Meet Shishimato

If a matoki killed another matoki would it be illegal? What do you mean Matoplanet has laws against murder? When did Matoplanet even have laws? They’ve always had laws? Well that’s news to me.

Night fell on matoplanet and most matoki went to sleep but one masked bunny was still awake. How could anyone sleep at a time like this. No one believed him but he knew what was coming. Shishimato could see the cracks forming and expanding. The government was abusing their power, the poor was growing angrier by the day, matoki started to disappear, and everyone else just let it happen, but none of that actually mattered. The land was dying beneath their feet and nobody saw it. All those civilization problems won't matter when Matoplanet becomes uninhabitable. Shishimato wasn’t going to sit around and wait for the end. It was time to leave this dying planet and start anew somewhere else. All he had to do was leave but that's where things get tricky. Shishimato didn't own anything, he lived in a box under a bridge. After he was kicked out of the toki military, the government took everything away from him. They even tried to take his life! What kind of bull is that? Apparently Shishimato was too “dangerous” to be allowed to live. The toki military wanted warriors so he became the best warrior, Shishimato’s only fault was that he kept his free will and didn't become a mindless puppet for the government. Shishimato let out a long sigh and closed his box flaps, he could deal with this tomorrow.

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