Sugar, sugar, sugar...

Sugar baby by day, fake mate by night
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                Kai is officially screwed. He can’t believe he let things get this far and now he has to deal with an unconscious pretty piece of human because he is an idiot. He can’t believe he let himself be played by his parents. They kept taunting him about how they don’t appear mated and that he should be all over his bonded at such an early stage in their relationship. That he’s supposed to be the dominant partner but that he acts like a puppy on a leash. Or a puppet on a string and he doesn’t know what to say because he honestly didn’t think that his attraction to Hun is so transparent. Sure, he needs to act like he’s in love, but he didn’t think he looked that lamed doing it.

Apparently, he did just that because his family started attacking him as soon as they caught sight of them. He had no doubt they were saying all kinds of rude thing to his supposed mate, but he had warned Sehun about it. And plus, he shouldn’t expect anything less from vampires. They weren’t known for being sweet or kind. But for acting as sly as foxes and as wicked as panthers when the situation called for it.

Still, this gave them no right to constantly insult Hun or try and demean him in every way possible. He doesn’t have a clear plan on what he wants to do but he will make sure they stop picking on his sugar baby. He has been so hell bent on making the human pay for all the mean jokes and behavior but Sehun appears to have genuinely changed. Never mind that he acts as if he’s never seen Kai before. He will get to the bottom of this mystery eventually and he hopes that what he discovers won’t make him despise his now sugar baby again.

They were getting along now but the vampire was convinced it was all an illusion. Sehun had acted so mean and entitled during the time they spent in high school together so watching the younger act so cute and bashful was making him both hot and cold. Hot because he would want nothing more than to forever cuddle with him and hold his hand and cold because when the truth will be eventually out, there’ll be hell to pay if Hun tried to mess with his mind once more.

The night is proceeding quite positively, and he should have anticipated something bad to happen to ruin the apparent calm instilled in the room. His family is well-known for playing the stupidest of pranks and today is no exception. It takes him a few minutes to realize that what he’s been drinking for the la

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Hello! Chapter 13 of 'Sugar baby by day, fake mate by night' is now available to everyone! If you want to read chapter 14 in advance and all the stories I have under lock just subscribe to my crowdfunding campaign! Thank you everyone! xoxo


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Chapter 14: I love it
Chapter 13: At least it seems like Sehun is gaining approval and acceptance into the family. He is doing his part of the job well. I just wonder if this will keep up or if something will happen...
Pshintani #3
Chapter 14: Aww this chapter was sooo sweet!!! Thank you for the update
Chapter 12: I am glad that it appears they are pulling off their act so far! I hope that they SeKai can keep working well together to finish off the night and that nothing bad happens!
Cannot wait for the next update!
Rb2012 #5
Chapter 12: Awwww