Want to be the one for you. (Chaeyu)

Tzuyu's favorite unnies.

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 “Oh my, what happened?”

 She was panicked to see her friend with cut lip and blood streaming from injured brow. The smirk spread onto the sore lips before the girl hissed and tried to cover the burning spot with hand, only for her hand to be taken and stopped. The interrogating eyes stared right in her and even if her emotions were too much to handle, the small one still tried to fight against the annoyed girl in front of her.

 “Just got into an accident. That’s it.”

 She knew that won’t be enough, but they still were in the building hall and her giant friend still firmly blocked the entrance.

 “Chaeyoung, this is not funny anymore. How many times will it be until you stop messing up with those people?”
 “Tzu, calm down.” The girl groaned, making an attempt to squeeze into the apartment.”

 Luckily, she was allowed in. Tzuyu was her friend ever since high school. They were the best friends for a while, even choosing the same university. And nothing including the different interests could part them. Tzuyu was a calm, shy girl with extreme beauty. Boys and girl were piling up near her only to catch a glimpse of her. Chaeyoung knew no one who wasn’t admiring the girl. Even now after starting her work in the vet, she was popular as ever.

 Chaeyoung was different. Sure, she was well admired too, but her character would most likely make people worried, but not pleased. All of her life, Chaeyoung was living, playing and hanging out with boys, so it was quite natural for her to be interested in things girls shouldn’t. It started not so long ago when she found her rival. She and her friends were doing graffiti at the abandoned factory’s property when the others came. Chaeyoung never saw then before, but the tall redhead girl with piercing and her friends made sure to start a war claiming the territory as theirs. And from this, it’s happened.

 The small girl went to the living room flopping on the comfortable couch and searching for the remote controller. She felt something fluffy by her side and turning her head noticed Tzuyu’s dog that sat near carefully studying her. Gucci was pretty sleepy, he probably was forced to get up and follow his owner when Chaeyoung ringed in the door.

 Tzuyu appeared soon enough with a first-aid kit. This was actually familiar. Tzuyu lived alone, so Chaeyoung preferred to stop by her place and not face her roommates in this condition. Jeongyeon would most likely to scream at her again tomorrow, telling to start the search for a good job and not a part-time salesperson in the convenient shop. This was something usual.

 While she was thinking about her sister, Tzuyu already prepared the cotton and was nearing Chaeyoung’s face.

 One more thing to say about Chaeyoung, she was hopelessly in love with Tzuyu. It all started so long ago and still, these feeling were fluttering her heart every time they were together. But she was as dumb and unconfident in the school to lose for the other girl and after that, she was just too embarrassed and disappointed to be Tzuyu’s second. She wanted to be the first and only. So she was forcing herself to only watch and admire, even though she knew Tzuyu felt something for her too.

 The warm palm cupped her cheek. Chaeyoung flinched but tried to make it less obvious. She found focused doe eyes looking right at her lips. The feelings ripping her apart again. Those soft arms carefully holding her and the most beautiful eyes on the planet looking at her. This was everything Chaeyoung wanted for her life. Though instead of the affectionate touch of Tzuyu’s lips that she dreamt of, the pain her and she roared, ready to pull away.

 “Don’t move.” The strict voice spoke.
 “But it hurts.”

 Her eyes were closed when the cool air touched her wound next, making it a bit better. Chaeyoung knew very well what it was and was more than afraid to capture the scene by her eyes, but she wanted it so badly. Peeking through the eyelashes she saw something that took her breath away. Tzuyu was so close, her arm now grasped the shoulder leaning in. One shift and she would fall in, their lips will touch and Chaeyoung would probably die from heart attack afterwards. She wanted it so much. Those plump rosy lips that were stretching as to meet the smaller girl ones. This was making Chaeyoung crazy.

 However, before she could play her evil plan the girl of her dreams pulled away.

 “You done?”
 “Yes.” The same disappointed tone.
 “And eyebrow.”

 The towel flew into her face. She felt Gucci jumping from the couch and following the tall girl.

 “Did it already. Wash up and then put the ointment on.”

 She then disappeared into her room. Chaeyoung couldn’t blame her. It was very late and the girl still had work yesterday. Being a bit sad about the lost closeness, she hurried to the bathroom.

 She did as her friend said – washed up and put some ointment on the wounds, even stick the patch to her brow. Happily entering the living room again, she went to the kitchen for water, then creped to the bedroom. Tzuyu was already tucked in with Gucci lying next to her and snoring. Chaeyoung carefully took the clothes from the wardrobe and wore it, before climbing a bed also.

 She was too excited to sleep and the small dog kicked her side in his sleep, so she just lay there, looking into the darkness and thinking of random things.

 When Chaeyoung woke up the bed was empty and the sun made it best to burst through the closed curtains. She stretched up, glancing at the time. Tzuyu was long ago gone on work, which meant that she herself needed to stand up and head home to be ready for her own work at evening. The small dog was nowhere to be seen, so she assumed that Tzuyu took him with her, Gucci kind of became the important worker of the vet. He just played with other animals there or slept in Tzuyu’s office, so no one minded.

 As the girl finally left, taking the spare keys she went to the bus stop and headed home, hoping for no one to be there. It was actually true as her two roommates were at work. She quickly examined her face. With Tzuyu’s care it wasn’t that bad, so probably Jeongyeon won’t notice.

 Her room was messy as ever, but her lazy was too occupied with stupid stuff to even pick up some of the dirty clothes, Momo would do it anyway at the end of the week, scolding her for the unbearable idleness.

 She remained in Tzuyu’s t-shirt, collecting one more for herself. Tzuyu never stayed at hers, being disguised by the mess, so Chaeyoung was stealing her clothes instead, secretly sleeping in it and imagining like hugging the girl. Stupid, but that was her life.

 Work was very boring today. As usual, people buying a lot of water and ice-cream due to hot temperature. Usual check-outs for already wasted products and the unwanted attention of her co-worker, that couldn’t shut up about some concert.

 When it was past 6 and she was sent to organize the area, her shoulder was tapped. She span around noticing her smiling friend – Dahyun. Well, she smiled until looked at Chaeyoung’s face.

 “It’s just a minor one.”

 She saw Dahyun sighing. Her bag was filled with random stuff that she usually bought here on her way home.

 “What Jeong said?”
 “She hasn’t seen me yet.” Chaeyoung continued to do her job.
 “You stayed with Tzuyu?” The question sounded sad.

 Dahyun was one of many people who knew about Chaeyoung’s feelings. It was too obvious, but she only talked about it with Dahyun, even avoiding her sister’s help.

 “Don’t you want to finally confess?”
 “No. You know I’m too afraid to never reach the level her exes did.”
 “You’re so weird, Chae.”

 They were in silence for a while. Yeah, Chaeyoung was weird. She bears the stupid idea of becoming the first Tzuyu’s girlfriend and never let her experience another love, so she could be the only one the tall beauty will think of, but as her plan was ruined and Tzuyu kept dating people, Chaeyoung just lost her hopes.

 “You know that messing up with those people you putting all of us in danger?”
 “Well, no one is forcing you to be with me anyway.” She snapped.
 “I didn’t mean it, but be careful. Unnies would kill you if something happened with Tzuyu.”

 Dahyun was right. That redhead Sue as she called herself was able to do anything and Chaeyoung was usually going to Tzuyu’s place after their short meetings. Though Chaeyoung knew that the girl’s house was in a nice district and the concierge would never let the strangers in. And also Tzuyu used the car to move along the city. So Chaeyoung calmed down herself a little.

 Well, it was until she went to Tzuyu’s work once, because their friends planned a movie night at Nayeon’s. She only watched from the waiting seats, but her eyes weren’t playing a joke when the redhead girl with her tall figure and in leather jacket exited Tzuyu’s cabinet with a big dog by her side. She was smiling sweetly and saying something that even made the other one shy. Chaeyoung was losing her temper.

 “The heck you doing here?” She screamed, scaring some people.

 Sue turned to her, reflecting the same disguised on her face. As the small girl went closer they literally stared in each other eyes being ready for any action from the opponent.

 “Chaeyoung?” The soft voice disturbed them and the redhead broke their eyes battle to look at Tzuyu.
 “You know her?” Sue asked.
 “She’s my best friend.”

 Cold sweat ran down her body as she saw a smirk. Now, this girl knew about Tzuyu and it wasn’t helping at all. Chaeyoung cursed her height and frown even more when the annoying girl put her hand on Tzuyu’s lower back, pulling her closer and kissing the rosy cheek.

 “I see you this weekend.”

 While shocked and hurt small one stood there, staring in front of her, Sue was gone.

 She was so angry at Tzuyu that wasn’t in the mood to talk at all. The whole time riding to Nayeon’s they spent in silence and walked in separately as Tzuyu was picking up some sweets and her dog. Chaeyoung knew that wasn’t the girl's fault, she didn’t know a thing about Sue and absolutely had no idea about Chaeyoung’s feelings to her. But Chaeyoung was more jealous than angry. She wanted to be able to do the same thing to Tzuyu and feel the taller one responding.

 “What’s wrong?” Jeongyeon asked while the both of them went to bring tea up.
 “I see something off. Did you fight with Tzuyu?”
 “No.” Her answers were so indifferent that it was making the older girl mad.
 “Fine. Chae, you can’t be the teenager anymore. It’s time to grow up just a little.”

 She hated this kind of conversations. Everyone kept telling her to be a responsible adult while she wanted to just have fun and be all wild.

 Surprisingly, when she came to the factory the next Monday, no one from the other group touched them. They were taking the equipment off their bags and discussing the next street art. Though Chaeyoung was admitting that their works were much cooler than her ones. They never just spray paint in the weirdly shaped letters, they were doing the art indeed.

 “Don’t worry midget. We’re going away after this. Were asked to decorate some building with some cool stuff, so…”

 Sue came up to her as the others just stood there waiting for any conflicts again. Chaeyoung was a bit jealous again. This girl not only tried to take Tzuyu away but was doing what she loved and wasn’t afraid to show off.

 They were doing their arts each when the police siren was heard near. They all jerked from the sound and Chaeyoung’s friends started to ran away. Sue looked scared for a couple of seconds before turning to the other group.

 “Why you stand? Run.” Chaeyoung screamed, stuffing the paint into her backpack.
 “Sorry, but we have the permission to paint here.”

 Not a single emotion played on her face and the car pulled down near. Chaeyoung cursed running to the side to climb the wall. She was hoping to escape when her leg was pulled down in the next second.


 “Kim Jihyung.” The officer announced.

 The boy’s mother stood on the other side on the cage. Looking at her face it was obvious that they won’t see him for a couple of days from now on. The rest of Chaeyoung’s arrested friends were sleeping, while she waited for Tzuyu to come as well.

 Tzuyu was her first and only plan to be out. Others would kill her right here and Dahyun was sleeping too nice to hear any sound from her phone, so the small one didn’t want to try.

 “Son Chaeyoung.” The officer said, his voice sleepy and tired.

 She happily stood up, only to meet the disappointed eyes and tightly clenched jaws. Tzuyu wasn’t happy with her. She had the sports pants on her legs and the sleeveless T-shirt, the keys were in her hand and the purse in the other.

 She heard the murmurs of others, probably discussing Chaeyoung’s pretty friend. She went out, smiling widely only for Tzuyu to turn her back and walk away. She heard officer chuckling at her and rolling her eyes, she followed to be out of here.

 It was very late now, probably 2 or 3, so that was understandable why the other was angry at her. She made an attempt to chase her and jump into the car until the other could drive without her.

 Chaeyoung saw how annoyed her friend was, the way her hands squeezed the steering wheel was making it much obvious. But she knew that Tzuyu was just disappointed in her actions and not angry about waking up late, driving somewhere and paying fine.

 “Where are we going?” The road was not the one to Tzuyu’s house.
 “I’m dropping you home.”
 “No, please. Jeong has Momo’s sister and friends as the guest and they planned the movies night. I told her I’m staying with you.”

 She whined, pleading on the next red light. Tzuyu sighed but still made a turn to head to her house. She felt herself like a scolded child. Tzuyu was refusing to talk with her and the smaller one only sulked in her seat receiving a cold shoulder.

 When they went in, Gucci lazily stretched, probably waiting by the door the whole time. Tzuyu said nothing and patting the dog went to the bedroom. Chaeyoung sighed before following her. She flopped on the bed, hugging the other one from behind and trying to get any warmth from the tall friend. Her hand was thrown away and she skipped even close, sneaking under the s. She wanted to be forgiven.

 She was pressing to the girl’s back, inhaling the sweet perfume and enjoying the warmth of their bodies. If she was able to, she would never let go of Tzuyu. If only she was brave and not so stupid, she would be the one occupying Tzuyu’s minds. That was everything she could dream of. She was so in love, that these feelings couldn’t disappear in ages and she was so into her convictions that this was the only thing preventing her to be with Tzuyu.

 She wasn’t sleeping, holding the other one tight and desiring to take a little advantage and steal a kiss. She wanted Tzuyu more and more for herself, hoping to never give others a chance to ever see the beauty.

 When the alarm started to disturb the sleep, she closed her eyes pretending to be in a deep slumber. Tzuyu was fast to turn it off. Her warm hand touched Chaeyoung’s forehead and put the hair aside to glance at the previously injured spot. She heard sighed escaped her lips and she went away.

 Strangely Chaeyoung wanted to cry like a baby. Her heart squeezed painfully on the thoughts that she didn’t deserve Tzuyu even for a bit. She was a reckless lazy girl that still stuck in her teen years and wanted to stroll the night city or spent time sitting on the rooftop staring the distance, instead of working and studying. Tzuyu already had everything and she sure didn’t want to share her life with someone like Chaeyoung.


 “So, it felt useless.” She pushed herself to explain her feelings.

 Jeongyeon caressed her head with soft eyes, being happy that her sister came to her for advice. They were in the living room, while Momo cooked dinner and the sound of the TV was put down. And Chaeyoung was lost.

 “You love her. Why not go and try?”
 “Because she already experienced love before and I don’t want my love to be not enough.” She raised her voice, then noting to herself how weird her reason was. “She dated such a unique people – the surgeon, the daughter of that minister and even that street artist had a chance to go on a date with her.”
 “You’re unique too, Chaengie. And for her especially. She still there, by your side after everything you said to her back in university.” Momo came too.

 Chaeyoung shot her head up. What did she say to Tzuyu?

 “What do you mean?” She asked.
 “Well, remember the time you got drunk for the first time and Tzuyu drove you home.”

 She did remember getting really drunk, but after she jumped into pool everything was black and after that, she just was told that Tzuyu took her home, none other details.

 “What did I say?” She saw Momo widening her eyes.
 “I don’t know the whole conversation. Tzuyu was telling about something that you said she was stupid to think those people really love her and that she was blind enough to not notice you. Then…” Momo made eye contact with Jeongyeon. “Then you said that you would never ever want to date someone so careless about relationships.”
 “What?” Both sisters jumped.

 Momo shifted her eyes from one to another, understanding that the two were not included in the conversation with Tzuyu back there. Though she was sure someone would tell them.

 “You so childish, Chae. Even when you go a chance to confess, you still had to ruin the moment.”


 When Jeongyeon dropped her near the vet with pretty flowers in hands and nice clothes on, her legs were shaking. She approached the reception, having all eyes on herself and smiled to the guy there.

 “Is Ms. Chou free?” Her voice cracked a little and she cleared asking again.

 The guy grinned at her and checked the timetable on the computer.

 “She’s having a break now.”
 “Can I visit her?”
 “You know the door right?”

 She went past the elder woman with a St. Bernard dog by her side and skipped to the door with the number 25 on it. Chaeyoung knocked carefully and when the door clicked opened, she pushed the tall girl in, embarrassed to be in public.

 Tzuyu stared at her in shock, looking up and down the small girl. Chaeyoung shoved the flower in, hiding her red cheeks.

 “What’s that?”
 “I want you to go out with me today.” She almost screamed, afraid to draw back in the last second.

She glanced at the other, noticing her blank expression and hid her eyes again. After a while in silence, she understood that this wasn’t enough and her outburst only confused the girl.

 “I’ve been in love with you for a long time and now as I can’t think of anything than you. I want to try again and confess for all those times I couldn’t.”
 “If your heart is not taken I’d like to try and love you as no one would.”
 “I will cherish your love endlessly and never let you down on it.”
 “I really want you.”

 She lifted her head up, staring at Tzuyu. The nervous expression softened and she granted Chaeyoung with her shy smile. Her hand brushed over Chaeyoung cheek and carefully cupped it.

 “Can I take some time before answering?”


 While Dahyun criticized her actions, Chaeyoung was completely turned off of this world. Tzuyu listened to her and asked to let her think, so the only thing was left is to hold a phone tightly in hand, charged well and wait. She must look like an obedient dog waiting for the owner to come, but that doesn’t matter.

 “…So you need to make her accept it.” Dahyun slapped her shoulder.
 “I’m telling you to go and make a move, gosh.” She rolled her eyes.
 “Yeah, like a walk with Gucci or a movie night or something. But make it romantic, not like you did with that girl two years ago.”

 Chaeyoung touched her cheek, remembering the pain from the time her first date slapped her when she forgot her name the second time they were out.

 “Uhm, got it.”
 “And don’t make her feel like you two are good friends. Touch her, make her awkward and shy.”


 Chaeyoung was happy to have someone like Dahyun to help her as she knew nothing about dating. She only had one girl once and it wasn’t a pleasant experience, because she never really cared about anyone other than Tzuyu and the other pretty girls smiling to her seemed to be just boring to Chaeyoung’s tastes.

 Now as she waited for Tzuyu to go out on her evening walk with Gucci in her baggy clothes and with a backpack, she was making notes on where to take her. The park near the apartment block was the best choice, but the small one was afraid of it being crowned and noisy.

 She smiled noticing her love interest walking out with excited Gucci, but instead of moving she stopped and waited. She was wearing the most simple clothes but strangely still looked like goddess alive. Chaeyoung stepped out of her hidden spot only to freeze. The same redhead went out with her dog and a very colourful red cap. She watched as the girls laughed and started to head somewhere.

 Ignoring the fact that she might disturb something, she ran to them grasping Tzuyu wrist and pulling the tall girl to her side. She looked funny holding the girl much taller than her and throwing killing glances to another one.


 Her hand automatically tightened the grip, snaking around Tzuyu thin waist and placing the other one on the girl’s hip with possessiveness.


 Her voice sounded scary and Tzuyu was more than surprised to see this side of Chaeyoung. Sue laughed at her actions, but still looked at the taller one and smiled.

 “I guess I’ll see you later.”

 She continued the walk with her dog and soon disappeared from Chaeyoung’s vision. Feeling her confidence building up after Tzuyu was only with her again, she let go, blushing over the knowledge that her hand almost rested on the girl’s . She made a step back forgetting everything that was in her mind before.

 “What are you doing here?” The concerned voice spoke.
 “I… You… I thought you might want a company to walk Gucci.”

 She mentally hit her head for so much shuttering. Hiding her face she watched as Tzuyu’s shadow remained unmoving and the small dog cutely tilted his head, probably wondering on why they stopped.

 “It would be nice of you to accompany me.”


 Chaeyoung put the blanket from her backpack on the fresh green grass, gesturing Tzuyu to occupy it. Gucci played with a dog toy near then, listening to the owner obediently and not running away. When the girl sat pulling legs to her chest and resting chin on the knees, Chaeyoung settled down too. She glanced at the other from time to time, searching for anything to turn it more romantic as Dahyun said.

 She grasped the edge of the shirt and lifted it up, exposing the velvet skin and the back and the well-seen sharp backbone. Tzuyu jerked lightly slapping her hand off and fixing her clothes with red all over her face.

 “What’s that, Chae?” She asked annoyed and flustered.
 “One of the unnies said to make you shy and embarrassed.” She tried to cover up the part of who it was.

 Tzuyu stared at her for a while, before groaning and taking her hand. Her fingers brushed through Chaeyoung’s and made the lock. It felt surreal and much comfortable than the smaller one expected. She drowned into the warmth of the touch, squeezing harder and pulling their hands to rest on her thigh. She watched as her slightly small palm perfectly fitted Tzuyu’s and the tanned skin matched her tone. She brushed her thumb over the wrist, then the silk skin on the back. Her finger pads felt the firm knuckles underneath and she wanted to slip farther into the touch, explore more of the girl’s body. Chaeyoung never was interested in knowing someone to the deepest, nothing so minor caught her attention.

 She shifted closer, leaning on the broad shoulder and pulling their joined hands closer to . She planted a kiss, the softest she could give, leaving a slight mark of her lipstick that she didn’t want to ever fade away. This indeed felt different and not like their friendly nights together, because the two of their hearts fluttered on the emotions and no one wanted to let go.

 “What was that redhead doing here?” Chaeyoung asked when they were heading back.
 “She moved in a month ago. We just got closer after she visited vet with Rorry.”

 Chaeyoung frowned. This meant that Sue had a chance to be around Tzuyu, walk dogs together and even be welcomed in Tzuyu’s home. The idea of it was not so pleasant.

 “Do you want to sleep over at my place?” She asked with hope, thinking of a way to pull Tzuyu away from here.
 “Your room is too messy and I have work tomorrow.” The tall beauty chuckled.
 “Then tomorrow? After work. And you can take Gucci. I’ll clean everything.”


 Jeongyeon watched in horror as the trash bags filled their entrance hall and Chaeyoung stood in her rainbow overalls with everything needed for cleaning. She was awake at 5 a.m. and tried to make their apartment the most sterile of everything. The older sister almost let tear down when she walked into the other’s room without her feet being tangled in clothes. The smell was also refreshing and sweet, her table used for studying one day was almost sparkling. Jeongyeon lowered on the bed, falling in the softness and pureness of s.

 “No, only for Tzuyu.” The younger ran in, pulling the sister up.
 “Will Tzuyu come over?”
 “Yes. And she might stay the night.”
 “Tell her to do it frequently.”

 The taller one went away and helped to take that garbage away. When she was in again, everything was shining and sparkling. Momo stood confused and scared before she was explained also.

 “Did you make something for dinner?”

 The frightened expression replaced the proud smile and Chaeyoung rushed to the fridge with shaking arms.

 “Don’t worry.” Momo sniggered. “Go prepare yourself. She must be here in an hour.”

 Tzuyu indeed came in an hour with desserts and an excited dog that started to play with Jeongyeon even before Tzuyu was able to put him down. Chaeyoung smiled, standing all clean and dressed in her blue shorts and a purple shirt that she carefully picked up yesterday.

 It was the usual friend gathering as everyone spoke about the week and the next plans. The food was good and the atmosphere felt less awkward with others around.

 “The smell is very good though. What’s this?” Tzuyu asked, inhaling the air.
 “Oh, Chaeyoung was cleaning the whole day. She must know what she used.” Jeongyeon wore a teasing smile as her sister blushed.
 “It said ‘Winter forest’ on the package.”
 “Never knew you could clean so much.”
 “Of course she can, when it’s for you.”

 Well, maybe it wasn’t as good to have her sister here.

 As the night was slowly approaching, Chaeyoung pulled Tzuyu into her room, surprising the girl too. She let her borrow any clothes she wanted, after making sure that she hid Tzuyu’s shirts away.

 They were lying on the bed as the film rolled on the small TV. The feelings were filling Chaeyoung as she saw Tzuyu’s beautiful profile by the corner of her eyes. Usually, she would gulp them down and reassure herself that’s for better. But now she wanted to hold that arm again.

 She shifted in her place as if changing her position, but secretly searching for Tzuyu’s hand. She couldn’t find it near and when she let out a frustrated sigh, she saw a figure hovering above her face. Her breath stuck somewhere as Tzuyu was staring at her, learning her scared and worried eyes. Her hand was supporting the body, while the other caressed Chaeyoung’s cheek and brushing over the plump lips.

 “Kiss me.” She whispered.

 Chaeyoung’s mind went blank when hot air touched her lips. The deep eyes were eating her alive and the sensation made the stomach curl in pleasure mixed with an uncomfortable feeling. Tzuyu played with her ghosting her lips just beneath Chaeyoung’s making the spot tingling. Her heart was blowing up and she swore she would pass out if it was real and not her dream.

 “Chae, kiss me. I waited for too long now.”

 She leaned up, lifting a heavy body off the s and capturing lips she dreamt of every day. She was acknowledging why it was something forbidden before. The addictiveness built up in her, her brain refused to work and she knew she won’t be able to let go of the other girl ever again. She grasped the s, exploring every inch of the hot mouth, fighting Tzuyu’s tongue and trying to keep pace with her ill experience. The rush of unbearable hotness ran through her and the feeling down her stomach became twice palpable. Chaeyoung’s pulse was ringing into her ears mixing with wet noises of their lips locking together.

 The air was so needed when Tzuyu pulled away, resting her forehead on Chaeyoung’s and panting. Chaeyoung’s lips were trembling. The sensation, anticipation and desire Tzuyu erupted in her made her heart week and body refusing to function. She was breathless and didn’t want this to end at the same time.

 “I’ve loved you long before. And running away from this feeling, I was still bumping into you, Chae. I love you, Chae.”

 Her lips curled into a smile when she felt another light kiss, then another and one more. Tzuyu was satisfying all her needs. Her smile was enough to brighten up her day, her voice was manipulating her body and when she held Chaeyoung in her arms, the smaller girl couldn’t think of anything else again. Moreover, she not only hoped but knew she had the same effect on her girl. The adoration in her eyes never faded and the love never growing fewer.

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From this day I will take a break. I will write still, but won't have much time because of my exams. So I won't post anything here.
If you have exams as well, wish you all luck. And don't forget to leave prompts, so I have something to write.

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Starienayls #1
Chapter 13: The story in this chapter has so many potential to have it’s own book, I really want to see more of them, they’re both so precious… ㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: these oneshots will def have me fed for a while
Chapter 13: A full-fic potential
PastelAlleys #4
Chapter 23: <3 <3
PastelAlleys #5
Chapter 16: Cuteee uwu
Nuggso_21 #6
Chapter 16: Ahhhh. This is so pure and adorable.💕
Chapter 15: Kawaiiiiiii+~💙💙
Chapter 11: They're so adorable~ 😍💙💙
Chapter 8: This duo is crazy but lovely hahahaha
Chapter 12: Tf this was on the top of my bookmarks but damn I think I've just re-reading this but my man it's maaaakunggg meee craazzyyy andddd I want moree!