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Continuation from the first chapter.


Taeyeon's POV.

I stood by the club's balcony watching the racing cars below, the city looked bright unlike anything I'm feeling right now. I watched the flow of people walking on the streets, like nothing matters in the world.

I Fumbled into my back pocket and procured a stick of cigar from my packet and slipped it in between my teeth.

A distinctive lighting of the lighter sound was heard before my stick was lit up by a pair of smooth looking hands. Looking up, I held onto the stick and released puffs of smoke.

Sighting It was Jessica, my features turned into a frown instantly. She looked at me with a sorrow look across her face that I always found attractive then,  as she choked at her own words. "I am sorry."

"What are you sorry about? What do you want?" I demanded, releasing another puff of smoke from my stick as I shifted my eyes back to her. My eyes traced every distinctive feature of her, just like how I used to do everytime we were together. But, her heart was what made it difficult for me to fathom.

“I don't know, I just feel the need to say sorry,” damn that line again. “I assume you're mad at me for stepping on you and falling on top of you, I really wasn't careful, it was my fault, so I'm sorry.” She looked so sincere that I'd fall for her tricks if I didn't know what kind of a person she was.

Clenching my fist by the side, I looked away in an attempt to ignore her. She has already caused too much damage on me and that unforgettable damage which was done, has been done. Nothing could be done to erase the pain in my chest, which still hurt as much as it did for the past 3 years, nothing can erase that pain, not her petty sorry.

“I'm not mad at you if you must know, now can you please leave me alone.” I said, my eyes now fixed back on the street below.

“Are you always this cold towards everyone?” She asked, ignoring the fact that I don't want to talk to her, I just made myself clear.

I didn't answer, so she continued.

“I've never met you before, but since I saw you for the first time earlier, I'd wanted to befriend you, I don't know, but something in me is craving for you, like we were best friends from a previous life, lovers? perhaps.” I chuckled when she said that and she paused. “I just can't explain.” She said frustratedly, but well I don't care, I don't ing care how she feels, all I know is I have to stay the hell away from her, if I want to remain sane.

“I don't know you, and I certainly don't want to be friends, so please just go.” I spat, I'm having a hard time keeping it all together right now.

“Well, in that previous life, I must have hurt you extremely to have you being cold towards me in this life, I'm sorry for everything that I did.” She said, skipping my warnings, where the hell she got that idea from? I don't even know. “I want to be your friend, I just have to, it'll be hard for you to believe, but you make me feel complete.” She heaved a sigh, then continued.

“There will be a party, I would appreciate it if you could come.” She finished, taking my hand and placing an envelope in it, before turning on her heels, I didn't turn to watch her leave as I was too bewildered to.

'What the just happened?' I asked myself. I checked the invitation she placed on my opened palm and couldn't help but to let my tears to fall freely now, they've been restrained for a long time and needed to be freed.

'Who the she thinks she is, to invite me to her ing wedding party?' I muttered to myself again, I shivered, feeling something bitter getting stuck in my throat, I know that feeling quite well, it's jealousy, an indication that, I still love Jessica.

'I will not cry... I will not cry... I will not--' I bite my lip to fight my tears back, but they kept rolling steady and fast down my face.

The event that just happened and those of years ago replays in my head, I try to take a deep breath but it comes out as a shudder, I'm not suppose to feel this way, not after everything I went through, I have been granted a wish to fix things not to let her back in and destroy me as she did before.

I wish this was another bad dream, I wish I would wake up now, I wish I never met her this evening. I squeeze my eyes as tight as I can, but when I reopen them, it's not a bad dream. I'm still stuck in the same reality, crying for the same god-damn reason and still feeling every last bit of my heart shattering into a million pieces. 

I let go of the cigarette and stomped on it before turning to vacate the club, Yuri has been abandoned by me, I don't even know where she is at.

As I stand on the streets, and watched as the dark clouds envelop the sky and I feel the weather is being controlled by my emotions. The streets are now almost empty with few people scurrying to get a taxi and it looks like the world has ended.

To me, it has. Everything I thought I could live with, everything I was familiar with is gone, I've already accepted that but why is she forcing herself back into my life? I hate it and I hate the fact I still love her, so damn much.

“This stormy weather is coming up pretty fast.” My taxi driver says as he glances at me through the rear view mirror. I stare at his watchful eyes, I wish I had his thoughts now, I wish that my biggest concern was a stormy weather. He looks at me again and I hate what I see in his eyes....Pity.

“You alright, miss?” He asks and I look back outside the window to signal him I wasn't in the mood to talk. He doesn't say another word and the drive goes on for another 20 minutes, all the while tears were streaming down my face. The taxi finally made a turn at the coffee shop and headed down towards my home.

“Is this alright?” The driver asks as the car moved to a halt directly in front of the building premises.

“It'll never be alright.” I mutter and immediately, the heavy downpour begins...loud and unmerciful. ”Miss?” questions the driver.

“It could have been better if I didn't remember her at all, then everything could have been alright.” For a moment, I don't realize I'm speaking. The shrivelling, scratchy whimper of my words does not sound anything like my normal voice. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to block out the event that happened earlier but it still taunt me, Jessica is his and will forever be, why was God able to bring me back in time but couldn't erase her from my memory?

“This is the place?” The driver's voice pokes into my thoughts and shatter the rest of the terrible memory. Grabbing my  purse that I had earlier tossed to the far end of the taxi, I drop a 100 in the drivers hand and ignore the shocked expression on his face. I had nothing to do with it now...

“Remember miss, after the storm comes the calm.” He shouts to be heard over the rain as I walk already drenched to my home. Loud thunder crashes immediately as if to disagree with him and I couldn't agree more. By the time I get to the building, I'm soaked to the bone with a clouded chest and painful thorns squeezing at my heart.


Author's POV.

When Jessica left Taeyeon alone, she returned back to her husband's side with a somber expression, she doesn't know why but she hates that, 'that person' was treating her coldly, everyone makes mistakes and she f

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I hope to get more comments now, even though I didn't know what I was writing at some point, I just knew I needed to give you guys a happy ending.


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Chapter 6: I'm glad I found this story, I've been binge reading your story these days haha I miss TaengSic and I miss good story, yours is great one. Anyway, whatever happen to you in past, hopefully you all find your happiness now. Anyway, next! Haha
Winrina2020 #2
I will read this as soon as possible.
Griddlez #3
I love this story so much.
Chapter 6: Glad to get the chance to read such masterpieces from you author-nim!.. Wouldn't had found this if you didnt post it in your story 'The Contract Series'(The Arrange Marriage).. this story is really touching.. I have also encountered something like this in life too.. but it was more of a friendship instead Love surely has us trapped and hurting.. Thanks for this awesome story from you..
Aneesajeon22 #5
Chapter 6: Ah my heart. It couldn't take the angst. But glad they ended up where they are. Thanks for sharing.
LailaloveBts97 #6
I don't usually read taengsic but I make exceptions for your stories, because they're the best and I always enjoy how you wrote them.
Lalalandbts5 #7
Chapter 7: So glad that after all that heart break the two them got back together.
Nafisaddy88 #8
I will try this one. Sounds promising.
intisar99 #9
Looks interesting. I am gonna read this.
Yuskaiyim #10
I need more of taengsic. I really had a hard time reading this. It made me an emotional mess. But I really did enjoyed it so much.