Is You

Chapter 2


All week Hendery’s schedule was filled with lessons and preparation for the shoot on Saturday. He barely had enough time for himself, even more so other people outside of work. He did feel bad about Xiaojun and not being able to make time, but it was practically impossible. He really didn’t even have time to get back to Xiaojun other than telling him how busy he was that week.


Hendery walked into the studio they often practiced in and met with Sicheng. They talked about the shoot, and what he was going to have to prepare for. They were told the shoot was meant to be soft and natural. He’d be wearing all white and would be surrounded by all sorts of flowers while in front of a white backdrop. That's the style they were apparently going for.


So for the time being, Hendery just wore a white t-shirt and some white shorts to practice in.  They took photos in the studio with the feeling they felt the photographer would want. Even placed some flowers in vases around in the background of their set. Once they were done practicing and preparing they called in one of the companies photographers to come and take some practice photos.


They practiced for the shoot for a couple of hours, looking at the photos being taken every once in a while and trying to fix or improve things if needed. For the most part, they ended the shoot on a good note. Hendery seemed to really enjoy the practice shooting, so he knew he’d probably have a lot of fun shooting for the real thing.


“Okay buddy,” Sicheng said patting Hendery on the shoulder, “I think we’ll call it a day, you need to head to your lessons.”


Hendery nodded, “Yeah, I know,” he waved bye to the photographer and Sicheng, then headed out.


Hendery walked through the main floor of the company often the busiest area of the company. There was even a cafe built into the side of the company, and was even open to the public, so if fans were lucky they’d see someone famous. However there was no way into the company building through the cafe, but there was a huge window fans would often sit by to try to get a good view. Occasionally even someone famous would go to the cafe.


Hendery was wearing a black mask over his mouth and glanced over to the window and smiled seeing some banners for a birthday of an actor in their company. He remembered how last year on his birthday his fans had left a few banners for him as well. Probably one of his most memorable days. He’d always heard about fan projects for celebrities but he never once thought he’d be in the position to get any. He was thankful.


He looked away back ahead to where he needed to go and a few seconds later to his surprise Xiaojun appeared from a corner up ahead. He smiled and was about to wave, but his smile faded as someone he also knew appeared from behind Xiaojun. It was Lucas, another member of Xiaojun’s group.


Hendery put his head down low hoping the two wouldn’t see him, but he knew there was no way Xiaojun wouldn’t see him and not say something. He thought about turning a different way, but everything happened so fast, his mind couldn’t even process what to do.


“Hendery!” It was Xiaojun.


Hendery took a deep breath before he looked up with a smile, “Oh, hey Xiaojun,” his eyes wavered when he made eye contact with Lucas, and even Xiaojun could see the look in his eyes. “Hey, Lucas,” he said trying not to seem any different when he greeted Xiaojun.


Lucas kind of just nodded then looked around the building as an excuse not to have to communicate with Hendery, which Hendery was actually relieved.


“You heading to lessons?” Xiaojun asked with a smile.


Hendery nodded, “Yeah, I better get going. I’m already a little late.”


“Of course,” Xiaojun was worried enough about the tension between Lucas and Hendery, so he was fine with not being able to talk with him much, “See you,” he waved, and before he knew it Hendery was out of sight.


Xiaojun glanced up to Lucas who was still looking away. He never really knew why there was always so much tension between the two. But he definitely knew there was something going on because he’d had been in this situation a few times in the past. However he never bothered much in the past because he didn’t think much of it, but today he was well aware of it.


“Lucas,” Xiaojun said getting the others attention, “Did something happen between you and Hendery?” he tilted his head slightly.


Lucas’s eyes grew wide feeling a bit nervous, “Why...would you think that?” he said with a nervous smile.


Xiaojun shrugged, “Hendery always seems tense around you, and you, you never seem to talk to him.”


Lucas sighed, “I don’t know man. You ask him yourself.”


The busy week went by pretty quickly and soon enough it was Saturday, the day of the photoshoot. Hendery was incredibly excited and well prepared for the shoot, he could hardly wait. He quickly got ready not putting too much effort into looking good because he knew he’d get all fixed up at the shoot.


Not much later Sicheng was at his door and the two were on their way to the shoot.


“You know the shoot is actually at a real flower shop,” Sicheng laughed while he glanced at Hendery as he drove.


“Wait really,” Hendery said as he scrolled through social media on his phone, “Not at a studio?”


“Nope,” Sicheng shook his head, “Actually now that I think of it, wasn’t there a flower you were actually allergic to?” he asked gripping his hands tighter on the steering wheel.


Hendery looked up from his phone, “Oh , yeah well daisies give me a bit of allergies.”


“Well let's hope they don’t use any of those flowers” Sicheng glanced around at the road ahead as they drove.


Some time had gone by and soon enough they were driving up to the flower shop where the shoot was going to be at. As they pulled up Hendery read the shops name, “Ten’s Florals” it read.


“You ready!” Sicheng said excitedly as he parked the car.


Hendery turned to Sicheng and smiled, “Of course, let's go,”


The two entered the flower shop and they were immediately met with the fresh aroma of all the florals. Their immediate thought was how beautiful it was inside the shop. It was quite fancy, but also modern at the same time. Flowers were placed perfectly around the room almost calling your name to buy them. Hendery was incredibly impressed.


A few seconds later someone came out from the back greeting the two, “Hendery, Sicheng! Thank you for coming. Come follow me, back here,” it was the photographer.


The two followed the photographer to the back and were amazed to see the set for the shoot. It was still in the process being put together by what looked like two of the employees of the flower shop. It looked almost like a wonderland of flowers and it was not what Hendery was expecting at all, but it was definitely better than he expected.


“Wow this is beautiful,” Hendery said still glancing at the set.


The photographer was really happy to hear that, “Oh, I’m glad you like it. You’re going to look like a prince,” she said with a big smile, “Now follow me, let's start getting you ready for the shoot.”


Hendery was taken to another part of the flower shop to start getting ready. He was put in an oversized white silk button up shirt,  the stylist made one side show a bit of shoulder. Along with some white trousers a bit high on the waste. His shirt was tucked in and sleeves slightly rolled up to the middle of his forearms. He also wore a simple silver chain.  His hair was styled soft and natural, his bangs partially covering his eyes on either side.


It took about half an hour to get completely styled and once he was finished he went back to the set and began to discuss some things with the photographer about the shoot. The set was about finished and the two workers were finishing up.


Yangyang tapped on Tens shoulder as he placed one of the last flowers into place, “Isn’t that Hendery?” he said excitedly.


Ten glanced over rolling his eyes not knowing, or caring about who he was, “I don’t know who that is,” he mumbled before turning back to the set.


Yangyang held onto Ten’s shoulder tightly and pulled the other to face him, “He’s only one of the hottest and most popular models out there currently,” he said then let go of Ten and fixed his hair, “Maybe I should go try and get a picture,” he smiled with his teeth.


“You do you, but make sure you don’t this up,” Ten said fixing a few flowers, “This job is really helping us.”


Yangyang smiled and nodded before he turned to walk over to where Hendery was standing talking with the photographer. Yangyang was polite enough to wait for the two to finish their conversation however before their conversation ended, Hendery, distracted by Yangyang stopped mid-sentence and glanced at Yangyang with a smile.


Yangyang smiled nervously and glanced at the photographer then back at Hendery, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m actually a huge fan. I was wondering if I could get a picture with you?” he said feeling anxious.


“For sure,” Hendery nodded, Yangyang thanking the other, and bowing at the same time in response.


Ten just watched from a distance rolling his eyes wondering what was so great about Hendery. All he was famous for was his looks.


Seconds later, Yangyang came skipping back happily holding his phone in the air as he couldn’t keep his eyes off the picture he had just taken with Hendery. “Ten,” He said tapping ten on the shoulder still looking at the photo, “I think I’m in love.”


Ten rolled his eyes and hit Yangyang on the shoulder, “Don’t even try any-,” he began to say, but before he could finish the sentence Sicheng had come over.


“You boys done?” he asked politely, and the two of them responded quickly with a nod. “Great,” Sicheng took his arm around Yangyang, “Let's go, we need to start the shoot soon,” Ten followed behind.


After a couple of minutes, Hendery walked onto the set. He looked around getting a feel of the set and even moved around trying to find a comfortable position.


“That looks great,” the photographer said as Hendery found a position.


Hendery nodded and began posing for the camera. He moved his body in different movements, and angels trying his best to express what the photographer had imagined. At one point they even added in a fan to add some wind in.


However, Hendery wasn’t sure why, but he began to feel light-headed, his eyes began to feel itchy, and even his throat began to feel fuzzy. He didn’t think much of it, but he also didn’t know why suddenly he felt that way. Nonetheless, he didn’t stop or give in, he worked hard throughout the shoot.


Ten and Hendery stood behind the front counter. Ten was watering a few flowers, while Yangyang was daydreaming as he watched Hendery model. Ten got closer to Yangyang and hit him again on the shoulder with the watering tool, “Would you stop it, get to work,” Ten said with a small sigh.


Yangyang slowly nodded his head, but he noticed something was off. He grabbed Ten by the arm, “Is it me, or does Hendery not seem so good,” he said worriedly.


Ten rolled his eyes and pulled away from Yangyang, however, was caught again, “No look seriously.”


Ten glanced back feeling a bit annoyed, but his expression changed when his eyes came in contact with Hendery. He definitely was not doing good, “Is he allergic?” Ten mumbled under his breath. Working with flowers most of his life, he definitely knew what someone who was allergic to flowers looked like.


The photographer stopped also noticing Hendery’s condition, “Hendery, we can take a break. You look like you need one,” but before Hendery could even reply, he had passed out and fell to the floor.


The photographer almost dropped the camera and yelled. But before she could get close to Hendery, Ten was already by his side. Seconds later Sicheng came running in unaware if what was going on.


Sicheng ran down next to Ten, “What happened?”


“He’s having an allergic reaction,” Ten glanced at Sicheng who was practically on the verge of tears, “Don’t worry, I actually have something for this,” Ten quickly picked up Hendery, holding him bridal style, and quickly took him to a back room in the flower shop, placing him down on a couch. Yangyang was freaking out not knowing how to react.


“Get that medicine,” Ten yelled, and Yangyang quickly ran somewhere and came back quickly with a bottle of medicine.


“We will still have to take him to the hospital, but this will help a little,” Ten said as he poured some of the medicine into Hendery’s mouth. “Go get your car ready,” Ten said glancing at Sicheng.


Sicheng nodded and quickly exited the flower shop. Ten got up and both Yangyang and him picked Hendery back up and walked him out to his car. The photographer was panicking not knowing what to do.


The two reached the car and they placed Hendery in. Ten jumped into the back seat holding Hendery’s head on his lap, “Yangyang, You stay back with the shop, and try helping the photographer calm down,” Yangyang nodded and quickly shut the door.


Sicheng zoomed away from the flower shop, “Is...Is he going to be okay,” he sniffed.


Ten nodded, “He’ll be fine, I’m surprised he was able to withstand it that long,” he began, “Did you not know he was allergic to flowers?” Ten said with a serious tone.


“He’s not allergic to all flowers, there’s just one flower, but even then his reaction to it was never this bad,” Sicheng said trying to focus on driving.


Ten shook his head, “He’s definitely allergic to more than just one flower.”


“I don’t understand, he was fine at first right. They were shooting for a while already,” Sicheng was confused and worried.


“It was probably the fan, it made the pollen from the flowers go everywhere. That’s probably why his reaction was this bad.”


Not much time later they had gotten to the hospital. Both Sicheng and Ten helped Hendery out of the car, who to their surprise was starting to wake up, but he was still out of it. They rushed him in and before they knew it, he was being taken care of.


The two talked to the doctor, and not surprised it was an allergic reaction. The doctor assured them everything would be okay, and that he’d be waking up any time now.


Sicheng pulled out his phone and glanced at Ten, “Could you go watch over Hendery. I need to make a few calls,” he said before turning away. He needed to get in contact with their company and let a few people know what’s going on.


Ten nodded and walked to Hendery’s room. He gently slid the door open and walked over next to the bed taking a seat next to Hendery, who was still asleep. He looked a lot better compared to earlier, which made Ten feel relieved.


The last thing Hendery could remember was falling to the floor. How embarrassing, he thought. He didn’t know what exactly happened but thinking about it now, it must have been the flowers. He began to blink his eyes open and all he could see at first was the bright light from the room lights above, then the outline of someone's figure, Sicheng? As his vision became clear again the figure in front of him didn’t turn out to be Sicheng, but one of the workers he vaguely remembered. He cleared his throat to get the attention of the other, and without fail, Ten had stood up from his seat looking to Hendery with a bright smile.


“You’re awake!” Ten said a bit too happy for someone he didn’t know.


Hendery immediately smiled at the expression on Ten’s face. He didn’t know who he was and yet, he made him feel happy and well, good to be okay. “Who are you?” Hendery said curiously as he rubbed his eyes.


“Ten, I’m the owner of the flower shop.”


“Ten,” Hendery repeated, his name somehow felt nice coming off his tongue.


“Your manager, he’s on a call right now. He should be back any moment now,” Ten said as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.


Hendery nodded. Then it was silent for a few moments, and for some reason, he could not keep his eyes off of Ten. He didn’t know who he was and yet he somehow he was making him feel some type of way.


Ten glanced around the room, then made eye contact with Hendery, “You know you had an allergic reaction. Did you know?”


Hendery bit his lip, then raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, I kinda assumed that’s the reason,”


“You know, you should’ve been more careful,” Ten raised his voice, “You should’ve-” before Ten could finish his sentence Sicheng had walked in.


“Hendery!” Sicheng said eyes wide opened, “You’re awake!” he ran over to Hendery taking him into a hug letting out cries.


“Okay, okay. That's enough,” Hendery said patting Sicheng’s back.


Sicheng pulled away from Hendery, “We have a lot of things to discuss, but for now you’ll be staying in the hospital for a few days to rest up. It’s for the best.”


Hendery nodded, then his eyes widened as he remembered, “What about the shoot, did I ruin it for us,” he said facepalming.


Ten kinda stepped back, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I should go,” he said with a slight smile.


Sicheng smiled and nodded, “Yes of course. Thank you so much, you’re honestly a lifesaver,” he said as he gestured Ten out the room.


Ten and Hendery’s gazes lingered as Ten was being escorted out and before he was out the door, Hendery had shouted a quick thank you, “I owe you!” he finished.



AN: I kinda hate this chapter for some reason. I wanted to add something in the chapter but I felt I couldn't put it anywhere, so rip. Spring break is coming up for me, so I can hopefully get some writing done. It's honestly been super stressful this past month, but Its getting better. Also, I started to ship a new ship in NCT like SUPER HARDCORE, so any of my future fics will most defiantly be about them. Honestly, no other ship have I obsessed with more than I do them. They are SUPER underrated, and you'll just have to wait and see. 

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Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 1: This is really good so far! Keep up the good work!