
Cicadas buzzed in the midsummer night. The heat was unbearable, causing Miyawaki Sakura to finally stir awake. She felt like she was suffocating, trapped between the warmth of Nako and Chaeyeon. She sat up and glanced around with her tired eyes. All the other IZ*ONE members were knocked out after a day of their schedules and spending all night talking.


Carefully, Sakura manoeuvred out of the burning furnace, a.k.a. her futon. She tiptoed over and around the sleeping girls until she slid open the door. Sakura was immediately hit with the cool fresh air and she felt at home in the Japanese garden.


Silently, Sakura strolled around the inn that Hitomi frequented when she was younger. After seeing Hitomi’s childhood album, Sakura could imagine the younger girl toddling around. Sakura chuckled at the thought. It had been amazing going to Hitomi’s hometown, but it made her homesick. As much as she enjoyed South Korea and her team members, Sakura missed her family, as well as the other HKT48 members. Japan was where she belonged.


However, if that was true, Sakura wondered why she decided to take the leap into the opportunity of debuting in another country. If she truly thought she belonged in Japan, then she could have stayed. Like many of her team members, she didn’t have to risk everything. Sakura was already a well-established idol with thousands of fans. However, when Nako said she was going to try, it sparked something in her. Like her name, Sakura was a petal that was easily swept up in the wind, taking things in stride. Before she knew it, she was in the air, flying on a plane to a country she had never visited to challenge girls to become an idol.


She lightly stepped on the wooden planks that guided around the premises. It was like most Japanese inns, elegantly decorated to suit the classic Japanese taste. Sakura finally felt her body cool down thanks to the open air. As Sakura explored, she walked around and saw the hot springs. It was the private hot springs belonging to overnight guests. The inn was split into male and female sections, with also a communal area. This one was the private female hot springs. As expected, there was not a single person in sight.


Sakura stepped towards the edge. With her light pyjamas, Sakura was not prepared for the truly cool night. She knelt down and basked in the heat. Even though tomorrow the group would be visiting the public spring, it felt nice to have the whole place to herself. She stared into the swirls of mist. Like a dream, they disappeared. Sakura still couldn’t believe this was real. After all the tears and hardships, she made it. However, none of it would have happened if it wasn’t for the support she received. Especially from one particular person.




The owner of the name jumped. Sakura stood up, facing the voice she could recognise in a crowded room. Sakura’s round startled eyes met Chaeyeon’s.


“Why are you awake?”


“It was hot.” Sakura replied in her broken Korean. Even half asleep, Sakura did her best to practice her second language. She remembered the moments she felt lost and Sakura hated that feeling.


“What about you?” Sakura asked back.


“I woke up and saw you wasn’t there. I thought something was wrong.”


Sakura’s heart fluttered. Since the moment they met, Chaeyeon has always taken care of Sakura. With Japanese ability, Sakura had depended on Chaeyeon a lot. Due to this, Sakura became quickly attached to Chaeyeon. Even though she adored the other IZ*ONE members, Sakura thought she was anchored to Chaeyeon, the two sharing a particularly special bond. The feelings were confirmed to be mutual by Chaeyeon’s pick of her ‘boyfriend’. When Chaeyeon picked her, she felt unusually shy.

To be honest, she wanted to pick Chaeyeon too, but she was afraid to draw too much attention to herself. However, attention still fell on them either way. She wished she had the same courage as Chaeyeon.


Little did Sakura know, Chaeyeon had felt the same. With the glow of the lights surrounding the hot spring, it made Sakura’s beauty radiate. Chaeyeon’s heart was almost at bursting point when she spoke about her connection to Sakura. It was so overwhelming that she even expressed her embarrassment much to the amusement of the other members.


Chaeyeon remembered the first moment she saw Sakura. She was looking down from her seat and even though Sakura was amongst other HKT48 members, Sakura shined the most. When Chaeyeon found out they were in the same class, even though Sakura looked intimidating, she couldn’t wait to talk to her. The first time Chaeyeon approached her, she thought Sakura would react rather coldly, due her image. However, Sakura’s blank expression melted away instantly as soon as Chaeyeon spoke to her, revealing her shy but relieved smile. Chaeyeon knew she would be tied to the Japanese woman, no matter where she was. The closer they became, the more Chaeyeon realised that Sakura was not how she appeared. She knew she was cute and beautiful, but Chaeyeon discovered that Sakura was also funny and cool. She had hidden charms that Chaeyeon had the pleasure of uncovering. Sakura immediately became her girl crush.


However, Sakura had a side to her that Chaeyeon didn’t like. When she was going through hardships, Sakura would keep it all to herself, and worry by herself. Often, she would leave the room or step outside the dorm to be by herself. It reminded Chaeyeon of herself. Perhaps that’s why she didn’t like it. Therefore, when Chaeyeon stirred awake to find Sakura missing, she wanted to find her immediately. She couldn’t help but worry for the slightly older girl.


“I’m okay.” Sakura reassured. However, she did feel bad for making Chaeyeon get up. Sakura knew that Chaeyeon always stayed late at dance practices. Due her late nights, Sakura tended to worry about her short sleeping pattern. Even that night they had stayed up talking to each other, finding out more about one another, their bond deepening. It made Sakura feel even closer to Chaeyeon.


“Are you tired?” Sakura asked. Even though Chaeyeon shook her head, Sakura disagreed. All day Sakura noticed Chaeyeon rubbing her own shoulders and legs, an attempt to ease the constant aches.


Suddenly, an idea popped into Sakura’s head.


“Have you been in hot springs before?”


Sakura’s question confused Chaeyeon. She shook her head in response, although Chaeyeon knew they were going to go to the public hot spring, just outside the inn.


“We should try.” Sakura suggested, grabbing Chaeyeon’s hand.


“What do you mean?”


“Let’s go.” Sakura simply replied, leading Chaeyeon towards the female changing rooms just at the other side of the hot springs.


Soon they were inside, the only two in front of the lines of lockers. It reminded Chaeyeon of the bathhouses in Korea. Which would mean one thing.


Chaeyeon’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head when Sakura immediately began stripping.


“Wait!” Chaeyeon almost screamed, if she didn’t remember the hour. She held onto Sakura’s arm, which was at the bottom of her own shirt, about to lift it up. Sakura had already taken off her pyjama shorts, revealing her soft legs. Chaeyeon felt the heat rising to her cheeks when she caught sight of Sakura’s midriff.


Sakura looked at the other woman, confused.


“What are you doing?” Chaeyeon demanded.


“Taking off my clothes.” Sakura answered matter-of-factly.


“Everything?” Chaeyeon clarified.


“Of course.”


“But the production team said we could wear clothes in the spring.” Chaeyeon said, doing her best not to stutter.


“That’s the public one. This is our private one. We can’t wear clothes in it. It’s bad manners.”


Defeated, Chaeyeon let go of Sakura’s arm. She immediately spun round, her back facing Sakura. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Sakura. Even though she should be used to it, being roommates and having changed in front of her many times, Chaeyeon thought her head was going to burst. Every time she saw Sakura’s revealed body parts, Chaeyeon would feel the now familiar blush. It was like a fire rose from her toes to the roots of her hair. It wasn’t fair that the other woman made her react so badly. It was especially mind-numbing because it would be the first time Chaeyeon would be completely bare, next to Sakura. Plus, all the other times, at least one other member were there. This time, it was just the two of them.


There was only one way.


Chaeyeon undressed as quick as the speed of light. She had to be quicker than Sakura. That way, Chaeyeon wouldn’t be self-conscious of Sakura seeing her body. She didn’t have enough confidence for that to happen. At times Chaeyeon wondered how she ever ended up debuting with all the stunning girls. Then, when she monitored herself on the screen with them, she found she had to pick up her self-esteem from the floor.


Chaeyeon held the seemingly tiny towel in front of her body and dashed past Sakura, doing her best not to look at her.  


“I’ll head in first.” Chaeyeon almost spat, her nerves getting the better of her.


Assuming it was similar to Korea, Chaeyeon quickly scrubbed her body, rubbing it almost raw. It was as if she was trying to wash away her inappropriate thoughts.


Soon, Chaeyeon headed into the natural hot springs. As soon as she dipped her foot into the hot water, Chaeyeon almost forgot about her anxiety. When one leg was completely submerged, she already felt the fatigue fade from her body. Bit by bit, as Chaeyeon waded deeper, her body relaxed until she felt like jelly.


However, Chaeyeon wasn’t relaxed for long. She heard the door of the changing rooms open and the soft pads of Sakura’s feet on the wet stones. Thankfully the mist was thick and without her contacts, it prevented Chaeyeon from seeing too much. She just listened to the sound of water and Sakura’s light humming as she washed herself. Chaeyeon closed her eyes, her head leaning back on the ledge, doing her best not to imagine her friend just a few metres away.




Chaeyeon almost choked. The voice was much closer that she expected and when she opened her eyes, Sakura was at the edge of the pool. Even though the mist blurred Sakura’s body, Chaeyeon could still see the outline and the fair colour of Sakura’s skin. Chaeyeon averted her gaze as Sakura stepped into the hot water, with a similar small white towel covering her porcelain body. The water shifted, like Chaeyeon’s shaking heart, and before she could blink, Sakura was next to her. She didn’t know if it was just her, but Chaeyeon thought that the water had become much hotter than before.


Sakura released a sigh of relief. She could feel her tiredness leaking away. Even though as an AKB48 member, Sakura had experience of a busy schedule, it was never like this. Never had a day felt so packed, with practice, music shows and interviews. However, with her members, no matter how tiring it was, it was always fun.


Looking over at Chaeyeon, she saw her friend’s red face. Surprised, Sakura witnessed the tightly knitted eyebrows and soft frown. Chaeyeon’s expression was completely the opposite of relaxation.


“Are you okay Chaeyeon?” Sakura checked. Perhaps the water was too hot for her.


Chaeyeon, keeping her eyes closed, nodded.


“Really? It’s not too hot?” Sakura said.


“It’s fine.” Chaeyeon squeaked.


Sakura wasn’t sure. However, she didn’t press. She knew Chaeyeon didn’t like being asked the same question too many times. If it was too much, she would say or get out.


Even though Chaeyeon might have been uncomfortable, Sakura appreciated her friend for being there. Chaeyeon would always try new things with her and Sakura hoped the hot spring would help her recover a little bit from the strains of idol life. These days the two of them haven’t been able to spend time alone, so it was a nice change being with Chaeyeon. There have been so many experiences they have shared together and it had been an unforgettable time. Sakura hoped there wold be many more moments in the future.


Sakura glanced at Chaeyeon, watching as her expression finally softened. Chaeyeon really was pretty. Her body especially. Sakura had caught a glimpse of her firm back in the changing rooms, and even under the water, Sakura could see the shapely limbs. She was envious of those long legs that seemed to go on for days. An image of them wrapped around her body flashed in Sakura’s mind. She immediately blushed, wondering why such a thought entered her brain. Sakura quickly looked out at the scenery.


Suddenly, something caught Sakura’s eyes.




The sudden exclaim finally made Chaeyeon open her eyes.




“Look!” Sakura said, her eyes wide and bright, like an excited kid’s.


Chaeyeon’s gaze followed Sakura’s pointing finger. In the darkness, Chaeyeon saw tiny floating lights.




The two stared at the glowing insects in silent awe. They zigzagged up and down, darting around each other. Chaeyeon had never seen fireflies so close, and Sakura had not seen such a sight in years.


“Pretty.” Sakura said in Japanese.


Chaeyeon glanced at Sakura. The bottom of her hair was slightly damp and her face glimmered in the natural light. Her portrait was highlighted by the shimmering water.


“Really pretty.” Chaeyeon chorused in Japanese.


Suddenly, Sakura faced Chaeyeon and their eyes focussed on each other. Sakura’s smile held Chaeyeon, and Chaeyeon’s deep gaze held Sakura. In that moment, nothing else mattered. It was just Sakura and Chaeyeon, and fireflies.


“I’m happy we’re on this trip.” Sakura softly said.


“Me too.” Chaeyeon whispered.


Chaeyeon swallowed. Like the fireflies, a fury of emotions was whizzing around inside. She couldn’t name them, but when Sakura grasped her hand underneath the water, Chaeyeon wanted to explore them and name them with the woman next to her.




Sakura maintained her gaze, expectantly waiting to hear what Chaeyeon had to say. She always wanted to hear what Chaeyeon had to say.  


“I’m happy being here. With you.”


Sakura smiled, and she lightly dabbed at Chaeyeon’s face with her dry towel. Her uncharacteristically forward actions that always made Chaeyeon’s heart clench. Like the tightened hold on Chaeyeon’s heart, Sakura’s grip on Chayeon’s hand strengthened.


“I’m glad.” Sakura softly added. “I’ve been lucky to have met you.”


There was a moment of silence between them as they each searched for the answer to the mysterious feeling they had when they looked into the other’s pupils. It may have been the hot vapours but it was becoming hard to breath. The two become conscious of the little distance between their bodies. Just a few inches away, they could easily close the gap. They weren’t sure but they may have been in the water for too long as they became light-headed.


Suddenly, as firefly landed on Sakura’s head and Chaeyeon couldn’t help but burst into a giggle.


“What is it?” Sakura asked, confused.


The shake of Sakura’s head caused the insect to quickly retreat. Yet the image was too cute for Chaeyeon to stop grinning.


“There was a firefly on your head.”


Sakura immediately patted her head, but with her wet hands, water dropped down her head. Chaeyeon laughed even harder at Sakura’s clumsiness.


“Don’t laugh.” Sakura whined.


However, Sakura couldn’t help but laugh at her own mistake. Chaeyeon wiped away the drops coming down from Sakura’s head. Just like that, the tension was gone.


Yet, it wouldn’t be forgotten. Like fireflies, it still glowed inside them until the emotions would resurface again in their minds during the nights when they had nothing else to think about.


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Chapter 4: Update authornim. 🥺🙏
sclocksmith #2
Chapter 4: This is so sweet :)
1714 streak #3
Chapter 4: so beautiful! i have a feeling of what sakura was going to say but will find out next time!
thesilentone #4
Chapter 3: I love your story
Chapter 3: YOU UPDATED THIS SOFT KKUCHAEN FIC YASSSS! Oh no my heart fluttered so much when you described their magnet pull for each other. ? Thank you please continue to write your amazing work’ ?
I can’t believe I re read these chapters three times tonight. Thank you for writing the softest kkuchaen. My heart is full and I will go to bed crying.
Chapter 2: This made my heart flutter
Morious #8
Chapter 2: This is AMAZING...
Beautifully written the love between chaekura.
Hope you will keep on updating !
overthelimit #9
Chapter 2: Beautiful.

Straight to my heart.. Please do continue authornim :')
Chapter 2: THATS IT. I love fast-moving jjaeyeon :'>>> imma looking forward for the continuation, author! U aint stoppin there rite