
Live and Die
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2 months
Chaeyeon’s POV

“Yah, you sleepy head get up!” I pulled Sakura out of bed. I used every bit of strength I have but this sleepyhead girl who sleeps with her eyes open and at the same time stubborn won’t get up. It’s already 7 a.m. and the class will start at 8:20.



“YAH!” I shouted
“WHAT” it’s not a shout rather I received a loud voice with a strained voice from her
I suddenly became worried, “Are you okay?” I asked
“No. I feel sick” she answered and covered herself more
“You should have told me sooner” 
“But you won’t listen to me”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll take some medicine and I’ll absent today so I can take care of you” I went and searched for my medicine I always have in my bag and gave it to her
“I’ll change my clothes”


“No.” she stopped me “Go and study”
“No buts.” She said “I’ll be fine Hitomi and Nako can take care of me and also, who else will take notes for me if you are not going to school” she complained
“Are you sure?”
She nodded and stood up from the bed. She picked up my backpack, “Here and go” she pushed me until the door “Bye” 
“W-what—“ suddenly Sakura gave me a smack on my lips before closing the door in front of my face. 



I’m like a statue for a few seconds before I could walk and go on my way. I’m still worried about her but I guess I’ll just call Hitomi and Nako to get an update.





Sakura’s POV




I looked at the wall clock and it’s 3 a.m. in the morning. Devil’s hour. Yeah, it is.



I felt like my chest is suddenly tightening and I don’t have any idea why. I didn’t do anything day except for playing games all day. 



I can’t bear the pain anymore so I quietly get up from my bed, trying to avoid Chaeyeon waking up or else she will be worried again.



I sneakily went downstairs while holding my left chest. It’s starting to act up again. I searched for my medicine and quickly gulped it down without water. Then I went back to our room after one hour and after confirming that I’ll be fine for now.



I never fell asleep again after taking my medicine. I’m just staring at Chaeyeon while she is asleep. This is my hobby now, staring and admiring her when she doesn’t know.



“Chaeyeon-ah,” I whispered “I feel like time is near” 








“Yah, you sleepy head get up!” Chaeyeon tried to apart me from the bed 



“YAH!” she s

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Now enjoy the story XD


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Dashingbluelight #1
I remember reading this in 2019. I was so obsessed with this story, I would read it everyday. Found it again today. xD
pandamaos #2
Chapter 37: Just dropping by to say that it’s a beautiful story. I finished reading in 2 nights. A heartbreaking ending but was still ended nicely. Thanks for the story :)
leechaeyeon_11 #3
Chapter 37: someone cut onions ????no i’m not cry...hmm
ProduceTrash #4
Chapter 37: This is my first time reading a kkuchaen ff and makes me cry since the begging until the end. Can't believe sakura died.
sclocksmith #5
Chapter 37: I don't know what to say...
It hurts? Yes. But, same with Chaeyeon, I need to let her go too.
This is one of my favorites although i'm not a fan of angst. You did well, author-nim! Thank you for writing this story. Looking forward for your next works!
Chapter 37: :') fff you authornim. My eyes will swollen tom
Chapter 37: Hik hik my chaekura heart T_T
You make me cry thank you for your lovely story for us author. <3
Hope there will be chaekura again, love you author <333
lilykizaki #8
Chapter 37: i- so thank you for your story so much author sama...and...this sad ending is predictable but...excuse me I got to wipe off my tears first.

Now, where am I ? Yes. So from the beginning I love how Sakura take care of Chaeyeon and now Chaeyeon takes care of Sakura. Think about it, if Chaeyeon donates her heart to Sakura, they might have a better ending. But Sakura insists Chaeyeon not to, because she thinks Chaeyeon is the one bringing her the meaning of life. Chaeyeon...let her go and have a better life...
1846 streak #9
Chapter 37: Thank you for this lovely story!!!! Their relationship is a golden! They help each other and be there for each other, I’m sad that Sakura didn’t make it but I know it’s not her fault!! Thank you once again!