Chapter Seventeen

Seven Men and a Baby

Chapter Seventeen


Yoongi woke up with a frown, he was overly warm and Eun-Jeong was crying loudly from her cot. Sitting up in the bed he looked to Jin, who was still asleep, curled up under the covers. All he could see was a head of hair sticking out from them. Climbing off the bed after detangling his arms from around Jin he got up and went over to Eun-Jeong. Picking the little girl up and bounced her a little as he went in search of his phone to see what the time was.


“Odd,” he murmured, Jin would normally be up before 7 am with Eun-Jeong already dressed and ready for the day. It was almost eight in the morning. He looked at Jin and wondered if the elder finally just decided that he needed a bit more sleep.


“Baaaa!” a frustrated Eun-Jeong yelled out as she waved her arms a little and kicked out. Upset that she had been in her cot for so long.


“Okay, let’s get you some breakfast and then we’ll see about waking Jin hyung up, but for now little one let’s let him sleep just that little bit longer,” he told her as he walked out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. Placing Eun-Jeong in the highchair he went about making breakfast for the three of them, setting it out for himself and Jin to be eaten later on.


Yoongi settled beside Eun-Jeong and fed her quickly, not wanting to wait for her to try and feed herself. As soon as she finished he cleaned her up. She was still in her nighttime clothes but it didn't matter at the moment. Yoongi was a little worried about Jin. He thought the smell of food would have woken him up, but it hadn’t.


“Okay, into the playpen for a little bit,” he told her as he picked her up and carried her through to the living room. Setting her in the play pen with a few of her toys. Wincing a little as she gave a cry, her monkey had been left in the bedroom. “I’ll get monkey to you in a moment sweetie,” he said, using Jin’s nickname for her as he left her in the playpen and went back to the bedroom.


He walked in and looked to the bed, walking over he pulled down the covers and saw the flush on Jin’s face. “Jinnie?” he said, softly. He placed a hand on his forehead and felt his temperature. It was a little high, but he didn't think it was going to be something he should worry about just yet. “Hey,” he said, trying to wake him up, “Jinnie,” he called out a second time.


Jin’s eyes slowly opened and he looked to Yoongi, “Yoongichi?” he asked him, puzzled as to why he was being woken up. It was still night, wasn’t it?


“It’s morning. I’ve taken care of Eun-Jeong, so you don't have to worry about her. I just wanted to see if you would like something to drink and maybe get a few tablets as well since I think you have a fever,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.


“I’m okay,” Jin said, trying to get up. He starts to sit up, only to flop back down on the bed, too tired to remain sitting up for more than a second. His body was tired and felt heavy.


“Stay there, I can get you anything you need, so don't worry. I’ll look after Eun-Jeong as well. There’s nothing we need to do today, so you can rest without a worry,” he told him, a soft smile on his face.


“Eun-Jeong, I should be up and looking after her, she isn’t your responsibility,” he protested trying to get up once more but falling to the bed a second time. This time groaning as the world spun around him.


“Stay where you are,” Yoongi commanded, shaking his head, “I’ll be back with some medication and something hot for you to drink,” he added, smoothing out the blankets and standing up straight. He stopped by the crib and grabbing Eun-Jeong's little monkey. She hated to be away from it, and when they had forgotten it the one time they had gone to the studio, she had a meltdown, screaming and crying and none of them could understand what was going on until they got back home and she had clung to the stuffed animal, refusing to let it go for the rest of the night.


“Sorry,” Jin murmured tiredly, watching him with half-open eyes.


“It’s okay,” he reminded him with a smile, as he left the room, closing the door a little to keep the light out and headed back to the living room. Where Eun-Jeong was starting to lose her temper as she threw her toys out of the playpen, “Here you go, now be a good girl,” he told her, bopping her gently on the nose with a finger handing the toy over to her and then picking up the ones she had thrown.


Yoongi stretched a little, knowing it was going to be a long day, “Now Eun-Jeong, I need you to be a really good girl today, Jinnie isn’t well and needs us to look after him,” he told her, a little smile on his face, “He hasn’t been doing well recently either,” he confided in her, knowing that she wouldn't be able to tell anyone else of his worries. “I’m worried about him burning out. He tries to do everything himself, taking care of you and the others as well. We’re trying to help more, but… he’s stubborn,” he told her, ruffling her hair a little as he got back up.


Yoongi went into the kitchen and made some tea for Jin, and set it on a tray as he quickly went to get some of the medication that they kept stored in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Putting some fever tables on the tray as well and a small bowl of rice and vegetables, hoping that Jin might feel like he could have something to eat he headed back to the bedroom. He set the tray down on the bedside table, “Jinnie,” he called out, wondering if he was asleep again.


Jin opened his eyes and Yoongi helped him to sit up, putting more pillows behind his back so that he would be resting against them. “Yoongi,” he said tiredly.


“Hey, got you something to eat as well, just something light. Don't want to make you feel too full,” he said with a little smile as he handed the small glass of water he had grabbed and handed over the tablets. Jin took them, sipping the water gratefully as it helps to sooth the slight ache in his throat.


“Thank you,” he said, looking around, a little dizzy, but not as bad as when he had first woken up.


“How are you feeling?” he asked him, sitting on the edge of the bed.


“Tired,” Jin admitted softly, “I just want to sleep. I should be fine soon,” he said, brushing off whatever was wrong with him.


“Well, for now, drink your tea, and eat the food. I’m looking after Eun-Jeong, so she should be fine with me, I’ll be back a little later to take the empty stuff away,” Yoongi told him, taking a hand and squeezing it.


Jin held it tightly in his for a moment before letting go, “Thank you.”


“Welcome, always, you know that,” he told him as he got up and walked out of the room. He headed back to the living room, wondering if there was anything that he should do to help Jin out a little.


He started with tidying the room, keeping himself busy. Tidying up the dorm and playing with Eun-Jeong when she got sick of being in her playpen. He checked on Jin a few times, taking away the empty tray with bowl, glass and cup. The man was sleeping and Yoongi was grateful for that. He took everything to the kitchen only to stop when he heard Eun-Jeong start crying. He put things down on the table and went into the living room. Eun-Jeong was standing unbalanced on her feet gripping the side of her playpen, crying her little eyes out.


“What's wrong?” he asked she picked her up, she pushed away from him. “Shush,” he said doing his best to soothe her. He wondered a moment and nodded as he went towards the bedroom. She started to quieten down as they reached the door. Opening it he walked in, “See he is right there,” he told her, letting her look at Jin sleeping in the bed.


“Jiiiiiii!” she called out loudly.


Yoongi winced, “Shush, don't wake him up,” his whispered softly.


“It’s okay,” Jin said as he opened bleary eyes, looking at the two of them “What's wrong?” he asked.


“I think she was missing you,” he told him, going over to the bed full and sitting down on the edge of it, “Here you can hold her for a little bit, she might remain calm down for a while if you do,” he said softly.


Jin smiled, sitting up on the bed as he took hold of the little girl. Yoongi walked out of the room, knowing he should now call the others. They should have finished with the days filming except for Hoseok, but he knew that the other would get the message when he finished. He messaged Hoseok first. And then called Namjoon.


“Yoongi-hyung?” Namjoon’s voice came through “Everything okay?” he asked, it wasn’t often that Yoongi would contact him when they were busy with something.


“Jin’s not feeling well at the moment, fever mainly. Think he has a sore throat as well,” he answered him, “Just thought I would tell you,” he said softly, glancing towards the bedroom, he could hear Jin talking softly to Eun-Jeong.


“Do you need us back?” he asked him, concern in his voice.


“No, I can take care of things here, just thought I should warn you. Since I don’t think he will be better before you come back,” he said, “Make sure Jungkook knows, and I’ll see you when you get back tomorrow morning,” he added.


“All right, Jungkook-ah and I have our last interview this evening, we’ll come back straight away after that. I don’t think we want to hang around any longer,” he spoke softly, worried about his eldest hyung.


“Okay,” he nodded, “I’m going to call Jimin-ah now, I’ve messaged Hoseok and told him what is going on, but he won't be finished until almost seven tonight, so I might not hear from him until then,” he said.


“Okay, I’ll see you tonight, we won't be back until almost midnight,” Namjoon said, and Yoongi could hear the wince in his voice as he realised he the time they would arrive back home.


“If you’re sure,” he sighed, “Nothing is going to happen if you stay there and come back fresh in the morning,” he told him, “think it through before you do it, message me when you’ve decided on it,” he added.


“Okay,” Namjoon said, “Talk to you later,” he added saying a quick goodbye.


Yoongi hung up and then called Jimin, “Hey Jiminie,” he said with a little smile.


“Yoongi Hyung?” he questioned, worry entering his tone straight away, “you don't normally call us.”


“I just wanted to warn you for when you get back tomorrow. Jin’s ill at the moment, he’s not too bad at the moment, so don’t worry,” he said trying to reassure him that all was fine. “Don't think he will be better for a few more days yet, so didn’t want you to be upset that I didn't call you,” he told him.


“Okay, well, we have a night interview, so we can come back straight away after that,” he said, “We won't get back until really late though,” he added.


“Don’t worry about that, Namjoon said the same thing as well,” he shook his head, “If you need to sleep get some and then come fresh in the morning. Don't rush yourselves too much,” he advised him, hoping he would take it.


“I’ll talk with Taetae and call you when we’ve decided,” he replied quickly.


“Okay, right, I’m going back to Jin and Eun-Jeong, she’s with him at the moment,” he said, a little worried for leaving them for so long.


“Talk to you later hyung and take care of Jin hyung for us and give him our love,” he added a happier tone in his voice.


“I will,” Yoongi smiled as he walked towards the bedroom ending the call and opening the door. Jin was still sitting up, but he could see that he was tired. He went over and sat down, “Okay, I’ll take her and you get some more sleep. I’ll wake you in an hour or so for some lunch, okay hyung,” he told him, a soft smile on his face.


Jin smiled back, “Thank you Yoongichi,” he told him.


Yoongi nodded, taking Eun-Jeong from his arms, and helping him settled down on the bed before leaving the room once more. Turning for a moment, “The others all send their love,” he smiled, leaving Jin alone, with a smile on his face as well.

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Smith4439 #1
Smith4439 #2
I’m dying to know what happens next. Please.
Smith4439 #3
Hope everything is Ok. Really looking forward to updates for your stories. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 10: Hi! This fic is really cute and a nice change from all the romance fics floating around. I really like your writing. Just a little bit of criticism, you could use an editor or beta to go over your writing and clean it up before you put it out but other than that I really enjoy this story~♡