
Love Letter

"Hakyeon, are you already okay? I'm sorry I don't go to visit you. I have been quite busy," said Luna as she hold Hakyeon's hand. "Its okay. I understand. By the way, its not that bad. I'm just having slight fever," reply Hakyeon with smile. "So, you want to go back with me today?" Ask Hakyeon.

"Emm no, I don't think I can. I need to meet some people," Luna shake her head. "Oh, its okay. I though we can hang out together today. Its been long time we go back together," said Hakyeon with sad face.

"Next time when I free. Okay?" Said Luna. Hakyeon just nod his head as he smile. 


"Hi guys," Luna sit beside Jaehwan before she sigh. "Whats wrong?" Ask Jaehwan when he heard that heavy sigh. "Nothing," Luna give fake sad smile. "Just tell us. Is this because Hakyeon?" guest Hongbin. Luna look down as she act like does not want to tell them anything. She's such a good actress.

"What did he do now? Is it still do not enough what we did to him?" Sanghyuk slam the table angrily.

"No, he not doing anything. Just as usual. He keep bugging me and force me to do thing that I don't want. Just now he want me to accompany him back home together. I know he just want me to bring his bag and also bought him some foods," reply Luna sadly.

"He such a shameless. We need to do something more I think. And you need to stop be his friend. You already have Soojung and Sulli. You don't need to be his friends. Just leave him. Let us deal with him," said Hongbin. "Well, I think I will follow your advice. I've been so tired to be his slave," reply Luna.

"It good idea," support Wonshik. "Thanks guys. You guys are so understanding and helpful," Luna give thanksful to the others. "We are your friend. By the way, we will not allow you to get bully by him," support Sanghyuk too. Luna nod her head as she cheering in her mind. Feel happy these boys are supporting her and trust her.

"Where's Taekwoon?" Ask Luna when she realise his absent. "Don't know. Lately he rarely gather with us. When we ask him to go out, he always decline. Does not know why," reply Wonshik as he feel weird and also worried with his friend's strange behaviour.

"You heard them right?" Ask Taekwoon as he look at Amber who stand beside him. They heard everything that they said. "I really want to kill that ," Amber clenches her fist angrily. She never heard it from Luna's mouth by herself and now she already is.

"Just let them say anything that they want. I don't care," said Hakyeon who suddenly appear.

"But, they are too much. No, she is too much. Hypocrite," nag Amber in furry. Hakyeon smile softly before he hold Amber's hand and pat it softly. "Its okay. Just let she say whatever she want," reply Hakyeon. Amber huff as she pout angrily. Hakyeon is too nice. He has soft heart for his friends and she does not really like that. That why Luna think she can talk bad about Hakyeon easily like that.

"By the way Taekwoon, here is my answer for your letters," Hakyeon give a letter to that boy. Taekwoon take the letter as he can feel his heart beating so fast. "Never know you're a romantic person," tease Amber as she elbowed Taekwoon's arm softly.

"Wait, how do you know? You read my letters?" Hakyeon look at his friend in shock. "Its not my fault when you just leave the letters on your bed, beside your pillow. Why? You want to read them everynight before you sleep?" Tease Amber that make Hakyeon's face become red.

"Well, I can't disagree on that," admit Hakyeon as he play with his fingers shyly. While Taekwoon can't stop smiling when he hear Hakyeon's confession.  "So sweet," said Amber as she continue shipping those two.


"Taekwoon, why you do not join us at cafe like usual?" Ask Wonshik when both of them changing their clothes after the soccer practice at the locker room. Taekwoon close his locker harshly before he lean on it and look at his friend. "Are you seriously ask me that question?" Ask Taekwoon as he cross his arms.

"Why? Are we did something wrong to you? If that so, we are sorry. I'm sorry," said Wonshik sincerely even when he still does not know why Taekwoon angry with them.

"Its not to me. You did wrong to Hakyeon," said Taekwoon. "Ha... Hakyeon? What do you mean? We do not...," before he can finish his lie, Taekwoon stop him. "Just stop. Stop lying. You think I don't know you give him letter and ask him to meet me at the music room. Then you lock him. Thanksfully I found him before something worse happen to him. If he die, what will you do? Will you be satisfy with what you did?" Yell Taekwoon angrily.

"Wha... what do you mean? Yes, we were the one who lock him. But, we never give him letter. It him the one who want to meet you there. He give a letter to Luna to give it to you," reply Wonshik. Taekwoon scoff when he hear that. "Yeah, I can expect that. That is so shameless," Taekwoon smirk as he shake his head in disbelief.

"?" Wonshik does not understand. Who's Taekwoon calling ? It clearly not Hakyeon. Taekwoon sit in front Wonshik and look at the boy. He does not care anymore. What important, he need to save his friends from falling too deep in Luna's trick.

"Firstly, why you hate Hakyeon? He does not do anything wrong to any of you right?" Ask Taekwoon. Wonshik look away as he admit on it. "But, he play with you right? He does not appear that night and let you wait for him until you fall sick," reply Wonshik. "He also always bully Luna. She tell us everything that he did to her. Well, you do not know about it because you absent that day. He is a terrible bad person. You should stop like him," continue Wonshik. Taekwoon laugh when he hear that lie. He can't believe how stupid his friends are. Trust that lie easily just like that.

"Hakyeon never play with me. He does not come that night because he does not know anything about it," told Taekwoon. "What? Why?" Ask Wonshik as he can't understand it.

"Because the letters that I gave to him never reach him. He never receive it," explain Taekwoon. Wonshik raise his brows as he tilt his head. Thinking on that statements.

"Is that mean...," Wonshik's eyes become wide when he understand what actually happen. "Yes, she never give my letters," told Taekwoon honestly. "But, maybe Hakyeon is lying," said Wonshik as he think other possibility. Taekwoon shake his head. "I saw what she did to my letter with my own eyes. She tear it and throw it away. That also what she did to my other letters," told Taekwoon.

Wonshik keep silent as he can't believe what actually happen. He got used by that witch. All of them got used. They are so stupid.  "So, is that mean all of her stories about Hakyeon is not right? The bullies?" Ask Wonshik. Taekwoon shake his head on that. "I already told you why I fall for Hakyeon. He will not do something like that. Even when he actually can do something cruel sometimes when he angry," said Taekwoon.

"I... I don't know what to say. I need to apologise to him. Oh my god. I'm so stupid. I'm sorry, Taekwoon. I'm sorry," Wonshik rub his face roughly before he look at Taekwoon in guilty.

"You're lucky Hakyeon has his father's heart. He does not blame any of you. He said all of you just want to protect me. And he also said that you all are good friends. But, if he has his mother's heart, he will kill all of you. Trust me," said Taekwoon. Wonshik sigh as he think and determine to apologize.

"Why you do not tell us about it?" Ask Wonshik. "Because you always with her. Everytime," reply Taekwoon. Wonshik nod his head as he agree on it. "Lets go back home. Its been quite late," Taekwoon stand up and pat Wonshik's shoulder softly. They both go back home together. Talking about what they have missed about each other.

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hyukmin86 #1
Chapter 12: Tq for completing this story
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Chapter 11: Please be save Hakyeon...
Chapter 9: so cute><
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