that one time kun's girlfriend came for the weekend

That One Time in Uni

You know what's great? . 

Yeah, Taeil had to admit that maybe he had kind of turned into a since the week or two ago when he had first had . But damn it was good. And Johnny clearly enjoyed it, enjoyed his body, enjoyed him. Maybe it was a touch superficial, but he couldn't say he didn't feel more confident. Ten had even made a sly omment that he had been glowing lately, and Taeil couldn't even be embarrassed. Instead he was proud, and by the expression Johnny made when he overheard Ten's comment, he knew Johnny was proud too. 

And Taeil definitely was embarrassed when Sicheng made a comment about Taeil limping, but he probably wasn't as embarrassed as he should have been. 

They were extremely lucky that the walls were so thick, and that everyone else in the dorm was up to the same thing they were. All they had to do was wait for Hyungil to be gone, lock the door, and they could go whenever they wanted. 

Taeil knew it was bull when people said you would automatically feel different after having for the first time. But Taeil really did feel different, maybe not in his relationship with Johnny, but definitely about himself. 

Speaking of ... the talk around the dorm this weekend was that Kun's girlfriend had finally come to Korea to visit. She landed at Incheon airport on Wednesday, and Kun had refused to do anything but spend time alone with her on Thursday. But now it was Friday, and the boys were so excited to meet her. THey got to see all of their friend's relationships up close, since they all shared a suite. But Kun's relationship wasn't right there for them to pry into, plus it was the only straight one in their group, so they were all unbelievably curious. 

Taeil and Johnny were getting ready to go with all the boys and meet her and Kun outside her hotel.

"How do I look?" Taeil asked, showing Johnny his outfit. He had dressed a touch nicer than usual for the occassion and looking him up and down, Johnny slowly grinned. 

"You look beautiful darling," Johnny answered, stepping closer and tilting up Taeil's chin. "As per usual," he mumbled, both leaning in for a soft kiss. 

A knock on the door brought them both back to reality. "Are you two ready?" Taeyong asked. 

"Yeah!" Johnny called back, the couple sharing a look. Johnny slipped his hand into Taeil's, and they headed out the door. 

Soon enough the ten boys got to the hotel, quickly spotting Kun and a cute, sort of short girl with wavy hair and bangs. 

"Kun!" Yukhei yelled. Kun looked up and beamed at his friends. The girl grasped his hand and gave him a nervous look. Kun gave an encouraging smile back, and the two walked over. 

"Hey guys!" Kun said, more excited than the boys had ever heard him. "This is my girlfriend." He smiled at her, so proud. 

"Hello, I'm Vivi," she spoke, her voice soft. 

"Wow, you know Korean?" Taeyong asked. After all, like Kun, she was from China. 

"Yeah! Kun and I studied together before he came here. I might come study here soon too."

"Oh, you're really good!" Doyoung spoke. 

"Your Korean is much better than mine," Sicheng added. 

She gave everyone a shy smile. "Really? Thank you guys." Kun just looked even more proud. 

After Kun went around and introduced everyone, she giggled. "It's nice to finally put faces to names. Kun talks about you all so much." 

"All good things, I hope," Jaehyun said. 

"It depends on which one of you he's talking about," she answered, and they all laughed. Suddenly, her stomach growled, and Kun seemed immediately worried. 

"Oh gosh, you must be so hungry." 

"I'm okay, don't worry." 

"No, no, let's get going. I promised you that I'd take you to all the best Korean restaurants." 

"Let's go!" Yukhei cried. 

"Let's go," Jungwoo quietly mumbled.

At that she laughed a little and smiled, and they all started walking towards the main part of town. Yukhei walked next to Vivi and Kun, excited to get to talk to her, since they both knew Cantonese. As they talked in animated Cantonese and Kun watched fondly, Johnny and Taeil hung out at the back. 

"She is an angel and perfect for Kun," Johnny whispered. 

"They are the most valid straight couple ever," Taeil whispered back. 

Suddenly, she turned around and laughed at everyone. "Oh my gosh! It's like we're on a..." She paused to count on her fingers. "Six couple date!" 

"A tuple date!" Taeyong said, and they all laughed. Johnny and Taeil shared a happy smile. Not only did she know that all of Kun's friends were gay, she clearly didn't mind, even felt comfortable enough to talk about it. 

"Perfect for Kun," Johnny repeated, and Taeil nodded firmly back. 

The group finally arrived at the restaurant, completely taking up the entire restaurant. They ordered way too much food, of course, Kun insisting on getting the entire menu so she could try everything. And she loved it all, paying for their entire group (with loud thank yous from the everyone and protest on Kun's part) but groaning as they walked out of the restaurant. 

"I'm so full," she moaned, "but it was all so good..." 

"I told you Korean food is the best," Kun answered, wrapping his arm around her waist and letting her lean her head on his shoulder. Taeil felt a little pang at that. He was a touch jealous; he wished he and Johnny could be like that in public without fear of getting verbally (or even physically) attacked. But, he pushed away his jealousy. They hadn't seen each other in person for months, and they clearly needed the time together. 

Once the group got back to campus, outside of their dorm building, Vivi sighed softly. 

"I wish I could see the inside of your dorm..."

"Me too, the gender division thing ," Kun answered. 

Ten made a sly expression and everyone turned to him worriedly. "I mean...we could always try to sneak her in?" 

Yukhei nodded. "As long as we can get past the security guard it'll be easy. My friend secretly has his girlfriend over all the time." 

Everyone slowly piped up their agreements, turning to Vivi. She smiled brightly. "Yes!" 

"That would be really nice guys," Kun added. 

"It won't be too hard, since you're pretty short we can all just huddle around you," Yuta said to Vivi. She glared at him and he laughed. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" 

"Good thing you like guys, I don't know if you know how to talk to girls at all. You'd be single forever," Vivi teased back, and Yuta fake glared at her. 

Huddling around Vivi, the boys managed to get her into the boy's building very easily, as the guard had fallen asleep. She looked around excitedly, peeping in to everyone's rooms and managing to give a compliment to every one, even Jungwoo and Yukhei's perpetually messy room. 

And, she was especially to see Kun's room. Poking through his things in the most loving way, and flopping onto his bed. Kun slid next to her, and Taeil could just see how happy he was to have his girlfriend here, sharing his life with her. 

Things were just sweet like that, but only for a moment. 

To everyone's dismay, the door opened to Hyungil stepping inside. It was his room too, after all, but of course nobody wanted him there. 

He paused in the door, looking Vivi up and down. "Who's the babe?" Some of them winced, some of them cringed, some of them glared, and some of them could barely keep from laughing. 

"This is my girlfriend," Kun said, emphasizing the word girlfriend. 

Hyungil winked at Vivi greasily. "I bet you've heard a lot about me. All bad things, I suppose." 

"Yes," she answered firmly. "All bad things." 

Hyungil walked all the way in and the rest of them tried awkwardly to continue their conversation. After a while, Hyungil interrupted. 

"Babe," he said, and they all ignored him. "Babe!" He yelled, and they all had to turn to him. "Baby girl," he cooed, and Taeil noticed Vivi literally gag. She didn't answer, but they all started at him. 

"Look, these boys are boring. Wanna get out of here?"

Vivi stared incredulously. "I'm literally here to visit my boyfriend." 

"Come on, babe." 


He paused and jotted something down on a slip of paper before handing it to Vivi. 

"Here's my number. Hit me up if you wanna chill." She picked up the paper with two fingers, grimacing and holding it away from herself while he grabbed some things. "See you later ers!" He called, slamming the door. 

"Charming," Ten mumbled ironically. 

"He's worse than I imagined," Vivi said, dropping the paper into Kun's trash can. 


Vivi's visiting weekend was a beautiful time, tinted bad by the presence of Hyungil around all the time. Hyungil had booked some tinder dates for the night times, so he was never sleeping in the room, so the boys had agreed to let Vivi and Kun just sleep in their room together. She got her money back for the hotel, plus they didn't have to forget anything, and they could see the others all that more easily. Plus, it was fun for them to order massive amounts of delivery food and stuff themselves silly in the living room together. 

The only downside, as usual, was Hyungil. 

He wasn't around at night, but he was around in the day, enough to be bothersome. Taeil was amazed at how easily she and Kun could brush off his annoying and gross comments and words. Whenever he saw her, he made an effort to hit on her. At this point, Taeil wasn't even sure if he was attracted to her, or if he just wanted to get a rise out of Kun. But either way, Kun and Vivi were not phased. Just rolling their eyes, sharing looks, ignoring him completely, and laughing at his pathetic stupidity behind his back. If Taeil was in their shoes, visiting his boyfriend after months apart, he would have been far more annoyed than the two of them put on, at least to the rest of them.

Taeil wasn't exactly used to healthy heteroual relationships, as all he had ever seen was his brother's relationships and his parents, but he knew this was a good one. Unphased by the bull, secure in each other and their separate lives and friendships, but still loving and sweet to one another. Taeil hoped that one day, after a year or so together like Kun and Vivi were, his relationship with Johnny would be as strong as theirs.


It was Sunday afternoon, and a cloud had fallen over the 127 dorm. It was time for Vivi to go back to China, and nobody was ready to see her go. In those short few days with the boys, she had managed to secure a solid place in their friend group. Everyone knew they would miss her to death. Plus, they knew her leaving would be especially hard on Kun. He wouldn't be able to see her until winter break, which was a few weeks away. None of them liked to see their sweet friend in so much pain. 

While Kun darted into the bathroom, all of them wished her sweet goodbyes in Kun's room, taking turns to share hugs before dejectedly going back to their own rooms. Taeil was last, and she smiled as they pulled away. 

"Good luck," she said softly. 

"You too." 

"Study English enough so you can move to America and be with Johnny. So you don't have to see your idiot brother again." 

Taeil smiled at that. "That's the goal." 

They hugged again and waved goodbye, Taeil leaving her alone to pack up the things she had left in Kun's room, and to process. She was going to miss Kun just as much as Kun was going to miss her. 

But, Taeil stopped in his tracks when he heard Hyungil open the door to their dorm and head into Kun and his room. Based on what had happened the previous days, Taeil didn't want her to have to be completely alone with him. So, he waited outside the door as Hyungil went inside. 

"Yo babe," Hyungil called, and Taeil winced on Vivi's behalf. 

"What," she practically growled back. 

"Leaving already? Don't I get a hug?"

She sighed. "No." 

"What? Are you afraid Kunnie will get jealous?" He asked in a teasing tone, and Taeil felt his blood boil. 

"Kun has no reason to be jealous of you. He never would be." 

"Oh come on," Hyungil answered with a laugh. "You know he's the blandest dude in this whole dorm. He's weak as , probably never went to a gym in his whole life. And, I bet he didn't tell you this, but everyone in this dorm likes but me. And he's friends with them! And he doesn't have any other friends. Really, I'm sure he likes  just like the rest of them. And, well, me?" He chuckled again. "I'm a man. Unlike the rest of these guys. I'm strong, and tough, and I'm sure I can hit it WAY better than he can." 

It took everything in Taeil not to burst in and yell at his twin, but he knew he would just make things worse.

"Oh, my god," she said, laughing loudly. "You, you really think any of those things would make me want you? Kun is a good person. He's sweet, and caring, and strong. Actually strong, not just fake manly for clout. You just make me sad. You are nothing but a boy overcompensating for who knows what. You have to know that at the end of the day, you've got nothing going for you, right?" 

Hyungil was completely silent when Kun emerged from the bathroom and started back towards his room. Noticing Taeil outside, he gave him a confused look. 

"Hyungil's in there," Taeil mouthed. 

Kun sighed. "," he mouthed back, pausing for a moment before pushing his way inside. 

"And, anyways, I promise that Kun can hit it far better than you can." 

Taeil barely held back his laugh at that, and by the pause in the room he knew both Hyungil and Vivi were a bit embarrassed when Kun walked in. 

"H-Hi love," Kun said, clearly a little embarrassed (and proud) too. "What's going on here?" Neither Vivi nor Hyungil answered, and Taeil was sure Kun figured it out himself. 

He sighed deeply. "Hyungil, can you just off? Look, I know you haven't been getting anything lately, but that doesn't mean you should hit on my girlfriend, who has made it abundantely clear that she's not into you. And anyways, she's leaving today! So please, leave her alone." 

There was a few moments of silence before Hyungil's heavy breathing began, and he pushed his way out of the room. The door slammed against the wall, and Taeil felt lucky that Hyungil hadn't noticed his presence. He left the dorm completely, huffing the whole way, and once he was gone Taeil made his way back to the living room. 

The rest of the boys were waiting inside, wearing confused looks. 

"What's going on? We heard yelling...and then your brother..." Taeyong said. 

Taeil sighed. "Hyungil hit on her, again, and she and Kun chewed him out." 

Everyone looked around nervously. 

"," Ten added, voicing everyone's feelings on the matter. 

Just then Kun and Vivi came out too, her suitcase in Kun's hands. 

"Bye guys," she said. 

"See you all later. I'll probably get back late tonight," Kun explained. He was dropping her off at the airport and was going to wait with her until her flight. 

"Sorry we had to end on that note," Vivi said. 

"It's okay," Jungwoo said softly. "I hope he didn't ruin your last day together." 

"Do you think we would ever let Hyungil ruin anything? He doesn't deserve our energy," Kun answered. They all wished the couple a final goodbye, watching the door shut behind them. 

Everyone stayed for a few seconds, but they were about to disperse when the door handle jiggled again. Thinking it was Kun and Vivi they all waited, but when Hyungil threw the door open the mood fell once again. 

He paused to look at them all, a livid expression on his face. He inhaled, and exhaled. 

"I'm gonna get you guys. Kun too. I'm gonna get you," he said before storming back to his room and slamming the door shut. 

Taeil could feel fear spread through the room. The normally silent Sicheng opened his mouth to speak. 



A/N: i will eternally push the kun best boyfriend and orbitzen agenda, haha. disclaimer, i dont actually ship them tho but kun needed a chinese gf so why not make it my favorite girl in the world? also, omg! this story is finally starting to come to a close. i planned 20 chapters for this story so we are almost done! also, i am wondering what i should write my next story about. please PLEASE vote in the poll below!!! here are the two options

a. abo au: it would be sort of a sequel to my last abo au if youve read that, but it would follow the dreamies (aka 127's children) instead. there would be no but EXTREMELY angsty. think major character death angsty. 

b. summer camp au: it would be a final sequel to the two nct summer camp aus I have already. nct would all be camp counselors and it would complete the whole story where you find out what everyone does when they grow up. it would be super duper fluffy and have all the nct (including wayv) members. Plus, I would simultaneously write a loona summer camp au (loona would be campers though)

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Thank you!

what should my next story be?



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Chapter 20: Thank you so much for posting this! <3
Chapter 20: This is so cuuuute. I love all the couples. Finding friends like them is really hard but treasured. I just feel so sad that they are really people like hyukil and taeil's parent sin this world T_T
Chapter 20: I just realized it finished. Wow,what a journey. I had so much fun reading. Can't wait for your upcoming storyyy. Thank you for your hard work author-nim??
123manju #4
Chapter 20: wow i cant believe it finished. that was a great story and i want to thank you for letting me be a part of it.
123manju #5
Chapter 19: you do not understand the amount of relief i felt when i read the title for this chapter
123manju #6
Chapter 18: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1392181/18'>that one time hyungil got...</a></span>
can i just punch hyungil in the face.......or maybe whack him with a chair......
Chapter 13: Little do you know I was reading this in my office and struggling to not burst in giggle or laugh. XD
Chapter 14: Thank you thank you thank you for updating!! I love this story so much!!!
Chapter 13: I really couldn’t stop smiling while reading this especially luwoo scene XACCVSVSGFAGSGH my heArT- jungwoo cheering after Lucas in his tiny font voice is so adorably accurate & precious ITS SO FLUFFY MY HEART HURTS STOP ITXAXAFSGSGDGD
Chapter 13: Were you happy when writing this? Because I feels so much happiness when I reading. ??

And oh my godddd!! Sicheng ??