My first crush. (Mitzu)

Tzuyu's favorite unnies.

For zeyzul.
Now I have so many prompts and so little time.
Still, try my best to updates frequently till I'll be out on a trip.
Next is JiTzu




 Tzuyu loved dogs and it was the least that can be said, she was obsessed with dogs. At first, she was only allowed to play with puppies that her aunt had as her parents were against the idea to get one, so the girl was stuck there for hours just playing silly games and enjoying her time relaxing. Then her aunt actually told her about a different solution to seeing pets. Tzuyu was just 12 when she went as a volunteer with her dad at the pet shelter. She felt herself absolutely fine there, not minding the smell and barking noises. Since then she was a frequent guest to some of the pet shelters, going there sometimes with parents or her older brother.

 Rather than that Tzuyu’s parents always taught her to study hard. She was a very smart child and it only made elder Chous proud more. Her brother had a huge role here as he always helped the youngest with tasks and homework. It happened naturally that information started to settle quicker in her head. But it had a negative side – Tzuyu was a curious child and wanted to know a lot of things, especially if it concerned dogs, so she was a bit distant from other children, usually buried into a book or her TV that played an animal planet.

 When her best friend – her brother, moved out from the house it was a complete shock for her, which caused the girl to cut her activities more, so now she was spending more time in the library studying then going out. But still, she was very pretty and famous in school, which helped her to find loyal friends.

 However, her brother still cared for her a lot and brought her a small little puppy that just took all of Tzuyu’s love. She treated it like her own child and cried for the whole evening when parents let her take the puppy, promising them that she would take good care of it. That’s how Gucci came to the Chous family – brave, playful and loyal to his owners only.

 Tzuyu watched Dahyun munching on something she happened to snick into the library. The girl just was free from her piano practice and had nothing in her stomach since lunch. Chaeyoung was helping with something, so she informed them to be late. Over the time library became Tzuyu’s third home, if not minding her home and pets shelter, where she still goes frequently. Except for her two best friends and some just good friends of her, no one really caught her attention in this school. People were admiring her, confessing and pleading for dates, but she watched those people and felt nothing – she was deeply sorry, but it felt wrong to do something her heart didn’t want to.

 “Are you going to the shelter today?” Dahyun asked.
 “No, we have exams soon, so mom suggested me to prepare better for them.”

 Dahyun would never say that Chous were pushing on their children, it was just the way they raised them – saying to always put effort to achieve something the two wanted. That’s what made Tzuyu’s brother manage to get into prestige university in the UK and made Tzuyu study hard for her dream as a vet.

 “Can you help us to prepare as well?” The older pleaded with puppy eyes.
 “Well, the last time you asked the same and played games with Chae the whole time.”
 “Whom to blame when you have that huge PlayStation corner?”

 The two continue to do homework until Chaeyoung came and the new conversation started. They usually went as far as possible to be more comfortable. The library had a few hidden corners where usually couples were making out, but Tzuyu used one to study and be with friends. She was becoming quite irritated when a lot of people just watched her every move, whispering behind her back.

 “How’s my little man doing?” Chaeyoung asked, finishing her last page.
 “Fine. I’m gonna visit him today on the way home. Wanna come?”
 “I can’t. My mom wants me to help her after school. But I’ll definitely see him some other day.”

 Tzuyu actually liked that her smaller friend was interested in a little puppy that she found in the park that was on her way home. The small creature was so afraid of people that the girl was spending hours sitting near him, telling nice words and feeding the dog. Now he trusted her very much and was even responding on the name the girls gave him – Bubbly. Chaeyoung was especially happy to play with a puppy from time to time and Tzuyu pleaded her to take him home. But Chae’s father was still not sure about it.

 When the last task of the homework was done, the girls collected their stuff and hurried to leave. As usual, the two went by both sides of Tzuyu, creating some barricade from everyone that would try to approach. It was easier when Tzuyu’s friends from the student council were around. Jihyo and Nayeon would just glare on someone and they were gone in a few seconds. The girls peacefully left the school territory, attracting attention, but not being disturbed and went to the direction of homes, enjoying the talks about new café that opened near.

 “We gonna come on Saturday, okay?” Dahyun asked as they approached the road.
 “Yeah, I’ll wait.”

 The parted the way there, each going to different directions. Tzuyu made big steps to reach the park as quickly as possible.

 It was a nice place - very green bright and full of attractions for children. When she was little she was usually hanging out there with her brother. She liked the peaceful atmosphere it was giving her. The little pond was crowded with children as ducks were swimming there, eager to find a person that could feed them. Once she stayed there with her friends watching the sunset and enjoying carefree talks till midnight.

 She noticed Bubbly instantly. He was sitting on the usual spot turning head left and right search for her familiar figure. His little tail wiggled from side to side as he saw her approaching. She cooed over his happiness and eagerness to see her. He ran to her direction barking with eyes shining brightly. A few seconds before the collision he stopped, yapping and being ready to jump in her arms. She laughed as the dog started to her legs whining and asking for attention and food.

 “Did you miss me?” She asked, patting the excited puppy and moving to bench to throw the bag.

 She squatted near him, rubbing behind ears and the fluffy fur as the dog enjoyed the girl’s presence.

 “Good boy.”

 He watched her carefully, staring right in her eyes and waiting for everything Tzuyu would say. It was a surprise to her when one day she was walking Gucci here and as the two dogs played, she gave a command to sit and Bubbly obediently followed after the older dog when Gucci got his treats. Gucci was his favorite playmate as Tzuyu had never really seen Bubbly being around other dogs and he even avoided any contact with people except those who he knew.

 She pulled a few buns with meat that she brought at the canteen to give him and the puppy barked, excitedly confused should he sat or jump on food already. Still, he was a fast learner and Tzuyu managed to train him to wait first. She placed the bun in front of him and smiled as all of his attention switched to the delicious object.

 “Eat.” She said.

 Bubbly jumped on the food, chewing hard and trying to take any piece that he could. Tzuyu landed on the bench watching him doing so. The weather was nice for winter and she had a great company here. Usually, she would take a book out and read something until Bubbly would join her curling in her legs and sleeping. After that, they would stay like this for an hour or so. The puppy usually walked home with Tzuyu, watching her entering the house before going to his place that no one knew and resting till the next day.

 But today she felt like just sitting and enjoying nature, not minding the sound of children screaming or the noises of cars passing somewhere. She just wished Gucci was here to share this moment together.


 Saturday morning she was woken up to whining Gucci who needed to have his morning walk. She asked him to wait and got up to fresh up a little and got dressed. The small one waited for her outside of the bathroom the whole time, holding the leash in his jaws and watching the door carefully to not miss the moment his owner would come out.

 He happily jumped when Tzuyu finally clipped the leash to his collar and they went out. Gucci wasn’t a big dog and he was raised well, so instead of speeding forward, he kept pace to be near his owner, while still observing territory around. The dog knew the route better than anyone else – he led them straight to the entrance of the park. Tzuyu looked around – searching for the Bubbly. It was earlier than usual, so she assumed that the puppy was still on his way here. She went with Gucci farther to let the dog ran around when the growls reached her ears. She turned her head trying to locate it and pulled her puppy to that direction.

 The scene made her terrified. A huge man was holding Bubbly in the air, gripping the fur and cursing the dog for something. The puppy whimpered and cried trying to get free. Tzuyu didn’t know what to do. The man didn’t look trustworthy and it was the early morning of Saturday with almost no one in the park.

 “Hey, you! Put the dog down!”

 Someone ran to the man and hit his arm. The figure looked fragile and the person’s head was covered with a hood. The tiny dog followed after and barked when the man, obviously drunk, let go of the Bubbly and sent all of his aggression to the intruder.

 “Who the are you to…”
 “Mister, I don’t want to argue. Let’s just go our own ways.”

 Tzuyu only then understood that the voice belonged to the girl. Gucci was pulling her to the center of all actions, seeing scared Bubbly there and she hurried to join the defence.


 He gripped the unknown person’s wrist and pulled her closer to roar some words when the dog that came with the girl put his jaws bite into the man’s ankle. He screamed trying to shrug the cause of pain away, attracting the attention of few people that jogged there. Tzuyu saw he wanted to come closer and curse the girl again, maybe do some harm, but people that stopped to see what the matter was scared him and he mumbled something, leaving the area.

 Tzuyu briefly glanced at terrified Bubbly that hid under the bench and Gucci who sat near and averted eyes on the girl. She turned to her direction as well and now they stared at each other. She was beautiful with a white perfect face covered with moles, eyes wide and concentrated on her own. The two just stood there without a move, when Tzuyu remembered about the way he held her wrist.

 She was a shy type, not making the first move, but now she was so confident in her actions and she didn’t afraid at all. She stepped closer, lifting girls sleeve without permission and examining the red marks of his fingers. Tzuyu carefully pulled the girl to sit on the bench and she started to massage the hand. She felt concentrated stare on herself and she knew her actions were so random, but she couldn’t explain it herself. The strangers’ hand was warm and gently, Tzuyu was having a pleasure touching it as she made circle moves around the hurt stop.

 “Thank you for this. I was so scared that I couldn’t do a thing at first.”

 She said, loud enough for the girl to hear her. She saw the three dogs laying near each other, comforting Bubbly as he curled right there.

 “That’s nothing. He’s a great boy and he didn’t do anything bad.”
 “You know him?”

 Tzuyu looked up, meeting that gaze again. They both blushed and looked away at the same time, causing the little pause.

 “Eh, y-yeah. I ran here in the mornings usually. Here’s always here waiting for you.”

 Tzuyu smiled, reaching to pat the loyal puppy and give him some comfort as well. He lifted the head up and wiggled tail, her fingers in thanks.

 “I’m Tzuyu.”
 “I know. It is almost impossible to not know your name. I’m Mina.”


 Tzuyu pleaded Chaeyoung through the phone while walking back home with Gucci and Bubbly. The smaller friend almost cried over the terrible story and went on a difficult mission to convince her dad. The two best friends knew that the man was weak for something so dramatic and Chaeyoung just wanted to give Bubbly the comfort he deserved.

While she hanged up, Tzuyu was stuck in her thoughts about Mina. The girl looked so surreal yet so familiar and simple. The warmth and softness of her hand was still lingering on her own, ticking and burning at the same time. Tzuyu never was the type to be interested in someone – she never felt the lightness in her heart when someone smiled at her. Her friends were telling that it is the most beautiful emotion you feel the first time of falling in love. Tzuyu wondered for a while what it really felt like, thinking that the excitement that happy puppies were giving her was actually the first phase of being in love. But a few minutes with Mina gave her the chance to understand how wrong she was. She felt everything – the amazement, the shyness, the warmth in her, the way her heart started beating faster and the feeling of safety and comfort. Now she questioned whether it was a sight of love or just her emotions because Mina actually saved Bubbly and looked so cool, that Tzuyu developed a crush on her.

 As she neared her house, the girl preferred to sit there with the two dogs, their fur and talking with them, reassuring that everything is going to be okay. Bubbly nuzzled into her legs, asking for more comfort and Tzuyu gave him a light massage over the scalp making the puppy relaxed as possible.

 She almost jumped when the car parked near and Chaeyoung’s dad called for her with a smile. The small girl then went out and was met with happy Bubbly who jumped around her. The man laughed and tried to slowly pet him, but the dog hid behind Chaeyoung.

 “He’s afraid of other people. But you can easily gain his trust with time.” Tzuyu informed.
 “Yeah, I think so. How is he?”
 “He’s fine now.”

 Chaeyoung played with the dog, Gucci resting by Tzuyu’s side and lazily observing, not moving at all, since his owner sat with him.

 “Bubbly, do you want to live with me?” The puppy loudly barked, making all three smile. “Good boy.”


 Since Chaeyoung took the puppy and was busy with him the whole day and since Dahyun woke up late and lost her contact lens they decided to stay on Monday at the library. Tzuyu was still thinking about Mina, swearing she saw her somewhere before. It was almost impossible to remember but she knew for sure that they met a few times in the library.

 When the three friends were finally together, talking about nothing but dogs, Tzuyu looking around all the way to their small hidden place. The same people that now were some active since Tzuyu actually glanced at them and not just stared in front of her.

 They occupied the table and pulled all the books out, getting ready for a long study session. Tzuyu did the math, but couldn’t help being distracted from time to time as Mina’s smile appeared in her mind. The tall one just wanted to see her again and maybe chat a bit more.

 “Do you perhaps know Mina from our school?” She asked.
 “You mean Myoui Mina?” Dahyun lifted her gaze.
 “I don’t know her surname.”

 Chaeyoung pushed the book aside with a huge grin and leaned forward.

 “As long as I know there's only one Mina. Why?”
 “She was the one to help me with Bubbly.”
 “And now you fell for her?”

 Tzuyu thought about it. She knew she felt something, but could identify what it was. She watched her two friends grinning at her confused reaction and suddenly felt embarrassed of her own feelings.

 “Okay. You know Momo, right? She has two friends – Sana and Mina.  Jihyo talked about them someday – they came from Japan.”

 Chaeyoung quietly gasped, covering .

 “Actually, Mina was helping in the same pet shelter a few weeks ago. Remember I greeted her.”

 Honestly, for Tzuyu to notice something when there were puppies around her was impossible, though she knew that on weekend people usually joined to help as well. But nevertheless, Tzuyu was sure she saw Mina somewhere in the library.

 “Do you want me to introduce you?”

 Chaeyoung’s plan was simple. She knew Momo and just wanted to greet her, taking the other two with her. Though it was hard to find the older girl – she was a member of the dance club with Sana and they practice a lot after school. When the girls parted ways and Tzuyu didn’t feel like going home or in the library again, she slowly went to the roof. Students were mostly at the club activities, so she won’t be disturbed there.

 However, she was lucky to meet the person she wanted to see. Mina sat on the bench with foreign book in hands, reading carefully each word. She looked cute when her brows frowned and confusion was written on her face. Tzuyu smiled skipping closer and observing the girl from few feet away still unnoticed. Mina was undeniably attractive in the sunrays – her skin glowing and the wind touching the hair. The most breathtaking scene Tzuyu had ever witnessed.

 Upon noticing the shadow near, Mina slightly jumped. It took her time to check Tzuyu and confirm that it was actually the girl and not just hallucination. She smiled, moving and offering the place near.

 “I’m sorry. I was swallowed by the book.”
 “That’s nothing. I can tell it is interesting by your face.”

 The older one smiled shyly and put the book aside, turning to face Tzuyu.

 “What are you doing here?”
 “I just wanted to walk around.”

 The conversation happened naturally and the girls felt so comfortable with each other. Tzuyu talked and listened, not feeling a slight urge of finishing and escape somewhere. Mina was the cutest while she tried to imitate her dog – Ray and Tzuyu’s heart was fluttering, filling with a warmth that she never felt before this day.


 With time it was noticeable how much time they were spending with each other. Momo and Sana watching Mina with surprise as the youngest of three bid goodbyes and ran to Tzuyu, awkwardly saying something. It was rare for Mina to make friends this easy and it was almost impossible to notice girl blushing so much. She was coming home after one more time in a dog shelter and jumping on the couch in their house all happy and smiley.

 “Ask her out.” Sana suggested during dinner.
 “What? No.”
 “Why?” Momo joined.
 “What if she won’t go. I’ll be so embarrassed.”
 “Oh, come on. She likes you. Just take Ray and she’s yours.”

 As suggested Mina asked Tzuyu to go for a walk with the dogs, Chaeyoung playfully interfered talking about joining with Bubbly to which Tzuyu was happy, but Mina stared at the smaller one with hope and she back out.

 They met in the park, going to the pond and letting the dogs explore around while chatting. Mina carefully glanced at the younger one hand, doubting to hold it. She wasn’t sure if Tzuyu really felt something, but she noticed how she was indeed a bit different during their privet times. Mina was always observing the girl with admiration like everyone else. She saw all the hard work the girl put into her study, all the things she cared for, especially the dogs. And Mina didn’t regret for a second that she spoke up to that man even if her knees were trembling.

 “The next Sunday will be a huge event for dogs here, will you come?”

 Tzuyu grinned, gripping Mina’s hand as she watched Gucci fighting Ray for a stick. Mina looked at her, noticing the pink blush on the cheeks and cute way of avoiding eye contact.

 “Then it’s a date, right?”

 She asked, getting embarrassed herself as her heart raced when Tzuyu slightly glanced at her and turned head again.

 “Yeah, it’s a date.

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From this day I will take a break. I will write still, but won't have much time because of my exams. So I won't post anything here.
If you have exams as well, wish you all luck. And don't forget to leave prompts, so I have something to write.


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Starienayls #1
Chapter 13: The story in this chapter has so many potential to have it’s own book, I really want to see more of them, they’re both so precious… ㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: these oneshots will def have me fed for a while
Chapter 13: A full-fic potential
PastelAlleys #4
Chapter 23: <3 <3
PastelAlleys #5
Chapter 16: Cuteee uwu
Nuggso_21 #6
Chapter 16: Ahhhh. This is so pure and adorable.💕
Chapter 15: Kawaiiiiiii+~💙💙
Chapter 11: They're so adorable~ 😍💙💙
Chapter 8: This duo is crazy but lovely hahahaha
Chapter 12: Tf this was on the top of my bookmarks but damn I think I've just re-reading this but my man it's maaaakunggg meee craazzyyy andddd I want moree!