Meet Jokomato

If a matoki killed another matoki would it be illegal? What do you mean Matoplanet has laws against murder? When did Matoplanet even have laws? They’ve always had laws? Well that’s news to me.

Jokomato knew everything. How could he not? He basically had an omnipresence over all of mato planet. But the real question was, what did he plan to do with this knowledge. The government has been trying to figure that out since Jokomato joined their ranks but no one could make any sense of his work. One because no one could read his handwriting and two it looked more like an art piece than whatever it was supposed to be. The government tried to keep a tight leash on the clown matoki but he always slipped through their binding like a magician. It slowly became apparent that it was Jokomato who held all the cards while the government held nothing. Jokomato was working in his lab when there was a knock on his door. It was the governor, she demanded to know his motives, his plans and to her surprise, the jester explained everything but she understood none of it. It was almost as if he was speaking in another language. Jokomato finished his explanation with a crazy grin. The governor had enough of his wild antics and with a snap of her fingers guards came storming in. Jokomato sighed and shook his head in disappointment before he snapped his fingers and the guards fell to the floor lifeless. He handed his badge to the stunned governor and told her he quit then walked out the door. Jokomato was ready for a change of pace.

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