RolePlay Life: A Dream and Nightmare


Do you like roleplaying? Do you like character building and actual bonding with absolute strangers through faceclaims? Or have you run into problems with face-chasing and god-modding? Got a burning hatred for those horrendous one liners after you just replied with a pretty good descriptive paragraph because you actually give a damn? Maybe you just prefer the derpy life and just being ridiculous and sickly cute to the point where I'm convinced you might poo sprinkles and unicorns!

Hey, whatever floats your boat. Some of us just want the same thing. To try to escape your reality and enter a world where you can literally be someone else and live out your wildest fantasies with all the colors of the rainbows. However, that doesn't mean things are gonna turn out just fine and peachy.

So take a seat and grab some popcorn or a cup of tea. Let's chat about the good and bad of roleplaying!


With over 5 years of roleplaying experience, I'm going to start off by providing a break down of what roleplaying is, specfically asian-centric roleplays and more specifically facebook roleplays as these have been my primary source. I'll give a brief introduction, go over some lingo and the general idea of roleplaying and I won't be speaking in like a professional way or anything. I'm just gonna write and if you enjoy that and agree, kudos to you!

Then I'm just going to rant about the good times and the hard times. Some things I've noticed through the 20 different rps and more that I've experienced. The difference between being in-character and being out-of-character and how these two always collide, no matter what you do to avoid. The struggles and the worst type of roleplayers you can every run into and the best kinds of friendships I've made because of this. Admin life and Member life and suriving the death of roleplays and just roleplaying life in general~

I would love to start a conversation with fellow aff or roleplayers so if you want, feel free to share your experience or offer topics to discuss! If you have any questions, feel free to ask at any time! Please be respect of each other's opinions!

So take a seat and grab some popcorn or a cup of tea. Let's chat!


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