too hot (hot damn)


Premise: Hansol is a hot sleeper, and Joshua likes to cuddle. Hansol constantly wakes up sweating in the middle of the night because Joshua is glued to him.

Bonus: Royalty AU


This prompt is from Kogami's OTP Fluff Generator


“Don’t say that. You have a lovely family, a lovely home, a lovely kingdom—you can’t just give it all up for...for me . Who am I to make the Crown Prince give up the world?”

“You are Joshua Hong, a mysterious traveller from the West that has the sweetest demeanor to make even my father, the King himself, falter. You have eyes that sparkle dae brighter than the stars they love to look up at, and lips that I imagine taste like the cakes that the auntie comes by to make every now and again. You’re voice is as smooth and comforting as the most expensive silks I’ve ever worn and your laugh is like music that only the Gods could produce. You are a blessing that was gifted to us—to me —by Lady Fate and I just want nothing more than for you to be mine,”


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Chapter 1: I love the open ending.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! this sooo good!