Nobody Knows


*TRIGGER WARNING* I don’t know guys, I haven’t really thought it completely out. But I keep wanting to do this but I was to afraid to. Now I’m doing. It’s will start out really sad but end happy. For sure. Your going through a rough time and don’t know what to do. No one’s there for you. Until 9 boys move to your school. (Han fanfic, like always)


Tears poured down your face. You screamed and kicked a wall, mad at the world, mad at yourself. You then fall to the ground, your sobs shaking your shoulders. Why? Why this? Why was there nobody there? Why wouldn't anyone help

Do ya like? Please *crys* I need to know! I want to know if this is worth writing or if I should stop... *gets over herself* Well, thanks for at least looking at it! :)


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Chapter 1: Ooh, the words are simple but arranged in a way that make the reader interested. You have a way with words and that's what I like most about this story. Love it! <3
Yes ma’am, right away ma’am!