Chapter Sixteen

Seven Men and a Baby

Chapter Sixteen


They were getting closer and closer to their comeback show. The feeling of excitement was getting to them all. Jin had taken to practising all hours that he could. He would only be home to makes sure he was there for a good hour before Eun-Jeong was to go to bed, so he could sing her to sleep, feed her and play with her. And then he would be disappearing back to the studio. He knew that the others would be able to watch over her and call him if she woke up. Most of the time he would ask Yoongi to keep an eye on her for him. He would come back at the early hours of the morning and only get a few hours sleep before he would be up again when Eun-Jeong woke up.


Jin looked up as Sejin walked into the living room of the dorm, Eun-Jeong was in the middle of the floor, playing around and crawling from one toy to another. The others scattered around the room. It was evening, just before Eun-Jeong would be going to bed, and Jin had been talked into remaining at home that day, instead of going back to the studio to practice more.


“Good to see you all,” he greeted as he sat down, smiling as Eun-Jeong crawled over to him and reached up towards him. “Hello to you as well Eun-Jeong,” he said as he picked her up for a moment and balanced her on his knee, bouncing her slightly, much to her amusement.


“Evening,” Jin and the others greeted him, all smiling.


“Okay, so tomorrow, we have you all split up again,” he said, as they all groaned, they hated being split up for the various talk shows that they would do as they went towards promotion. Most of the time they were able to get them together, but at the moment, they would want only one or two to make sure they would be able to get the segment on air.


“Who is with who and doing what hyung?” Namjoon asked, glancing towards the others for a moment as they went quiet.


“Namjoon, you and Jungkook are to be part of a talk show, answering a few questions and doing an activity with the other guests, the next day is a variety show, so you’ll be away for around three days,” he paused glancing towards the two, “information about it all is in here, they have been told not to ask questions about Eun-Jeong, so if they do, ignore them as you have been doing,” he told them, hanging over the information packed.


“Thanks,” Namjoon said as he took his and Jungkooks, handing one to the maknae and both of them looking through it.


“You know, I’m glad that you do this now,” Taehyung said as he looked over Jungkook's shoulder, “Makes it so much easier to know what we are to say and not to say and what is expected of us all,” he grinned.


“Good to know,” Sejin smiled at him as he then looked at Hoseok, “Hoseok, you’re on your own for this one,” he said, handing over a folder to him, “Radio show. They want you there during the day, for the whole day, various things are going to be going on and they want you there for the whole event that they are doing, all of it is in the folder,” he told him. “So you are being put up for the two nights, one before and one after the event since you’ll be there the whole time,” he added.


“Okay,” Hoseok said, pulling a face, every one of them hated doing things on their own. They were a group, seven of them and they prefer it that way. They had become a family after all.


“Jimin and Taehyung, you’re on another radio show, but this one a little further afield. You’ll be going there for an evening broadcast and another wants you in the same area for a mid-morning one,” Sejin told the two as he handed over their folders.


“So what are Jin and I doing?” Yoongi asked him, looking to the man.


“Well, for one they were going to split you up. But when we thought about it and about Eun-Jeong, we knew it wouldn’t be a good idea, so we’ve been able to get the two things that they wanted you to do separately, to happen together. So you have a talk show tomorrow afternoon to film and a small radio segment a few hours after that. The others are all taking place over two to three days, you will only have the one day to do things. I’ll be around to look after Eun-Jeong, so if you decide to take her, she’ll be watched over by me, if not, we’ll organise someone to come with us to go with you and I’ll stay behind to watch over her,” he told the two of them.


“Okay,” Jin nodded taking the folder and looking through it.


“Thanks,” Yoongi added looking through his own.


“I think I would rather her be nearby if you don't mind Sejin-hyung,” Jin said softly as he looked to the man.


“That's fine,” he nodded, “Okay, you all leave tomorrow morning don’t forget.”


The other nodded barely looking up for the folders as Sejin left them alone once more.




The next day went fine, the others left with enough time to get to where they needed, while Yoongi and Jin’s talk show interviews and variety show went without a hitch. No pictures of Eun-Jeong were taken while they were there this time, which put Jin at ease as they spent the night watching movies and relaxing. The next day they had free since the others wouldn’t be getting back for another day, at least. Jin looked out the window and frowned, he had been hoping to take Eun-Jeong to the park for a while. It was a little cold, but it had been fine enough to take her out, or it had until it began to rain, lightly.


“We need to get a few things,” Yoongi said as he walked out of the kitchen.


“Yeah,” Jin nodded, “Why don't I do that and you watch Eun-Jeong for me. I don't want to take her out in this,” he said gesturing to the window, where rainwater ran down it.


“Okay,” he nodded, Eun-Jeong was in her playpen already happy with her monkey and the pirate that Jimin had brought a few days ago.


Jin made a list of what they needed and got ready. He frowned when he didn’t see his heavy coat on the hook, wondering if one of the others had taken it. He had worn his jacket yesterday for the interviews. So he grabbed it once more and shoved his feet in his shoes. “Be back soon,” Jin calls out. He walks out into the rain. Though it wasn’t heavy, it was enough to annoy him a little as he rushed towards the shops. It didn’t take him long to find the few essential things that they needed and pay at the till.


Jin walked out and looked around, it was still only a drizzle, thankfully. He was halfway home when the sky really opened up and the rain came down hard. He did his best to run back to the dorms, sliding a little on a bit of rubbish. He saved himself from falling, but only just. Stopping for a moment, he was shaking a little after the fright of almost falling. With a deep breath, he carried on the run and arrived. Opening the door he shook himself a little before stepping inside.


“I’m back!” he called out to Yoongi. He put the bags down for a moment, taking off his jacket and shoes. Cursing a little as he was soaked all the way through. He could feel his clothes sticking to him. He pulled his shirt away from his chest for a moment, sighing as he picked up the bags and headed towards the kitchen.


He could hear Yoongi talking to Eun-Jeong, “I’ll come and help in a moment hyung!” Yoongi finally called out to him.


“Don’t worry about it. I’ll put things away,” he told him going into the kitchen alone and started to put everything away.


“HYUNG!” came Yoongi’s shout just as he finished.


Jin rushed towards the living room a jolt of fear going through him as he entered only to stop when he saw Yoongi on one side of the room and Eun-Jeong on a sofa opposite him. She was on the floor, “What?” he asked.


“She pulled herself up,” Yoongi said brightly as he went over to the little girl and pick up Monkey and put it back on the sofa. “Go on little one, do it again for Jinnie,” he coaxed, taking a step back.


Jin watched as the little girl pouted at Yoongi and then with a look of concentration she was grabbing onto the sofa and slowly she began to stand up. Seeing that her monkey wasn't that close she took a small step and then another and another until it was finally in reach. She squealed as she grabbed it and fell back onto the floor, her bottom hitting the plush carpet with a thud.


“Oh wow!” Jin exclaimed, eyes wide and a large excited smile on his face.


“I know,” Yoongi grinned as he looked to his hyung, the smile dropping a little, “I think you need to change, you’re wet,” he told him.


Jin looked down and then nodded, “Yeah, I’ll quickly change, maybe message the others to tell them about Eun-Jeong pulling herself up and walking with help,” he said as he headed towards the bedroom. He dried off a little, changing his clothes and taking them and some more of the dirty ones in their room to the laundry room. He put a load on and went back to the living room.

“They want a video, so I’m just about to do that,” Yoongi told him, already going to the monkey and coaxing it from Eun-Jeong’s grip. Jin nodded and watched as Eun-Jeong pouted and babbled something at Yoongi when he took her monkey from her, “Go and get it then,” he told her softly, eyes alight as he moved back, phone up and ready to record.


The little girl didn’t disappoint as she pulled herself to her feet, and gripping onto the sofa she took the few steps to reach her monkey. She waved it at Yoongi as though to tell him off for taking it from her. He smiled and went down and kissed her cheek. “Blaaaa!” she yelled, bopping him on the head with Monkey.


“I’m sorry little one, but the others all wanted to see you walking,” he told her as he then sent the video to them.


“Right, I’m going to make some dinner for us,” Jin told him, smiling happily as he walked into the kitchen and started to cook for the three of them.


Yoongi picked Eun-Jeong up and walked into the kitchen, setting her in the high chair he went over to his hyung, “Want a little help?” he asked.


Jin looked over to him and nodded, “Sure, I’m just doing something simple,” he said.


“That's okay, no need for fancy with me and Eun-Jeong,” he teased lightly.


Jin laughed, smiling as he replied, “Yeah.”


The two cooked dinner together and then settled down to eat, letting Eun-Jeong sample some of the food along with what she had on her own plate. She was picking at it mostly. Eating better when she got something from Yoongi or Jin. There were a number of messages from the others all excited about the little video that had been sent of Eun-Jeong. Moments later Yoongi thought to send it to Sejin. He spent a lot of time around Eun-Jeong, so the two thought he would like to see her up and about.

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Smith4439 #1
Smith4439 #2
I’m dying to know what happens next. Please.
Smith4439 #3
Hope everything is Ok. Really looking forward to updates for your stories. Keep up the good work.
Chapter 10: Hi! This fic is really cute and a nice change from all the romance fics floating around. I really like your writing. Just a little bit of criticism, you could use an editor or beta to go over your writing and clean it up before you put it out but other than that I really enjoy this story~♡