miyeon had joined them and was sitting next to Kyulkyung, eyes watery as well.  “I decided I didn’t want to be alone anymore,” Skye responded honestly.

“Gavin said it best in his speech to us on our first day on the island,” Skye continued as she turned back to face the camera.  “Girl groups are the source of happiness for so many individuals throughout the world. It’s been a long while since I experienced happiness like I have in the last two days, and now it’s my dream to be able to spread that joy to others as well.”

Silence took over the room as the powerful statement reached the hearts of all present.  The passing moments felt like hours before Seungyeon announced that the interview would be ended there.

Skye nodded, thanking her before walking over to her companions, who both immediately captured her in an emotional hug.  “I had no idea …” Kyulkyung whispered, her own teary eyes soaking through Skye’s shirt as the trio held their embrace.

As Skye pulled away, Miyeon said, “I’m sorry for intruding on such a personal story, if you don’t want me to tell anyone I’ll …“ before being cut off by Skye’s sad smile and a wave of her hand.

“I appreciate the concern, but it’s absolutely fine,” Skye responded.  “I’m sure a lot of people are going to know about this very soon, and honestly, I’m glad you would be one of the first to hear it.”  Miyeon nodded in thanks, finally returning the redhead’s smile.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why are you here?” Skye asked.

“I’m actually supposed to interview after Kyulkyung, and got here a bit early,” Miyeon explained, pausing for a moment before continuing.  “Would you mind waiting for me to finish, then we can go to dinner together?”

Skye and Kyulkyung nodded, happy to comply with her request.  Kyulkyung stepped away as Seungyeon called for her, leaving Skye and Miyeon sitting together as they spectated.

As the interview began, Skye noted the difference in how Kyulkyung carried herself.  Rather than the shy nature of the inexperienced Skye, she responded to the questions with an air of confidence and comfort, making the audience feel as if they were part of the conversation.  The simple introductions and standard questions were conducted quickly until Seungyeon steered the interview in a different direction.

“So you’ve debuted with I.O.I., Pristin, sub-units for both groups, and as a soloist in your home country.  How does it feel to be chasing your dream once again?” Seungyeon asked, causing Kyulkyung to pause for a moment in thought.

“I guess with all the changes I never lost my rookie spirit?” Kyulkyung joked, smile widening as she heard Miyeon and Skye’s muffled laughter from behind the camera.  “In all honesty, my long time spent waiting between comebacks left me with a lot of time for introspection. At this point, I’m not going to complain about the effort required, but just be thankful for the opportunity.”

“She’s so mature,” Miyeon whispered to Skye, who nodded in agreement.  “To be honest, both of you are,” Miyeon continued, turning to meet Skye’s gaze.

Skye held her gaze for a few moments before turning away, whispering, “Sometimes, I wish I didn’t have to be …”

Miyeon frowned, unsure of how to respond.  Eventually, she settled on silence, placing her hand on top of Skye’s as she turned back to Kyulkyung’s interview.

“Since there are so many idols and possible group concepts, do you have someone or a particular concept you hope to debut with?” Seungyeon asked Kyulkyung, who answered immediately.

“Nayoung has been with me through every step of my journey so far, so I’d love to continue my journey with her by my side, perhaps with a girl crush concept?”  Kyulkyung responded, a warm smile on her face as she remembered the pleasant experiences she had shared with the older girl.

Seungyeon nodded in response, following with, “Since you two are so close, are you two roommates by chance?”

Kyulkyung shook her head, responding, “Since our living accommodations are arranged by age, I’ve had the pleasure of having Skye as my roommate.”

Seungyeon immediately continued forward, asking, “Really?  What do you think of her so far?”  

Kyulkyung looked off camera as she met Skye’s eyes, smiling as she responded, “It’s been very nice so far, but I think there’s still a lot more to unpack about the mystery that is Skye.”

And with that, the interview concluded.  Kyulkyung and Seungyeon exchanged thanks as she made her way off the set to where she was met by a fairly annoyed Skye.

“On one hand, I’m grateful that you’re generating excitement about me,” Skye said, rolling her eyes as she addressed Kyulkyung.  “But on the other, I’m worried that you’re going to be setting expectations higher than I can reach!” Miyeon and Kyulkyung simply chuckled at the other’s concern, and Skye decided to just drop the matter.

Kyulkyung and Skye took their seats as Miyeon stepped in front of the camera.  Skye leaned over, whispering to Kyulkyung, “If you’d like, we can talk to Nayoung’s roommate about changing.  I’d be happy to switch if that would make you happier.”

Kyulkyung turned, a mix of surprise and concern on her visage as she whispered back, “While I appreciate the intent behind the offer, I meant what I said when I told Seungyeon I was enjoying your company.”  Skye’s fears disappeared at the other’s response as she smiled gratefully and turned back to Miyeon’s interview.

Miyeon had just finished her introductions as Skye turned her attention back, and Seungyeon was beginning the more personal portion of the interview.  “So Miyeon, you’re here after promoting your smash hit collaboration for the video game ‘Destruction of the Aspects 3’. How has that experience, as well as debuting earlier in the year with (G)I-DLE, shaped how you’re approaching this new exciting, yet challenging opportunity?” Seungyeon asked.

“I think this past year has taught me that the best opportunities often come from some of the most unexpected places,” Miyeon replied.  “As some may be aware, I was slated to debut under YG before unfortunate circumstances led to my departure.”

Miyeon paused, reminiscing for a moment before continuing her answer.  “I’ve never felt as lost as I did during that transitionary period. I thought that my decisions were going to cause me to lose my best shot at my dream.”  Miyeon looked into the camera, gaze firm as she declared, “But in hindsight, I wouldn’t change a single thing. I’ve never been happier than I am right now, surrounded by those that care for me and presented with the opportunity to become close with so many new amazing people.”

Seungyeon waited a few moments, allowing the magnitude of the statement to settle in before continuing, “As you mentioned, and I’ve also noticed this from the other interviewees I’ve spoken with, there seems to be a very big focus on community and collaboration on this island.  Is there a specific concept you’re hoping to debut under, or anyone in particular you would like to work with?”

“That’s a tough question to answer,” Miyeon responded.  “Because I’ve very much enjoyed becoming close to, and working with, Soyeon, my former roommate and member.  But I think she fits a charismatic concept, while I’m personally hoping to debut with a more elegant style. One thing I’ve learned through my trials and tribulations is the importance of compromise, and I think that lesson will be crucial to learn for all involved in this program.”

Seungyeon nodded before proceeding, asking, “Alright, final question.  We’ve spoken a lot about relationships of all kinds today, so would you please share some insight on your ideal type?”

Miyeon blushed a bit at the unexpected question before carefully proceeding with her answer, “I really appreciate someone who pays attention to the little things.  If someone’s considerate enough to take the extra step to plan something sincere or even something as simple as compliment my new pair of shoes, it means a lot to me.”

Seungyeon nodded, signaling the end of the interview.  Miyeon headed over to where the other two girls awaited, smiling shyly at them as she approached.  “My interview feels so shallow compared to yours,” she admitted to the pair.

Skye patted her shoulder affectionately, responding, “You shouldn’t think that way.  Everyone has their own story to tell, and your insight about the struggles of your past was beautiful to hear.”

Kyulkyung nodded, adding, “I agree with Skye.  And if she’s anything to go off of, maybe not revealing everything, maybe generating a bit of mystery is a good thing.”

Skye rolled her eyes at Kyulkyung’s joke, muttering, “Why is it that whenever you speak, I either want to gasp in amazement or punch your arm?”  All three laughed together for a moment before Skye pulled out her phone, checking their schedule.

“I think we’re done for the day, ready to head to dinner?”  The other two nodded eagerly, and with that, the trio bid the recording crew farewell and made their departure.

As they made their way to the dining hall, Skye turned to Miyeon, asking, “So speaking of your video game promotion, have you ever played the game?”

Miyeon blushed slightly, admitting, “No, I’m honestly too scared to!  I used to get destroyed by my older cousins whenever we played video games when I was younger, so I haven’t played one in years, despite how much I used to love them.”

Kyulkyung thought for a moment before remarking, “Sounds like you just need someone a bit nicer to teach you.”

Miyeon nodded eagerly before murmuring, “Yeah, that’d be nice …”

The trio arrived at the dining hall a few minutes later, where they were greeted by a nearly full crowd of idols conversing and enjoying their meals.  As they walked around, looking for somewhere to sit, they were waved at by Eunseo and Cheng Xiao who were alone at a medium sized table. The trio made their way over, thanking them for the invitation as they sat.  Skye introduced Miyeon to the pair, who gave her own greetings as they all surveyed the menu.

“Hey guys, Nayoung just finished her schedule, is it alright if I tell her to join us?” Kyulkyung asked, to which the others agreed.

“Ask her if she wants us to order her something,” Skye suggested, earning a nod from Kyulkyung as she turned back to her phone to respond.  “So, how were your guys’ schedules today?” Skye asked Cheng Xiao and Eunseo.

“Despite it being a busy day, it was fun!” Cheng Xiao replied.  “I’m really looking forward to seeing what people’s reactions to everything will be.”

“Definitely,” Eunseo agreed.  “It was a busy day with tons of action and it got me thinking.  If you had the choice, what concept do you want to debut under, and do you think it’s different from the concept the fans will prefer?” she asked, causing the table to pause and think for a moment.

“I’m honestly not quite sure, since I’ve never promoted under any concept,” Skye answered.  “I’m not sure I would have the stage presence for a girl crush or y concept, so maybe something elegant would fit best?”

“No matter which concept you’re given, just hope it’s not a cute one!” Miyeon joked, leading to understanding chuckles from the table.

“What concept do you think you would be, Cheng Xiao?” Skye asked.

“Hmm, I’d like it to be girl crush or something charismatic, but I know a lot of my fans like my cute side the best,” Cheng Xiao answered.

Eunseo leaned forward, responding, “Really?  Because I think you’re y.”

Both Eunseo and Cheng Xiao’s faces immediately flushed scarlet, as Eunseo stuttered a rushed explanation.  “I mean, when you were doing the photoshoots earlier, you seemed really confident in the y concept, and it fit, and you looked great, and, and …” Eunseo attempted to explain before covering her face with her hands in a desperate attempt to hide her embarrassment.

The other three were too caught up in their uproarious laughter to comment, tears streaming down their faces.  “There’s NO salvaging that situation!” Skye exclaimed before joining the other two spectators in another round of laughter, leaving the involved parties horribly embarrassed and unsure of what to do.

Luckily, they found themselves saved by Nayoung’s timely arrival.  Kyulkyung halted her laughter enough to introduce Nayoung to Cheng Xiao, Eunseo, and Skye.  “Hey roomie,” Nayoung said to Miyeon as she took her seat, who responded with a smile and a wave.  Miyeon then explained that since there was an odd number of idols from 1995 and 1997, they had been paired together. 

“Now, should I even ask what exactly I arrived to?” Nayoung asked mockingly.

“Don’t bother,” Skye responded, grinning from ear to ear.  “With how this conversation is going, I’m sure you’ll get the chance to see Eunseo put the moves on Cheng Xiao again soon enough!”  The pair’s blushes returned at the joke, and Nayoung found herself grinning shortly after as Kyulkyung explained what happened. Luckily, they were saved from further interrogation by the arrival of their dinners, as all conversation halted and eating commenced.

A few minutes later, as everyone was beginning to finish their meals, Skye took the opportunity to speak up.  “I saw a few fire pits by the beach earlier while walking. Since we have a few hours to spare tonight, do you guys want to go down there for a bit?”  The others all voiced their approval, rushing to finish their meals so they could depart. As they all concluded, they followed Skye’s lead down to the beach, where they found one of the aforementioned sitting areas with a fire pit.

“So, uh, how exactly do we start the fire?” Miyeon asked after the group had gathered some firewood and placed it down.

“It’s just like the start of a relationship,” Skye said as she smacked two rocks together above the wood, quickly setting the pile ablaze.  “All you need is a spark,” Skye continued as she stood, winking at Miyeon.  

“Smooth motherf…” Kyulkyung muttered under her breath, causing the redhead to burst into laughter.

The six down in their respective pairs, with Eunseo and Cheng Xiao sharing a bench, Nayoung and Kyulkyung together, and Miyeon and Skye rounding out the circle.  “All right Kyulkyung,” Skye began. “You said earlier that you wanted to know more about me, so here’s your chance. Let’s go around, asking some of the questions we’ve been dying to have answered.”  The others eagerly nodded, then turned to Kyulkyung, awaiting her first question.

“Fair enough, let’s begin with a question that you never answered from before.  Skye, who was your favorite member of I.O.I.?” Kyulkyung asked, piquing Nayoung’s interest as well.

Skye pretending to ponder the question before responding, “I’ll give you two hints.  One: she’s older than me. Two: she’s interacted with Ailee on broadcast before.” Nayoung smiled with confidence, turning to brag to a sulky Kyulkyung before being interrupted by Skye’s declaration.

“That’s right Sejeong was, and still is, my favorite!” she declared, laughing as Nayoung’s confident expression shifted to one of shock.

The others soon joined her in her amusement, Nayoung begrudgingly doing so a few moments later.  “You’re cruel, you know that?” Nayoung asked.

Skye shrugged, devious smirk returning as she responded, “Guilty as charged.”

Her response spawned another round of laughter before Nayoung developed a devious smirk of her own.  “Alright, here’s my question for you, Skye.” Nayoung announced, causing Skye to shield herself with her arms in mock horror.

“What’s your biggest fear?” Nayoung asked, earning a few excited looks from the gathered idols.

Skye broke her gaze, looking towards the center of the group’s circle as she responded.  “It used to be fire,” she answered, going on to explain the story of family’s death to those that hadn’t witnessed her interview.

“But ever since being invited to this program, I’ve grown to be absolutely terrified at the thought of disappointing others,” Skye continued.  “As I mentioned, I’ve been very independent the last few years, relying on no one other than myself. But the thought of debuting with a group, where I have a responsibility to not only myself, but to my other members and fans as well, shakes me to my core.”

The group sat in silence before Miyeon wrapped her arm around Skye, speaking softly as she said, “It’s not a weakness to find strength in others.  Despite your accomplishments, you’re still a human being, and a rather young one at that. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help, because you’ll find that those who care for you will be happy to provide it.”  Skye rested her head as the comforting words of the other girl washed over her, assuaging her fears.

“Let’s give Skye a break,” Miyeon declared as she locked eyes with Eunseo.  “What do you think of Cheng Xiao? Honestly.”

Eunseo’s seemingly ever-present blush returned as she turned to meet Cheng Xiao’s inquisitive expression.  “We’re close,” Eunseo responded, raising her hand as Miyeon opened to protest the vague answer.

“But I want us to be closer,” she declared, causing the coloration of Cheng Xiao’s cheeks to mirror her own.

“I was always a bit hesitant to try to suggest anything further than a deep friendship due to fear of causing tension within the group and because of how conservative Korea tends to be,” Eunseo admitted, her intense gaze holding Cheng Xiao’s.  “But this is a new opportunity. There’s a very good chance that we’re going to be in different groups, and that’s if we both make it at all. I refuse to lose my best chance at you.”

Cheng Xiao placed her hand against Eunseo’s, softly her cheek as she responded, “I’m not good with words, and no matter how many years I spend learning Korean, I’m not sure I ever will be.  So here’s the best way I know how to tell you how I feel right now.” Cheng Xiao leaned in, lips softly capturing Eunseo’s for the first time. The pair sat in silence, reveling in each other’s embrace as they entered their own world for those precious few moments.  As they pulled away, breathless, blushes returned in full force as they remembered their audience.

“Nice question, Miyeon,” Nayoung joked, earning a smile from the girl mentioned.

“What can I say, I thought they needed a spark,” Miyeon responded, smiling.  “Although, I definitely didn’t imagine such a volatile ignition!” Miyeon exclaimed, causing all to chuckle.

Skye cleared , all turning to see her serious gaze.  “I’m extremely happy for you two,” she announced, before looking around the circle.  “And I think I speak for all of us when I say that I won’t share this with anyone, so that you two can reveal everything when you feel ready.”

The others nodded as they voiced their agreement, leaving the pair to interlock hands and lose themselves in each other’s eyes once more.  Kyulkyung turned to Nayoung, jokingly asking her, “Why don’t you look at me like that?”

Nayoung smirked as she responded in kind, “Because you’re a brat.”  Miyeon and Skye chuckled quietly at the joke, before Nayoung continued.  “And because I’m scared of what will happen if I allow myself to.”

Miyeon and Skye turned to each other, jaws agape for a moment before looking back at the pair.  “Are you two …?” Skye asked, earning a sigh from Kyulkyung.

“It’s been a while since we were ‘just friends’,” Kyulkyung answered.

“But we never made anything official.”  Nayoung concluded.

“The first time where something felt different was the day of I.O.I.’s disbandment,” Nayoung explained.  “We sat on the couch together as I held her in my arms and wiped her tears away. I wanted nothing more than to be the one who would be there for her, and I told Kyulkyung that.”

“But we were both terrified of the change.  What if something went wrong and we didn’t debut together again?”  Kyulkyung continued. “The second time was the day before I went to China for the first time for solo promotions, right in the middle of Pristin’s lapse in promotions.”

“Another opportunity denied by the fear of the unknown,” Nayoung muttered.

The pair looked at each other for a moment before Nayoung announced, “And I think I speak for both of us when I say right now is the third moment.”

Kyulkyung nodded in agreement, a single tear rolling down her cheek.  “I’m scared of losing you now, but I’m even more terrified of losing you after committing to us,” Kyulkyung admitted as another tear mirrored the original’s descent, glistening brilliantly as it traveled down her cheek.

Nayoung wiped Kyulkyung’s tears away gently, thoughts of that day so many years ago flashing back into the forefront of both of their minds.  “I’m not going anywhere,” she promised to the younger girl. “Becoming official or any title doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is you,” she whispered as she kissed the top of the Kyulkyung’s head.

“You’ll wait for me?” Kyulkyung asked softly, voice shaking as fear overtook her confident exterior.  

“Forever and always,” Nayoung responded, pulling the other girl close.

The girls stayed there, captivated by the feel of each other’s embrace until Kyulkyung whispered back, “Forever and always.”

The two finally separated, smiling gently through their tears as they turned back to face the group.  Eunseo and Cheng Xiao held each other’s hands dearly, smiling brightly at the other pair.

Kyulkyung’s smile turned sinister as she locked eyes with Miyeon and asked, “So then it’s Miyeon’s turn to confess to Skye, right?”  The group snickered quietly as Miyeon rolled her eyes, fanning her face in an attempt to quell her blush.

Luckily, she was saved from her embarrassment as Skye responded for her.  “I refuse to have my first confession be awkward and forced from an unwilling participant due to peer pressure in the heat of the moment!”  Skye announced, leading to another round of laughter.

Miyeon thanked her lucky stars as the conversation devolved into more casual topics, such as the girls’ curiosity about the college experience, something only Skye had first-hand knowledge of.  Skye admitted that the only time she ever got drunk is when she, quote, “Lost track of how many people I was beating in beer pong.” Skye also shared that she had majored in International Marketing, and explained how different people were in America compared to Korea.

The bonding session carried on for a few more hours until Skye checked her phone and recommended that they head back to their apartments.  The rest agreed, following her lead as they made their way back, with the two somewhat-new pairings walking hand in hand. Right before they arrived, Skye turned back, letting Kyulkyung know that she would come up to the apartment in a bit, but she had something she had to take care of first.

The group bid Skye farewell as she diverged from the group, enjoying her walk under the night sky as she made her way to her destination.  She quickly arrived at her location, a beautiful yet humble residence at the center of the island. She made her way to the front door, knocking gently as she awaited entry.  To her surprise, she was not met by a butler or maid, but by Gavin himself as he answered the door.

“Good evening Skye, welcome to my home.  Come on in!” he greeted her as he held open the door, inviting her in.

“Thank you so much, I sincerely appreciate the hospitality,” she responded as she stepped inside, studying the interior of the man’s abode.  She marveled at the intricate yet simple layout, and voiced her compliments to his choice of design.

“Thank you very much,” he responded as he led her to a pair of chairs in the living area, taking a seat across from her.  “I tried to recreate my parent’s style as closely as possible, so they’re perfectly comfortable whenever they visit.” He handed her a cup of water, smiling as he asked, “So how has your experience on the island been so far?”

“It’s been nothing short of wonderful,” Skye answered honestly as she took a sip of water.  “The biggest surprise has been how warm of a reception the other idols have given me, and I’m very thankful for that.”

Gavin nodded, smiling as he took his own drink of water.  “I’m very glad to hear that. To be honest, you were the biggest gamble in this entire project, and that’s a big statement to make when constructing a whole new island!” he joked, causing Skye to laugh along with him.

Gavin’s jovial expression turned serious a few moments later, and he met Skye’s gaze directly as he spoke.  “I wanted to talk about your interview earlier today,” he explained, surprising Skye.

“You already watched it?” Skye asked, to which Gavin responded with a nod.

“Seungyeon actually texted me to tell me to specifically watch it, and I’m glad I did.  It got me thinking about something very important to me, and I wanted to get your thoughts on the matter.”  Gavin paused for a moment before asking Skye, “What do you think of the concept of being genuine?”

Skye mulled over the question for a short while before responding, “I think it’s one of the most underappreciated parts of any relationship.  I think for so many people, myself often included, they’re so used to projecting a fake persona in their everyday lives that it becomes difficult to properly convey their emotions when it matters.”

Gavin sat back in his chair, impressed at the young girl’s response.  “So before I respond, let me follow up with this question,” he continued, leaning forward as he spoke.  “Do you think it’s easy to be genuine as an idol, and do you think an idol should always be genuine?”

“I think it’s easy to act genuinely at times for an idol, but it’s nearly impossible to remain purely genuine,” Skye immediately answered.  “For example, fans don’t need to know when an idol is sick, because it’s the idol’s job to make their fans happy, no matter the circumstance or cost.  Additionally, I honestly think it’s better for idols to not be genuine when it comes to personal matters. Fans may be sad if an idol is dating, so they have to sacrifice their genuine feelings for the good of others.”

 Gavin found himself leaning back into his chair once more as he deeply considered the response he had been given.  “I ask because in your interview today, I felt you found the right time to be genuine,” he disclosed, earning a nod from Skye.  “I want you to hold on to that sense of genuine emotion, as I think it’s your greatest strength, not your education or linguistic skills.”

“Skye, before today I was as unsure as the rest of the public about your potential as an idol,” Gavin admitted.  “But after watching your journey today, I have confidence that you have the potential to be one of the most important members in any group you end up joining.”

Skye shook her head, beginning to refuse his compliments until Gavin raised his hand.  “Let me continue. I watched your assessments today, and you’re not a ‘main dancer’ or ‘main vocalist’.  Definitely not a ‘main rapper’. But you don’t need to be. You embody the spirit of the new generation that I’m hoping to create here, where music is the vessel that allows us to spread something that means something to everyone that needs to hear it.”

Gavin paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing.  “I see it in you Skye. I see that unique spark that can be the beginning of something truly beautiful.  I just hope someday soon you’ll see it in yourself.” Skye sat, silent, unable to figure out a suitable response.  As she opened to speak, she found herself unable to, as the emotions denied her ability to make sound.

Gavin stood, walking over to her before crouching down and placing his hand on her shoulder.  He stayed there, comforting her as he allowed the significance of his statements to be processed by her mind.  A few minutes later, she pulled her necklace out from under her shirt, where it always lay, and showed it to him.  “I’m not sure if I’ll be able to live up to the weight of your expectations,” she admitted. “But I promise that I’ll give my utmost effort into meeting them.”

Gavin stood, signaling for her to join him as the pair made their way towards the exit.  Gavin paused before opening the door, turning to Skye and smiling softly. “That’s all I can ask of you.  It’s been a long day, I’m sure you need some rest,” he said softly, to which Skye nodded in agreement. He opened the door as he continued, saying, “If you need anything, big or small, let me know.”

Skye nodded, turning to exit until an idea popped into her head, turning to ask, “Actually, and this may sound weird, but is there somewhere where a couple of us can play some video games?”

Thirty Minutes Later

Skye opened the door to her apartment after sending the final messages she needed for her plan, starting for a moment as she looked up and noticed that Miyeon was waiting for her, rather than Kyulkyung.  “Nayoung asked if Kyulkyung could stay the night so they could talk, so I was hoping I could stay here?” Miyeon asked, causing Skye to nod at the explanation.

“You’re more than welcome to,” Skye responded.

Skye and Miyeon readied themselves for bed, idly chatting as they did so.  “So where did you go?” Miyeon asked from inside the bathroom.

“I just had to take care of some paperwork,” Skye lied as she changed into her night attire.

“Ah, unfortunate,” Miyeon mumbled as she reentered the room, sitting on Kyulkyung’s bed.

Skye sat on her own bed, facing her as she asked, “Since we have a free day tomorrow, I have a bit of a surprise for you if you want to join me.  Would you like to?” 

Miyeon nodded, a bit of an inquisitive expression on her features as she responded, “I’d love to.  I’m assuming you’re not going to share what kind of surprise?”

Skye smiled, as she shook her head, denying the other’s request.  “Nope, but you’ll only have to wait until the morning to learn,” Skye responded, earning a smile in return from Miyeon.  Skye went to dim the lights, before pausing, explaining, “I’d rather you sleep in my bed, since I’m not entirely sure if Kyulkyung would be comfortable with someone else sleeping in hers.”

Miyeon nodded, agreeing as she settled under the covers.  “What are you doing?” she asked as Skye made her way over to the couch.

“Sleeping?” Skye asked, confused as she paused.

“No, get over here, there’s plenty of room for two!” Miyeon exclaimed, gesturing towards the open area next to her on the bed.

Skye mentally thanked the darkness for hiding her blush as she walked over, confirming, “Are you sure?”

Miyeon responded with an emphatic nod as Skye laid down alongside her, settling into a comfortable position.  Miyeon’s breaths rapidly slowed as she quickly fell asleep, but Skye was up for a short while longer, kept awake as the events of the day raced through her mind.  As she replayed the newly-made memories in her mind, she felt the body heat of Miyeon radiating from next to her, and it put a smile on her face. Miyeon turned over in her sleep, resulting in her peaceful visage facing Skye.  Skye settled down into a comfortable position and allowed her eyes to shut as she whispered a phrase she found truly beautiful, “I’m not alone anymore.”

Author’s Note: Sorry for the heavier chapter, but I found it crucial to explain why Skye is the person she is.  I did want to mention that I did fulfill my promise to incorporate more pairings that was requested in a comment, so please don’t hesitate to ask if you’d like to see something in particular.

I would like to note, this story is nowhere near done!  On the lighter side of things, I hope at least some of you noticed my bit of a gaming Easter egg / joke earlier in the chapter, so please let me know if you did.  Additionally, make sure to look up Sejeong’s ‘If You’ duet with Ailee from Fantastic Duo2 that was referenced earlier in the chapter, it’s AMAZING. Finally, I did count the number of idols involved from 1995 (17), 1996 (20), and 1997 (25), so my roommate logic kinda makes sense!

Finally, I wish you all the best, and thank you so very much once again!

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Update because the story just underwent some pretty heavy revisions. Chapters 1 & 2, the flashbacks to the past and Skye's first day on the island, have been combined into Chapter 1. Also, Chapters 6 & 7, the explanation of Skye's role in the convention and Twice's interview, are now Chapter 5.


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K-Reader28 #1
I can’t wait what to see what you have in store for Skye next. ❤️
PinkyTheTurtle #2
Chapter 3: This is crazy well written, and honestly I'm disappointed in myself for not having read this sooner.
Yoshi_08 #3
Chapter 10: Thanks for update author-nim you write so well!!!!
Chapter 8: I'm soooo glad that you updated this story!!
My condolences as well.
HuskyWolf #5
Chapter 1: Love this story so far!?
Yoshi_08 #6
Pls update soon this is perfect great story
K-Reader28 #7
Chapter 7: Gomawo author-nim for updating and I can't wait to see what you have in store for Skye.
seohyun110 #8
Chapter 6: I love your story.. Keep it up..
Chapter 1: I haven't even started this yet but I think it's gonna be epic
Chapter 5: Omg I can't waitttt~~ btw Miyeon IS my bias in g-idle. I hope you update soon and as always very nice chap!