Chapter 24

Chances to?







HYUNJIN        HAN(JISUNG)        FELIX      I,N(JEONGIN)    

   MARK      JUNKYU      PARK BONA     .

    MR JUNG    ZICO    DEAN    KANG MINA   .   










Babe why is he here. 


We as the older ones are going to investigate him. 


    Nuna what do you mean you want to investigate me. I did nothing wrong   .


Yeah babe what did he even do wrong. 


Babe my grandpa told me that he did something behind my little Bona. He still have the guts to say nothing happened at all. Wow should i beat your face up Junkyu. 


     Nuna jebal i dont understand what you are trying to say. Im for real  . 


Then tell me. On a perfect Monday, in a coffee shop, drinking iced americano and eating two of the best cheesecake that Bona hates the most. Tell me you said you are busy with your own debut. 


 Woah wait you are saying that Junkyu is cheating on our Park Bona. 


Junkyu eyes went wide after he heard what Changbin said. You stare at him with anger as he knows that he is at fault. You sighed and slammed your fist on the table making everyone in the coffee shop silent. Changbin were shocked too as he never seen you this mad before. While you still glaring at Junkyu. Junkyu is too afraid to face you so he looked down. After minutes of silence, Changbin decides to break the silence as its getting too awkward for him. 


Look Junkyu. You messed up everything man. 


Well of course he did since he is being so blind by love. If he and Bona didn't even have arguments it will be fine and they don't have to give each other the silent treatment. 


Thats more worst. Babe calm down. 


I am calm. Its just him. Don't you see binnie, once he makes mistakes he is out of the school. He aint gonna see Bona anymore by then.


What wait what do you mean. 


Didn't you read the registration papers before you even enter the school. 


Mian. My manager keep forcing me to sign and not even read anything. 


That's worse than this binnie. In those papers that you sign in. There's still rules applied. However once you are under me. There's hidden rules that grandpa state but it's all under observation. That is why it's hard to get random student to get in her. 


Then what does it have to do with him being kicked out of the school  


Oh my...


      In one of the rules. Once you did a single mistake between students under Hayeon nuna. You will either get expelled or transferred to another school and we are banned to have any communications once after that. If you crossed any of the rules. Your reputation and the school image will be ruined    . 


Changbin eyes straight went wide and he became silent after hearing what Junkyu had said. You rolled your eyes after seeing his reaction and gave Junkyu death stare. 


    Nuna i know im at wrong but please, i dont want to lose my friendship with Bona. Please im begging you  . 


Your final chance chance is tomorrow. You better have a good closure and don't even dare to make her cry. Once i see her crying say goodbye to the school. 


You stood up and left the place. Leaving Changbin dumbfounded. After Changbin came back to his senses. He went straight to catch up with you. Junkyu sigh and took out his phone to text someone


    yah are you free tonight  .


▶    im free now not tonight since Hayeon nuna is treating me and bona dinner. Whats up. 


▷    lets meet. Man to man talk  . 


▶     sure man. 


   i text you the location later. Dont tell Bona that we are meeting    .




   Im sorry Park Bona.......




Bona are you really gonna rot here and not go back to Junkyu. 


       I wanna move out. I dont think i could even last with him   . 


Yah you really moving out. Then where are you even staying at right now. 


   An apartment that Hayeon unnie bought for me. Its pretty decent and i love it    . 


So are you still coming for the Night Ball tomorrow. 


    Oppa. Ofcourse im going. What makes you think my condition is like this makes me not want to go. Dont be ridiculous   . 


I dont get it. What just happened to you and Junkyu. Arent you the happiest girl to even date him. 


     Nope. Im not. Just because many people hate me when im dating him. Plus i feel like he is cheating on me for quite some time already     . 


So you are here because you are bored. 


    Aigoo. Im here because Changbin oppa ask me to hang out with you guys since he knows that i will be snatching his girl tonight   . 


Hyungs i'm going out for awhile. 


Where are you going mister. 


Meeting someone. I wont be long. 


    Yah can get me some chips when you are on your way back    . 


You have so much chips for today. Besides Hayeon nuna is treating us for dinner later. 


     Oh... Yeah...... 


Just be home early. Im sure Hayeon is coming back soon. 


Alright hyung. Bona ya....


    I will be fine. Bangchan oppa is here to look out for me   . 


Alright then. 


Han left and Bona sigh after knowing that dinner time would be a little awkward. Bangchan chuckled and patted Bona's shoulder. 


Yah i'm sure it all happened without notice right. 


    Yeah. Im sure of it. Thanks oppa. For being there for me    . 


Its okay. Most of it you should thank Han instead. He's been there for you the most...




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