The three musketeer (finale)

Finding ways...

*Bang* Bang*


(The light focused to Jihyo stepping toward the podium after that.)


You know. There are times where you didn’t know what really happen. If you are lucky enough, you will get just a fraction of the truth, interpreting it as what you thought of. But, for now, let’s focus on Musketeer Yoda and Lady Im.


(The light then focused back to the two persons lying at the floor)


(Groaning at the impact, Musketeer Yoda opened his eyes to see Lady Im still hugging tightly)


“Im? You okay?” Musketeer Yoda take a glance at her, hoping she didn’t get hurt.


*Sob* Sob* (Instead of replying, Lady Im hugged Musketeer Yoda tighter, as though she is afraid of leaving him.)


“Im… You are okay. We are alive. Thanks to you…You are saved now.” He gently pet at her head.


“Yoda! You okay?” Musketeer Smol ran toward our side. Behind him, Musketeer Dubu and his man surveying the surrounding for any leftover, arming with their pistols and and muskets.


“Yeah. Thanks. Smol. I owe you my life.” Musketeer Yoda looking at Smol gratefully, knowing he’s the one who killed the sniper.


*Sigh* “You really are careless this time… You okay, bro?” Musketeer Dubu then walked toward the couple, once confirmed there aren’t any leftover enemies.



Musketeer Yoda POV

“Thanks to her.” I caress her head gently, hoping to comfort her.


“And also you guys for being fast enough.” I salute at them cheekily.


“Huh? Where’s my emotionless savage bro?! Where did you take him, you fake Yoda!?” Musketeer Dubu looked at me weirdly.


“Hey. I am also human, you know? I am capable to express my emotion, thank you very much.” I cut at him savagely.


 “Ugh… Forget what I say. He is still our savage leader. Come on Smol, let’s leave that ungrateful man alone.” Musketeer Dubu signalling the others to follow him as well.


“Yah! Who told you to leave!? I am the leader, for Godsake!? Listen to me!” Musketeer Yoda yelled at his subordinates while trying to stand up.


(While our favourite Yoda is yelling, Lady Im is still hugging him, making Musketeer Yoda unable to stand up properly, now in an awkward position, with Lady Im straggling her hip with Musketeer Yoda.)


 “Uh….” Musketeer Smol was standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.


“Hey!” A quick yanked by Musketeer Dubu make our midget to followed Musketeer Dubu. But, not forgetting to whisper good luck to his leader.


(An awkward silent between the couple. The once villain still hugging possessively while the hero still trying his best to either comforting her or waiting for her to be calm)


“Uh…Im?” Musketeer Yoda mumbles, trying to remove Lady Im gently from him.


“NO!!” Lady Im wailed this time, not willing to part away from her ‘ex-husband’.


“I…. It’s been a long time, huh? Funny how fate let us cross path together again.” This time, Musketeer Yoda gently raised Lady Im’s chin, to look at her properly.


“Thank you. For saving me. For staying alive. And…. For being you…” Musketeer Yoda gazed at her gratefully.


(The whole light turned off again. This time, the scene changes to roadway heading to the castle.)



What is love?

매일같이 영화 속에서나

(Every day, in a movie)
속에서나 드라마 속에서 사랑을 느껴

(In a book or in a drama, I feel love)
Mmm 사랑을 배워

(Um- I learn about love)
일처럼 자꾸 가슴이 뛰어

(My heart keeps beating as if it's my own story)

두근두근거려 설레임에 부풀어 올라

(Makes my heart pound and swell with hope)
궁금해서 미칠 것만 같아

(Um- I want to know so bad)


(Musketeer Dubu walking alone kicking small stone toward the castle)


Ooh 언젠간 내게도

(Ooh, maybe someday)

이런 일이 실제로 일어날까

(Could it happen to me too?)

그게 언제쯤일까? 어떤 사람일까?

(When will it be? Who will it be?)



“Sigh… Looks like I am alone again. With Yoda being trapped by the ‘scheming witch and my bro, Smol which already ran ahead to meet his princess, literally the kingdom princess. When is my turn!?” Musketeer Dubu shouted exasperatedly to the wall.


I wanna know 사탕처럼 달콤하다는데

(I wanna know) How it could be as sweet as candy?

I wanna know 하늘을 나는 같다는데

(I wanna know) How it's like flying in the sky?

I wanna know, know, know, know

I wanna know know know know

What is love? 사랑이 어떤 느낌인지

What is love? What love feels like?


(Someone come to Musketeer Dubu from behind quietly)

I wanna know 하루 종일 웃고 있다는데

(I wanna know) How it keeps you smiling all day?

I wanna know 세상이 아름답다는데

(I wanna know) How the whole world turns beautiful?

I wanna know, know, know, know

I wanna know know know know

What is love? 언젠간 나에게도 사랑이

What is love? Will love come to me someday?

“Puh. I see our kingdom Casanova have some love trouble?” Maid Hirai smirk mirthfully at him once he turned his back.


지금 이런 상상만으로도

(Just imagining all of this)

떠올려만 봐도 가슴이 터질 같은데

(Just thinking about it, Almost makes my heart burst)

Mmm 이렇게 좋은데

(Um- How good it feels?)

만일 언젠가 진짜로 내게

(If, one day, for real)

사랑이 울어버릴지도 몰라

(Love does comes to me, I might just cry)


“Uh… Eh…. I….” Musketeer Dubu keep on gasping, trying to find any word that could get him out of this embarrassing situation.


Mmm 정말 궁금해 미칠 것만

(Um- I really want to know how it feels)

Ooh 언젠간 내게도

(Ooh, maybe someday)

이런 일이 실제로 일어날까

(Could it happen to me too?)

그게 언제쯤일까? 어떤 사람일까?

(When will it be? Who will it be?)

I wanna know 사탕처럼 달콤하다는데

((I wanna know) How it could be as sweet as candy?)

I wanna know 하늘을 나는 같다는데

((I wanna know) How it's like flying in the sky?)

I wanna know, know, know, know

(I wanna know know know know)

What is love? 사랑이 어떤 느낌인지

(What is love? What love feels like?)


“Hmm…. Don’t tell me you are feeling sick!?” Maid Hirai looked at him worriedly, while wrapping her red knitted scarf on his neck.


I wanna know 하루 종일 웃고 있다는데

((I wanna know) How it keeps you smiling all day?)

I wanna know 세상이 아름답다는데

((I wanna know) How the whole world turns beautiful?)

I wanna know, know, know, know

(I wanna know know know know)

What is love? 언젠간 나에게도 사랑이

(What is love? Will love come to me someday?)


“I… Uh… Should you be attending Princess Sharon right now?” Musketeer Dubu quickly step back, avoiding Maid Hirai shyly.



지금 세상 어느 곳에 살고 있는지

(Where in the world are you right now?)

도대체 언제쯤 나와 만나게 될는지

(Just when will we get to meet each other?)

언제 어떻게 우리의 인연은

(When and how might our relationship starts?)

시작될는지 모르지만 느낌이 어쩐지

(I don't know right now, but somehow I feel)

진짜 좋을 같아 왠지

(That it will be really good)


“Hmm… Are you really Dubu!? Where is that charismatic flirty Casanova side that you usually put on?” Maid Hirai tilted her head cutely.


영화 드라마보다도 멋진

(Better than any movie or drama)

사랑이 거야 예감 언제나 맞지

(The greatest love will come. My gut instinct is always right)

어서 나타나봐 나는 준비가 됐지 ready!

(C'mon, show yourself, i'm all set, Ready)

찾아낼 거야

((Wonder where you are) I'm gonna find you)

“Ehem. Of course I am him. Who else I could be. My beloved Senorita~” Musketeer Dubu trying to be confident and kissed at Maid Hirai’s palm.


(어디 있을까) 보고 싶어 죽겠어

((Wonder where you are) I'm so dying to see you)

이상 참을 없을 것만

(I can't take it much longer)


“Ew…” Maid Hirai looked disgustedly with the newfound confidence that Musketeer Dubu suddenly showed out.


사탕처럼 달콤하다는데

(How it could be as sweet as candy?)

하늘을 나는 같다는데

(How it's like flying in the sky?)



“Eh?” Musketeer Dubu feeling slightly awkward after knowing he did wrong.


I wanna know, know, know, know

(I wanna know know know know)

What is love? 사랑이 어떤 느낌인지

(What is love? What love feels like?)



(Not knowing what to do, he looked at her pitifully)



하루 종일 웃고 있다는데

(How it keeps you smiling all day?)

세상이 아름답다는데

(How the whole world turns beautiful?)


“Ugh!? Why do I have to fall in love with this stupid Casanova!?”Maid Hirai then pushed him to the wall, kissing him.


I wanna know, know, know, know

(I wanna know know know know)

What is love? 언젠간 나에게도 사랑이

(What is love? Will love come to me someday?)



(After being kissed passionately by Maid Hirai, Musketeer Dubu smiled looking like a fool.)



I wanna know, I wanna know

I wanna know, know, know, know

What is love?

I wanna know, I wanna know

I wanna know, know, know, know

What is love?

I wanna know



“Come on, let’s go.” Maid Hirai pulled Musketeer Dubu to follow her.


(Both of them then run toward the backstage, leaving Jihyo alone at the podium)


So, yup. Musketeer Dubu finally find his love closure ending. Musketeer Smol with Princess Sharon happily ever after. And our pitiful leader, Musketeer Yoda finally getting some love with his ex-wife. Who else we forget… Hmmm…


“Yah! You forget about me!” A familiar voice shouted out.


(All the audience are trying to search where the voice is.)


(The snowman mascot ran toward the podium cutely, now removing his/her costume head, showing Mademoiselle Sana in it. Though her head is bandage heavily….)


Oh. Yeah. Our Mademoiselle Sana. She was freed by our brave Musketeer Yoda before all the chasing begin. Now she is well rested and able to meet with her close friend. And yeah, it’s been a tearful reuniting from MiSaMo. A happy ending for all.


(Everyone come out from the curtain and line up side by side. Maid Hirai with her maid clothes and Musketeer Dubu with his official uniform at the centre of the stage. Princess Sharon and Musketeer Smol on their left. Musketeer Yoda with Lady Im on the right. And of course, Mademoiselle Sana with the Snowman costume on the far right, standing beside of Musketeer Yoda.)


And so, that’s our happy ending. Thank you very much for all of your support.


(Jihyo then moved to the centre. Everyone holding each other hand and bowed to the audience, with the curtain slowly closing)

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I never thought it will take me so long. But, yeah. It's been a long time...


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