Season 2 Chapter 18



Season 2 – Chapter 18

What Happens in Hong Kong…

“What is he talking about?” I asked Jeongha whose bottom lip was quivering and tears falling down her cheeks as she watched Taehyung breakdown on stage.

“They were struggling at the beginning of the year. They were physically and emotionally worn out. But they quickly got through it and moved on” Hyungjoon bent down to whisper to me, and smoothly putting his arm around a crying Jeongha.

“Why didn’t I know?” I asked him, feeling cold with the shock of Jin’s words.

“It happened a while ago. The boys have been working with it in the back of their minds, I guess Jin wanted to get it off of his chest” Hyungjoon said while he held a sobbing Jeongha who had become really emotional.

As he comforted her, I watched as the guys embraced each other on stage. For some reason, I felt… scared… They came down to us, Taehyung was bawling! I grabbed some tissues and helped wipe some tears away.

“Th...thank y…you Alice” he stuttered through the crying.

“Ah, Hobi-Hyung!” Jungkook whined at a wet faces Hoseok who apologised as Jungkook dabbed his tears away.

“Are you okay, Taehyung?” I asked V who just couldn’t stop crying. He nodded and said…

“I’m fine, it was just so hard…” his voice broke as he talked about it. I patted his shoulder as we moved for the interview and photo opportunity.

“I wouldn’t have cried if it wasn’t for Hobi-Hyung” Jungkook repeated as he tried to smile. When we reached the podium, Taehyung was still crying but he went up anyway and held his head high as he cried. My heartfelt broken just looking at him!

It was then that I felt my phone buzzing in my clutch. Taking it out, I saw that it was a number I didn’t recognise. So, I ignored it. But it called back right after.

“Hello?” I answered it.

“It’s Daisy”

“What do you want?” I answered coldly but couldn’t help but look around to make sure she wasn’t watching us in the crowd of reporters.

“Look to your right, you’ll see a reporter with a red jacket” I looked… he was there… staring at me and his hand in his jacket pocket… “And then to your right, there’s a photographer with a yellow dress” she was there but was only taking pictures of me.

“They’re yours?” I asked, but as the stopped what they were doing and stood, staring at me… I already got my answer.

“They’re Aeras,” she said in a quick, hard voice. “They are willing to go through you to get to BTS… isn’t that what you said outside?” I froze… they were listening… “In three minutes, as the members leave the stage, they’ve been ordered to shoot the members first and then you” I watched in a horror as the girl in the yellow dress reached in her camera bag and glare at the boys.

“What do you want!” I spat through the phone!

“Go back to the alleyway from before, we’ll be waiting” Alice put the phone down and the two in the crowd moved out of sight… Taking one last look at the members… looking at each of their faces… remembering the day I arrived in Korea… when I ran from them… when I ran from Jimin…

“Goodbye” I said under my breath and, putting a smile on my face, I turned to Jeongha and Hyungjoon who were still in each other’s arms. “I’m going to get some fresh air” I said before leaving for the door but ran into Manager.

“Where are you off to?” he asked… he’d been crying too…

“Going to get some fresh air” I smiled again and rushed past him, not looking back…


I walked into the alleyway; the night air was cold on my bare shoulders. I walked into the small space, looking around for Daisy.

“Daisy? Are you here?” I asked in the darkness of the alley. The shadow of a person loomed in front of me. But it didn’t look like Daisy. It was definitely the man from before.

“I’m here” her voice came from behind me and when I turned, I was face to face with Daisy… but she looked… strange…

“Daisy…” I gasped, looking at her appearance. She was thinner than ever. Her hair looked like wire and her skin was paper white. She looked angry… but also scared… petrified…

“Alice, I warned you” her weak voice wobbled, and she reached behind her for something tucked in her back pocket… it was a gun… THE gun… Aera’s gun… I recognised the dent in the trigger guard when it fell in the struggle…

“Where did you get that?” I asked her in a hard voice. She winced at my tone but held it out in front of her, pointed at me. “Really? I know you’re crazy Daisy but this?” I tried to joke, for some reason I trusted that she’d not shoot…

“You ruined everything!” she was growling, half with anger… but also with fear… she was scared. “If you had just stayed out of my way, this wouldn’t have happened” she said in a smaller voice, looking over my shoulder at the man now behind me.

“Daisy, do it” a woman’s voice came from behind Daisy, and a flash of a yellow dress told me it was the girl from before. But she wasn’t alone, she was with an older man and what I could tell was a young teenage girl.

“Go on! Kill the ! The who got Aera arrested! The one who is sleeping with JIMIN! MY JIMIN!” the older male cursed my way, huge fists in clenched fists.

“I haven’t slept with anyone! Why does everyone think I’ve boned Jimin?” I grumbled in frustration, rolling my eyes and facing Daisy who was dripping with sweat despite the freezing chill.

“You’ve been staying at the boy’s dorm! In Jimin’s room!” the young girl accused, trying to step in front of the woman in the yellow dress but was brought back.

“Daisy?” the man behind me warned her in a deep voice. Daisy’s hands were shaking in fear, but she was eyeballing me with absolute hatred. “Oh, this!” the man swore in frustration and the yellow dressed woman, in one movement, took the gun out of Daisy’s hand, steadied her arm and shot!


Pain flooded around my shoulder as I fell back against the trash bags in the alleyway! Warmness had covered half my face and was trickling down my now useless arm!

“YES! THE IS DEAD!” the man wailed while skipping out of the alleyway, down into the darkness.

“Let’s go get the boys, they betrayed all of the Army. They should be leaving in about an hour” the woman in yellow’s voice echoed in my ears…


I need to move!

They’re in danger!

The world around me was spinning and going in and out of focus! But I could just barely tell the foggy movements of people leaving… all but Daisy who stood over me.

I couldn’t speak from the shock and pain! I needed to put pressure on it! Or I’m going to die! I can’t die! I need to save the members!

“ you, Alice! You got what you deserved!” Daisy cursed! Spitting her words in my face before leaving me, laid in the darkness, bleeding out!

I couldn’t speak!

I couldn’t move!

I’m dying!


Gathering all my strength, I took my belt from my dress, my hands shaking…

I tied it around my shoulder and armpit, pulling it with my teeth as hard as I could…

But I already lost so much blood, but I could tell it hadn’t gone through, there was no warmth of blood on my back…

!!! I was blacking out!!!

Not able to move anything but my good arm, I reached for my phone in my clutch… but it was too far away… just as my fingertips touched the screen… my vision faded to black…


“Hyung, where is Alice?” Jungkook asked Jimin who was starting back to the seating for the final of the show. He had noticed that Alice had gone from the group, but manager had said that she’d gone out for air… but he had a bad feeling.

“Manager-Nim said she went out” Jimin told his dongsaeng, but got out his phone to check if she’d called or messaged him…

“Where’s Alice?” Namjoon joined in with asking Jimin where she’d gone… it was then that worry started working its way through his mind.

“I don’t know… do we have time to look for her?” Jimin asked Manager who shook his head but was also starting to look worried.

“You guys can’t but I can, Jeongha look after the boys. I’m going to find Alice; something doesn’t feel right” Manager told a red-eyed Jeongha who nodded and looked up at Hyungjoon who gave her a warm smile.

“Hyung, call me when you find her?” Jimin asked, now feeling very nervous. Manager nodded before running to the nearest exit while Jimin went back up to sit down for the final event.

“Alice?” Manager called when he searched the fourth door to outside, but he knew that she’d not gone this far… she wasn’t very good with directions and she knows it…

It was then that he remembered the alleyway from before, maybe she was there… it’s the only exit she knows of… she there… he knew it… but suddenly he felt sick…


As he bolted through the venue for the alleyway…

“Oh my god” Manager could barely get any words out as he looked around the door of the exit and saw Alice, laid amongst the rubbish… bleeding heavily from her shoulder.

“Alice!” he bolted for her! Throwing himself on the floor to put pressure on her shoulder! He checked for a pulse in her neck…




For once I'm actually on time! And this chapter was much easier to write! Also a lot of story happened... and I just had to leave it on a cliffhanger but if you'd read the One Shot - Dream chapter there's a little spoiler to the cliffhanger... but it's up to you to read or not ^w^

Anyways! Not long now for season 3! The 3rd and final season of Sasaeng! Which is sad... but I'm really excited! I hope you are too!




Hi! I’m EstelleKpop! I hope you like Sasaeng so far! I’m sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes, I’m not a professional writer hehe XD

I will hopefully be uploading every Tuesday and Saturday. Please look forward to more chapters soon!

Thank you for reading!



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Chapter 1: FELT THAT!!!!!!
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Thank you for sharing
Thank you for sharing
BangtanLove98 #7
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