
The Black Knight and The Lights






Renjun    Jeno    Haechan    Jaemin

Bangchan    Woojin   Jeongin/I.N   Lee Know

 Seungmin   Han    Hyunjin    Felix     Changbin   .

   Jo Yuri   .











How long more till we can revive him. 


I just need something that will infuse to those antidotes and mix it to Seungmin's blood to make his heart wake him up. 


It must be something Lee know. What could your senses tell you. 


It needs flowers but i don't know what. 


Must be something that he is weak at. Have you tried all the flowers 


Yes i did Master but it didn't work. 


What today's status guys. 


We just need one more item and it will confirm that it could revive Seungmin. In other words there's possibilities that he could revive without affecting any substance that he once had .


Well that's good news to deliver to the queen. 


Lee know have you figure out anything. 


We need Queen Minyoung for this. Something doesn't feel right. 


What do you mean. We can do this for her behalf. She is not in the right state right now. 


Trust me. Queen Minyoung knows the answers we are trying to figure out. 


Well if it is. Lets get Minyoung here. Bangchan call Minyoung here. She is with the old man at the center garden of the headquarters. 


But Master i dont have access there. Only Spectura have the access. 


Then let me go. 


Master Renjun. Are you sure you are fine to go there. 


If it takes anything to revive Seungmin. I will do anything to please Minyoung. Thats what she needs now. 


Renjun. Just dont rage. 


Dont worry Jeno. I wont for Seungmin. 




You were at the center garden with the old man. As you were trying to revive the ones that is withered. The old man is helping you out planting new ones at the empty spots as you kept changing the flowers. Most of the flowers there is gladiolus. You love them so much making you have a weak smile on your face. The old man saw and stop what he is doing and face you. 


Your Highness what is in your mind these days. 


Im worried about Seungmin losing all his powers when he face Changbin. 


Why would you think of that. 


Well even now that Seungmin is my enemy. He is weaker than his brother just because of one thing. I just dont want to lose him just like how i lost my powers. 


Im sure Seungmin will be strong if you put faith in him. He is a nice guy. He is mighty on his own self. 


I hope that will happen if anything would happen to me. 




I know what you want to say ahjussi. I'm doing this because I want everything to be better in the place that it was once belong. 


It will but there must be another way. 


Nope im doing whats right for everyone of us.


Your highness......


Minyoung we need you in the lab now. 


Why what happened to Seungmin. 


Lee know said there's possibilities of Seungmin to be revived. 


No way......


Your Highness. Just go, I will finish up the rest of the flowers. 


But ahjussi....


Its okay. Take this along. It will help to revive seungmin at most least. 


Thank you so much ahjussi. Lets go Renjun. 


You gave the old man one last hug before leaving the place. Afterwards you went to the lab as fast as you could to know whats the condition on Seungmin. Once you reach, without any words, you gave Lee know the piece of flower that the old man gave to you. Lee know smile at you and do his thing while you stood next to where Seungmin is. You look at his face and sigh. Jeno gave a pat on your shoulder and you gave a weak smile. 


Whats the condition Jeno. 


Lee know said that there's a flower that could at least help to wake Seungmins heart after infused it with the blood. Well we tried every flower except for that flower that you just gave. 


I hope it could help. I just want him to live. 


We wished for it too Minyoung. 


Lee Know. How long it would take for it to be infused. 


It should take seconds to minutes. That depends how fast his blood flow is. 


Well i hope what we are doing is right. 


I hope for that too Renjun. 


Well i'm all done. Shall we go for it. 


Please Lee know do it



Aniya. Let Minyoung do it.


What are you saying. I can't do this it will freeze up the whole antidote.


Minyoung. Do it for Seungmin state if you want to see him alive again. Please we al believe you can do it. 


You look at Jeno. He just gave a nod. You were feeling so anxious at the moment as you are scared that things won't go right since your state is not stable at the moment. You face Lee Know who is holding the syringe on his hands. He gave you his courage smile. You sigh and took it before facing Seungmin. You turn sigh as you were going to freeze up the syringe. Just then you felt your shoulder being squeezed. You turn to see Renjun giving you a nod to let you proceed. You too a breath and let it out slowly. Just then you inject those antidotes into Seungmin arm. Hoping that it will work. After few minutes nothing happened. You gave up and were on your knees while holding Seungmin hands tightly. Few seconds later you felt movements from Seungmin. Your eyes starts to tear up and hoping he would woke up soon. Just then Seungmin jolted up from his consciousness. Breathing heavily as if he saw something horrible happening to him. Not missing any seconds you went to hug Seungmin tightly while bursting out in tears. Everyone sign in relived. 


Wow that took awhile. 


Really awhile i didn't expect him to be received like that. 


Well i'm going to check on Jaemin. He seems to have more databased that we could get. 


Renjun ahh


You are welcome Minyoung. Now Bangchan bring both of them back to their room. Seungmin needs some rest before his powers is back stable. 


Yes Master Renjun




What do you think happened earlier. 


   Well the system sudden change without any error or anything harm. 


That is super weird isn't it


It only happened to Seungmin database. All details we key in is merely gone. Also the citizent change to unknown. 


That is much weirder. All of sudden the citizent change. Now he is unknown won't he lost his throne. 


Not in any laws. As long as the king is still alive the throne is still on Seungmin. 


Man this is getting weirder and weirder. 


Guys any changes on the database. 


Master Renjun. Seungmin database was sudden change by a glitch and now he is an unknown. 


That's much easier than I thought. Well we need to change him to Spectura. I'm guessing that one of his brother shut down his beamer that makes him unconscious. Also we need to investigate why their brother is removing all traces that is left by Seungmin. 


Won't it be because of the oldest brother wants to be the king and take revenge by him do anything to get the necklace that was once lost. 


Somehow i am proud of how I.N get someone like Yuri. She is much smarter than me. 


For once you seems like grateful of your surrounding. 


I want Seungmin to change everything that's happening right now. Only him that can stop his own brother from going much further than he is right now. 


You trust him Renjun. 


As long as it takes for Minyoung to be happy. I just want her to be happy more than we do. 


I understand that. Well I.N do what it takes for Seungmin to be a Spectura. Yuri try to track down what is the Black Knight doing recently. Ensure they didn't invade the north side before we do. 


   Noted Masters   . 


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Chanbaek641 #1
This is really good!!