60 seconds is enough


60 seconds is just enough to die. Or to fall in love. Maybe both.


60 seconds is just enough to die. Or to fall in love. Maybe both.


Lee Sungyeol walked along the Han River with his hands in pockets. His eyes were farsighted, watching the slow flow of the river as the sun painted golden stripes between the foams, and as it glistened on a wet cliff on the shore.


The wind was lightly blowing, his shoulder-length, light hair was disheveled, and he felt a sudden chill run through his hands. Maybe he should have brought a coat with him, or at least a denim-jacket, he thought.


It was late, the sun was slowly creeping toward the clouds, to glint once more between the clear foams of the Han River, and finally to fall behind the gray clouds. The street lights immediatelly flashed, flooding the street wrapped in darkness.


Sungyeol shivered. An icy feeling inundated him, but it wasn't that cold. He felt as if his heart was clenched by ice-cold claws and tried to tear it out.


He stopped. He gasped softly as he massaged the point with one hand where he felt the pain.


It was a terribly bad feeling. His whole body was gripped with an icy, horrific feeling, and a dread that came from nowhere overcomed him.


He clenched his lips and forced himself to continue walking. His legs were like lead and they didn't want to obey. But he just forced himself, he didn't want to stop.


In the street, the sounds of laughter and loud conversation melted into a single mass. The shops and restaurants along the road were full, the street was crowded, people came and went, maybe from work, maybe from school.


Two little girls rushed beside Sungyeol, almost took him off his legs, as they run so fast. They laughed with a happy grin on their faces, their hair was hanging in their eyes, they didn't even look where they were going, they just peeked each other so that one didn't catch the other and the other did not run off the pliers.


Sungyeol rubbed his arm where one of the girls struck him.


The lights of the lamps illuminated the entire street, it was floating in lights as if the gate of Heaven had opened and would have deluged the most populated area of ​​Seoul.


Perhaps the light was the reason Sungyeol had noticed it before everyone else could have felt it.


No. The light was not the cause. It was the sound.


The earsplitting grinding blasted the sounds of the laughter and conversation, and the street fell into such a deep silence for one second as if everything had stopped.


The nerve-racking, earsplitting sound became more and more intense, so Sungyeol had to cover his ears. He wanted to howl because of the sound. He got his head sideways and then saw it. He saw it with a single heartbeat moment before the others.

A huge black jeep that was jerking to and fro, and was speeding towards them.


And then the panic broke out. The laughter was replaced by screams that blew up the night and overwhelmed the ruthless squealing of brakes. The conversation turned into crazy yelling, and the former cool air froze in an instant. People didn't even know where to go to get out of the huge car.


Sungyeol stood there like he's been glued. His brain was not able to give the order to his foot to move. He stood there like a stone statue and the car was getting closer and closer to him.


He saw the drunk driver pulling the steering wheel back and forth. He saw the escaping adults who picked up the children of others and brought them to safe places. He also heard the deafening voice that overwhelmed everything else.



And he saw a boy walking with his hands in his pocket, with headphones on his head, knowing nothing, he walked down the alley from which the car approached them at light speed. With his head down, he walked downwardly at an easy pace, a lollipop was hanging out of his mouth.


He did not notice it. He didn't realize what was happening. He won't be able to jump aside in time. The driver will run him over. He'll die.


Sungyeol needed exactly one second to think it through. And then he started running.

Twenty two.

He was rushing as fast as he never did before.


The wind was so strong that it hurted his eyes, and he started to weep. But he can't close his eyes.


He yelled. He no longer remembered what he was shouted, but just shouted as he ran. It was his only hope. He had to yell so maybe the boy will hear it.


His throat was burning because of the icy air. He won't get there in time.


His legs took him as fast as they could, but that wasn't enough. He heard the yell of people around him as blurry noise. They shouted at him to give up. Not to be stupid and stop.


He didn't care about them. He continued to shout, he continued to running further.

Twenty eight.

In his heart he felt again the icy steel grip that wanted to tear out his heart.


He will be late.


The boy looked up.


Becaue of this, Sungyeol's heart throbbed so fast that he almost lost his balance.


The boy's eyes widened as he saw the rushing, screaming figure toward him. He saw the fear in his eyes that made his stomach twitch. For a moment, everything was clouded around him, and he only saw the dreaded face that was running toward him.


The boy stopped.


”No!” Sungyeol shouted. ”Get out of there! Get out of there!”


The car's and the brake's unendurable sound filled the night.


The boy had no time to notice the car. It was too late.


The boy's deafening music from his headphones overwhelmed all the other sounds. He could not hear the voice of the boy rushing toward him, nor the sound of the brake.


It will happen quickly. He won't notice it either. It will only hurt him for a moment, then it will end. The world will darkening, and then nothing will matter.


The boy's wide eyes reflected fear. The car ran so fast that Sungyeol knew they will both die. One meter. That was the distance he separated him from the boy.


One meter. That was the distance the car was separated from the boy.


Even before the boy could realize what was happening, the headphones slipped off his ears, and the pounding melody was replaced by an earsplitting sound. Pain exploded in his head, in the spine, and he felt his body was to fragmened in pieces. An angel. He saw an angel in the gloom as his desperate face approached his. Then everything went dark.


Sungyeol's body was almost brust by the sudden pain as he fell and then rolled over the sidewalk. His lungs was tightening by pain, for a moment he couldn't breathe. He tried to give himself air, but he was only choking.

Forty three.

Then he sensed that tiny movement.

In front of the boy, the darkness broke up, his look blurred, but it was definitely lively. Because of the throbbing pain he had nausea and dizziness. He tried to focus, to look around. But he saw only one thing. An angel-faced boy who embosomed him as if he were afraid of the boy will dissappeare.


Sungyeol was so relieved that he almost fainted. The boy opened his eyes, looked at him as if he was an alien. But he opened his eyes. He succeeded. He succeeded! He get there in time.


The stranger's arm was so strong around the boy that it was almost hurting. His gaze captured the boy's, watching his face as if it was all he was waiting for.


"I thought I'll be late," Sungyeol whispered, and as he looked at those beautiful, beautiful brown eyes, he felt that if he had never seen them then his life would have worth nothing.


"And I though I’m dead. I thought you were an angel” the boy said.


A little smile appeared on Sungyeol's face, though he didn't think he'd ever be able to smile again. It was a smile that made the boy breathless. First the boy's eyes were looking at those smiling, full lips, then he looked up to the boy's clean, dark eyes, and then he start again looking at his nose,  his chin, his neck and back to his eyes again.

Fourty nine.

"Myungsoo," the boy whispered. – "My name is Myungsoo."


”I’m Sungyeol.”


Sungyeol was still embracing the boy as if he was still in danger. But it was over.


"I think..." Myungsoo said slowly, because he did not regain his consciousness from the blow. "I should thank you.”

Fifty three.

Sungyeol was smirking.

”How would you like to thank me?”


Myungsoo's eyes widened.

- Well ... I…

Fifty five.

Sungyeol was laughing quietly, that only Myungsoo could hear. It was dazzling how sweet that shocked, shy look was. Awesome. How can someone be so sweet? Sungyeol did not want to stare so obviously as Myungsoo did, but he still saw how beautiful Myungsoo was.


He felt that if he had never seen this gaze, this face, he would have wasted his life.

Fifty seven.

"A coffee," Sungyeol said, still hugging and protecting Myungsoo. His gaze gleamed cheerfully, he almost forget about the pain. "Drink a coffee with me."


Myungsoo's heart began to beat so fast, and his lips spread in smile, causing Sungyeol's heart to bounce.



60 seconds. That's enough to die, thought Sungyeol, as his gaze connected with Myungsoo's. Or to make your heart beat again. And we are the best example for this.

None of them could deny the fact they didn't mind that almost both of them died.


60 seconds. It can be horribly long, or it can be terribly short. It all depends on what is happening.


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this is beautiful and sad at the same time. i'm not sure tho if they died or lived together at the end but this is still one good read. thank you for writing this! ?
ReshmaNair356 #3
This was so so good!!
I loved the detailing..and the was awesome.
Honestly, I was fearing Myungsoo won't make it..glad he did!
Aah..this deserves a next chapter!