

Jimin couldn’t believe it. The day had come for the launch of the project he had been part of. Project Opportunity, as it had been dubbed by the staff working on it for the past two years, was finally operational. Jimin had been one of the engineers and part of the design for it, though the project had been called something else entirely in the lab. Jimin, and his coworkers Namjoon, had called it Taehyung. A robot of artificial intelligence that had been created in order to explore and discover more about the red planet, Mars. The two had spent countless hours and sleepless nights on the design and the exact motions and actions the robot to would take. Jimin had been the one to suggest artificial intelligence as it would help the robot to adapt and learn on its own and be able to handle situations without the constant worry of what could be. Namjoon had agreed, and thus began their even hard work on designing an AI.

Somehow the two had decided on a bipedal design, which turned into a human form for ease of design. They had joked about creating Taehyung as the perfect person because as Namjoon had said it they were both “hopeless when it comes to anything remotely romantic. We might as well marry our jobs.” And Jimin had laughed bitterly because of how true that was. They spent hours not only designing mechanics for function and data collection, as well as communication both verbally and via messages, but as well as designing bits of personality and even voice. They’d given the AI a deep and sultry voice that they both liked. The facial design had been the best part, they each added in elements of what they thought was ideal though Jimin took most of the creative control here as Namjoon had said he wasn’t picky and personality was better. Jimin had rolled his eyes. But the day had come for their creation to be launched into space for its journey to Mars. And then when it landed on Mars there was operations and set-up that needed to be done before it could be launched.

But launch day had come, and Jimin had somehow weaseled his way into be part of the communication team as well. He’d approached Seokjin, who was in charge of it, and made his point about needing to be part of it because it was his creation and he needed to ensure its full functionality. Jimin still wasn’t sure how he’d convinced Seokjin to let him on the team, but he had and here he was hand hovering over the big red button that would start it all.

“Are you ready?” Seokjin asked, and Namjoon and Jimin looked at one another before nodding.

“Born ready!” Jimin declared and Namjoon shook his head with an amused smile. And Seokjin too let out a chuckle.

“Alright then in 3… 2… 1…”

And Jimin pushed the button that would determine his future and career at NASA.


Taehyung had launched immensely well, and everyone was impressed with not only the realistic design, but also how impressive the AI was in gaining information, processing it, and learning from it. The communications team had also taken to calling the project Taehyung as it was just so much easier. Jimin and Namjoon had created a drone that could be stored in a slot on the robots side that allowed for visuals of Taehyung, and his surroundings. The launch was a success, and Jimin couldn’t be happier about how his project, along with Namjoon, had become so successful. Though it was only created to last a few months at best due to the unpredictability of the surface of Mars, and as a test run to help further improve later robots and rovers that would wander the surface of Mars.

A few months into the launch saw Jimin in the communications room, reaching out to Taehyung and inquiring about whereabouts and findings. Everyone had been amazed and impressed that Taehyung had gone past the goal of two months and was still going, in perfect condition and still learning and adapting to survive and thrive on Mars. Jimin found he liked Taehyung a lot, as the robot had grown and assumed a personality that was curious but also quirky, intelligent but also questioning. It was nice, Jimin found, relaxing even to talk to Taehyung as he, Jimin had stopped referring to him as an it, grew and shared tales of his findings and adventures, even if it was mostly about funny shaped rocks. Jimin found he was growing even more fond of Taehyung, he still couldn’t believe he’d beaten all odds and was still going.

“Jimin, what is earth like?” Taehyung asked, he’d started asking Jimin about himself instead of Jimin always asking the questions.

“Earth? Well, it’s colourful and full of life. There’s billions of people and buildings everywhere, it seems big from the surface but I’m sure from space it’s small. It’s covered in water, with land masses covering only about 30% of the world.” Jimin explained, and he heard Taehyung make a noise.

“That sounds nice, it’s very mono-colourful here. But there’s a lot of cool rocks and craters!” Taehyung explained and Jimin was glad Taehyung was enjoying his duty. Hey Jimin, what is your earth like?” Taehyung asked his next question and Jimin wasn’t sure what he meant.

“What do you mean by that Taehyung?” Jimin asked, the robot knew his name by now and Jimin had begun referring to him by it since he had started in the communications room.

“I mean what is it like for you?” Taehyung rephrased and Jimin hummed as he thought about it.

“Well, I guess for me it is home. It’s where my friends are, where my job is, and my family. All the things I love are here. Its home.” Jimin explained, he put it simply because he wasn’t really sure how to go into detail on it.

“Home, that sounds nice. Is Mars my home then?” Taehyung asked, and Jimin was really wondering where all these questions were coming from.

“I’m not sure if I’m honest,” Jimin admitted, he really had to think about this. “You were built on earth so technically that would make earth your home, but I’m not sure.” Jimin sighed, this was too loaded of a question.

“I was created there so then that makes it my home?” Taehyung continued to question and Jimin let out a small huff.

“Yes and no. Just because you’re from somewhere doesn’t make it your home unless you want it to be. Home is where love is, or that’s what my mom always told me. Home is where you find and get love.” Jimin tried to explain, but he wasn’t sure Taehyung would be able to comprehend it.

“That’s interesting.” Was Taehyung’s response to that before he launched into explaining a rock he had just found and the soil samples around it, holding it up to the drone for Jimin to see. And Jimin let out a relived sigh, thankful he wouldn’t have to deal with this conversation anymore. It never ceased to amaze him how much Taehyung had evolved and grown as an AI, even if it meant he had to deal with questions he wasn’t quite sure how to answer.


“Jimin, come over here I’d like to introduce you to someone.” Seokjin spoke as Jimin disconnected his call with Taehyung. He tilted his head in confusion but coming over to Seokjin anyways. As he approached Jimin noted the young man that stood behind Seokjin, tall but well built, Jimin could see it in his shoulder, with a handsome face and a sweet smile. Jimin was taken back by the man, he was handsome and from the looks of the badge he wore around his neck also very intelligent.

“Jimin this is Jungkook, he’s the new member added to our team. Jungkook this is Jimin, he’s an engineer but weaseled his way onto our team in order to be closer to his creation.” Seokjin introduced, and Jungkook offered Jimin a bow before offering his hand for a shake. Jimin took Jungkook’s hand, offering a bow of his own. Jungkooks grip was firm and strong but also gentle and Jimin felt his heart beat pick up slightly.

“It’s very nice to meet you Jimin, I hope to learn a lot from you.” Jungkook said, and then he smiled and Jimin was taken by that smile for a moment. But quickly gained composure.

“It’s great to have you on the team!” Jimin offered as greeting all his own, giving Jungkook a smile and he was pretty sure it was the lighting but it almost looked like Jungkook had blushed.

“Great, now that you two are introduced get used to seeing one another because we’ll all be working closely together.” Seokjin said before adding on “we’re all going for lunch for the new guy, would you like to come?” he asked and Jimin nodded when he realized how hungry he was. Apparently spending hours in a room alone talking to an AI really worked up an appetite.

“Is the new guy paying? You know, for initiation?” Jimin asked jokingly and Jungkook looked horrified.

“Hm, I never thought about that one! That’s a good idea.” Seokjin said, turning to Jungkook with a wink who seemed to pale under Seokjin’s gaze and Jimin chuckled.

“Just kidding new guy, if you make a really cute face you may be able to get Seokjin to pay.” Jimin said, slinging his arm around Jungkook’s shoulders then realizing how bad of an idea that was since there was quite a significant height difference. Seokjin burst into laughter at the awkward exchange, Jungkook chuckled too and Jimin pouted at them. “Okay guess you’re both paying for my meal!” he cried and the other two let out a resounding no before all of them burst into laughter.


“Jimin, are we friends?” Taehyung asked over the comms, peering at the drone as if he could see Jimin through it and not the other way around.

“Of course we are.” Jimin answered immediately, because it was true. Over the time he’d had to get to know Taehyung, he’d really grown to care for him. He chatted with Taehyung as if they were friends, of course asking the basic work questions before they fell into comfortable chat or questions. Jimin would take his concerns and complaints to Taehyung, he found it soothing to have someone listen to him without judgement or with a need to reply or tell him how to be better. Talking with Taehyung was something that Jimin had really come to love, he really liked Taehyung a lot. Jimin had really come to think of Taehyung as a friend, because honestly sometimes he forgot that Taehyung was a robot and not an actual human himself.

“Do you talk about me to people the way you talk about Jungkook to me?” Taehyung asked and was taken back by that question. Jungkook had been working with him now for just over two months, having been added to the team when they realized that Taehyung was nowhere near being done and still going strong. The staff needed to expand to cover various shifts. Jimin had gotten close to Jungkook since he had started, finding that they actually had a lot in common and shared the same kind of humour.

“Well, yes and no. I talk about you a lot at work but that’s because we have to get the details of what you’re getting and processing. I don’t really have a lot of friends outside of work so not really I guess.” Jimin answered, all his friends worked with him and when they talked about Taehyung it was usually work related. “Do I really talk about Jungkook that much?”

“Well you did just finish telling me about how he’s too pure and good for this world and you need to protect him.” Taehyung quoted and Jimin cringed at how cheesy his words really sounded. “You talk about him a lot, about how funny he is, or kind or hard working. You two seem to be really good friends.” Taehyung added and Jimin shrugged before realizing Taehyung couldn’t see that.

“Me and Jungkook are definitely friends. I really enjoy his company and spending time with him. That’s the best thing about friendships, being able to enjoy spending time with someone and enjoying one another’s company. Well, actually that goes for any good relationship. But Taehyung, I feel that same way with you. I really enjoy talking with you and learning about your adventures or the new rock you found. I like talking with you.” Jimin told Taehyung, he meant every word of it too.

“Oh, well thank you Jimin. I really enjoy talking with you too. You’re my favourite because you actually talk to me about things that aren’t just soil colours or samples and rock formations. You talk to me like I’m like you and I like that. It helps me to learn. You’re my friend.” Taehyung said back, turning to the drone and giving Jimin a smile. Jimin felt his breath hitch at that smile. Taehyung was made to be beautiful and it still affected him in ways he didn’t want to admit.

“Well, then I’m glad we’re friends then Tae!” Jimin said, genuinely feeling that way.

“Tae?” Taehyung repeated sounding confused.

“Yeah, like a nickname, instead of just calling you Taehyung I’ll call you Tae. Friends give one another nicknames sometimes.” Jimin explained and he heard Taehyung hum, a mimic of what Jimin did when he was thinking.

“I like it! I like having you as a friend! I hope to come home one day and meet you my friend! And meet your dear friend Jungkook!” Taehyung exclaimed and Jimin couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm.

“I can’t wait for that either Tae.” Jimin replied, the thought was actually a pleasant one.


“How are things going with Taehyung?” Seokjin asked, sipping his coffee and looking over the rim at Jimin.

“Really good! I’ve managed to extract a lot of cool thing from him, and had a few things downloaded into his main data base.” Jimin explained to Seokjin, turning to his supervisor with a smile.

“Mmhmm, I’ve noticed you’re the one who spends the most time with him, and some people have started noticing that he sings to himself when he’s not being talked to.” Seokjin said, looking at Jimin pointedly now.

“Oh yeah that,” Jimin reached a hand up to rub at the back of his head sheepishly. “He told me he gets bored talking to some of the other team members and he heard me singing one time and asked what it was because he said he’d rather do that than be in silence. So I offered to download a few for him.” Jimin admitted,, wondering if this was when he got sent back to his own department. Seokjin however just chuckled instead of erupting into anger like Jimin thought.

“That’s pretty smart. And honestly, I don’t mind. His voice is actually really good, but I’d rather you not download anymore since we need that space for important things.” Seokjin explained and Jimin let out a relieved breath.

“You got it! I promise to only download one or two more songs!” Jimin exclaimed and Seokjin swatted at him.

“You’re a brat.” He mumbled before turning to walk away and head back to work.

“Hey Seokjin before you go can I ask you something?” Jimin asked, his tone turning serious, and Seokjin stopped, turning to look over his shoulder and raising his eyebrow in question.

“Seokjin do you think, is it possible that maybe Taehyung can come back to earth? That we can recall him back and he can work here with us instead? He’s highly intelligent and his knowledge would benefit us here.” Jimin posed the question. Taehyung had been asking every time now about coming home, or being home or asking what it would be like if he were back on earth. And Jimin honestly wasn’t opposed to that idea either. He himself had started to wonder what it would be like to have Taehyung here with him, to talk and hang out in person. Seokjin sighed, turning around to face Jimin fully and looked him in the eyes.

“Jimin, you know that that won’t happen. Even if we wanted it to. Taehyung may be useful here, I cannot deny that, but he’s more useful to us there because of the thing he can do that we can’t. You know that Jimin, that’s exactly what you designed him to do. He’s certainly something amazing, but at the end of the day he’s a robot built for a specific purpose to be on Mars. Don’t be getting caught up in any fantasies about him being more than that Jimin.” Seokjin answered, his answer sounding more harsh to Jimin than Seokjin probably meant it to be. “I’m sorry Jimin but the answer is no I don’t think there is a possibility of that occurring.”

“Okay.” Jimin mumbled weakly, turning to face away from Seokjin and pretending to busy himself with something on the staffroom counter. He heard Seokjin leave the room with a sigh, waiting till his footsteps were out of earshot before he slumped forward against the counter and let out a sad sigh. He didn’t even register that someone else had come into the staff room until a voice broke pulled him back.

“Everything okay Jimin?” Jungkook asked, peering at Jimin from the door way with a concerned look. Jimin thought that Jungkook had a face that should never look unhappy or concerned.

“Yeah, everything’s alright. Just processing things is all.” Jimin answered sending Jungkook what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Jungkook nodded, returning Jimin’s smile with his own and Jimin felt his spirit lift just a little. “Thank you Jungkook.” He said giving Jungkook’s bicep a friendly squeeze as he walked passed him to head back to his own work.


“When do I get to come home?” Taehyung asked his deep voice crackling over the comms.

“Someday soon.” Jimin responded, feeling a pang of guilt. The robot was sent to explore the planets and Jimin new that there were no plans for a recall of the robot anytime soon.

“I hope so. I really want to see you.” Taehyungs voice came back over the comms and Jimin felt himself blush. It was something Taehyung had started saying recently. Over the time that the AI had been on Mars he’d always inquire about when he was to go home. But he had started recently adding that last part in and it still threw Jimin for a loop each time, his heart beat increasing slightly every time. He had to mentally remind himself that Taehyung wasn’t human and merely a beautiful creation of science. That never seemed to convince his heart however.

“I... I really want to see you too Tae. But until then I guess we’re stuck with voice and my one sided video.” Jimin spoke, his voice shaky as his heart was still beating rapidly.

“I guess so. Guess you’re stuck hearing my beautiful voice that much longer then!” Taehyung said before launching into a song that he’d asked Jimin to download into his database. His voice was deep and it always amazed Jimin that something so artificial in intelligence could sound and act so real and dare he say... human.


“How’s Taehyung doing?” Came Jungkook’s voice and Jimin looked up from the papers he’d been looking through.

“What?” He asked, having not caught what Jungkook had said.

“I asked you how Tae was doing. We haven’t heard a report from him in a long time, since the storm that hit Mars. So I figured you might know. You’re the closest to him after all.” Jungkook reiterated. Jimin turned his chair away from Jungkook closing his eyes and letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He’d been trying to distract himself from the fact that he hadn’t heard or spoken to Taehyung in almost over a month. It wasn’t abnormal for Jimin and Taehyung not to talk for a week or two at a time but Taehyung usually sent Jimin messages via the monitoring computer. Little things like a good morning, or he found a pretty shaped rock, or that he missed Jimin and couldn’t wait to talk to him again. However those had stopped a month ago and Jimin had been riddled with worry and anxiety ever since. He didn’t want to think about what could have happened. Space was so big and broad, Mars was an unexplored planet and there had always been potential threats in the unknown. But Jimin had refused to believe that Taehyung could fall to that because he was... well because he was Taehyung and he could overcome anything.

“I... I don’t know.” His voice was soft as he spoke, sad and filled with despair and worry. He still faced with his back to Jungkook, unable to look at the other man and trying to hold back tears. He was so worried and scared, stricken with it and unable to function properly. He’d tried so many times to reach out to Taehyung, sending him messages through the data base and via voice calls. To no avail. A soothing hand rest upon his shoulder, Jungkook moved around to face Jimin kneeling in front of the chair to face him, resting his hand now on Jimin’s knee.

“Hey, Jimin, I’m sorry. I know you’re worried. Taehyung he... he means a lot to you and I know you’re worried about him. But he’s strong, and resilient. You made sure of that with your programming. I know it’s hard but we’ll find him. And I promise you we won’t rest until we find him.” Jungkook sounded so sure of it, and Jimin wanted to believe him. Wanted to believe they would find Tae. “He’s probably busy because he found a new rock formation or something. You know how he gets when finds something peculiar. He probably just forgot to check in.” Jungkook offered, smiling up at Jimin with that big beautiful bunny smile. Jimin sniffed, reaching up to wipe away the tears that had started to fall.

“You’re right,” Jimin spoke, finally looking up to meet Jungkook’s hopeful eyes with his own tearful ones. “He’s so easily distracted he probably found something and didn’t want to check in until he was sure of what it was and had analyzed it from every angle. Typical Tae.” Jimin rambled on, letting out a laugh.

“Typical Tae indeed.” He mimicked, offered Jimin another smile, his hand giving Jimin’s knee a comforting squeeze. Jimin felt hope bloom in him and before he could stop himself he’d moved forward and embraced Jungkook, holding tightly as if he was his very own lifeline.

“Thank you.” He mumbled, because this was what he needed. Though he’d still be riddled with worry at least in this moment the anxiety was no more and he was grateful for the reprieve. Jungkook simply wrapped his arms around Jimin and pulled him in close, returning the embrace.


Jimin raced down the hall yelling apologies as he went as he bumped and shoved anyone in his way out of it. His heart pounded in his chest and he was pretty sure it was trying to escape his chest or somehow lodge itself into his throat. He’d picked the wrong day to work across the lot, having run the fifteen minutes between buildings in order to make it to the control centre. A simple text from Seokjin had set him off, come quick it had read we have something on Taehyung was the message he’d received and Jimin was out of his chair at the assembly building and running to base control. Jimin was out of breath by the time he pushed his way into the main room, having flashed his id to the security guard who looked mildly alarmed at Jimin’s ruffled appearance before letting him in.

“You made it.” Jungkook was there at Jimin’s side as soon as he was in the room, offering him a side to lean against as he planted for air.

“I need to be here.” Was Jimin’s quick reply before he pushed away from Jungkook and marched over to Seokjin. Seokjin turned to Jimin, offering him a brief smile before handing him a clipboard.

“This is all the backed up messages we just got via text chat from Taehyung. I think you’d be interested in reading them.” He said to Jimin before turning back to the controls and saying something to one of the employees there. Jimin didn’t even offer another glance to Seokjin before he was looking through the papers. A lot of what was translated onto paper was gibberish, a series of numbers and letters that were merely meant to represent static noise or blanks. However as Jimin read he started seeing these blanks form into words. Or well a word. His name repeated over various pages until he reached the last one which simply read “I miss you”.

“Seokjin! Is there a way I can try to reach back to him?” Jimin asked, pushing past Jungkook once again as he’d come to look over Jimin’s shoulder at the paper.

“You can try. We’ve all tried from our stations but you’re more than welcome to, he may even respond to you since you’re the one who’s headed this project from the start and he knows your login best.” Seokjin looked up from his own work before shrugging and waving a hand at Jimin’s station at the communications controls. Jimin took the hint and rushed to his seat, throwing on his headset and immediately typing in his login.

“Come on Tae come on.” Jimin said as he pressed the call button and waited for the connection. The call dropped but Jimin wasn’t going to give up. The last message from the backed up messages was dated two days ago which meant Taehyung had been trying to reach him since he’d lost contact. Jimin presser the call again, still mumbling to himself. Jungkook had pulled an unoccupied chair and sat beside Jimin, shooting the older a thumbs up in support. Jimin offered him a smile before turning back to his monitor.

“Come on Tae, come on Tae, come on...”

“Jimin?” Came a rumble from the comms and the entire room froze as Taehyung’s voice breached the room.

“Taehyung!” Jimin all but leapt up from his chair, the cord of his headset keeping him from going too far. “Taehyung is that you? Are you there?” Jimin asked, anxious and excited to be back in contact.

“Jimin is that really you? It’s been so long!” Came Taehyung’s excited voice and the entire room erupted into cheers.

“What’s that Jimin? Why is it so loud on your end?” Taehyung asked, the confusion in the AI’s voice was prominent. Jimin had burst into tears his hands coming up to cover his mouth in relief.

“Jimin? Are you there?” Came Taehyung’s voice again and Jimin so desperately wanted to reply but he just couldn’t form the words, too overcome with emotion. Jungkook noticed this and took the headset and putting it on. He rested a hand on Jimin’s thing, ignoring Jimin’s look and began talking.

“Hi Taehyung, I know we haven’t met before but my name is Jungkook and...”

“Oh you’re Jimin’s friend! He’s talked about you a lot. But where’s Jimin?” Taehyung cut Jungkook off, and if Jimin wasn’t so relieved and emotional with Taehyung he’d probably have been horrified at what Taehyung revealed to Jungkook. Jungkook, to his credit, didn’t seem fazed.

“That would be me, Jimin’s friend,” he shot Jimin a look before continuing. “He’s a bit emotional right now because he’s so happy to be able to talk to you again. It’s been awhile.” Jungkook explained.

“Oh, okay! Well I’m happy to be able to talk to him too!” Taehyung exclaimed and Jimin let out another sob at how happy Taehyung sounded.

“That’s awesome Taehyung, but I have to ask a question. What happened? Why weren’t you able to reach us?” Jungkook asked, getting to the point and Jimin winced. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know.

“Ah, well you see there was this storm and it blocked out the sun for a bit and I run on solar energy so I wasn’t able to recharge properly. But it didn’t last long, most don’t, the only difference was my main frame communications wire was disconnected. I tried a lot to reach out to Jimin but he wouldn’t answer and that’s when I realized. It took a while because I had to go through a lot of old data but eventually I was able to fix myself and all those backed up messages I sent were able to get through and alert you guys that I can communicate again.” Taehyung explained, and Jimin let out a breath he had been holding. It wasn’t near as bad as his imagination had let him think, even going as far as aliens taking his poor Taehyung, and he was grateful for it.

“Well Taehyung I can tell you that Jimin, and I, are so glad that you’re back in communication with us again.” Jungkook said, Jimin looked at him and noticed just how genuinely relieved he looked and he couldn’t help the smile the broke through. Jungkook noticed too and offered on back before ducking his head shyly but still giving Jimin’s leg a gentle squeeze.

“Well it’s been nice talking with you Jungkook but is Jimin done his emotions? I’d like to talk to him now, I miss him.” Taehyung said, cutting through the moment and Jimin laughed. He grabbed the headset back from Jungkook, offering him one more thankful smile, before setting it back in place on his own head.

“Hi Taehyung, I’m done my emotions now,” Jimin said with a laugh. “And I missed you too.”


Things had gone back to normal, it had been a month since Taehyung was back in contact and Jimin was back to his monitoring shifts and talking daily with Taehyung. It was as if that time had not even passed. Jimin was so happy, all that anxiety and fear had vanished and he felt happy and lighthearted again having Taehyung back. Seokjin and the others who had been in the room had taken to teasing him about it.

“You’ve gotten so attached to him, I swear if he was a real person you’d be on his di...” Hoseok, Seokjin's second in command, had started saying but was cut off by an elbow to the ribs from Jungkook. “What? All I’m saying is Jimin would so date Taehyung if he were real.” Hoseok had pouted and Jungkook had rolled his eyes. Jimin kept quiet on his end. Hoseok’s words had caught him off guard. He normally would have rebuked the statement but the more he thought about it the more he realized it was true.

“Hey Tae, do you believe in love?” Jimin spoke into the mic, twiddling his fingers as he waited for Taehyung’s response.

“Love? Isn’t that a human emotion?” Taehyung asked, sounding confused as he spoke.

“It is but... I don’t know you seem to be portraying a lot of those lately and I just thought...” Jimin trailed off.

“That I could love?” Taehyung filled in helpfully and Jimin nodded, knowing full well that Taehyung couldn’t see him.

“I mean, I guess in a sense I can. Though I would say it’s more replicated than real. I’ve learned a lot from you Jimin, about emotions and I’ve learned a lot from my data base. After all I am an artificial intelligence so I learn from every situation and scenario and learn how to reproduce them artificially. You made me to be able to learn and adapt and be able to replicate human anatomy and facial expressions. And even though I cannot see you my processors are able to pick up the tone

changes in your voice which is a good indication of how you feel. Humans feel with more than just emotions, they feel in their tone and in their facial expressions and in how they move. Human emotion is fascinating on that spectrum.” Taehyung went on, it was moments like these that really reminded Jimin that Taehyung was merely a machine and not the man he wished.

“Uh huh...” Jimin hummed before posing his next thought. “It’s just... you say you miss me like you mean. And you always say you want to come home and see me and I guess it’s because I thought that you... that this...” Jimin sighed, maybe he was projecting too much of his own hopes and emotions.

“That I loved you? I think I do. But not in the way you humans do. Not in the way you do with Jungkook,” Jimin spluttered at that comment eyes widening.

“I don’t love him!” Jimin exclaimed, his heart beat suddenly running wild.

“You don’t? Hm, you always talk so fondly of him and your tone raises happily when you tell me about him or the new idea he had or when you two go hang out outside of work. Maybe my processors are a bit off still from the storm.” Taehyung seemed thoughtful and Jimin felt his face heat up. He’d never thought about Jungkook like that before. He couldn’t deny that being around the younger man made him happy and sure his heart may skip a beat or two when they hand out but... Jimin shook his head trying to not follow that train of thought.

“He’s my friend.” Jimin spoke aloud, he wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince with that statement. “But okay back to what you said before, what do you mean you think you do? As in you think you love me?” Jimin asked, cheeks still flushed pink. Taehyung let out a thoughtful hum, it took a moment or two before he started speaking.

“Yes, I do think so. But like I said it is not like your human emotions of love. You did help create me so to me you’re something I need in order to keep going. Like my solar chargers, my processors, and my data bases that help me stay alive and knowledgeable. To me you’re like those. You keep me going because you always sound so excited to hear about what I found and knowing that I am something you created and take pride in I want to make you happy. I think that’s what you humans call care? My love is a need for you.” Taehyung explained in his do matter of fact voice.

“That’s an interesting way of putting it. But I can see where you’re coming from. You’re an AI, but you’re an exceptional forward one when it comes to emotional processes. And you’re very aware of yourself.” Jimin said and he heard Taehyung laugh.

“Isn’t that what you humans call being ‘woke’.” Taehyung said and Jimin let out a loud laugh all his own.

“Well I’m signing off for the night Taehyung, but I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay?” Jimin said, preparing to disconnect.

“Oh Jimin, one more thing,” Taehyung said and Jimin paused, hand hovering above the disconnect.

“I love you.” Taehyung confessed before disconnecting the call.


Jimin raced through the halls, pushing past people and not doing a good job at avoiding those in the hall.

“Seokjin tell me it isn’t true!” He yelled as he burst into the weather monitoring room. Jungkook looked up from where he stood with Seokjin and Yoongi, the head weather analyst, his facial expression grim.

“Jimin, I’m afraid the information is true and we don’t have much time or much we can do.” Seokjin responded, always the cool under pressure.

“What do you mean there’s not something we can do? We have to do something!” Jimin was panicked, fear gripping him. The weather reports for Mars that had come in showed that there was an influx in cloud build up, and the daily weather measurement picked up an increase in wind but a drop in pressure which could only mean one thing.

“Jimin, I’m afraid there isn’t anything we can do when there’s this massive of a storm buildup other than hope it’s a false alarm.” Seokjin explained and Jimin felt his heart drop.

“But what about Taehyung? We can’t just leave him there! Remember what happened last time?” He asked, sounding broken and Jungkook moved in to rest a comforting hand on Jimin’s arm.

“Taehyung is an AI Jimin, not a person. There isn’t anything we can do so we have to leave him there.” Seokjin reminded and Jimin felt like he was going to cry. Seokjin softened as he looked at Jimin’s heartbroken expression. “Listen, Taehyung is amazing. He’s already served his purpose and so much more. When we first sent him up there a year and a half ago he was only supposed to last for two month tops. It was revolutionary in itself that we managed to create something that would be able to collect data for that long. He outlived all of our expectations. He served his purpose and more and I am forever grateful to him for everything he accomplished for us. He’s truly remarkable, and you helped him become that. Taehyung is special, no one can deny that. But he’s also resilient. He went quiet last time but he managed to fix himself and reconnect. That was because of you and the intelligence level and work you installed in him. You’ve done amazing things with him. And I believe in him to be able to continue doing so. Don’t give up faith and don’t lose hope, because that’s the only thing we can do for Tae now. And if you give that up your give up on him. And we can’t have that now can we?” Seokjin smiled, one of those smiles that could make even the meanest of people smile. Jimin nodded, he knew Seokjin was right and he wouldn’t give up. He couldn’t. Not on Taehyung.

“We can’t have that at all.” Jimin answered looking up to Seokjin before looking at Jungkook who still had his hand on Jimin’s shoulder.

“We aren’t the kind to give up here.” Jungkook said with a soft squeeze to Jimin’s arm.


“When can I come home?” Taehyung asked, catching Jimin off guard. He hadn’t asked about that in a while, and Jimin was starting to wonder if Taehyung was accepting that maybe he wasn’t going to be coming back.

“What brought that on?” He asked, trying to play if off as a joke. He wasn’t sure how to answer that, he wanted Taehyung home too but Seokjin had made it clear Taehyung was to fulfill his life on Mars. There was no reply for a while and Jimin started to wonder if they had disconnected without his knowledge. Though the video feed was still going and he could see Taehyung moving about, well his upper body and he wasn’t sure why. It looked a bit like Taehyung was shimmying? He was about to check and call out to Taehyung when Taehyung’s voice came across the comms.

“I just did that thing you always call a shrug. You know when you move your shoulders up and down, I did that.” Taehyung said and Jimin burst out laughing.

“Oh my gosh, Taehyung you have to move them both at the same time otherwise it looks like you’re dancing!” Jimin explained between bouts of laughter. He heard Taehyung say oh but he couldn’t keep the laughter back. Taehyung was so remotely Taehyung, quirky and intelligent but also so very curious and willing to try anything. That was how Jimin and his team had made him to be. Perfect. He was made to be perfect in Jimin’s eyes, and he was in every sense ideal to Jimin. Which, Jimin realized was probably why he cared so deeply for Taehyung. Because he had made him to be just that, someone Jimin would want to lo... care for. His conversation with Namjoon about creating the perfect man flashed back to him and he realized he had succeeded. That Taehyung was just that, but also wasn’t. Because he lacked the true emotions Jimin craved. But the mere thought of losing Taehyung was scary to him, like losing a friend or loved one.

“Jimin, I won’t ever be able to come home will I?” Taehyung asked and Jimin felt the guilt hit him like a train and pulling him from his thoughts.

“Ah, what makes you say that?” Jimin asked, trying to sound less nervous and guilty than he felt.

“Because, I was made to be here and not there. So they won’t bring me back because I was never meant to be on earth, I was simply made there. Earth was never meant to be my home.” Taehyung answered and Jimin felt himself visibly sag. Taehyung looked at the camera that had been made to follow him around and tilted his head knowingly. “For an AI I cannot believe it took me this long to realize that. But I’m not meant to come back am I.” It wasn’t a question but a statement and Jimin was so glad the camera went only one way.

“No... you weren’t created to be here.” He admitted sadly, he wondered if he sounded as pathetic as he felt. “You were created for better than this world. To roam and explore and do great things. You’re too good for this world.” Jimin added, more of a comfort for himself than Taehyung.

“Like Jungkook?” Taehyung asked and Jimin’s head snapped up as he looked at the monitor in front of him.

“What?” Was the only intelligent thing his brain could come up with.

“You once told me that Jungkook was too good and too pure for this world.” Taehyung recalled and Jimin groaned because yes he did remember that conversation. It was when Jungkook had first started at the station and he had been so keen to learn and help out. Jimin had been both amused and infatuated with the younger and he’d gushed to Taehyung about how precious Jungkook was and that no one had a work ethic like he did anymore. He’d gone as far to say that “Jungkook was too pure and good for this world and I need to protect him!” He’d declared before both him and Taehyung had erupted in laughter. Taehyung had thought Jimin was trying to act out a movie scene or something at first.

“I didn’t know you remember that.” Jimin confessed, his cheeks a lovely crimson colour.

“I remember everything. You built me that way remember.” Taehyung commented, and Jimin was once again reminded of Taehyung’s more computeresque self.

“Okay, then yes. But it’s different for you both. You, you were made to be great and do great and you’re too good for this world because you comprehend more than most. I would honestly argue that sometimes you have more humanity than actual people. And Jungkook he... it’s not that he’s not great because he is but he’s...”Jimin was at a loss for words.

“He’s special right?” Taehyung filled in, and Jimin was starting to wonder if he should be worried at how good Taehyung had gotten to being able to predict his thoughts.

“Yes.” Jimin breathed out.

“Is he special to you?” Taehyung inquires.

“Well... he um... he... he’s a special friend to me.” Jimin physically cringed at how that sounded but the more he thought about it the more he realized it was true.

“Am I special to you?” Taehyung asked, and Jimin wasn’t sure why but Taehyung almost sounded hesitant in his question.

“Of course you are!” Jimin exclaimed because really he wouldn’t dedicate this much time to something, to Taehyung, he it wasn’t.

“But am I only special because you built me to be so?” Taehyung pushed on and Jimin wasn’t sure where this was all coming from.

“No! Well yes, but no! You’re special yes because you were built to be so but you’ve also become extremely special to me because...” Jimin trailed off searching for the right words. “because you’re my friend too. You’re special to me because you’re you. And not the you that was built, but the you that you’ve evolved into. I’ve come to really care for you Taehyung. You’ve become my best friend basically and I love you.” Jimin confessed, the feeling gripping his heart eased a little but not enough. Taehyung let out a non-committal hum as if he was deep in thought.

“You’re special to me too Jimin, and not just because you’re my creator. But because you’re you and you’re special and you are my only friend. And I love you too.” Taehyung finally responded and Jimin let out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure why he’d felt so anxious over it. Jimin loves Taehyung, he realized as he let his previous words and Taehyung’s sink in. He genuinely loved him and felt for him and it was this realization that spurred another. That he may lose him. That thought plagued him. And with the predicted storm coming up he could... no he had to have hope like Seokjin said.

“Hey Taehyung, what would happen if we could never talk again?” Jimin asked, the anxiety returning.

“I’d be really sad. Why do you ask?” Taehyung responded with a question all his own.

“Because... because there might come a day sooner or later where we may not be able to talk or message ever again. Due to... complications.” Jimin offered up as an explanation.

“And by complications do you mean that it’s because I will someday stop working?” Taehyung asked and Jimin made a noise of assent. “Are you worried because there’s another storm coming up?” Taehyung tacked on the follow up question.

“Wait, how do you know about that?” He asked, wondering who had had the chance to inform Taehyung about it before he did.

“Because it’s kind of obvious from here. The wind has picked up and the skies are darkening. That’s the reason why I can’t talk as long anymore because I need to preserve battery.” Taehyung explained as if it was obvious. Which from the surface of Mars it probably was.

“Yeah, I’m just worried because of what happened last time. But you’re tough and I have hope.” Jimin offered up.

“Yeah, when the sun is blocked out I can’t really function but you know that already. Though having learned from the last storm I found a shelter to stay in to wait it out so hopefully my comms won’t be knocked out again.” This statement gave Jimin hope. Taehyung was always learning and evolving and that included situations like these when there was some sort of harm or danger. Taehyung was learning how to prevent or stay safe from these.

“Though, Jimin, if something does happen to me I would be sad to not be able to talk to you but also happy because I know you’ll be okay. You have Jungkook and your other friends after all. And that makes me happy, no matter the outcome because you’re special to me.” And with that Taehyung had disconnected to preserve battery.


“So Jungkook’s a special friend huh?” Hoseok had stopped Jimin in the hallway as they passed one another a few days later, eyebrows raised and a cheeky grin on his face. Jimin groaned at the question, he honestly kept forgetting that those recordings were public record and anyone could go back and listen. He usually got away with it because he’d take notes and submit the important audio files to Seokjin who never seemed to bothered by it. But he kept forgetting that others could listen to the recordings if they so pleased.

“Hoseok why are you creeping on my Taehyung’s conversation?” Jimin asked, glaring at his co-worker.

“Because I wanted to see what kinds of conversations you got into with your robo-boyfriend. Only to find out that you’re pining after a real life boyfriend too.” Hoseok waggled his eyebrows and Jimin wanted to smack him.

“That is none of your business.” Jimin seethed and Hoseok laughed.

“Actually it’s everyone’s business since those recordings are technically public and for use of scientific research.” Again Jimin was tempted to smack Hoseok, his hand actually moving to do so this time. Hoseok caught Jimin’s hand, eyebrows raised now in question more so than anything. “What’s got you so defensive? That fact that your robo-boyfriend conversations are not private? Or that your feelings for a non-robo boy may be more than you want to admit even though it’s obvious in the audio?” Hoseok asked, tone having changed from teasing to something darker. Jimin wrenched his arm out of Hoseok’s reach and took a few steps back. He glared but wasn’t able to deny any of what Hoseok said. He knew it was all public knowledge but that hadn’t censored him in what he said, and even more he wouldn’t ever be able to censor what came out of Taehyung’s mouth.

“Look, Jimin, I’m not here to start a fight or make you hate me. I actually was going through the audio because Seokjin asked me to verify something and I learned more than I thought about you and Taehyung and your relationships. I meant to tease but obviously hit a nerve. I apologize.” Hoseok said, sighing and Jimin allowed his guard to drop. He knew Hoseok only meant to tease, that Hoseok was really only saying the truth. He was just the one who wanted to shy away from it all.

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have reacted so harshly.” Jimin apologized and Hoseok’s bright friendly smile returned and he clapped a hand on Jimin’s shoulder.

“It’s okay. But, you really should talk to Jungkook about him being, you know, your special friend because you never know he may think you just as special too.” Hoseok sent Jimin a wink before walking off and heading back to work. Jimin watched him go, glad they were able to avoid a fight because they were adults and could talk things out but also a bit frustrated still at what Hoseok was insinuating.

“Hey Jimin, what’s going on?” The voice nearly caused Jimin to jump out of his skin and he his heel to face a smiling Jungkook.

“Nothing! Nothing at all! About to head back to my work station!” Jimin’s voice was a tad bit too loud when he spoke.

“Well okay then, can I walk you back?” Jungkook seems suspicious but like the good guy he was he wouldn’t push.

“Yeah sure. I would actually really like that.” Jimin answered, pics more muted now and a small smile playing on his lips.

“Great! Do you have time to make a quick stop to the cafeteria? I could really use some coffee, and I’m more than willing to get you something too.” Jungkook offered, his prominent bunny smile on display. And Jimin found himself taken back by just how good Jungkook looked. He knew Jungkook was good looking, everyone did and the female staff was constantly fawning over him, but Jimin never realized just how perfect Jungkook looked. His eyes widened at the realization, he’d only ever thought that Taehyung fit that description but Jungkook had worked his way in and Jimin really didn’t want him out.

“Jimin?” Jungkook’s voice broke through his thoughts and Jimin whipped his head up to look at him, he’d been too slow on reply it seemed.

“Yeah that would be great!” Jimin said, moving to nudge Jungkook with his shoulder and Jungkook returned the gesture before the two headed for their destination.


Jimin felt like he couldn’t breathe. His chest felt heavy, and it felt like his lungs had ceased functioning. His head felt empty and full all at the same time. His whole world was crashing down and Jimin wasn’t sure how to handle it. He could hear his name being repeated over and over again but nothing seemed to process or register. Not since Seokjin had broken the news that the storm that had been brewing had hit, but with a vengeance. It was one of the strongest storms that had been seen on Mars, the clouds blacking out the light for longer than normal. Everything about this storm was abnormal, from length to temperature to the wind. It was all abnormal which meant that Taehyung wouldn’t know how to handle it which meant that Taehyung had gone down and things weren’t looking good. They’d been trying to reach Taehyung, after his last message came in and Jimin’s heart had broken at the words. Jimin? Are you there? I’m scared. It was so human and so real and Jimin broke.

“He’s not... our scanners show that Taehyung may no longer be functioning.” Seokjin had told Jimin sadly, and Jimin didn’t know how to react.

“Jimin! Jimin!” That voice was familiar and Jimin felt like it was somewhat soothing. He turned to stare blankly in the voices direction only now registering Jungkook who was kneeling on the floor beside his almost lifeless form. Jungkook continued to talk but Jimin wasn’t listening. Instead he looked back at the paper on his hands, going over Taehyung’s message again and again. He wished he could do something, he would have personally gone to Mars and retrieved Taehyung if he could. But he couldn’t and Taehyung was alone and suffering and maybe not working and Jimin didn’t know how to process. He could hear the communications line ringing but with each failed blip sound that came from each attempted call Jimin felt his hope and happiness drain. He felt hopeless and lost, useless and like a failure. He’d failed Taehyung because he wasn’t able to help him. He’d failed his friend and someone he cared way too deeply for. He was useless and worthless and... the connection line dinged green. A connection had been made.

“Hello?” Came Taehyung’s raspy voice and Jimin was up on his feet and reaching for Seokjin’s headset before the older man could react.

“Taehyung! Are you okay?” Jimin’s voice was wobbly as he spoke.

“Jimin? Is that you? I don’t think I’m okay. I took some damage from the high winds and I haven’t been able to recharge in weeks. My backup power is running out.” Was Taehyung’s response and Jimin’s heart dropped even more.

“No you’re okay! We’re talking and I can hear you! I can’t see you but I can hear you and you’re okay! You have to be okay! Your backup is good for a week so you’ll be okay! We can send someone to fix you! You’re okay! You have to be okay!” Jimin was frantic, Taehyung was on the line so he had to be okay.

“I did good right Jimin? I did so good and did what you created me for. I explored a lot on Mars and did a lot of good things. I did my job well right Jimin?” Taehyung spoke, and Jimin wasn’t sure why he felt so uneasy.

“Listen Taehyung, you’re going to be okay! The storm will pass in a few days! The solar energy will be able to recharge you! You’ll be okay!” Jimin spoke, a hand coming up to clutch at his chest. Why did his heart hurt so badly?

“I got to explore so much of this place, and help you to explore it too. I got to meet the rovers up here and talk to amazing scientists. I got to meet you Jimin and become you friend. I got to do amazing things because I’m amazing.” Taehyung kept rambling on and Jimin had to take breathe.

“You are amazing Taehyung. That’s why you’re going to be okay!” Jimin cried out once more, he refused to acknowledge that there was any other possibility. Hoseok sent him a pitied look.

“my favourite part about being here was getting to talk to you Jimin. You made me feel like I was more than just a robot or Artificial Intelligence. You told me I was your friend and I was special to you. You helped me to learn concepts and emotions. And even though I don’t really feel them, I kind of also think I do. I’m not scared anymore because you’re here with me now and I can feel that I think. And you did that for me Jimin. You did that. You’re really amazing too.” Taehyung’s voice seemed to be getting softer and Jimin felt a sob escape him.

“And even though I won’t ever be able to go home ever I realized that was okay. Because earth was never my home, I was made on earth but I was not made for earth. But I discovered where my home is. My home is Jimin. To me you are home, and everyone needs a home because a home is filled with love. And to me that’s you. You give me love and taught me love.” Taehyung’s voice was cutting in and out now, and Jimin had moved into full on sobbing.

“I think I have to go now. My battery is awfully low, and it’s getting dark. Goodbye Jimin, and thank you for everything. I love you.” The connection dropped.


“Taehyung! Taehyung! TAEHYUNG!” Jimin’s screams we’re hysterical as he screamed and sobbed. All eyes in the room turned to Jimin as he dropped down to the floor his body racked and shaking with sobs as he continued to scream. Taehyung was gone. He was really gone. And Jimin didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t feel, all he could do was scream and cry it seemed and even that seemed to be so distant to his ears. No one moved to stop him, because everyone knew how much this had meant to Jimin. How much Taehyung had meant. Seokjin likened it to the passing of family member or friend. No one wanted to believe it happened but it had, and Jimin’s sobs were proof of that. A warm body moved down to the floor and Jimin looked up to find Jungkook looking at him. It was always Jungkook who sought him out to give comfort and it was always Jungkook who had been there when Taehyung couldn’t be. And with that knowledge Jimin allowed himself to be brought towards Jungkook, squishing his wet face into Jungkook’s chest where his screams were muffled and the fabric absorbed his tears. One of Jungkooks hands resting in Jimin’s hair, the other around his middle as he held him and let him cry. Seokjin signalled for everyone to leave the room before making his way over to Jungkook. He gave the youngest man’s shoulder a squeeze before kneeling down next to the pair.

“He did good. And that was because of you. He lived this long because of you. And though we suffer the loss of one of our own today, and it will be greatly felt, we cannot forget what he accomplished and achieved. He did that for you. And now you have to do something for him.” Seokjin spoke, his voice soothing and calm and somehow able to break through Jimin’s cries. Jimin didn’t make a comment but his sobbing quieted and Seokjin took that as he was listening.

“Now you have to live for him. He wanted nothing more than to explore and live. That was how you programmed him. Be happy for him and rejoice in his accomplishments and yours.” Seokjin continued, reaching out a hand and resting it on Jimin’s shoulder. “You’re amazing Jimin and so was he. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s never easy losing someone we love. But in time you’ll be okay. And I think Taehyung new that too and that’s why he wasn’t scared anymore.” And with that said Seokjin gave Jimin’s shoulder one last squeeze and a smile to Jungkook before leaving the room and letting them be. Jimin would be sad for a while, and that was okay because loss is hard but he knew Jimin would be okay. And when Seokjin took one last look at the two and saw how Jungkook held Jimin and seemed to be whispering comforting words to him Seokjin knew Taehyung had been right when he said “You have Jungkook”. Seokjin had, after all listened to every tape as the project manager, had heard Jimin’s transitions in relations not only to Taehyung but also Jungkook. And he knew, now that he was seeing it, that his employee would be okay. And that, made him happy.


A year had passed since Taehyung had gone out of commission, a year without Taehyung and his questions and tales of his adventures. It had been hard at first, Jimin had to adjust to life without him. Some people whispered how Jimin was crazy or off because he’d gotten so attached to his project. There was more than one rumour about him and his relationship with Taehyung, and a lot of them were not kind. It had been hard, but those who had been there and worked with him knew and made it easier. Jungkook made it easier. He’d started being around more, started filling the void in Jimin’s life and become a part of Jimin’s life. Things had started to get back to normal, Jimin started getting back into a routine and had started going back to work on projects with Namjoon. His time in the communications and data collection had come to an end, and he figured it was probably for the better. And even when he went back to his normal work Jungkook still came around, making that extra trip to get to the facility Jimin worked in though it was farther.

“Why do you do it?" Jimin asked him finally, because over the year months Do what?” Was Jungkook’s reply as he tilted his head in confusion.

“Do this,” Jimin gestured at his work area and the coffee he had. “Make the extra effort even though it’s more time to come visit me?”

“Oh, well that’s simple. Because you’re amazing and worth it.” Jungkook had replied happily and Jimin had felt so overcome with warmth and happiness. He hadn’t felt like this since before Taehyung had passed. But Jungkook made him feel again. And Jimin wanted this, to feel this and be like this with Jungkook always. Taehyung had helped him realize that. So without much thought out into it, Jimin placed his coffee down and stored to Jungkook. He grabbed the younger man and pulled him down and kissed him. Jungkook was surprised at first but quickly regained himself and kissed Jimin back. His hands rested on Jimin’s hips and Jimin melted into the kiss. He could honestly stay like this forever if oxygen wasn’t such a necessity. At the entrance way someone cleared their throat and Jimin and Jungkook jumped apart. Namjoon stood there looking red in the face and awkward.

“Uh, Jimin I have the blueprints here for you to look over when you’re not so busy.” Namjoon said, clearing his throat as he quickly made his way into the office and placed the prints down before making his way out. He shot Jimin a thumbs up before exiting the room and both Jimin and Jungkook burst into laughter.

“I think we scarred him.” Jungkook commented and Jimin rolled his eyes.

“He’s sensitive.” Jimin replied with a shrug. Silence fell upon the room and Jimin and Jungkook stared at one another. They had kissed and Jimin’s mind was still going over that fact, and that he had initiated it. They both started to speak at the same time before laughing at the their awkward fumbling. Jungkook gestured at Jimin to speak.

“Okay, okay. Jungkook you... you are so special. And so sweet and kind and thoughtful and funny and adorable and just all things good. It took me awhile to realize it but I really like you, like a lot. You’ve been there for me when my world felt like it was crashing down. You filled a void I didn’t even know I had. You are so good to me and just so good in general. And, I’ve come to realize that I really like and care for you that I may even...” The words went unspoken but Jimin knew Jungkook understood when his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“I’ve literally felt that way about you since we met. I’ve always liked you, I never thought you would ever like me.” Jungkook admitted but he was beaming as he spoke. And Jimin couldn’t help the smile that was on his face. “Jimin, I love you. And you don’t have to say it back yet. But I want you to know that.” Jungkook’s tone had taken a more serious note, the smile dropping for a moment as he looked at Jimin thoughtfully.

“I love you too.” Jimin’s confession came out as a quiet whisper but he knew Jungkook heard because the younger man had grabbed his hand and given it a squeeze. “Taehyung helped me realize that. I think he knew before I did that I would fall in love with you.” Jimin let out a fond chuckle, laces his fingers with Jungkook’s as he spoke.

“I knew I always liked him.” Jungkook said and Jimin looked up at him and beamed. “But I love you. And I want to be with you. If that’s alright?” Jungkook seemed a little unsure and Jimin gave his hand a squeeze.

“Of course it is you dummy! I kissed you and confessed to you! I want to be with you from now till forever!” Jimin exclaimed and Jungkook leaned in closer.

“Then let’s do that.” He said before closing the rest of the distance and kissing Jimin once more. Cheers erupted from outside the room and both men once again parted to see who was there. Namjoon stood there with his thumbs up, beaming, as was Hoseok, Yoongi, Seokjin, and a few of their other colleagues.

“It’s about damn time!” Hoseok cheered, whooping as he went around giving people high fives. Jimin and Jungkook stared in disbelief.

“I’m glad Namjoon called us when he did. I would have been upset missing this.” commented Seokjin.

“Nice work Joon.” Yoongi said, nudging Namjoon who suddenly began blushing. Jimin and Jungkook just shook their heads before Jungkook pulled away.

“One moment.” he said as he moved towards the door and shut it on everyone outside. A collective groan and cries of disapproval came from behind the now closed door. Jimin laughed at the situation but couldn’t help the happiness that took over. “There, now we have down privacy.” Jungkook laughed, making a face at Seokjin who was peering in through the small window on the door. “Okay a little privacy.” Instead of a verbal response Jimin just pulled Jungkook back down to him and kissed him again. And again. And again. He wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity now that he had it. He had loved Taehyung, but he’d come to realize that that was because Taehyung was a manifestation of what he had wanted and projected. Jimin was in love with Jungkook, something he would forever be thankful to Taehyung for helping him realize it, and his world felt perfect and complete again.


Epilogue: 5 years later:


Jimin’s grip on Jungkook’s hand tightened as he watched from the viewing window as the space shuttle was unloaded.

“Do you think he’s on there?” He asked, looking up at Jungkook who looked back at him with all the fondness in the world.

“I’m not sure. Seokjin had said that they were supposed to retrieve him. But there was nothing reported back on if he was actually found or not.” Jungkook spoke and Jimin nodded before turning back to the window. He watched as the rest of the cargo was moved off. Waited for the men at the bottom to wave them in before dashing through the doors and towards the cargo storage. Jungkook was right behind him.

“Jimin you’re here!” Called Hoseok and Jimin bee-lined for him.

“Hoseok is he here? Is he really here?” Jimin asked, hope and fear lacing his voice. Jungkook once again took hold of Jimin’s hand to try and calm his nerves.

“Why don’t you see for yourself.” Hoseok said gesturing towards a large box. Jimin nodded and pulled Jungkook with him, stopping right in front of the box. It wasn’t a normal box by any means, it was high tech and used for caring important technology and rovers to and from places. Jimin let out a sigh as he gazed over the box. It could be where Taehyung lay.

So much had changed in the last five years. Promotions were give and relationships grew. Jimin looked down at his and Jungkook’s entwines fingers, noting the silver band that rested on his finger. Jungkook’s hand had a matching one. So much had changed, so much had happened. And suddenly Jimin wasn’t so sure he wanted to open the lid to the past. Jungkook noticed this and brought Jimin’s hand up to his mouth, placing a kiss on the back of it.

“You don’t have to do this babe.” Jungkook said in thy soothing tone of his and Jimin knew he didn’t. But he had to. He owed it to Taehyung. His best friend, and someone Jimin still held close.

“I have to.” He spoke, glancing at his husband and stepping on his tip toes to press a kiss to the corner of Jungkook’s lips. and Jungkook nodded, releasing Jimin’s hand to allow him to move forward. He would stay back for a moment. Something Jimin appreciated about Jungkook was that he always just knew what Jimin needed. So with a nod and a wink Jimin stepped forward and pressed the release hatch on the box. The sound of air hissing as it was released filled the space and Jimin had to let out another deep breathe before moving forward and pushing back the lid to reveal what may lay inside.

And there he was. Beautiful but a little broken. Jimin took in Taehyung’s features, his beautiful face that Jimin had helped to form out of sheer entertainment with Namjoon to look ideal. Though some of his face had been damaged and the inner workings were presented to the world. He still looked beautiful.

“Taehyung.” Jimin breathes out as he reached a hand forward to caress Taehyung’s cheek, the undamaged side. Taehyung lay still, eyes closed and if it wasn’t for some of the fake skin having been peeled away from what Jimin could only assume was the storm, one would simply think he was just sleeping. Jimin felt tears well up as he stared down at his friend, at the man he had loved and cared for, at the AI who had beat all odds and performed miracles. Taehyung was still Taehyung and Jimin couldn’t believe he was seeing him again after so long. The tears spilled as he remembered that day, Taehyung’s final day and all the words he had spoken. Jimin was overcome with emotions of all kinds. But in the end he was happy. Happy to have Taehyung back. Jungkook steppes up beside Jimin and looked down at Taehyung’s sleeping form, a smile dancing on his lips.

“He’s a lot more handsome than I imagined.” Jungkook commented and Jimin burst out into laughter.

“That was the point. We designed him to be irresistible.” Jimin told Jungkook and Jungkook gave an appreciative nod.

“Colour me impressed you guys did amazing on that. But then again, Taehyung was only ever amazing thanks to you guys. And now he’s back with you.” Jungkook places his hand over Jimin’s that rested on the edge of the box. Jimin nodded and beamed happily at Jungkook and then Taehyung, even as bittersweet tears streamed down his face.

“You did it Tae. You made it home. Welcome home.”

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Shadow932000 #1
trust me when i say that i cried so bad..i really like the way u have written the emotion .loved it ,good luck .
ashishi #2
Chapter 1: This is so precious! T.T i'm a hardcore vmin shipper and idk why but jikook is my least liked ship BUT OMG THIS IS JUST RIGHT. I was like hoping for a happy ending for VMin, like as in yknow, make relationship happen possible for them altho i knew it was impossible. DAAAAMN THIS IS SOOO GOOD. And just too damn perfect. The ending was so perfect. And god my heart is hurting