
IN where y/n Jungkooks girlfriend eats something weird, and soon discovers that 'thing' turned her into a child, a 5 year old child.


YOU wake up, you felt a bit weird you had to admit, you were awfully tired yesterday and you couldn't find out why. You moved your hands out from the comfortable sheets, you carefully rubbed your eyes, but something was wrong, very wrong. Your arms didn't feel like your regular adult arms- they felt shorter.

You decided maybe it was just your drowsieness, you got up and sat on the edge of the bed, "That's weird why can't my feet touch the ground?" you had to atleast slide at bit down- by a bit you meant alot then you feet would touch the ground. Your form began to pick up panic as you rushed into the bathroom.

You were in shock- you couldn't even see the mirror without something like a stool to help you. Without thinking you climed the counter and stood kneeling on the counter

That morning you screamt louder than any hospital, police, AND fire truck alarms.

You were offically a 5 year old child again.

This book is discontinued, but it'll still be up for those who want to read it. I'm also fine if you want to continue my book or take my plot since I won't be adding to it anymore. I'd like a reminder before you do though. Thanks! (:


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