The Fall


Kiara Jackson is an unsocial butterfly and all she loves is books, her Mom and her two best friends. What happens when she has to move from her city to a place that is in the heart of nature? She is thrown into a whirlwind of love, supernatural, and pain. Can she cope up with it and make it back apiece?


Is it so easy to forget your first love?

I don’t think so.

There is a lot of pain, tears, craziness, and heartbreak involved.

It feels like your heart is shattered into thousand pieces and you cannot put it back together.

You might feel I am exaggerating but this is what I felt.

I wonder how people easily hook up with others leaving behind their first love.

Are they putting up an act? Are they so strong? Am I the weak one?   

I don’t know…

All I know is I am still in pain……



This is my tribute to Twilight by Stephanie Mayer. Twilight"s always been one of my favorite books, so here I am writing this Fanction taking inspiration from it.

Any resemblance to other works is purely coincidental and this is my original work.

Hope you guys enjoy reading this and give me your support.

And the beautiful cover is done by the Lazy graphic shop . Thank you My_type!


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