


'I just wanted to let you know I won't be home tonight.'

'Sleep tight.'



Aaah! No! Jongin had pushed the wrong one! He was going to send a silly good night emoticon, where the dog was wearing his underwear on his head and waving goodnight, but sent a heart-kiss one instead.

Aish! Undo it, undo it!

Why, finger, why did you have to slip up right then and there?! He hoped Kyungsoo wouldn't get the wrong idea, in light of their recent incident that neither of them had ever mentioned again. He resisted the urge to obsessively watch the screen, waiting for the little yellow figure 'one' to disappear, knowing that Kyungsoo had seen the emoticon and that he was totally screwed. No, he didn't have the time for the luxury of freaking out.

He and Taemin had decided to have an overnight practice, something they did every so often when they were feeling frustrated with a piece, or there was a move they couldn't quite get a grip on. Whenever things were not going their way dance-wise, they buckled down and pushed themselves and each other to the edge of their capacity, where they often uncovered fresh inspiration and hidden talents.

Those were some of Jongin's best memories. Just him and Taemin, sweating their worries out together, doing what they loved. People often thought love was easy, that it was something that just showed up on your doorstep and the only thing you had to do was to open the door and let it in, and it would stay with you forever. Not true. Love was work. And a whole lot of it. Jongin was in love with dancing, it was the love of his life, and he had never worked as hard at something in his entire life. There were ups and downs, and there were times when he wanted to quit dancing altogether. But sticking through the hard times was what made the love stronger. Invincible.

Jongin was going to become a world-renowned dancer, even if it was the last thing he did.



“Oh! I think my phone's ringing... hang on...” Jongin said apologetically to Taemin and ran to the corner of the room, where his phone lay buried under a bunch of stuff. He didn't really know how it ended up there, but he was always loosing his phone in inexplicable ways.

When he finally found it, it had stopped ringing.

He got a big shock when he looked at the screen.

47 missed calls.

What? How? It was definitely a hall of fame number of missed calls. He had a feeling they were all from the same person. Or the feeling was closer to dread. But before he could check, the phone started ringing again.

The screen flashed the caller's ID: 'Hubbie'.

Jongin had jokingly changed Kyungsoo's ID, but even with the cute nickname, it was still a bit intimidating to see it blinking on the screen.

He hurried up and answered, wondering whether all the missed calls could be about the accidental heart-kiss emoticon. Had Kyungsoo read something more into it? Was he mad? He didn't really have the right to be mad though. If Kyungsoo was allowed to kiss him out of the blue, he was allowed to send a kiss-emoticon for no reason.

“Hey.” Jongin said softly.

“Wow, it's 1 am, are you still up?” Jongin asked surprised when he noticed the time. He usually lost all sense of time when he was dancing.

“Am I still up?!??!” Kyungsoo bit his ear off. “I've called you a million times and no answer. I didn't know if you were dead in a ditch somewhere!” he said upset.

“Or... or... in bed somewhere...” Kyungsoo added in a near inaudible whisper.

“I'm just practicing with Taemin.” Jongin tried to calm Kyungsoo down, not really getting why he was so upset. He had sent him a message that he wasn't coming home and everything. Jongin had done everything right, and he had been considerate enough to let him know he wasn't going to spend the night at home, so he wouldn't be worried or stay up waiting for him.

“Taemin, huh...” Kyungsoo mumbled, irritation lining his voice. “At school?”.

“Yeah?” Jongin confirmed, and before he could ask what all this was about, Kyungsoo had hung up on him. This was strange behavior even for Kyungsoo. But Jongin didn't have time to worry about it, they were losing practice time every second he spent on Kyungsoo's weird freak out. He was just going to deal with it tomorrow. Tonight was dedicated to his one true love, dance!



Jongin and Taemin lay sprawled on the floor, completely spent and drenched in sweat. They had almost got the routine locked down, but their bodies were at their limits, they had used up all their energy and now they were refusing to move.

Jongin was staring up at the ceiling, which by now he knew every inch of, when a face appeared above him as if out of nowhere. He jumped up, even though all his muscles complained profusely, threatening to go on strike.

“What are you doing here?” Jongin gaped at Kyungsoo.

“I was just worried you would forget to eat something and I didn't want you to faint.” Kyungsoo lifted up a picnic basket.

“What?” Jongin's face lit up, his stomach growling. What a weird and unexpected surprise. In the middle of the night. He worried whether Kyungsoo had any important meetings in the morning, the restaurant opening was looming so Kyungsoo had been crazy busy of late, but if that was the case, Kyungsoo wouldn't have come all the way here just to feed him, right?

Kyungsoo took out a cute little blanket and placed it carefully on the floor, starting to unpack the picnic basket on it.

“Wait, how did you know in which studio we were?” Jongin realized he had only told him he was at school. It was a huge building, full of dance studios and conference halls. They were on the second floor. Kyungsoo had no way of knowing where they were.

“Oh, I just peeked into a couple and then there you were.” Kyungsoo shrugged like it was no big deal.

Really? Could he really have been so lucky as to have randomly decided to start on the second floor, picked the right wing and started from the opposite end, leading him to find them practicing in this small and remote dance studio?

Had he put a tracker on him or something? Nah, that was way too creepy. Jongin forbid his brain to even go there.

“Hey, nice to see you again.” Taemin reached out his hand, but Kyungsoo just nodded and looked like he was too busy arranging the feast he had brought to be able to shake his hand.

Taemin gave Jongin a look.

Jongin was totally stuck in the middle of those two. For some reason, Kyungsoo seemed to detest Taemin, and Jongin already knew Taemin thought Kyungsoo was creepy as hell. Partly because Jongin had told him as much, but that was mostly before he had agreed to the marriage arrangement. He had accidentally biased Taemin against Kyungsoo, and now he was paying the price. But those two were the two most important guys in his life, and so he needed them to get along.

Huh. Kyungsoo had become the number two most important guy in his life without him even noticing it happening. It was bound to happen that Kyungsoo would become a prominent part of his life, since they were living together, but Jongin hadn't expected it to feel like this. He had expected it to feel more like a distant roommate kind of thing, begrudgingly tolerating each other's involvement in each other's lives, trying to minimize it as much as possible.

Instead, Kyungsoo was bringing them a picnic in the middle of the night, like the weird sweetheart that he was. Jongin had begun suspecting that Kyungsoo's insides were softer than he lead others on to believe. He was still testing out his theory, but Jongin wasn't sure whether to hope it would hold up or if he wanted to be proven wrong. He had this vague uncomfortable feeling in his gut when he thought about what it meant if Kyungsoo actually turned out to be a sweet, decent guy with the heart of gold.


They ravaged the food like a pack of starving wolves. It was better than at a five star restaurant. Kyungsoo was a genius when it came to food. There was no one going to argue otherwise. Not even Taemin, who ate most of all, and Kyungsoo let him, even though he kept his eye on him the entire time.

Taemin even paid Kyungsoo a compliment for the food, causing an almost unnoticeable softening in Kyungsoo's hostile armor of metal. Jongin hoped this was the beginning of a great friendship, or at least a civilized friendship where they pretended to tolerate one another.


“Ah! That was amazing.” Taemin drummed on his full belly, even though it was as nonexistent as always, making one wonder where all that food was hiding.

“But we really have to continue if we're going to master this before morning.” he added, patting Jongin's shoulder as if he was talking to him, while it was obviously a not so subtle hint to Kyungsoo that he should get going.

Kyungsoo and Taemin exchanged an intense look, staring each other straight in the eyes. Okay, so maybe it would take a while before they became besties.

“Yeah, good luck with your practice or whatever.” Kyungsoo said dryly, packing up. Jongin helped him close all the empty boxes that had been overflowing with delicious side dishes less than an hour ago, and put them back in the picnic basket.

“Thanks for the food.” Jongin said shyly as he walked Kyungsoo to the hallway. He didn't really know how to act around Kyungsoo anymore. They were both being extra courteous to each other, treading lightly, careful not to bring up anything controversial.

“Don't overdo it, okay. Be careful and don't get hurt.” Kyungsoo mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

“I won't.” Jongin chuckled awkwardly. “Do you think you can find your way out alright?”.

“Yeah.” Kyungsoo nodded, waving Jongin back inside the studio. “See you at home.”.

“Mhm.” Jongin did this odd kind of nod-wave-combo and returned to the dance studio. He had this strange and awkward but bubbly feeling inside. He had just seen his husband off, who had brought him some midnight-lunch. It was almost like they were married for reals. Then it hit him. They were. It felt more like they were a couple of 8 year old kids, playing a game of 'Grownups'.



“He's totally into you.” Taemin told him when he came back.

“What?! Nooo... he's just being a good husband and taking care of me. He takes this married thing really seriously. I just think he's a really serious guy, and so everything he does, he does seriously.” Jongin chuckled. Even though Kyungsoo sometimes overdid it in the seriousness-department, Jongin thought it was really cool how dedicated he was in everything he did.

“Dude, I'm telling you. He likes you.” Taemin said determined.

“You're crazy.” Jongin shook his head, giggling. He was trying as hard as he could not to think about the night of the dinner party.

“And he's got some trust issues... I'm pretty sure he sees me as his rival.” Taemin continued.

Jongin let out a really weird laugh, not really knowing what to say to that.



“Do you really think he's into me?” Jongin asked hesitantly in the wee hours of the morning, when they finally called it a night after showing that routine who was boss. For some reason, he hadn't told Taemin about the kiss. He usually told him everything. But there was something stopping the words from coming out.

“I don't think. I know.” Taemin raised one of his eyebrows, sticking his tongue out at him. “And I'm pretty sure you like him back.” he grinned teasingly.

“WHAT?!?! I'm not even gay! What?!?! Stop it...” Jongin said, not able to control the explosive giggles that attacked him out of nowhere.

“Hey, didn't you say there was no way Kyungsoo was gay?” Jongin added, using Taemin's own words against him, while also being really desperate for Taemin's opinion. Jongin could never tell what Kyungsoo was thinking. But sometimes he got this feeling, this really short, really fleeting feeling that maybe, just maybe...

And then there was that kiss. That kiss that haunted him in his dreams, and he spent all day avoiding thinking about. But Kyungsoo hadn't said anything or tried anything since then. Agh. Jongin had no idea what to think, or what he wanted.

“Never say never.” Taemin smirked. “And this gay straight thing isn't as clear cut as you would think. Sometimes you just like someone, for them. Like, as a person.” Taemin shrugged like it was no big deal that his best friend was married to a guy that he hated, and that they were possibly falling for each other right in front of his nose.

“Like you like Minho?” Jongin .

“No!! I'm like so gay I can't see straight, and Minho is just one of my very gay conquests. No biggie.” Taemin frowned at him and they both laughed.



“Hey guys! Woah, did you stay here all night!” Sehun grinned and plopped himself down next to them on the floor. Did they look that bad, that you could spot it right away that they had done an all nighter?

“Sooo... when can I see Suho again?” Sehun giggled.

“Why would you even want to?” Jongin frowned. He didn't like that guy one bit.

“Are you kidding? He's so handsome.” Sehun beamed. “Can't we go on like a double date, or a triple date or something?” he asked with anticipation.

“Seriously... that guy?! But he's so stuffy and corny, and square.” Jongin scrunched up his nose in disapproval. He would happily never see that guy ever again. He didn't know exactly what kind of relationship and history he and Kyungsoo had, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

“I know!! I've never met anyone like him before. He's so hilarious and amazing!” Sehun's eyes twinkled.

Man, he had weird taste.

“Please?” Sehun brought out the puppy eyes.

“I'm not dating anyone, so I can't go on a double date.” Jongin stuck his tongue out at him.

“You're married, that's like... beyond dating.” Sehun chuckled, not giving up.

“Pretty please?” Sehun smiled sweetly, softly batting his beautiful puppy eyes. Aww. Jongin wasn't strong enough to resist that. And he owed him a lot.

“I'll ask Kyungsoo... but no guarantees.” Jongin mumbled, caving like a poorly built building with no structural integrity.

“YAY!!!” Sehun jumped up, doing a little victory dance. They all laughed.

“Now, come on you slowpokes, the lesson is about to start!” Sehun nudged them, bursting with happy energy and joie de vivre.




“So ehm... Sehun kind of likes Suho. Like, a lot.” Jongin clumsily brought up the subject of Sehun's obsession. He had planned to be more subtle and smooth about it, but it somehow came out really awkward, like everything he said to Kyungsoo these days. He had tried being aloof, he had tried being direct, he had tried being friendly, but it always just turned out awkward. That kiss had fundamentally changed the dynamic of their relationship and neither one of them knew what to do about it, so they just ignored it and walked on eggshells around each other.

“And?” Kyungsoo said a little defensively.

“And I was thinking maybe we should set them up. You could ask Suho...” Jongin suggested, hopeful.

“Why should I? It's not my problem, Sehun's love life is his own business, he can just take care of it himself.” Kyungsoo shrugged coldly. It rubbed Jongin the wrong way. What was it with this Suho? Was there some reason Kyungsoo didn't want Sehun to date him?

“So it's just that you're too lazy to ask him, or... is there some other reason you don't want to do it...?” Jongin peered his eyes at him.

Kyungsoo coughed. “Eh.. no... I just... ehm... don't see them together, that's all.”.

“But isn't that for them to decide?” Jongin raised his eyebrows. “Remember what you told me... about this marriage... about what I could and could not do... well, it goes both ways, you know.” he said sternly.

He wasn't sure, but he could have sworn that a ghost of a smile passed by Kyungsoo's lips. For a millisecond, the ends of Kyungsoo's mouth turned a tiny bit upwards.

“I owe Sehun a lot... he was there for me when I needed it, even though he had no reason to be...” Jongin pouted.

“Fine! Whatever... I need to test the restaurant kitchen before I open anyway, I can just invite Suho to be the test subject and ask him then. No guarantees, though. I don't think he's Suho's type.” Kyungsoo sighed.

“NO!!” Jongin shouted. He wanted to be Kyungsoo's first customer at the restaurant. There was no way he was letting Suho rob him of that.

Kyungsoo startled, his eyes doubling in size. He looked at him with a big question mark in his eyes, having no idea why Jongin was objecting to his own idea.

“Ehm.. I mean... uh... heh... then... then you'll be distracted the whole time, so you can't really concentrate on trying everything out properly and what if something goes wrong? And the restaurant opening has to be delayed because of it? Then I would feel bad, because essentially, I would have caused that distraction... can't we just... invite Suho over here for like, coffee or something?” Jongin inelegantly tried to save face.

“Ah. Hmm. You have a point.” Kyungsoo seemed to be buying it. “Okay, I'll give him a call.”.


Jongin could feel pearls of cold sweat form on his forehead. That was close. But why did he care so much about who would be Kyungsoo's first guest at the restaurant?




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Kainatwafa #1
Please update, I'm waiting 🥺
Wakermelon_bin #2
Chapter 1: Starting nice!
Chapter 24: This was soooo sooooooooo soooooooooooo cute!!!!
Cutest and the fluffiest story I have ever read.
This story deserves more attention!!!
Mia_babe #4
Chapter 24: Cutest story ever. 😍
Chapter 24: they are so cute :3 and the chaper’s sooooo lovable. thank you for updating :)))
Chapter 24: Thank you for the update
an update an updateeeee? yes :333333
Chapter 23: i kind of miss these two cuties in your fic :))
Chapter 23: This is my first time reading an exo fic. I've only been aware of kaisoo through random posts I had seen on Twitter in the past and I got curious. This is such a cute story ♡
Chapter 23: it is so y when they are actually talking their probléms out :D :).