Chapter 1

Sleeping Beauty

Namjoon and his friends, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were sat around the kitchen table at Namjoon's. Jimin and Taehyung had wanted to play truth or dare and their boyfriends were unable to say no to them which lead to them to playing truth or dare around the table. Slowly all the dares have been getting worse.

"Namjoon truth or dare" Hoseok said as he took a slurp of his drink.

"Dare" Namjoon replied, everyone was slightly drunk which meant that they were not thinking straight when they came up with the dares.

"I dare you to kiss the sleeping coma boy in room 249" Hoseok dared, Namjoon's head shot up as he looked over at Hoseok, the dare had been like a bucket of cold water that had been thrown over his head which had sobered him up instantly.

"What! Hoseok I can't do that, I would be breaking any trust the patient has in a doctor and I would be breaching his human rights doing something like this against his will" Namjoon argued, Hoseok just rolled his eyes.

"A dare is a dare Namjoon, sleeping coma boy has been in a coma for thousands of years, like a kiss from you would change that. Come on Namjoon if you don't do it then I'll dare Taehyung to and he will" Hoseok argued back, in his intoxicated state he didn't understand why Namjoon was being like this.

"Fine, I'll do it tomorrow when I go to work, the hospital staff would be suspicious if I suddenly turned up when I am not meant to be there" Namjoon muttered defeated. He did not like this whole dare idea but he was not allowing a drunk Taehyung doing something that Namjoon would regret allowing him to do.

"You better because Jimin and I work on the same ward as you so we will find out whether you complete the dare or not, we will observe you and prevent anyone else from seeing" Hoseok said.

Not long after the dare, Namjoon threw everyone out so he would be able to get some sleep before tomorrow he had a long day at work and he was not going to allowing anyone to prevent him from having any much-needed sleep. His mind was on the coma boy lying in the hospital. His name was unknown. He was found thousands of years ago malnourished and unconscious, it was determined that he had been like that for months.

Doctors did everything to wake the boy up but nothing happened he didn't wake nor did he die. He just stayed asleep through the years, moving from hospital to hospital each trying to find a way to wake him up or to find out why he was asleep for years. Neither did he age, he just stayed the same. Namjoon had been looking after the coma boy ever since he started working at the hospital as a student doctor and he had yet to observe any change in the coma boy's condition.

Namjoon closed his eyes and lay down on his bed. Anxiousness filled his stomach as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep. He was not looking forward to tomorrow.

Namjoon groaned when he opened his eyes before he stretched out then sat up, the events of last night flashed through his mind. Namjoon hoped that Hoseok had come to his right mind and called the dare off, however, Namjoon did not believe that was going to happen as Hoseok normally stuck to his dares even when they were completely ridiculous. The only thing he could do was hope.

Namjoon pushed himself out of his bed and slowly got ready for work. He had a long list of patients and duties to perform once he got to work, he knew that Jimin and Hoseok were going to bombard him with questions to whether he was going along with the dare and when he was planning on doing it so Namjoon planned to get to work earlier than possible to ensure he would be able to avoid the pair.

Unfortunately, Namjoon was not lucky, Hoseok and Jimin were already on the ward when Namjoon arrived the couple each other's faces off, Namjoon attempted to sneak past the couple but Hoseok spotted him before he was able to.

"Namjoon when are you completing the dare?" Hoseok immediately asked when he pulled away from his boyfriend.

"When I have done most of my work and the ward has quietened down, I can't allow a stupid dare get in the way of my work" Namjoon answered before dumping his bags into the small staff room on the ward and started visiting his patients one by one. He felt Hoseok and Jimin's eyes on him whenever he walked close to the room containing the coma boy, whose room was located at the end of the ward.

At lunch, Namjoon met everyone except Taehyung who had been called out with his paramedic crew. Hoseok had started complaining that Namjoon was trying to get out of doing the dare by making sure that he was always busy whilst Yoongi and Jungkook tried to ignore them. Once lunch was over Namjoon along with Hoseok and Jimin headed back to their ward. Jungkook had to leave earlier to prepare for a surgery whilst Yoongi worked on a different ward to them.

Namjoon soon stared at the closed door to the coma boy's room, Hoseok and Jimin were behind him. Neither boy was letting him off this dare no matter how hard he complained. Namjoon opened the door and stumbled inside due to Hoseok pushing him. Namjoon walked over to the coma boy before quickly making sure that everything was all right, there had been no change in his condition.

The coma boy had a caramel complexion, with brown hair and plumped lips, he was around 1.79 metres with broad shoulders. He was wearing a traditional hospital gown whilst being wired up to multiple machines.

"Namjoon hurry up" Jimin said as he got a little impatient at how long Namjoon was taking. All he had to do was kiss the boy, it didn't need to take this long. Namjoon rolled his eyes at Jimin's impatience. Namjoon sighed knowing full well that he was not going to escape this. Namjoon leant down and pressed a light kiss against the sleeping boy's lips. An electrified spark shot through Namjoon's body as he pulled away.

Hoseok and Jimin cheered in the background when they saw that Namjoon had completed the dare but soon stopped when they realised that Namjoon hadn't walked away. Namjoon stared down at the sight in front of him. The coma boy was awake.

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Chapter 4: What a story!!! Really one of a kind ^^ I'm curious what made Seokjin go into this weird coma and if he finally started growing old after he woke up~ But yeah, nice story! :)
dewiss #2
Chapter 1: I like it already so please up date soon okay ???