C1: I Don't Remember

What Was Once Forgotten
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C1: I Don't Remember

I wake up to the sound of bells ringing, sitting up I glance to my left noticing a cell phone was sat on my bedside table, the name Jaehyun was lit up on the screen. I blink rapidly my eyes feeling swollen, my head aching beyond belief.

I let my hand rest on my forehead. The coolness of my skin creating a somewhat soothing sensation. I hum to myself glancing back at the phone that had gone silent. That’s when I realize something isn’t right.

Who’s phone was this? Why do I feel weird? And why can’t I remember what happened last night? Or rather why is the last thing I remember my elementary school graduation?

Or well? I feel like I do remember other things but the most prominent memory is that one right now?

I move out of bed and into the bathroom examining myself. I look different, older maybe? My eyes were red and puffy, like I had spent the night crying or something? My black hair was straight and a wild mess.

I don’t understand what’s happened?

My mind lingers back to the phone call earlier. Jaehyun, was the name. Who was that?

As if the phone knew I was thinking about it it begins ringing again. The same tune as earlier. I approach the bedside table and sure enough it was the same person, Jaehyun calling.

I pick up the phone and hesitate answering it but ultimately decide on doing so. I bring the phone to my ear and take a deep breath. “Hello?”

The person on the other end sighs. “Thank god you answered, are you okay? You’ve not came to school the past two days?”

The guy sounded familiar but at the same time it felt like this was the first time I had heard his voice.

“I’m sorry? But who exactly are you?” I ask into the phone.

The guy huffs. “This isn’t funny, Yooyeon.”

My forehead scrunches together, he knew my name? “Well it wasn’t meant to be, now really who are you?”

“Wait, you really don’t know me?” He says from his end, I can hear shuffling from his end of the call.

“No.” I reply.

“Oh god, you really did it, didn’t you?” He sighs. “I’m on my way over, please just let me in when I get there. I’ll explain some things to you.”

I bite my lip. An explanation would be great. “Okay.”

I sit the phone back down on the bedside table and that’s when I see a small piece of paper. I pick it up, there were only a couple of words wrote on it, but I could tell it was my hand writing.

“Whatever you do, stay away from Kim Doyoung.” I read out loud to myself. “Kim Doyoung?” It sounded familiar but again, not at all.

I sit the note back down on the table and glance around my room for anything else that could help me remember something but I found nothing.


A knock on my door has me opening up, behind it stood the guy from the the phone call earlier. He had darker brown hair swept to the side, dimpled cheeks, and skin that looks too smooth.

He steps inside cautiously nodding as a greeting. I too, was being cautious as I wasn’t sure who he was yet.

“I can’t believe you actually did it.” He sighs moving past me.

I follow after him as he finds himself a seat on my couch.

“Did what?” I ask him confused.

He shakes his head. His eyes linger on me. “Something must’ve went wrong though.”

I huff. “Cut the crap and tell me already.”

He sighs. “Okay well, this is going to sound crazy but Yooyeon, ever since middle school you’ve been able to erase people’s memories. And this time you erased your own.”

I laugh. “You’re being ridiculous.”

That’s so science fiction.

“If you don’t believe me, check your diary. I’m positive you’ve wrote about it before.” His eyes widen. “Wait, I have a voicemail from you talking about it. Give me a second.”

He pulls out his phone pausing before looking up at me. He presses play and sure enough my voice plays through the speakers.

“Jae, I can’t do this anymore. I know I told you I’d think about it, and well I kind of did. I still came to the same conclusion.” I hear myself sigh, my voice sounded shaky like I was scared. “I’m going to erase them. That way I won’t suffer anymore.” I pause taking another breath

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All, I have started working on this story again! I am almost done with chapter 16!! ;)


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Chapter 17: damnnnn I really need to know what's happening next... please updateeee
Chapter 17: I've just started reading this is one great story, canmt wait for an update
Chapter 17: Holy . I just started reading today and just.. holy why haven't I found this sooner TT TT
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaaa I can’t wait for moreeeeee
Chapter 17: Im glad he remembers it makes it easier for her this time. I hope theyll have a happy ever after <3
Chapter 13: Yeap i guess it right
Chapter 10: For some reason i just know what’s happened
Chapter 16: oH an update!! i missed reading this :')
Chapter 15: yikes yikes yikes well now it's clearer as to why she erased her own memories,, GAD i cant wait if we'll get a glimpse as to how exactly did she erase her own memories like gurl must have went through A LOT of sht