First Mission Part 1

Wolves Among Us

"Are you sure he's ready?" Kai asks as he follows Suho through the halls, Sehun and Chanyeol in tow. He leads them into the office, letting them in before shutting the door.
"I have faith in him." Suho sets a book down, opening it to a certain page. He turns it and pushes it, showing the three of the dead members. Sehun stares at three strange pictures of some necklaces each having a special design hanging from it ."Chanyeol and Kai recognize these symbols, but Sehun doesn't. They are necklaces that used to belong to the three members." He stares at them carefully. An hourglass, a strange circular one, and then one that resembles a dragon. "Siwon took these from their bodies and is keeping them as a trophy. We're finally going to take them back."
"Just thinking about it makes me angry," Kai mutters and Chanyeol pats his back. Sehun glances down, only now noticing the necklace Kai wears around his neck; a triangle with a circle in the middle. He wonders if all the members had one. 
"For your first mission, I want you to bring Kai and Chaneyol with you to retrieve them."
Sehun would be lying if he said he isn't nervous. The very idea of having to be near one of Siwon's men scares him to death. But he said he wanted to help, and he wants to. He can do this, he knows he can.
"I want all of you to rest up and prepare. You will leave tonight."
"Why so soon?" Chaneyol asks.
"From Chen's reports, the warehouse he's keeping the necklaces at should be relatively unguarded today. Only two or three men to deal with."
"But Sehun-"
"Has been getting better with the staff," Suho cuts him off. "I have complete faith in all of you, alright?" He watches as they all leave, but he speaks up before Sehun can go. "Sehun, I need to speak with you."
Sehun looks back at him before closing the door again. "What's wrong, Suho?" He goes to the window with him. "Suho?"
"I don't know who those three guards will be," He admits. "I don't know what to expect."
"Don't worry," Suho smiles. He pulls off his own necklace and hands it to him. "Wear this." Sehun looks down at it, observing the tear-shaped symbol; strange circles and other designs inside. 
"Suho, no-"
"Don't worry, it's not enchanted or some silly thing like that," Suho chuckles. "Consider it a good luck charm."
Sehun stares at it for a moment before smiling and putting it on. He tucks it into his shirt and nods. "Alright, just for you."
Suho smiles fondly and grabs both of Sehun's shoulders. "You'll be alright- I'll have Chen and Lay close by, just in case." He glances out the window and smiles. "Go and get some sleep. You'll need it."

Sehun didn't get any rest at all. His mind wonders to all the possibility for tonight. He fiddles with Suho's necklace, rubbing the symbol as he thinks. He sits against the wall in the courtyard, watching as Kai and Chanyeol pace in their wolf form. They growl at each other as if they were speaking and it makes him wonder if they understand each other. 

What if Heechul is there? or Siwon? Sehun swallows hard at the thought. He looks over at his empty tub, kicking his heel a little. He's been practicing his wind but he just can't seem to control it very well still. Sure, it's easy to flick his hand and put out some candles. But what is that going to do against Siwon and his people? Nothing. Unless they're really scared of ghosts and superstitions. 
"That' stupid," Sehun thinks, mentally kicking himself. "God, you're so useless! You're just a breeze. A dumb...stupid breeze." Sehun looks over at the barrel of staffs and frowns. He takes a deep breath and stands. No, it's just like D.O said. Sehun isn't a breeze. He's a tornado. And if Siwon is there, he's going to sweep him up and send him back to whatever hell he came from.
"Here."  Sehun looks up, smiling when he notices Lay. He looks at a strange, looking bo staff in his hand. "This is for you, Sehun," Lay says. "It's a type of bo staff that we used during battle."
"Sehun sighs and accept it. Thanks..."
"You don't have to worry," Lay smiles. "You'll do great." Sehun just smiles again, watching as he walks off. He stands up and holds the weapon out in front of him, giving it a few spins. He stabs the staff to his left. One hit for Heechul. He turns and stabs his right side. Another hit for Kyuhyun. He takes a deep breath becoming angry at the thought of them all. "And one for Siwon!" Sehun spins before lifting the staff above his head and swinging it down hard. A little too hard. He lets out a small cry as the wind suddenly picks up; Air flowing around him with a great force shoots him back again the manor behind him. He groans and rubs his back, looking at the weapon he accidentally dropped.
"What the hell was that?" Chen asks as he jogs over. "Holy crap! The ing house shook!"
"I don't know," Sehun sits up on his knees and sighs. 
"His wind manifested itself when he got angry," Lay explains, approaching again. "You need to be careful! You cannot summon your magic with anger!"
Sehun furrows his brows. "But...why? It was easier and I even shook the house!"
"You'll lose control easily," Chen says. "'s not a good idea,
 Sehun. Siwon's boys are fueled by nothing but anger and hate."
"Chen's right. You'd be just as bad as them," Lay nods. 
"I don't...want to be like them," Sehun whispers and Lay just smiles. 
He goes over to Sehun's staff and hands it back to him. "We'll help you keep your emotions controlled. Don't worry."
Gripping his weapon tightly, he stands up and nods. He looks over at Kai, jumping a little when he notices him staring. He blushes and looks away.
"You'll ride with Kai, Sehun," Chen instructs. "I'll be on Chanyeol."
"No!" Chaneyol stomps his foot. Sehun hadn't noticed the man return to his human form. "The last time you rode on my back, you accidentally electrocuted me!" He shrieks, looking like a kicked dog. 
"It was an accident," Chen goes over to him and touches his shoulders. "I told you that!"
"It hurt!" Chanyeol sniffs as he rubs his hand. "You hurt my paw!"
"I won't electrocute you this time! Just let me get on your back!"
Sehun smiles as he walks over to Kai, laughing at the two boys arguing. "Why did you two turn into a wolf early?" Kai just makes a low huff before he kneels. Sehun stares at him for a moment. "You can't talk as a wolf?" He watches the wolf lazily lay his head on the ground, seemingly bored. "I guess not," Sehun sighs and sits, waiting for the other two boys to stop messing around. He goes back to fiddling with the necklace. When Kai looks up at him with his curious golden eyes, Sehun shows it to him. "Suho lent it to me, "He explains. "For good luck." 
"Chanyeol, calm down!" Suho shouts from a window. "Do I have to go out there?!"
Chanyeol gasps. "N-no! It's alright! See?" When Chanyeol transforms, Sehun smiles at the parental effect Suho seems to have on everyone. Sehun stands again and stretches, watching as Chanyeol whimpers.
"Oh, come on!" Chen sits on top of his friend's back. "I accidentally electrocute you ONCE and you get all whiney wolf on me. Don't be such a baby."
Chanyeol just paces in response, seemingly hyper all of a sudden. He watches as Lay comes over. He pushes Sehun's arms apart, beginning to put a strange, leather harness around his chest. As soon as it's buckled in, he grabs the staff out of Sehun's hand and goes to his back. "This is so you won't accidentally stab Kai as you ride him."
"Oh, naughty!" Chen calls out before laughing.
"How is riding naughty?" Sehun touches the buckle innocently. "I don't get it."
"Oh dear," Lay sighs. He smiles and steps away. "Maybe ask Baekhyun when you get back- he's the to ask about those kinds of things."
Sehun just shrugs his shoulders before hopping onto Kai's back and casually petting his soft fur. "This reminds me of a fur blanket I used to own before my apartment burned down." He laughs when Kai growls. "Calm down. I never said it was wolf fur."
Chanyeol approaches when Lay beckons them all.  "I want you to remember something very, very important," The healers says, putting his hand out to pet both Chanyeol and Kai. "Even though you have these abilities and magic, you're not invincible. You draw power from each other, remember that. Friendship, bonds; The one thing we have that Siwon does love." He gives them another pat to both Sehun and Chen this time. "None of you separate from each other."
Sehun feels great respect for Lay, in all honesty. He spends his time healing a once dead garden, helping things grow. Even when he wasn't doing that, he tried to help heal and grow the other boys. In more than physical ways; with their mental states and any trauma. He remembers sitting with Lay a few times and talking about his nightmares of Siwon. He really did help a lot. He helps everyone else, except for himself; He can tell Lay's heart still aches.
Sehun smiles sadly but he doesn't say anything. "Thanks, hyung," he says shyly. "We'll be careful."
"Sehun," Lay goes over to him, grabbing both of his hands tightly in his own. "Stay strong, okay? Remember everything we talked about. And do not use your anger, please."
Sehun gives him a slow nod, finding comfort in the man's eyes. "A-alright."
"Be confident!" Chen laughs. "Maybe if we're lucky, we'll kill one of Siwon's boys tonight!"
"Be strong," Lay says as he backs up. "All of you."

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Palak27 #1
Chapter 32: Damn, seems weird having Sehun on the wrong side. I am glad Kai and Xiumin got to him first! Thanks for the alternate universe author! This was a great story! :)
Palak27 #2
Chapter 29: This was a great story! Thank you author. I loved the characters, the plot, the drama and the story overall. Stay safe! :)
Palak27 #3
Chapter 27: My boy lay is the sweetest man on eart but hurt his loved ones and he'll be the most lethel human ever!
Palak27 #4
Chapter 24: I really cried when Lay was talking about kris. It made me so sad for him! I love yixing sooo much!
Palak27 #5
Chapter 19: Haha I love sassy baekhyun!
Palak27 #6
Chapter 18: Omg sehun!! Lol that took the air put of you!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 8: Finally a date!!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 5: HAHA pun intended for Heechul! Great job Sehun!!!!!!!!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 4: This story gives me some angst vibes. I love angst so no problem there. I feel so sad that Krishantao are dead. I wish they are alive and just somewhere else :(
Palak27 #10
Chapter 2: Why do my babies have to be dead!!??> Krishantaooooo