fix you ❤ chapter 1

fix you ❤

* no, no c'mon Y/N, stay awake. 
I leaned my head against the wall where i was sitting next to. my dark circles and exhausting expression wasn't new for my classmates. although there it his new guy named '' Taehyung '' since yesterday. But luckily he won't notice me. he has girls drooling over him 24/7 so yeah, i don't have to worry for questions. my stomach hurts and i started to feel somewhat dizzy, the bell rang. I packed my bags and stoot up, trying to keep myself in balance, i walked towards the door, at least..
i tried..
oh !
hey? hey!
stay with me
stay awake!
Daisy: she's back
Taehyung: finally.. you got me worried as hell girl.
* at first i saw the nurse, Daisy. 
which've seen some times before.. but then i heard someone talking as well, which was Taehyung.* 
Daisy: this guy helped you when you passed out Y/N, a thank you won't hurt right? 
* i talk often with Daisy so she knows where i'm struggeling with. she also knows that i rather not talk.. but i think she's right.. i turned my head towards , still trying to avoid eye contact though.* 
Y/N: thank you.
* Taehyung smiled softly. well, now he thinks i'm weird as well, like everyone else.. yay life..* 
Taehyung: take care of yourself, see you in class.
Daisy: Y/N it's really important that you eat Your dinner and breakfast, you can't just skip them. 
* I nod at the advice that she gave ne which I heard 100 times Now from different people * 
Daisy: at what time did you go to sleep? * she said while looking at My exhausted expression. * 
Y/N: 4 
Daisy: excuse me ? 
Y/N: 4 
Daisy: *sigh* Y/N.. I thought we talked about this. 
* i lowerd my head while Daisy walked up to her desk, searching for something. When she found it, she sat down at her desk typing something into the computer* 
Daisy: Eat your kookie with milk, you'll be needing it.
* I grabbed the kookie and dipped it into the milk, letting it soak for a bit before eating it.* 
Daisy: I'll give you these melatonin pills. They'll help you get to sleep. Take them around 10 and you'll sleep around 11.
*I nod and stood up after I finished my kookie and milk. I walked towards the desk and took the pills with the prescription.* 
Y/N: thank you 
Daisy: of course y/n. You know where to find me if you need me. 
* I smiled at her kindness and left the room, the hallway is empty since everyone is in class which is done in about 10 minutes. I decided to just wait until this period is over. I'll attend the next class. I stood before the door where I would have my next period. I leaned against the door with my back and put in my very loved earplugs, shutting myself out from reality. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the music, I jumped a little as I felt a hand on my shoulder.* 
Taehyung: * inaudible *
* I still had my earplugs in, I couldn't hear a thing. I just kept looking at his flawless face as I continued living in my own world. Taehyung noticed me not getting a thing he said and took my earplugs away from me, taking me back to reality.* 
Taehyung: you're really something y/n, just keeping your earplugs in while I talk to you. * he said with a slight smile, swinging my earplugs around.* 
* I questioned myself why he wasn't in class, but I of course didn't want to ask, not talk.*
Taehyung: so how are you feeling ? 
* I legit just nod even though it wasn't a yes or no question.*
Taehyung: *chuckle* okay I guess you don't want to talk to me. 
* he gave me my earplugs back and started to walk away, I quickly took his wirst. He stopped and looked of his shoulder with the most precious smile ever* 
Y/N: it's not you.
* he turned to me again * 
Taehyung: okay.. I won't ask what's wrong then, since I think you rather not answer that, haha.
* how sweet... I smiled while looking straight into his eyes for once, my expression changed quickly as the bell rang and a lot of people started to walking into the hallway which was triggering my anxiety, Taehyung noticed it. He took my earplugs and put them into my ears, turning up the volume. I calmed down a bit and I couldn't believe he actually understood what was going on... he said something, I couldn't hear it but I read " let's go" on his lips and he took my hand which made me SHOOK. We walked into the class while he was still HOLDING MY HAND. I had earplugs in so I didn't hear what everyone was saying but I can read lips like an expert. Ever since I was little I kept looking at people's lips while they were talking to me, so now it's no big deal for me anymore.. I read stuff like " why the weirdo" and " really.. why y/n? Does he know what's up with her?" I hate getting so much attention, I thought Taehyung knew that by now. He sat down at the back of the class, pulling me next to him. When the teacher asked for silence, I took my earplugs out.* 
Taehyung: are you okay with this? 
* I gave him a slight uncomfortable smile, of course he noticed me struggling with this so much attention. The girl in front oh Taehyung turned around and started taking to him. I took my books out and started drawing pretending I wasn't listening.* 
???: hey. Wanna hang out after school? My parents aren't home.. 
taehyung: .. sorry, I already have plans with y/n. 
* I looked up to him, shook again. He didn't care and started opening his book. The girl turned around, giving me a death glare on her way. I shaked Taehyung's shoulder.
Taehyung: hmm? 
Y/N: plans? 
Taehyung; oh yeah I haven't told you yet.. after school we'll go to my place. 
* I gave him the typical " excuse me ? " look* 
Y/N: I can't 
Taehyung: and why is that ? 
Y/N: homework...
* and I grabbed my pencil, continuing my drawing while taehyung clearly wasn't done with the conversation.* 
Taehyung: then make your homework at my place. 
Y/N: no
* Taehyung gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him * 
Taehyung: I don't bite y/n, tell me the real reason.. in a complete sentence if you want to. 
* I was too shy to look into his eyes so I kept looking at my pencil laying on my desk. I felt Taehyung's burning on my face* 
Y/N: hmm what are we.. going to do then? 
Taehyung: hih you're so cute
* pinched my cheek * we can watch a movie, we could even bake something ahah. I shouldn't think of options while I'm hungry. 
* I took his hand of my face and grabbed for something in my bag. * 
Y/N: here 
* I gave him my " lunch " which is a muesli bar.* 
Taehyung: y/n.. that wasn't a hint but so sweet haha, you should eat this. * he took the bar and opened it under the table so the teacher couldn't noticed it. He broke a little piece of it off and wanted to place it into to my mouth.* 
Y/N: I'm no-plpapbf 
* ... this dude. * 
Taehyung: tasty isn't it? * he said with the cutest rectangular smile * 
* it was okay, but I just smiled to make him feel happy. He took a bite and of course he has to be the one who gets caught.* 
Teacher: who gave you promission to eat in my class Mr. kim? 
*everyone was looking at us and I felt so bad that I legit did the thing I would definitely regret... talking through the class.* 
Y/N: it was my fault. 
*everyone was shocked, even the teacher since we agreed not to let me talk through the class.* 
Teacher: W-well, no more eating in my class y/n, now continue with chapter 2. 
Taehyung: you did that for me? I thought that was like really hard to do for you. 
* I nod my head, my hands were shaky but I tried to hide it since there were still a few people watching me. Taehyung placed his hands on mine... it immediately stopped shaking.* 
Y/N: why? 
Taehyung: why what ? 
Y/N: why are you so kind? 
Taehyung: is that weird? Aren't most of the people kind? 
Y/N: no 
Taehyung: no? 
* I shook my head *
Taehyung: Damnn.. well I'm here now. 1 honestly kind person is better than 100 fake people.
* I turned my head and looked at him, just straight into his eyes, I didn't care. I gave him a warm smile but then the bell rang. I quickly took my earplugs and some music. I grabbed my bag and books, ready to leave school and go home, but then i felt Taehyung's hand taking one earplug out... whispering something right into my ear.* 
Taehyung: shall we take my car! 
*oh ye, the " plans " I turned my head to him and nod making him smile like a little kid.

To be continued 💘

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