Excuse Me, I'm Walking Like Zombie


Minhyuk knows it’s wrong to stay by his fiancé's side like this, that this shell of a man is no longer the beautifully dorky love of his life... But, that still doesn’t stop him from helping him survive.


Requested by anon as part of a project I'm doing with Druekee called MONSTA X Fanfiction Requests Forum!

Request: hyunghyuk zombie!au - whenever zombie hyungwon can never eat human minhyuk even if he wants to, it just something deep inside his body tell him that he can’t, but human minhyuk never leaves his side and doesnt scare of him, which frustrates hyungwon. fluff ending please

Come by our page to leave a request of your own! And, if you're a writer yourself, feel free to check out our requests and write something to submit to the page, if you'd like~ https://mx-requests-forum.tumblr.com


Minhyuk hums a small tune under his breath, his long fingers curled round the steel handle of the bucket containing today’s meal. He knows Hyungwon doesn’t much like getting his food like this, pre-killed and all, but he needed to do it like this today. Their stock is running low, so they need to keep things clean around here to attract more animals to their... humble abode~

The man can’t help but chuckle at himself under his breath as he steps back over the threshold into their home. He’d never imagined himself to be a domestic-type, having instead always envisioned himself as a glamorous graphic artist and his husband-to-be as a successful model... They’d have kids, sure, but only after they lived their lives. So, you know, maybe in their early thirties.

He’d never imagine he’d be stuck doing all the duties of a housewife at only twenty-five.


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