Like Fall, I Fall


Like fall the shades of red-orange and yellow blended well into the russet fur. Despite the hardships, the bright gleam in green emeralds danced just as fiercely as the anger that lied hidden. At the snap of his jaw, his ears laid flat, the swishing of his tail showing his irritation and with just a single touch of Jimin's hand, the anger that had surfaced fell. The feeling of hands running through his hair had Taehyung docile to the male who now was his world.

They always said it was hard to tame an animal, but Jimin didn't know that once he did he would need the fox hybrid as much as he needed him. As he watched the sleeping male, who was just as unique if not rare in this world he could only ask the Gods to let them remain within the arms of one another. Jimin knew he would have to fight for them to stay together, he'd have to be willing to voice his thoughts and brave to listen to his heart.


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SugakookiesandTae102 #1
Chapter 3: *loud applause* This is. SO good! I love it already and can't wait for the next chapter!!