Cider and Honey


"Jungkook, it's not a bad thing. For what it's worth you finally presented-"

"Of course it's a bad thing, Jimin! You don’t get it because you’re an alpha. Everyone knew you were going to be one. You didn’t get a surprise that totally changes everything everyone has ever said about you and convinced you to believe your entire life. I'm a ing omega when I should have been an alpha like you."


Jungkook suddenly presents after years of being thought of as a late bloomer, only it's not the class himself and everyone else had thought it would turn out to be.



So, I had this idea come into my head recently and I wanted to attempt to write it out. I've never done an A/B/O fic before, so I'm nervous as to how this little drabble sounds and what people think of it. I also just wanted to get opinions on whether I should continue it or not or if it's even worth delving into.

Feedback and comments will be greatly appreciated for this little draft piece, so thank you if you decide to read it and comment :) means a lot to me.



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ReshmaNair356 #1
Chapter 11: I am never going to be tired of telling you how much I love this story!! So Yoongi might have to meet Hoseok..that would be interesting. Waiting for this!
emmasweet #2
Chapter 10: author-nim we're waiting for the rest of the chapter @_@
Chapter 9: Woa it's nice keep going!
Chapter 7: Ok why's hoseok such a ?
BangtanLove98 #5
Chapter 9: oh ING NO

i have a problem

i think i like this story too much

im kinda obsessed

whoops lmao

emmasweet #6
Chapter 9: i love even more
Chapter 8: It's one good story. I know that jimin and jungkook actually have same fellings like actually they're made for each other but blind by 'friendship'.
I almost tho when jimin was in heat, maybe he changed from alpha to omega? Lol, it's gonna be the first ABO story that happen >.<
Anyway I'm so curious whats jimin reaction after he's done with his rut. I hope he conscious with what he did together with jungkook >.<

Oh! I already vote and subs ✔✔
emmasweet #8
Chapter 8: gooooood!!!!!
emmasweet #9
how come it has been over two weeks without updates i'm sad :(
emmasweet #10
Chapter 6: love it