My Heart Wants You. My Liar.


When Choi Eunmee was given the assignment to join Block B, she did it happily, wanting to expose the dangerous gangs secrets. Little did she know that the exotic, dangerous feeling of being with the gang would turn her to a path worse then any hell. She finds her self slipping deeper and deeper into the work path, falling for the only evil maknae, P.O.

Can she bring herself back to the world of following the rules, or will her love for P.O drag her down into the dorty world.



I sat at the end of the table, in the overly heated, dark room. My eyes flickered between each picture that was projected on the screen infront of me. I traced every line and bone structure on each of the seven boys faces. Their indevidual hair colours and eye shapes, the way their mouths were set. Each tiny detail. Like the scar above the one called Zico's eyebrow, a definate knife wound. The small pucture under the youngest ones lip, made from impact with a fist. All of these were significant to my work. 
"Lane, have you got everything? You've been in here for hours." My co-worker asked after I'd looked over the picture the 30th time.
"Huh? Oh, Victoria. Yeah, I guess so. I can't find anything else, I guess I'm done." I smiled at her, always being the one to  over do my work.
"Aish. You make us all look bad. C'mon, lets go eat." She smiled happily and grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the overly warm room and into the cool corridor. When we eventaully reached the cafeteria, she roughly shoved me into my seat and went to get our food. She was the only person who knew me so well. Mainly because we were the only two people in the force that weren't born in Korea or America. We were both Chinese natives, although my parents were born in Korea, I was Chinese-Korean.
Victoria appeared by my side. "When does your assignment start?" She asked, knowing that as soon as I had to leave on this assignment, she may never see me again.
"Tomorrow." I replied simply, taking a bite out of the sandwich she'd gotten.
"Be safe." Was all she replied.


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