The Cabin On The Cliff

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Post apocalyptic Korea was a barren land. In the barren land, this was the only place where a house still stood, where the grass was still green and where a single tree stood. A few steps from the cabin, the green grass ends. It marked a distinct line from the dirt and dust of the barren land.




A/N: This is a one-shot focusing on Irene and Seulgi. I wanted to work on a story that didn't require an extensive description of the back story but still want to deep the emotions. So unfortuately, there will be no pre-quels or sequels.


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2277 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's been 3 years but I still think about this story T.T I really feel sad for the both of them, if only Seulgi forgave Joohyun earlier, then they could have reconciled and live together with the others </3 Thank you for writing this authornim<3
2277 streak #2
Chapter 1: Rereading this again<3
Chapter 1: WHO'S CHOPPING ONIONS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT? *cries in alien language*
Chapter 1: First one to go! Thank you for letting me translate the story! Cried again... :)
Take care! <3
Here is the link:
Hello again author! I said already that you’re my favorite author, and Imma do it again and again.
I just wanted to ask you again for your permission to translate stories in Russian, if that’s okay with you, can I translate some of them one by one? Maybe eventually all of them... of course with credits! And you can message me anytime if you want a link or anything.
I want to ask you this once, so I won’t bother you later, asking permission to each story. It’s okay if you say no.
Thank you for your time and great stories. Stay healthy and take care!
xStyftx #6
Chapter 1: gosh this was so beautifully written. The cabin on the cliff, the line in between,.. every details is potrayed in just the way it was supposed to be . It kind of reminds me to some film scenes and setups ( that i somehow only vaguely recall. )
The ending was like a bitter after taste. It left me wondering what had happened to Irene, and what would happen to Seulgi later on.
I dont tear up at the end of the story, i just feel rather sad, and empty. But after all, im satisfied with how the story had turned out.
You've done a great job. Im looking forward to read more of your writtings. Please keep up the great works !
Chapter 1: I'm not crying *wipes tears* your the one whose crying! I should have expected this based on the tags but... It hurts, why why whyyyy.... Anyway thankyou for the story authornim *reads the story again and cries*
Chapter 1: Okay I may be one week late bcs I had to heal my leg and no gadgets allowed BUT LISTENING TO EXO - UNIVERSE WHILE READING THIS WAS A REGRET

2277 streak #9
Chapter 1: When you said you love writing angst I didn't know that you write angst that can break hearts and now mine is broken..... (I'm being dramatic... but it's true). It's sad that Irene did everything for Seulgi but Seulgi realized it late.... anyways, thank you for this story!!!
Chapter 1: So beautiful but painful at the same time...