
The Third Snow Prince
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*Kikwang’s POV*

“I can’t believe they’re sending me here all alone.” I muttered as I rode in the carriage, beginning to feel a bit wrestles. We’d been traveling for a week now and I was starting to get tired of sitting in the carriage. We stopped only a few times for camp, but other than that we hardly stopped at all for breaks. The head guard of the Earth nation wanted to get to the kingdom as soon as possible before we could bum into any bandits and before any of the outcasts hear about our travels.

“They didn’t even assign a head servant or anyone to accompany me on this trip.” I continued. I was alone. The only familiar people were the guards of the snow kingdom, but even then, I hardly knew them, and they’ll have to return to the snow kingdom after dropping me off. A few servants joined us, but they were to return as well.

I sighed, slouching back in the cushioned seat. I really was going to be alone. Yeah, I had friends, but it was different.

At that moment the carriage stopped, and a knock was followed a few minutes later. “Yes?” I called half-heartedly. The carriage door slowly opened, revealing one of the snow servants. “We have arrived your highness.” She announced, bowing her head.

My eyes slightly widened as I jumped out my seat ready to finally get out of the carriage for good. I quickly attempted to fix my hair but groaned when a sudden thought came to me. “I probably stink.” It was a long trip and I only had the chance to bathe one time.

The servant giggled, “You smell fine your majesty.” She assured me. I frowned, not believing her. There was no way I smelled, ‘fine’. “Let me change my clothes real quick.” I told her. “But, your highness, they’re waiting.” She whispered.

“They?” I questioned.

She nodded, backing away from the door to allow me out of the carriage.

I carefully walked to the opened door and slowly stepped down out the carriage.

My eyes grew wide at the sight in front of me. “I wasn’t prepared for this.” I whispered to the servant girl who remained next to me. There was a large crowd that stood outside the palace walls. They were all citizens of the Earth Kingdom. “They came to see who their beloved prince is going to marry.” One of the earth guards smiled at me.

I let out an unconscious groan, “I should’ve at least changed.”

The servant girl chuckled, “You look fine your highness.” She promised. “You’re just saying that.” I muttered, earning another chuckle.

Everyone lined up in their positions as we began to walk towards the two large golden gates. The head Earth guard and two other Earth guards led the way. I followed a few feet behind them with the few servants behind me and the snow guards behind them. The rest of the earth guards were ahead of us, splitting the crowd to make room for our group.

My stomach churned as we walked through the crowd, feeling nervous and embarrassed. It was overwhelming having hundreds of eyes watching your every move unprepared. And it didn’t help that the crowd was silent. The only sound came from the children that ran around laughing and playing, knot caring too much for whatever was going on.

The rest just stared at me, studying me closely. Some of them whispered to each other every now and then. Some of them whispered to each other every now and then. Some of the girls giggled when I made eye contact with them while other girls narrowed their eyes at me (whatever that was about). Some of the guys even winked at me when I looked in their direction.

I did my best and gave a small smile to the crowd, not wanting to give the impression of being mean. But I didn’t wave, not wanting to come off as cocky or overly confident. I only waved to the children that waved to me first.

It felt like forever when we finally passed the crowd. I let out a breath as the large gates shut behind us, not realizing that I’d been holding it in the whole time.

My eyes widened as I looked around the palace area. The place was huge and beautiful. The grass was a bright green. The trees and bushes were tall and neatly kept. There were even two large water fountains on either side of the long, wide brick walkway. Several gardeners scattered the lawn, tending to it and planting winter flowers. Other servants traveled back and forth on the brick walkways, tending to their duties, each stopping to bow as they passed us.

“Kikwang!” Somebody called.

I looked up to see Princess Bora and Queen Yoon standing at the very top of the steep stairway, the huge cream-colored castle decorated with green flags. The castle was truly a sight to see. I’ve seen the grand castle before, during my visits, but I’d never been inside the palace walls.

“Kikwang!” Princess Bora cheered again once we reached the top of the long stairway. She left her mother’s side, hugging me tightly. “Bora! It’s so good to see you!” I said sincerely, hugging her back. “I think I’m gladder to see you than you seeing me.” She laughed, “I was so upset that I couldn’t come during the week of First Snow when my family came. I really wanted to see you.” She pouted slightly. “Well, I’m here now.” I forced a smile.

She smiled back excitedly, “I have so much planned for us to do. You won’t ever be bored. I can’t be-,” “Ehem.” Queen Yoon cleared , interrupting her only daughter. “Bora, I believe it’s my turn to greet Prince Kikwang.” She said. “Oh! Sorry Umma.” Bora half-heartedly apologized, removing her embrace. She took a few steps back to make room for her mother.

“Hello your majesty. Thank-,” I was about to bow when she suddenly hugged me. Her embrace was even tighter than Bora’s. I was caught by surprise by the sudden action.

“Call me mom.” She smiled, pulling away. I blinked dumbfounded by the sudden request. Mom? I was unsure of whether this was a test or a joke or if she was serious.

The earth queen immediately sensed my discomfort and laughed, “We’re practically family now, or at least soon we will be, and I want you to feel at home here. Plus, I feel like I already know so much about you. You’re already like another son to me.” She explained. “Y-Yeh.” Was all I could say. I wasn’t sure of how to respond or even act, especially since I was in their territory now. It was much easier back at home.

Queen Yoon noticed this and gave me a gentle smile, “I understand that you probably feel uncomfortable coming here alone. And I know you miss your home, but please don’t feel out of place here. We want you to be as comfortable as possible. We’ll do our best to help you in any way.” She said. Bora nodded frivolously at her mother’s words.

I blinked, astounded by her words. It wasn’t that I expected her to be mean, but hearing those words were surprisingly comforting. “If you’re having trouble or just need to talk, feel free to come to me. This is your home now. So, don’t be shy.” She said. I slowly nodded, still somewhat of a daze. My home? “Y-Yeh.”

“Good.” She beamed, getting straight to business. “We have a room prepared and set up for you already. I’ll have someone show your servants where to place your belongings. So, feel free to bathe, change, and get comfortable.” She began, “Unfortunately my husband and son could not make it this morning. But they will be here for dinner.” She said apologetically.

“It’s okay.” I assured her. I was relieved that they hadn’t been here. One, I might’ve been stiffer if the king was here and two I didn’t want to see Doojoon now, he served as a reminder of Queen Jang’s evil plan to get rid of us.

“They are excited to see you.” She assured. I only nodded.

“Himchan.” Queen Yoon called.

At her call a tall, black-haired, pretty gentleman stepped up. “I am here your majesty.” He bowed, his voice surprisingly deep. “Kikwang, this is Himchan. He’ll be your head male servant.” Queen Yoon introduced. The said man turned and bowed to me, “It’s an honor to finally meet you Prince Kikwang.” “Nice to meet you too.” I bowed my head awkwardly. “Himchan, will you please show Prince Kikwang to his room?” Queen Yoon requested sweetly. “Yes, your majesty.

Queen Yoon smiled and turned back to me. “Welcome to the Earth Kingdom Kikwang. I’ll be seeing you soon.”

“See you later Kiki.” Bora waved as she and her mother walked away, followed by their own group of servants. The Himchan guy directed the earth servants to show the snow servants and guards to their own rooms, where they’d spend the night before leaving in the morning. Then he turned to me, “Please follow me your highness.” He bowed. I nodded and followed him into the castle.

My eyes widened as we walked throughout the grand building. It looked even bigger on the inside. It was spacious with the highest ceiling one could ever imagine.

The walls and ceilings were decorated with banners of green, manila, and golden hues that contrasted with the light blue and white colors back at home. If it wasn’t for the cold wind from outside, you would’ve thought it was spring from the colors. There were several thick potted plants that decorated the corners of the palace. Chandeliers hung from at least every ceiling.

Himchan gave me a mini tour as we headed towards my room, giving me the history of some of the paintings and statues we passed. I recognized some of the names he mentioned from my studies, but his stories were far more interesting.

The castle was at least four stories high and my room was on the second floor. The earth Kingdom was known for being extravagant, so I wasn’t surprised by the size of my room. However, it was a bit smaller than my room back at home, but it was highly decorated.

“The queen apologizes for the small room. It’s one of our guest rooms. She promises that your next room will be much bigger after you and his highness are married.” Himchan explained, remaining professional.

I gave him a smile, pretending not to have heard the last part. “It’s not small at all.” I assured him. It was smaller than my own bedroom, but my room was pretty big. Himchan only nodded. “Please feel free to freshen up. There are clothes already in the closet. The servants will come up with your belonging sin a little bit. I’ll step out and let you get comfortable. I’ll be back momentarily.” He explained. I nodded.

“Thank you.” I thanked in response. “Yeh.” He bowed one last time before heading towards the door when I stopped him. “Um, Himchan.”

“Yes, your highness?”

“You don’t have to um, be so stiff around me.” I told him.

He looked at me with surprise.

I smiled at him, “I’m not that kind of royal. I’ve never had a personal head servant before, but I imagined it as being close friends” I confessed.

He blinked, completely thrown off guard, “Your highness. I-I…”

“Please? It’ll make me feel more comfortable.” I urged.

He seemed reluctant at first, but gave in. “Neh, I’ll do my best.” He bowed his head and exited the room.

I let out a long sigh, finally alone. This is it. I’m finally here. This is really…real.

I was already missing home and Youngjae and my other siblings and Ms. Yoo, and….my mom.

I wondered what she would’ve done if she was in my position. I chuckled sadly at the thought. She probably would’ve snuck out and hitched a ride back to the snow kingdom and confronted Queen Jang.

I chuckled a little harder, already imagining the scene. My mom was awesome.

My laughter ended in another long sigh, “I hope you’re okay Umma. Wherever you are.” With that I turned towards the bathroom and prepared myself a bath.

I ended up taking a long but much needed hot bath. To my delight, several different scented soaps were lined against the wall, in which I tried out every scent excitedly. I was even able to put scented bubbles in the bath with one of the special soaps.

I played with the bubbles for a little bit, getting lost in time. Youngjae would’ve liked this. I thought to myself, remembering when I used to sneak bubbles into his bath when we were little. He was always delighted by the “mysterious” action.

I sunk deeper into the bath, worrying for my younger brother. I prayed that he’d be okay, and that Queen Jang wouldn’t do anything crazy to him and that he’d be able to live. I prayed all this before submerging my entire body under the water.


To my surprise all my stuff was already packed and put away by the time I got out of the bath. “That was fast.” I remarked, drying my hair with another towel. I changed into my own clothes, instead of using the clothes in the closet. It would’ve felt weird wearing Earth royal garments, especially since I wasn’t officially part of the kingdom, yet. Plus, it was comforting having a piece of home with me.


I only had a couple of minutes to myself before there was a knock on my door. “Come in.” I quickly straightened up.

The door immediately slid open and Bora jumped into the room, giving me another light hug. “I’m so glad you’re here!” She said pulling back, never releasing her embrace. I chuckled, “You already said that.”

“I know. That’s how happy I am that you’re finally here.” She winked. “You look so nice and you smell…like all kinds of fruits and flowers.” She complimented, “Don’t tell me you tried all of the soaps.”

“Guilty as charged.” I shrugged playfully, earning a laugh from her. “Of course, you did. I knew you’d like the soaps. It was my idea.” She said proudly. “See? Your Noona was looking out for you.” She said, poking my nose.

“Kumawo Noona-ssi.” I said cutely, earning another short fit of laughter from the elder. “You’re so perfect Kikwang that it’s depressing.” She pouted playfully.

“What do you mean?” I chuckled at her sudden change in demeanor.

She looked around before speaking again, “Let’s go outside. It’s too stuffy in here.” She said. “Stuffy? There’s so much space that I could drown in it.” I teased, thought it was the truth. She playfully rolled her eyes before breaking her embrace and pulled me out the room all the way out the castle.


She led me to the very back of the garden, behind the castle, where we were alone. We walked along the brick path in silence for the first few minutes. I couldn’t help but wonder why she brought me here, far away from everyone else. But I didn’t mind. I was glad to be away.

“My brother is so lucky.” Bora finally spoke.

I didn’t say anything. “he gets to be with a kind, funny, and attractive guy like you.” She pouted, hugging my arm as we walked. I chuckled a little, “What are you talking about? Aren’t you with somebody right now?”

“No. Stop teasing me Kiki. You know I haven’t dated anyone.” She frowned, pushing my shoulder. “Oh yeah. I forgot. You like to play hard to get.” I teased. She scoffed, rolling her eyes, “You’re the one to talk. Don’t act like I don’t know about all those suitors and princesses you’re turned down. You’re quite the heartbreaker around town.” She retorted.

“those were practically blind dates, set up for me. That’s different. Blind dates that my evil step mother set up. You on the other hand go out your way to talk to these guys to leave them hanging.” I argued.

“I’m just looking for the right person.” She said, “But now that my parents are done with my brother, they’re starting to work on me. So, I better find someone soon.” She said more to herself.

I only laughed, slightly jealous at the fact that she still had the option to choose. “Do you think I should’ve chosen you?” She questioned childishly, flittering her eyelashes. “No. I’m just a second born prince. I don’t have anything to offer.” I remarked.

“Tch, don’t pretend to act all humble.” She scoffed. She then rested her head on my shoulder, “You’re the perfect prince Kikwang. I think I should just steal you away from my brother.” She sighed.

I raised an eyebrow, picking up on the seriousness of her tone. “Hm?”

She raised her head and looked at me, “You know about my brother, don’t you?” She said. My eyes slightly widened, not expecting the question. I was hesitant, uns

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I’m tempted to write a second story to this and also a story about YunJae’s past. We’ll see!


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Chapter 48: OKAY so after nearly a year of saying I'm gonna sit down and read this story I FINALLY DID and read it all in one go (took me like 6 hours with NO BREAKS) so buckle up because I'VE GOT THOUGHTS. Like??? This concept??? I love it??? Elements and magic and kingdoms??? Sign me UP!! It makes me want to write an elemental and magical story of my own and gets those creative gears grinding!! And GOSH I cried genuine tears and felt genuine emotions throughout the whole thing and I AM FEELING THINGS AUTHOR-NIM.
I will say it doesn't quite sit right with me that they're still friendly with Youngjae's family, by that I mean Queen Jang and maybe King Jang but MAINLY QUEEN JANG!! I despised that woman from the beginning and I still do at the end of the story. But it is really true to Youngjae's character to not hate them even after everything. But I think Kikwang really only does it because of Doojoon and his family, otherwise he'd probably never talk to them again. You write family interactions really well! This is something I thought when I read the Jung Family Holiday stories last December, and I still think it now!!
I am curious about how the "hey dad Youngjae's pregnant" conversation that Daehyun would've had with King Jung went, it obviously went well considering the epilogue chapters, but I'm a er for anything that is fluffy DaeJae stuff!! In that vein, I'm also curious about how Daehyun's and Youngjae's wedding went, with the detail you went into for the Earth Kingdom customs for marriage for Doojoon's and Kikwang's wedding, it was probably quite the event! I absolutely love the details and lore and world building and you did spectacularly!!
Also, definitely curious about the various side pairings. I'm sure Himchan and Jongup are thriving, what with Kikwang being their biggest cheerleader. But did Chanyeol ever win Baekhyun's heart? Are Kyungsoo and Jongin living happy lives? Will Yongguk ever come back to Junhong?
I also love how you incorporate characters from all sorts of groups!! Even if I sometimes can't tell if they're from a group or are just Korean names to fill a character spot (I have a select few groups I know names from and am very disconnected from most others except for maybe a name here and there), it doesn't take away from them as a character at all, it just means I've got no appearance to go off of. ^^;
I do admit that the open ending with Changmin does make me anxious. Everything else felt tied up nicely, but that lack of resolution with Changmin sits a bit strangely with me. Like... it makes everyone's happy ending seem like it's on a timer? Which is a bit unsettling for such a peaceful resolution, but I get why it happened that way. Plus, it opens up the possibility to a potential sequel... >_>
Bur overall, I'm really glad I finally sat down and read this story. It's wonderful through and through! Great job, author-nim! ♡
jjbrownsugga #2
Chapter 49: I enjoyed reading this story. Thank you for haring it with us. Also, thank you for providing insight into the Yunjae story with Blue Flame.
natasha07 #3
Chapter 49: can't are the best.
Chapter 49: Omg.!!!!
Chapter 49: o(≧v≦)o wow , you’re amazing
Fngrl123 #6
Chapter 48: Wow. That was a fun story to read. The ending is just so cute and sweet. ^_^
I love how they all got their own happy ending, well maybe except for Changmin's character. I love how the siblings interact in the story, how they love each other unconditionally. I just...I love it. <3 :)
Fngrl123 #7
Chapter 14: This chapter is sooo cute and sweet.

Dae's line: "...just be my burden..." Just hits the feels train spot on. I was containing my squeals while reading. ^_^
Fngrl123 #8
Chapter 4: I've told myself that I'll comment on the last chapter of this story after I finished reading the whole thing but their interaction here is just so cute. Kyaaaa~~ ^_^ I'm squealing. :))
Chapter 48: I really enjoyed this and the universe this story took place in. Things were well explained and characters were clear. Thank you for writing this amazingly entertaining story! I hope you'll revisit their universe sometime in the future. I've grown attached to the characters haha. ♥
Chapter 20: Oh por dios el momento que estuve esperando toda mi vidAAAA