
The Black Knight and The Lights






Renjun    Jeno    Haechan    Jaemin

Bangchan    Woojin   Jeongin/I.N   Lee Know

 Seungmin   Han    Hyunjin    Felix     Changbin   .

   Jo Yuri   .










    Do you think its going to work  . 


I wish so too Seungmin-ssi. 


   Jeongin ah... how did you first meet Minyoung  . 


She picked me up when i had a terrible fight with the people I lived with. I spend most of my time in an old hut where people said that im worthless. 


   So you were once a Hextors   . 


Yeah. I was once a Hextors. Thats where i met Yuri. The most beautiful girl that i ever seen. 


    Im sure you had a great time with her   . 


Yeah. I am. Ever since i step in this Headquarters. I get bare amount of time to meet her. 


   Yet thats when you always sneak out to meet her   . 


Ayee hyung. It's not sneaking out. It's just went out for fresh air. 


   Still. How was Minyoung the first time you met her   . 


An angel. Its like a god send her to earth just to change the worst to the best. 


   I'm glad she is   . 


Hyung can i ask you something. 


   Yeah sure what is it   . 


Even if you were still in the Black Knight. Your first love would still be Minyoung nuna. Am i right. 


Silence appear after I.N. ask Seungmin about it. Seungmin went blank as he doesn't know what to say. I.N. chuckled to see Seungkun like that as it was expected in his mind. He pat Seungmin shoulder making Seungmin snap back to reality. 


Hyung. I have always known that you love Minyoung nuna ever since childhood. You felt regret that your father killed her mom due to the last Necklace of Gladiolus. 


    How do you know about this    . 


My sense of knowledge told me so. You ain't here for the necklace. You are here because you don't want to lose Minyoung nuna like how she lost her parents. You want to pay back all the lost that she had. 


   Please Jeongin. Im begging you not to tell Minyoung about this   . 


She will know it one day. Dont worry. All Specturas will understand why you are here in the first place. 


     Thanks Jeongin  . 


I.N. Haechan is looking for you


Alright Master. Well Seungmin hyung. Try to save her before it really happened. 


I.N. left the place. Leaving Renjun and Seungmin alone. Seungmin were staring at the glass of water while Renjun just sighed and went to sit beside him. 


     Is she going to be fine  . 


What she always requests will be fine. What about you. Will you be fine. 


    I don't know. I don't even want this to happen in the first place   . 


You do know that without any challenge. Life would be absolutely boring. 


    Yeah. I know that. Ahjussi always told me that  . 


Can you be honest with me. 


    Yeah sure   . 


Who is ahjussi. 


    You won't even believe me if i told you so  . 


Then make me believe in you for once. So who is this Ahjussi. 


     He is actually Minyoung's father. For 500 years my father keeps on giving threats till he doesn't remember most of his past. Due to his head injury. He doesn't even know who he is   . 


Why dont you tell him who he really is. 


     I cant it will make him go crazy and it can lead him to death. I don't dare to do anything. However his powers are still strong that is able to kept him alive . 


So you are keeping this as a secret to yourself  . 


    Minyoung believe that her parents are dead because of the Black Knight. I cant bare to let her feel the pain anymore   . 


Trust me. She won't. More you tell her the truth. More she thinks that you're not joking around with her. You do know that she hates liars. 


    I know that Renjun. I will tell her once we are fine    . 


I know you will. Now here take this. 


Renjun gave something to Seungmin. Seungmin eyes went wide when he sees the necklace. He didn't even want to touch it as he knows that his brothers will sense it strong enough for them to track where he actually is. Renjun smile and put it on the table as he knows what's in Seungmin's mind. 


You are still Minyoung's bodyguard. She gave me her last wish before she leaves for something. 


    Where is she going  . 


Somewhere. You don't need to worry. I just want you to save her when she is really in need of help. Its my last wish for you


    I dont understand  .


You Seungmin. You're Master of ARTICIANA. The top master of all Master in this region. Regardless of who your identity. Minyoung pledge you to become like us. 


    I dont deserve this Renjun. This is not right   .


You are technically under the care of the mighty god. Only you have the rights to stop Minyoung from any danger forms that leads her to not being able to control herself. 


    Why me. I dont deserve to be one. This is just not right. 


Its not me or others who want this. Its Minyoung request. As a Spectura, i have to respect the orders given by the deity. 


    I dont understand why...


You will soon. Just don't mistreat yourself that leads to failure. That would lead Minyoung as a failure too....




Are you sure this is the right time Queen Minyoung  


Chris. Im sure this is it. The last time you ever seen me nagging at you.


Your Highness are you sure what you planning on is going to work. 


I doubt so. Im sure theres still time for a change from them. I cant predict anything yet Lee Know. 


I understand that. 


Well Minyoung. You are sure full of curiosity around you.


Im glad you said that. 


Your Highness....


I know. Haechan should be here soon. 


Minyoung are you sure this is safe.


Its not. I'm sure they are up to something. Since they have track where the necklace is. 


Just then the sky went gloomy as you can feel something approaching. Lee Know feel the same too as his face getting gloomy and unsafe. Few seconds later you can feel like bits of ice dropping. You quickly signal Lee Know on where he could sense. He points at some areas. You use your earth power to make the attacker revealed himself. You smirk after you saw the person however both Bangchan and Lee Know feel like something else is around. 


    I see that you knew I was here   . 


The only power that has similar power with me is only you Han Jisung. 


    Im here not to attack you   .


State your reason. We will let you free if its reasonable. 


     Felix been thrown in the dungeon. Only Felix knows what will happened. Changbin hyung is not easy to win on  . 


Whats your main reason to be here. 


    I'm just here to warn you. I dont want Seungmin to be in his Darkness power. Is unstoppable. Once he turn to what he was before. Its not easy for him to change. So is to you Minyoung   . 


Your Highness. 


You knew didnt you. 


    You should have known it as well. Don't ever let Changbin hyung lay his hands on you. It is not the right time to give Seungmin a surprise yet  .   


Jisung vanished and you just chuckled making the rest of the Landlord confused of what just happened. Just then the ground starts to shake. You smirk and face the sky as its getting darker and darker. 


Get ready for blood guys. Its going to be a fun ride 






Urghhh this is tougher than I thought it could be. 


Master Haechan the tracking is lost after they went into the forrest. 


Thats weird. Why would they be there. 


I think Han is giving Minyoung a different type of trap that makes them believe in Han easily. 


I dont think thats the reason. I think Hyunjin is setting up a trap. 


They really love to play dirty when Minyoung is there huh. 


Well yeah. Been years every since her last fight. I'm sure they are up for something. 


If none of us knows what are they aiming for. None of us would survive. 


Theres only one possible ways Masters. 


Ahjussi. Please tell us.


I cant help much but to spare some time that you guys can plot. However the Queen will still be in danger. The Black Knight is stronger when they are mad. 


They get rid of two of their own brother how would they even be strong. 


Changbin. He have once stolen the gems that will make him strong. However he is not that strong compared to the necklace that belongs to the last Guardian of the Lights. 


Ahjussi. Can you do it. 


Master Renjun...


 Ahjussi. Please help us. Its for your own daughter as well. 




Talk later. Now ahjussi. Can you do it. For all of us. Without those time. I dont think Seungmin will be able to save Minyoung from Changbin. 


Yah Renjun what do you mean. 


   Changbin will take advantage by forcing Felix to use his powers to make Minyoung weak. Felix has the Darkness power as well. If Minyoung uses her Divinity power during the battle. She won't win. So please. Help us ahjussi....


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Chanbaek641 #1
This is really good!!