I lov9 yon

I lov9 yon (exo kai fanfic)
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"Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person."


The breeze was gently blowing a stray strand of hair from her face as she stood frowning at her surroundings. She was an artist finding beauty in each and every substance of the universe but today her mind was blank, so void that it terrified her to the core. Her personal therapy was not working today..


She was never the kind of person to be ashamed of her flaws. Being an artist made her so open-minded to originality that her flaws had barely ever done any harm to her confidence.

But this time it was not only a blow to her confidence, but the words rang in her mind. The words broke each barrier she had made over the years of her existence.


It was not like she was to blame because she was lazy when it came to studies. Her case was exactly the opposite. She was proud to admit she possessed a very creative mind that could come up with various ideas beyond the people around her. But she did not write them like stories. She could not. She chose her paintings to do the job.


As much as she wanted to write down all the insane thoughts clouding her mind, she could not... not when she could not write a sentence properly... not when she was dyslexic...



Kai couldn't decipher what was going on with the lady standing a few feet away from him. He had been observing her for a while, and the frown on her face had not eased down one bit and it bothered him...


"Excuse me ! Would you mind if I sit here ?" Kai asked, and took the seat on the bench without waiting for her reply.

Pari narrowed her eyes at the strange human beside her. She already had so much on her plate and now this person was annoying her! Why ask permission if it doesn't matter?


"You seem sad, and to be very exact, troubled. I know it may come out as creepy, but you can talk to me if you want. ." Kai had a tone of uncertainty in his voice.


"If you know it's creepy, then why don't you behave like a normal person and leave me alone?" Pari snapped at her unwanted companion. He perhaps thought she was that S.A.D ..meaning stupid, attention seeker, and desperate. .

Kai chuckled at the now angry girl who suddenly reminded him of a kitten..


"Ehh ..because normal is so outdated .." he answered, scratching the back of his neck.


Something about him. whether it was his cuteness or the cheesy line, made Pari laugh - a laugh that was hidden somewhere inside her and nobody ever tried to find that.


"Seriously what makes you think that I would tell my sob story to a stranger I met a minute ago..?" Pari asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, technically it's been 1 minute and 51 seconds... and you can tell me because I won't judge.." Kai replied, offering her a genuine smile.


"How will I be sure that you won't judge?" Pari countered. You can't blame her, as throughout her whole life she had been tested by so many people that now trust is something far away from her heart..


"It's upto you, but let's assume that if I do judge, will that make any difference? Like you said, I am a stranger, so my opinion about you should not bother you..and you will feel better too maybe..so what say?" Kai smiled with relief when he saw tha Pari was actually considering the idea..

"Umm okay!! But I will only tell you a little... I got rejected one day before my engagement... and due to some reasons everyone thinks it's my fault... like I am not enough..."Pari said emotionlessly.


Kai clenchied his jaw in anger. He had been told countless times by his siblings the exact same thing and he surely knew how it affects one's self-confidence. Thanks to his lovely parents he had come this far in his life..

"What is your favourite between blue and green?" Kai asked randomely and Pari looked at him like he had suddenly grown two heads... here she was, starting to open up and he was already so bored that he asked her about colours!


Kai seemed to figure out the expression Pari was giving him so he immediately explained himself. "No,no... it's not what you are thinking... I am just trying to explain something... so please pick one colour..." Kai pleaded with such a cute expression, Pari could not refuse. Although he was a little odd,Pari admitted to herself he was totally art for sore eyes...


"Green.." Pari answered, just vaguely eager to know what was going in the mind of the stranger.


Kai took something out of his pocket which Pari could not see and hid those in his two fists. "So, I have a blue pearl and a green pearl in my hand... pick one."


Pari was eager to win the game. She picked the right hand, and when Kai opened his hand, it was the blue pearl.

Pari pouted unknowingly, making Kai chuckle.

"So, you made the wrong choice and missed the thing you wanted... but that does not mean green pearl is not beautiful... does it?"

She shook her head. Green is the colour of nature and there was no way it could ever loose it's beauty. It was her dumb choice that made her lose it..

"Exactly my point... that guy made the wrong choice to reject a gem like you... that does not mean you are at fault or you are not enough. It only means there is another right one waiting for you... you just have to wait patiently," Kai explained.


Surprisingly, now that she looked at the situation from this angle, she did not feel as troubled as she did before. If she were brutally honest, she never felt anything for Kris, and she realized it's actually a good thing that she did not got trapped in an unwanted relationship...


Then the thought of right guy came to her mind... would he love her the same knowing the real her? What if he deserves someone better than the flawed her? It was selfish of her to hope that anyone would love her and accept her the way she is... today, every ounce of confidence she had built over the years for her difference had come crumbling down and she could not see herself as anything but a flawed individual.


The depressing thoughts started to cloud her mind once again, and she excused herself from the stranger who had consoled her to a little extent and it was only later that she realized they had not exchanged names.


The next day, Pari decided to do some grocery shopping since she would live in this place for a while,at least till her parents calm down a bit. She went to the supermarket 5 blocks away and stocked up on everything she would need.


When she finished paying for what she bought, she bumped into the stranger from park yesterday, who had a silly grin on his face – he had been hoping to meet her again!


He would not say he was in love with her at first sight or anything... but the moment he saw her, there was so much pain in her eyes and something in him wanted to take away her pain..


He wanted to solve this puzzle... the secrets her brown eyes kept hidden in them... he wanted to know them... all of them.


Next few minutes went by in a blur as Pari found herself sitting in front of Kai inside a small cafe – which he owned. To be honest, she would rather be home and maybe throw a pity party but she had no energy to argue with him, knowing how stubborn he could be.


They made small talk, Pari trying not to reveal too much about herself. The moment Kai came to know about her being an artist, his excited expression nearly made her regret letting that information slip out of .

She regretted it even more when he excitedly stood up and insisted that he had to show her a place.

"Now?" she said, alarmed.



Pari tried to deny but he insisted stubbornly. His excitment did make her curious... and after all, it wasn't like she had anything better to do...


It was a good thing she didn't have any plans, because a half hour later, they were walking in a green forest, wh

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I still can't believe I gave this long comment on this story XD
Chapter 1: It’s so cute! I like how they accept each other the way they are.
Have a great day!
Angelinasouki #4
Chapter 1: I am dyslexic so I understand but I always have auto correct ??
Me as an orbit:

Heejin is gay
Chapter 1: Baby... this is amazing, i'm proud of you <3 Short and simple, but impactful in a way only my baby can do <3

I can't believe pari's fiance ditched her cuz of dyslexia. It's not even a really big deal, nothing shameful at all!! It's not like she has become someone different after being diagnosed. And thank goodness she got diagnosed, because all too often those with learning disabilities never realize the reason why they can't study and stuff. It must be so hard to be in their shoes, and get blamed for bad marks and called lazy :< pari doesn't deserve that jerk faince <.<
I love the way she and Jongin met. He's so warm and he has a point when he says since he's a stranger, he won't judge her and who cares if he does anyway, cuz he's a stranger. And he fell in love so fast, awww <3 I'm glad they met again
And wow, Jongin is colourblind! Didn't see that one coming tbh xD Aww and he still loves to watch her paint, tho he can't see the colours <3 And what he said is absolutely right, it's nothing wrong or shameful, and it's just a hurdle they have to overcome. Also, maybe because she is dyslexic is why she is a really good artist, since it's the only way she can express herself and hence all her talent and energy goes towards that.
Jongin's confession is adorable, he's so soft and sweet! this whole one-shot is sweet, I lov9 yon for writing it <333
Chapter 1: This is perfection, it's not everyday that you'll come across this stories with beautiful plot. At first I thought that it's just a cliche story but I was proven wrong. I'm so happy that I clicked on the advertisement.
Congo u Moron.. U did it finally :)
Ode2kdrama #9
Chapter 1: Simply lovely!