Calm Snow

SinB managed to follow them until the castle. Now in addition of an headache, the bad memories of the dungeon were discouraging her from going on. She had never thought she would have to come back to that castle. Indeed her first goal was to go as far away as possible from this place. She sighed before walking towards the entry. However, she immediately stopped. What was she thinking ? That she could enter it that easily. She had to stay under cover if not she will never be able to save them. 

She told herself that the guards were surely going to bring Umji and Yuju to the castle prison. And she had the feeling that the prison was behind the castle underground. So she walked towards it and indeed there were some stairs and a door leading to the cellar. Hopefully no one was guarding the door. But she was still blonde which means that she had her powers. And just like the dungeon door, she was surely going to open this one too thanks to them. 

Nonetheless, when she touched the door nothing happened. She looked down at her hair and what a surprise. The color was back to black. She felt hopeless, confused and angry. Angry because now she finally understood that not only she wasn’t in control of the powers but the voice she heard and caused her so much pain was the magic owning the powers. And again it was preventing her from continuing. 


  • Why do you keep stopping me from doing what I want to do !? she screamed with an angry tone. 

And in reaction she kicked with her foot the door which cause it to open. So the door wasn’t closed. But it had nothing to do with the magic. SinB knew that she couldn’t count on her powers anymore. 

She entered the door and she was right, there were cells on each side of the dark corridor. But they were all empty except one. 


  • No way ! The voice almost frightened SinB. She turned and saw a very old woman. 


She didn’t know what to say because the woman was somehow scary. 


  • Come closer princess, said the woman while moving her finger to indicate SinB to get closer. 


SinB hesitated but then the woman was in a cell so there was nothing that she could do. She came towards her. Suddenly the woman passed her arms between the bars. SinB automatically closed her eyes while retaining her breath. But then she felt a trembling hand on her cheek. She opened her eyes and noticed that the woman had the eyes watering a little bit. She had a smile on her face but there was sadness or maybe compassion written on it. SinB immediately relaxed. The woman didn’t want her any harm. Suddenly SinB recalled something … the woman called her princess … so she knows her real identity ! She wanted to ask her how she knew that but the woman had already spoken again:


  • Because they said you’re only a legend I began to believe it too. Or sometimes I thought that you were dead. I would have never imagined seeing you there. But now that I think about it, it is pretty logical. 


  • Excuse me but who are you ? asked SinB more than ever confused. 


  • You can call me Wisa I don’t think it is important though. What matters is what I am. I am part of the time creatures. There are a lot of type and in my case I am a sighted, which means that I can sense and feel what will happen. But I can’t see the future just in case you would want to ask me that. 

SinB was just taken aback. As much as she didn’t want to believe what was saying the woman, a big part of her trusted her. 


  • I don’t know if you aware of it. But this kingdom is being swallowed by a very dark magic. This dark magic is trying to take full control of the queen’s mind. And everything started with her when she lost her little sister in the forest seventeen years ago. Her parents went crazy after that and envied your parents who were living the most perfect life with you who was the same age as Sowon’s little sister.  


  • The war had nothing to do with that event as it started years after. alleged SinB. 


  • No that’s what you think but it is because your parents wanted to protect you. So they kept you far from it in your castle. That’s why you had a perfect childhood. But in reality your kingdom had already been attacked and your parents were struggling to protect it. But you aren’t the only one, Sowon neither knows the truth. 


SinB felt bad because in the end even her perfect moments of fairytale were a big masquerade. Her parents were just pretending that everything was fine when in reality it wasn’t. So all the promises they made her were only words that they couldn’t even keep because they knew that deep down there was a chance that they wouldn’t make it through alive. And the reality proved that in fact they didn’t make it. But no one did … except SinB: the only one in the kingdom who was innocently - but now she would  say foolishly and blindly - unaware of what was happening. 


  • What about the magic that I have inside of me ? asked SinB out of the blue. If that woman knew about Sowon maybe she knew about her too. 


  • Contrary to Sowon, the magic inside you isn’t dark. 


SinB wanted to laugh because for her that magic was just as dark because it was uncontrollable and stubborn. Indeed, it was making her feel pain when SinB was doing things the magic didn’t want her to do. It was controlling her life and decided for her when SinB wanted to die it preventing her from doing so. So yes SinB hated that magic. 


  • Well, until now it hadn’t brought me anything good. said SinB


  • That’s not true and deep down you know it. That magic had helped you escape the castle and keep hidden. 


  • Yes but that also tried to prevent me from coming back to save my friends. And that forced me to stay alive when I wanted to leave for good. 


  • Yes because that magic is here to protect you and only you. In fact, the black magic inside Sowon is the « enemy » of the white magic inside you. The white magic is what made you survive all of this. It is your guardian angel. While the black magic inside Sowon wants to destroy her and her kingdom. 


  • So you’re saying that I have nothing to do with her magic and that my magic will protect me no matter what. Then why do I keep seeing Sowon in my dreams ? She is driving me insane so much that I have almost killed someone because of that. 


  • Because that black magic, as the enemy of your magic, wants to take control of you too. She wants you to surrender to her just like Sowon surrender to it light when she was six years old. explained the old woman.


  • Oh really ? Because in my case she doesn’t want me to surrender to her light but to her ual advances. 


  • That’s because it is your magic’s weakness. I mean the magic inside of you can’t do anything about that. The decision is yours. Anyway, now that you know the truth you can still save yourself. It is not late for you to run away. 


  • And where will I go ? asked SinB with no joy in her tone. 


  • The Sun Kingdom … there the dark magic has no effect and no power. So go before it is too late. Before the dark fire destroys this kingdom and you with it. 


  • I have no goal in life. I don’t mind being killed. But my friends don’t deserve that treatment. I am going to save them. said SinB. Thank you for the information. 


SinB left the prison. She went upstair. It is funny how she called Umji and Yuju her friends whereas she weren’t close enough with them to call them like that. But it didn’t matter. What matters is where they are. And for the moment, they were nowhere to be found. Now; SinB was only hoping that they were still alive. She had to stay hidden and it was difficult with all the guards. That’s why when she heard the sound of someone coming towards her, she quickly entered a room. Nonetheless, the sound was approaching. And SinB finally notice where she was. Looking at the king size bed and the luxurious furniture it could only be Sowon’s bedroom. And yes she was right because when the person making the sound entered the room, SinB’s heart started to pound. Sowon was just there some meters away from her. SinB was getting used to seeing her except that this time, it was real. To see Sowon with her natural hair color made SinB think about their first encounter when she escaped the dungeon and bumped into her. The very first seconds before Sowon turned into that redhead dangerous woman. She remembered the first words she told her. And now that she thought about it, Sowon had a pretty innocent tone. Why was she thinking about that ? It doesn’t matter. What matters is to find Umji and Yuju. But now she was trapped in that room. She feared that if she tried to escape the room, Sowon would catch her which was likely to happen with all those mirrors in front of her. SinB was hidden behind the closet. She was holding her breath and closing her eyes as she was waiting for Sowon to leave the room. Suddenly she heard Sowon approach. She heard her sigh. SinB tried to observe her while staying hidden. But she immediately regretted when she saw Sowon taking off her own clothes. SinB felt like in her nightmare, except that this time Sowon was doing it with innocent purpose. She was just changing clothes. This was weird to see Sowon normal like that. SinB wasn’t used to it at all and she couldn’t help but find the girl beautiful. SinB wanted to slap herself for having such thoughts. Sowon put what it seemed to be her pajama: a nightie. Then she approached the door and SinB thought that she was going to leave. But instead she locked the door and removed the key ... unknowingly making SinB trapped with her in the bedroom.



CHAPTER 14 done 

This chapter is really important as it explains everything. 

But if you didn't understand something, let me know in the comments :) 

Thank you 


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Ines2602 #1
Chapter 26: Is it the end ?? I love how things seem to take a new turn. But I can't help but feel sad and anxious because the speech of umji feels like she has lost her faith and thinks sinb is dead. It's like a sad tale. Now I just can't wait to see the next part. Thank you for this story! I mean it sincerely, I'm a big fan of Calm Snow!
Ines2602 #2
Chapter 23: Sowon has indeed nothing to do with all this tragedy (or at least this dark magic controls her against her will) And Sinb keeps on saying her existence isn't worth it. Both of them deserve some peace I wish they could leave with umji and yuju and take a new start. But honestly I totally understand why Sowon insists to stay here. Because it's her kingdom and she feels responsible for everything. Leaving to the sun kingdom is like leave her people. She doesn't want to be coward.
Ines2602 #3
Chapter 21: First of all, this chapter fraughts with emotions. It made me realize how brave Sinb is and how hard her life is. He went through so many things, she even denied her own identity because it was so hard to live with her past and to be left on her own. Umji shoundn't be upset with her. Better yet, she should understand her because as Yuju said her kingdom is a nemesis and sinb was scared to be assimilated to it (she probably thought everything was her fault). Sinb is one of the most "bring hope" and saddest character at the same time. The duality of her character is beyond everything.
Ines2602 #4
Chapter 18: This chapter was so sad and everything went through really fast. It's so hurtful knowing the relationship between sowon and umji to see sowon was about to kill her own sister. The one she je looking at since the beginning and her only humanity trigger.
mr_buckwheat #5
Chapter 28: whew finally caught up. this was so interesting, i’m amazed by how you wrote this out. now, on to the next!!
Ines2602 #6
Chapter 17: Why? Just why? Deep down I knew Yuju would be friendzoned but honestly is umji blind or something? Yuju has the full package. She is pretty, strong-minded, selfless and she took her courage to expose her feelings. Poor Yuju.
Ines2602 #7
Chapter 13: Looks like Umji didn't finally listen to yuju. By the way I want to know more about yuju family background and how she became friend with umji. I feel like beyond this protective look and caretaker yuju really loves umji. On one hand I ship umji and sinb together but on the other hand the relationship between umji and yuju is so precious! I feel bad for yuju she must feel like a fifth wheel.
And this village thing is kind of strange I don't think I get everything about it but we will see !
Anyway I long to read your next chapter !
Ines2602 #8
Chapter 12: I knew there was something going on between umji and sowon but siblings ? I didn't excpect this! Somehow on this chapter I felt for the first time pity for sowon. It's interesting you made a pov sowon you should make it more often!
Ines2602 #9
Chapter 4: Sowon looks so scary for real. I doubt she could be a gentle person.
Yeosang6202 #10
Chapter 2: Thank you for having made a story with my bias (Umji) and my bias wrecker in it (SinB). I wonder who is really Umji, she seems to hide something. I feel something off on her but I can't tell what. And Sowon seems so nasty I'm even scared of her haha