Part I: 11 — Dark Chocolate

Different World: Genesis


V was quietly spying and trying to tail the men in black suits without being noticed. And so far, he was doing a good job. Those men were so focused on whatever their task was that they didn't even notice the slight sound from his footsteps at the beginning. He was keeping an eye in front of him, where the men stood, and around him, making sure there wasn't anyone who would suddenly attack him while his attention was somewhere.

The next minutes, after being completely away from the gatherings, V turned to see Detective Lee Gikwang from Yeon District standing behind him. Sneaky. No wonder he was admired by everyone who were in the police force. Even if his wonderful family background was enough to already put him up a few ranks, even if everyone could be talking about the strings he could have pulled to be where he was today, at his age, his achievements and skills shut all these up.

'What is our dear Big Brother doing in an event that involves so many important figures of Seoul?' The detective's mouthed but his eyes were focused on a particular target.  Hansung frowned and Gikwang didn't pursue his questions because someone was aiming a gun at Hansung’s head. Well darn. They were discovered. 

“You’ve been spying long enough.” A man’s voice said and Hansung lifted up his hands and so did Gikwang. “What do you want, Detective Lee?”

They didn’t want anything... These people were acting very strange at this gathering, and really, what do THEY want? What were they planning to do, to be walking around in groups. 

“Shouldn’t the question be returned? After all, you guys are the one who seem out of this place. Should I call someone to check your invitation?” Someone else aimed their guns at Gikwang but he was quicker to be able to pull out his. Now it was a game of the strong-headed. “Brave.” The Detective commented, “not everyone get to aim their gun at me.... But sadly for you, I am still winning this one.”

V, as Gikwang directed all the men’ attention, while he flipped over the man who was aiming a gun at him, to take over the weapon and pointed it back at it’s owner. The other men were neutralized when Yoona and another team joined force with Gikwang.

”Kim Dasung, you’re under arrest for attempted murder of Yoon Seyeon, for the drug trafficking occurred 3 months ago, for the planned injury of Kwon Sanggyu, and for the false testimony given last week. You are allowed to remain silent, but everything will be recorded, as evidence and proof at the court.”

V glanced at Gikwang, his eyes filled with questions. But he dismissed them all by answering one of those questions. And it was enough to answer all the others. “Your friend. She came to me asking for some help after seeing you walking into the hallway.” He said with a poker face. 

Hansung left the rest to the detectives for he has no longer a role to play. Afterall, he doesn’t mix with police officers or detectives. He walked back to the hall where the gathering of the Higher Society took place, which was unaware of all the troubles in the back there, and his eyes brush through the sea of people looking for one person particularly because no one else mattered. Only Park Chaeyoung mattered at this point. 

He located the young lady anxiously walking back and forth next to Lisa who was completely unaware of the reason behind her friend's sudden anxiety, wasn't she feeling better earlier when she left to greet her father? She noticed Hansung walking up to her friend after disappearing for a little while. "Cotton." He called out and Chaeyoung glanced up at once, relieved to see him safe and sound.

Lisa wondered really what really happened. Did something happened between the two...? Did romance bloomed over the little while she went to greet her father...? She asked in panic. 'No. No. Lisa. Calm the heck down. Rose is still young and innocent, she won't know much abut romance.' She thought to herself, although Rose was a few months older than her. 

Hansung glanced at Lisa who had her arms crossed, "Can I talk to you... privately?" He asked which caused Lisa to be even more on her guards for her dear friend. She needed Jimin to stop this gangster... Where was he when she needed him the most?! Lisa asked herself impatiently as she looked around the room. Rose seemed to be completely in trust with that guy nodded to Lisa discontentment. He gently held onto her wrist and pulled her away from all the ears around the room.

'Right. The announcement.' The friend thought and decided to worry about Rose later, since she knew that guy couldn't do anything anyways. She was simply against any romance between Rose and that Hansung.

Once away from the crowd, V seriously glanced down at Rose, "Cotton-ah." He called. "I cannot thank you enough for tonight..." He told her. "How... did you think of contacting Detective Lee?" He asked and Rose shrugged. 

"I saw you two glancing at each other. I simply gambled onto the fact that he might be able to help. And it happened he was a Detective."

"Aren't you asking yourself questions about this entire situation? How I know Detective Lee?" She shook her head and really, who else didn't asked questions and was willing to do anything to protect someone they barely knew? No one. Everyone approached V with an ulterior motive and for the first time ever, Kim Taehyung didn't know what to say because in his life, he simply played along the games everyone else was playing. Yet, Park Chaeyoung wasn't playing any game. She was simply being herself.

"I don't need to know anything." She said and V took a step forward to her. Still glancing down at her, his hand still holding onto her tiny wrist. "I..." Before she continued onto her explanation, he closed the gap between them, and passed his hand behind her head to land a kiss at the temple of her head. The fragrance from her shampoo hit his nose, it was suble and fresh. 

"Park Chaeyoung..." He called. "I've tried my best to tell myself that I cannot approach you because of the differences of our worlds. Yet, you kept on clashing against mine, making it so hard for me to ignore you." He whispered to her ear. "I will protect you, no matter what... And all you need to do is to trust in me. Believe me when I tell you I am not someone who they think I am. I can't care less what they think about me... but not you. I hate it at the thought of you hearing what other say about me."

"...I..." A hiccup stopped Rose from saying anything else. She covered her lips with her hands as another hiccup kicked in. V smiled and released her. 

“I told you before, ask me the question or wait until I tell you myself.” He vaguely saidd and it was Park Jimin’s voice that stopped the two from crossing the boundaries of this entire atmosphere. 

Jimin and Lisa’s father’s project had finally came to an end, and was about to see the light by the end of this year. “Let me introduce our next project’s name: The Next Revolution of AI and Medical Practices, Joint.” Whispers filled the room. “We have been working on this project for years and years, and after long hours of work, we have finally cracked the mystery of the human brain and AI. We are set to use our new technology in medical practices, where AI will assist doctors, into analyzing and diagnosing diseases. AI will also be used in surgeries, where, we can see the light of human bodies’ replacement, prostheses in other words, but in the next level. Full disclosure of this project will happen at our third quarterly meeting, by then, please do anticipate our launch of this new technology in the very near future.” Now that announcement was set to change the entire world. The mystery of AI and human body in one... this project was sure to skyrocket Jimin’s company and Lisa’s father’s medical centre to the ultimate giants of the business world. The new revolution of an entirely new era. 

Everyone in the room were thrown into an utter surprise and amazement. They would become unstoppable. Wait. Did that mean Jimin was publicly throwing the Sons’ Group away? On the other side, they were the leading IT company... who knew that Jimin’s innovation was behind the success of it all?

Then after a few moments of whispering the entire crowd simply applaused for the beginning of the next revolution of technology. Son Dongwoon was simply chugging down the glass of champagne he was holding, putting the goass down and clapped his hands, along with the rest of the crowd. In front of the projector, Jimin lifted up his glass, eyeing Son Dongwoon, and cheered everyone to drink along. 

The Son Groups President took his leave. Of course. “Park Jimin.” He scoffed, and his eyes met Doojoon, standing near Dr. Bruschweiler. And of course, Yoon Doojoon, another pawn to this trap. “Yoon Doojoon.” He finished and his eyes, once out of sight from the people of the Higher Society, let out his anger by hitting the wall besides him. His breathing has quickened and he was trying to control his mind as much as possible. 

“President.” Called his secretary. He knew exactly what Kang Geumjae wanted to ask. 

“Don’t. Just yet.” He told his secretary. Then at that moment, Gikwang walked past through him to enter the ballroom. And he went silent. What was he doing here at all time? He really wasn’t in the mood to see either of them: Yoon Doojoon or Lee Gikwang.

”Oh yes Yoona-ah. I’m still on the line. I’m entering the room now, just got done with some finishing business. I will join you after in the back. I have someone to meet with.” They locked eyes and Son Dongwoon continued on his way. 

Meanwhile, people had been gathering around Jimin and Lisa’s father. V was leaning against the wall in the back of the ballroom, his eyes closed. Lisa pulled Rose away earlier as soon as the wave of people approached Jimin, Lisa and Rose. Of course, Lisa had to pull her good friend with her at all cost.

"Excuse me." A voice suddenly said and V opened his eyes to see a female stranger standing besides him. He knew the smile she was wearing way to well. "You're good looking, and I see how you are with the CEO of the Soft. Inc., how about we exchanged phone numbers? I'm Cheryl, daughter of the one of the directors." She asked. 

He knew this. Someone who found benefits in another person then befriending them solely because of the worth they see in you; but once that worth is gone, you become nothing but forgetten. "Sure." He took the phone she was handing him and dialed a phone number before someone answered the call. "Cotton." He called and Cheryl looked at V skeptically. What was the man doing? She was confused. "Someone asked for my number, but I guess it would be more appropriate to call you instead." He said and waved towards Rose and Lisa's directions while the young lady on the phone looked at him in confusion: 'What was Hansung doing?'

He hunged up and handed the phone back to Cheryl. "What is that?" She said unhappily. 

"I don't give my phone number easily to anyone unless you're Park Chaeyoung." Hansung replied and left without glancing back once, nor felt any remorse.

He casually walked up to Rose who was on her way to him, wondering what the call was for. In her hands, she was holding a piece of black chocolate, and Kim Taehyung naturally bent down to eat it before she put it in . She choked on her saliva, not expecting this at all, and V couldn't help but laugh. 

"What are you doing?" She asked as she cleared .

She didn't wait for an answer and walked back to where Lisa was, who was peacefully talking to her brother. If she saw what happened, she would have caused a big scene. V watched her walking away and followed. He didn't find what he intended to tonight, but he sure did enjoyed this day a lot. 

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joonbaek1 #1
I'm excited for this
joonbaek1 #2
I'm excited for this