Sugar sugar, bang bang

Sugar baby by day, fake mate by night
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             When Sehun finds out he’ll have to go out with Kai’s mother, he panics. Hard. Not because his sugar daddy’s mother looks super scary or anything, but because the way she is grinning at him is enough to make a shiver go down his spine. Make that a handful because he’s literally shaking and no matter what he does he can’t make it stop. He tries to act as unaffected as possible but he’s probably not very successful at it because she keeps throwing him these ‘I know what you and Kai did behind my back’ and he’s so close to having a full-blown panic attack.

Fortunately, he doesn’t. But this doesn’t mean he doesn’t slightly flinch every time she gets a little too close or asks him to try clothes and whatever else she finds in those extremely expensive boutiques that she frequents. He’s completely exhausted by the time she finally takes some pity on him and allows him to get some well-deserved lunch. Food always makes him feel better and this time there is no exception. He’s feeling slightly more composed too and that’s not bad at all. For both his mental and physical health.

He expects a hurricane to be arriving his way soon because he can tell that Kai’s mother is just waiting for the right opportunity to threaten or scare the hell out of him. She does, only not in the manner he would have anticipated. She’s so sweet and kind to him, nothing like she acted a few hours prior. He is thorn between freaking out even more and feeling relieved for having survived whatever test she had prepared for him.

He concludes is the second when she keeps smiling encouragingly at him. He is doing his best to act less stiff and then she drops the bomb. He should have known things are never that easy.

‘So, Sehun dear, when do you plan on marrying Kai?’

‘Boh? Marrying him? Mhm…’

‘Well yes, I mean you’re mates so the only thing left for you to do is to get married and have cute little babies together.’

What the hell is she talking about? What marriage? Last time he checked, supernaturals didn’t get married because why would they. They had no need for that. Mating was way more intimate and significant for them. This might be a trap so Sehun has to thread very carefully.

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Hello! Chapter 13 of 'Sugar baby by day, fake mate by night' is now available to everyone! If you want to read chapter 14 in advance and all the stories I have under lock just subscribe to my crowdfunding campaign! Thank you everyone! xoxo


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Chapter 14: I love it
Chapter 13: At least it seems like Sehun is gaining approval and acceptance into the family. He is doing his part of the job well. I just wonder if this will keep up or if something will happen...
Pshintani #3
Chapter 14: Aww this chapter was sooo sweet!!! Thank you for the update
Chapter 12: I am glad that it appears they are pulling off their act so far! I hope that they SeKai can keep working well together to finish off the night and that nothing bad happens!
Cannot wait for the next update!
Rb2012 #5
Chapter 12: Awwww