


His boy is nine, taller, stronger, still fast on his feet, and much more mature than when he had been seven.  The past two years have been heavy for him, and Chanyeol is more than proud that Sehun has made it this far without completely breaking down on him.

The child stands by Chanyeol’s side, pastel pink wrapped blanket in his thin arms, eyes dark and face pale.  

“I lose my mother, and when I have found a new one, she goes too.”

Chanyeol is unable to say a word, only squeezing the child’s shoulder before pulling him back into the car.  They’ve been out for over an hour, it’s late, and surely both kids are hungry.


“Yes, Sehun?” he returns and begins to drive away from the cemetery.  They’ll be back soon to bring Yoona new flowers in a week or so. Sehun visits everyday after school on his own, or with Luhan when the boy doesn’t have soccer practice.

“Do you think Seohyun will meet her father as his daughter?” Sehun asks softly.  It surprises Chanyeol. So Yoona had told him the truth too.

When Chanyeol looks in the rearview mirror, the boy has a hand in Seohyun’s car seat probably holding her tiny fingers.  He’s looking out the window though, at what Chanyeol’s unsure.

“One day,” Chanyeol answers, clearing his throat before continuing. “When it’s safe for her.  I will make sure Seohyun does. It is our family’s job to help families come together, Sehun.”

Silence meets his reply.  For a long while. They’re parked in front of the house before Sehun says anything. “I hope he’ll like her too.”


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Geraltihista18 #1
Chapter 8: Is this complete?
Chanbaek641 #2
I'm loving it!