Cheesecake and Flowers

Don't Sass Me
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"Saku-chan, by the treeline at 180°," Mina called out as she sees a squad running down a hill. 


“Got you, Mina." Sakura took out her SLR and skillfully knocked them one by one. Killing them with a headshot before they got a chance to revive each other. 


The rattling of keyboards intensified as the Japanese duo play squads vs duos on PUBG. This was one of the many reasons why Mina liked living alone. She can be as loud as she can, without having to worry about pissed off roommates and having to care about splitting chores and taking each other's stuff. She especially installed soundproof walls for her gaming sessions.


"OK, nice. 10 more to go." Mina said as she looted the enemy. Dropping excessive ammo and making more room for grenades. 

“Airdrop, South East." 


"Go ahead. I'll cover you." Mina stayed up the hill, scanning the area while Sakura raced down to get the airdrop. 


“Roger, throwing smokes." 


"Anything good?"


“An AUG and a tier 3 vest." 


“Alright, getting the AUG." Mina replaced her M416 with an AUG. Being careful not to get sniped and throwing extra smoke grenades. 


“I got a vehicle, get in. Zone's coming." Sakura parked next to her, tapping the horn. They move to the center of the map, on top of a high hill that overlooks a town they suspect where last enemies were. 


"5 more."

"Squad on the left by the blue building." Sakura spots and fires with her AWM, killing one enemy peeking through the window. 

"Knocked one." She knocked one using her Kar98.



"Knocked two," Mina smirked, earning her 18th kill. Just one more and they're gonna get chicken dinner. 

“Careful, one sniper behind the rock." 


Mina squinted as she zeroed in on her target-- which she, unfortunately, missed because a certain Im Nayeon decided to barge in at the wrong moment. The enemy peaked, killing her with a headshot followed by Sakura getting sprayed because one of the enemies flanked them from the right.


"Babe~" Mina lowered her fancy gaming headset from her ears and turned around to look at a guilty looking Nayeon. 


"Goddamnit Nayeon, could you have come at a more convenient time?" 


Nayeon pouted, "but you promised me a date. It's the weekend.”


"Yes, I'm aware. It's the only time I can play my games in peace." She sighed as she puts her headset back on and pushed the mic closer to . 


"I'll talk to you later Saku-chan," Mina spoke to her headset and sets it down again.


Nayeon twirled Mina’s chair around so she's facing her, and puts her hands on her hips "You don't wanna go on a date with me?" 


"I'm kinda too lazy to go anywhere.” Mina yawned while fixing her hair. 


Nayeon pleaded with her eyes.


Mina felt bad, she feels like she's been pushing Nayeon away a lot recently. It's not like she's doing it on purpose, she just wanted to spend alone time by herself. She's been so busy with her hospital duties that she barely had time for herself and Nayeon. She doesn't wanna be a bad girlfriend, she shouldn't take Nayeon for granted. Not when their third anniversary is coming up and Nayeon's birthday. The girl deserved so much better. 


She sighed. "But we can just chill here and watch a movie, if you like. Go pick a movie while I shower."


Nayeon's face immediately lit up, happily getting her laptop from her bag and looked for movies on Netflix. Mina laughed at her expression, how could she ever want Nayeon's smile to disappear? The other girl might be older but Mina can't help but feel like she needed to protect her cute bunny at all times. 


She stood up and stretched, heading to the shower. Nayeon decided on a three-part movie. She heard the shower run.

"Babe?" Nayeon yelled, not taking eyes off the screen.


"Yeah?" Came Mina's muffled reply.


"Do you wanna order take out?"


"Sure, the flyers are on the fridge.”


Nayeon got up to dial a local chicken place. Ordering chicken and beer with a side of horseradish.


Mina came back a while later, fresh from the shower. Just in time as they hear their food arrive. Mina paid and they settled down on Mina's bed, taking out her small folding table and setting the food on top. Nayeon had already set up the projector. Pointing it at Mina's beige wall.


"Ugh, babe you smell so good." She cradled herself in between Mina’s neck. 


"Are you sure you're talking about me, not the food?" Mina chuckled back and wrapped one arm around the older girl while holding a fork in the other.


"Well, that too." Nayeon teasingly bit the end of Mina’s lobe as if the girl was her meal.  


Mina let out a hearty laugh, pecking Nayeon on the lips. Nayeon paid her back with a long kiss.


Mina broke it off with a chuckle. "Okay, that's enough, we don't want to keep the movie waiting."


Nayeon lets out a defeated sigh but played the movie.

The Same Afternoon

"Who the ate my cake, I will ing-" Hyewon came into the room after checking the fridge.


"I did, sorry Hyewon," Sakura admitted sheepishly while waving a hand to greet her. 


"-go buy you some more if you like." Hyewon backtracked as she noticed Sakura's presence and instantly blushed. 


"It's okay, I think I've eaten enough. I should go." Sakura began to point to the door, completely forgetting why she came in the first place. 


Hyewon abruptly stopped Sakura from leaving with her hands, and quickly jumped to the fridge, "No please stay a bit more. Do you want any drinks? Coffee? Tea? Boba? Is Apple Juice okay?" 


Hyewon listed as she went through the fridge and set down every drink she saw on the table. Then proceeded to take out random ingredients.


The stunned Sakura can only watch in silence and slight amusement as she watched the girl continue to race from the fridge and pantry to the table in front of her, wreaking havoc to the cramped kitchen. 


"Hyewon, why the are you taking out the whole ing month's worth of groceries." An angry Chaeyeon marched in, alerted by all the noise and racket she heard from her room.


“I'm just being hospitable, in case Sakura-unni wants me to cook anything," Hyewon said while holding a bottle of paprika in her hand. 

"Hyewon, you can't cook." Chaeyeon irritatedly fired back.


"Well, in case she wanted to cook something." The girl responded. 


"Why would you let a guest cook?” Chaeyeon began to rub her temple in frustration from the older girl. 


"Why are you asking so many questions?" Hyewon asked, whipping out a cutting board and a huge cutting knife.  


"I only asked two."


"Whatever." She turned to Sakura. "What were you doing here unni? Were you waiting for Chaeyeon?"


"No, I actually came for you," Sakura said, now recalling why she came. 


"M-me?" Hyewon turned as red as the tomato she was holding, as she pointed at herself.


“Yeah, I came to drop off a letter from Minami.” Sakura reached into her long pink coat pocket. 




Sato Minami was Sakura's cousin, whom Hyewon adored dearly. She spent the last semester at Hyewon's house, as the Kangs were her host family. She had told Hyewon about her older cousin who went to the same University as Hyewon. Hyewon fell in love with Sakura the moment her eyes landed on the picture Minami showed her. The girl was beautiful, pale skin and rosy cheeks. The definition of a cute Japanese girl. Or in Hyewon’s weeaboo vocabulary; kawaii. It’s like seeing an anime girl in real life. But not really ‘cause it’s just a picture, but still. It was enough for Hyewon. She will find this girl and she will get to know her. Totally not because she’s obsessed with Japanese culture, no. 


Sakura handed the letter to her. 


“My daughter! I miss her so much. How is she?”


“She misses you too, and that was the point of the letter.” 


Hyewon stared at Sakura, her already big eyes growing bigger. Sassy, she liked it. 


She scanned the letter with cute decorations, she could tell much effort was put into making it. But before she could open the letter and read its contents; Yena walked out of her room, all dressed up and seemed to be heading somewhere. She does a final check on herself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.


“Where are you going?”  Chaeyeon interrogated. 



“Be more specific”


“Chaewon asked me to come with her somewhere.”


“Chaewon? Kim Chaewon? The sassy little ?” Hyewon momentarily puts the letter aside. 


“But she's taller than you.”


“That doesn't matter, and why are you going? Since when have you guys been so close? 


“We’re not, she just texted me to come.”


“How did she even get your number?” Yuri said, getting up from the couch. 


“Now that think about it,  I don’t even know.”

“That's shady.” Sakura piped in. 


Yena heard her phone vibrate, seeing Chaewon text her that she was already there. 


“I gotta go, she's already waiting for me.”


“Let me see that.” Yuri takes her phone. 


Yuri scrolled up, reading their text history. 

Radish Fairy:
Meet me tomorrow at The Secret Cafe. 4 pm. Yesterday at 10:40 pm

Hu is dis? 
Yesterday at 10:42 pm

Radish Fairy: 
Kim Chaewon. 
Yesterday at 10:42 pm

Ohh, HIIII. Dis is Yena.
Yesterday at 10:43 pm

Radish Fairy:
Yes, I know. Anyways, be there or else. 
Yesterday at 10:45 pm

Okayyyy ヽ(´▽`)/
Yesterday at 10:47 pm

Saturday, 3:52 pm

Radish Fairy:
I'm already here, where are you? 
Today 3:52 pm 

on my way out, I might be a bit
late sorry
Today 3:53 pm

Radish Fairy:
As long as you show up,
we won’t

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Wondering if I should go back and fix all the grammatical mistakes....there’s so many...


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Wah we need more ssamyen stories
Chapter 28: Bro... Seriously... When you said you were going to kill Yena... I will not lie... My heart hurt... SO MUCH!...
But I understood... After all... It's the plot, so ok... But... BUT! THIS DID NOT HAPPENED! Ho-How can you do this to me?! I had already prepared myself... I had already accepted... Am I a joke to you?!... lmao! #drama

But thanks hashahash! This ending was incredible! You are great writers!... Actually... I clicked on that fic because I thought it was YenYul. But I stayed because the plot was so good and the writing so incredible that I wanted to keep reading even if it wasn't the couple I was looking for. And it just made me love Ssamyen more. Thank you for writing this story. Looking forward to more of your works :D

And the duckling and the fairy lived happily ever after...
Mina: Hold my slipper
Chapter 27: KYAAAAA MY NAME IS THERE! Thank you, author-nim! <3 It is an honor :D
Chapter 28: Ohh gosh I was on such a roller coaster of emotion while reading this, I was so prepared to get my heart broken because I really thought Yena was going to die, you really got me there on the first half. But I am so glad it ended on a happy note and Chaewon being so clingy and possessive over Yena during the last few scenes is so adorable uwuu

I've been following this since the beginning and during that time, it was literally the only ssamyen story that existed and so whenever you updated, my ssamyen heart would always be fed hehehehe so thank you for sharing us your story!! I'll definitely be looking forward to the continuation of Don't Sass Me and will be supporting you on your future stories as well! ILY2 AUTHOR-NIM <3333
flyzea #5
Chapter 28: Thank you Author-nim for a lovely story. I definitely vote for another Ssamyen story.
Onceney12wiz #6
Chapter 28: Oh when I read the first half, I thought that u killed Yena so I cried so much. But thankfully u didn’t kill her (me be like: so sorry for all the swear words that I’ve just said while crying). I knew it! I knew that you didn’t want to let us down. After all, this is the best fanfic that I’ve ever read. Thanks for this wonderful fic and looking forward to your next fic. ;))
I want your next fic to still be Ssamyen ;)).
Again, thanks for finally updating this chapter after all.
Chapter 28: I really love your story and I love ssamyen too. I will wait for your next story. Thank you for making a good fanfiction. Saranghae author-nim
JhayYeon #8
Chapter 28: Loved the story <3~ and every roller coaster of emotions you made me feel. Still grateful its a happy ending. Good job Author-ssi!
Duckie1 #9
Chapter 28: Great ending enjoyed reading it, thanks for the great work.

Hope U can continue doing ssamyen
Chapter 28: HEY HEHE! Hands down best ssamyen fanfic ive ever read.. although i had plans on killing you when you told me you were killing yena ??.. but negays THANK YOU AUTHOR KETCHUP :D