13: The Sickness Unto You

My Love That Is Forever

"And when I couldn't find her anywhere, I left", Kyungsoo ended recalling the events of his date with Seungwan, to his friends the next day.

He had been unable to sleep last night, thinking about the day’s events, wondering if Seungwan was okay. He’d looked for her in the area around the restaurant before leaving, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He kept thinking about how suddenly she had gotten up to go, and how she didn't even look at him when he offered to drop her. And it made worry rise in him like bile. When his mother asked him about it on his return, he lied that the date went great, unable to tell her about his discourteous behavior. He didn't even know why those words left his mouth, and the fact that a part of him was actually scared about Seungwan telling on him, made him feel guilty like nothing else. I’m such a selfish coward, he wanted to pull his hair out. When he had at last slept, his dreams had been of Seungwan, cold and alone, soaking out in the rain and his head was filled with apologies when he woke up in the morning.

"Well that was a little...harsh", Chanyeol gave his opinion. They had all gathered in the café some time before classes started, at Kyungsoo's request. "You should have at least treated her to lunch"

"I know right!", Kyungsoo put his face in his hands and groaned. "What do I do now?"

"Just accept the feelings you have for her, and confess!", Junmyeon urged him.

“What-what feelings?”, He asked, looking away. They all groaned in response and he got defensive. “I mean I can’t! I have other things to focus on right now, I can't add another complication to my life!”

"Why do you keep thinking that having a relationship will somehow prevent you from achieving your goals?", Jongdae asked exasperatedly.

"Won't it?"

"No!" Jongdae stated. "You're actually getting more distracted trying to fight the feelings you have for her!"

"I agree with him", Minseok chimed in.

"D.O., what you're doing is not gonna help you get over her", Baekhyun jumped into the conversation. "See, the more you run away from her, the more attracted you'll feel".

Kyungsoo agreed that he had a point. "So what should I do?"

"Date her! All these feelings you think you have for her, will go away in a week and you'll get tired of her. Trust me!”

Kyungsoo sighed. "I am not like you, Baekhyun"

"Yeah, stop putting wrong ideas in his head", Junmyeon scowled at him.

"Suit yourself" Baekhyun shrugged. "I was only giving you advice from the extensive experience I have in this department." He winked at Kyungsoo.

But what if he's right? Kyungsoo couldn't help thinking.


Taeyeon was passing by the café on her way to class, when she saw Kyungsoo and the rest of their gang sitting there. She remembered how she’d left Seungwan at the house that morning and felt a spike of anger. Her cousin was burning with fever while the knuckle-heads were having gang meetings.

She walked over slowly to their table. Be civil.

"Taeyeon sun-bae, hello!", Chanyeol got up from his seat as she reached near their table, the rest of them becoming solemn on her arrival too. She nodded at him and the others, as they all greeted her.

"Hi Taeyeon! Missed me?", Baekhyun’s annoying voice spoke up and she gritted her teeth to prevent herself from lashing out.

"Is Seungwan shii not here with you today?", Kyungsoo asked in concern and she turned to him from glowering at Baekhyun.

"Beats me", She responded sardonically, folding her arms on her chest. "Why don't you tell me D.O. shii, since you're the one who left her alone in the cold rain yesterday?"

"What?", The guy looked like somebody had hit him.

"He didn't leave her alone, she was the one who ran away", Baekhyun defended him, rolling his eyes which earned him disapproving glares from the rest of his friends. Taeyeon kept her attention on D.O.

"Listen D.O. - ", she leaned forward. "Unlike your a-holic friend here - ", she referred to Baekhyun " I think you're a pretty decent guy"

"What is that supposed to mean?!", Baekhyun protested.

"But if you hurt my sister again - ", She warned, her stare and tone ice cold. "I won't tolerate it”. Kyungsoo swallowed hard, and she felt at pang of satisfaction at having successfully intimidated him. It was the least the guy deserved for doing what he had.

"Who do you think you are, threatening him like that?!", Baekhyun got up from his seat but was ignored once again.

"I understand sun-bae.", Kyungsoo replied with a solemn expression. "But where is she? Is she okay?", He looked genuinely worried, and Taeyeon leaned back.

"She's.....fine. She had a little fever and sore throat because of soaking in the rain yesterday", Taeyeon replied, her tone soft. "She'll most probably be able to come tomorrow"

"I am really sorry", Kyungsoo apologized, guilt playing all over his face.

"Save your apologies for later, I'll leave now", She replied looking away, and then left after nodding at them all in acknowledgement. All except Baekhyun.

"Hey you! Wait up!", Baekhyun came after her. Taeyeon kept walking, unbothered.

"Who do you think you are to come and insult my friend like that?!", The imbecile snapped as he reached near her.

Taeyeon stopped and took a deep breath. This guy really has no inhibitions!

"And who do you think you are, to go around talking to me like that?!", She retorted after turning around to face him.

"Don't try to change the topic! Stop interfering in my friend’s life, it’s none of your business!”

"Well your friend there is the reason why my sister was left all alone shivering for hours yesterday, so that very well makes it my damn business!", Taeyeon was livid.

"What happened yesterday wasn't his fault! He thought she had left…..", Baekhyun’s tone got softer.

"Actually come to think of it", Taeyeon narrowed her eyes, taking a step towards him " – I think you might be the reason for whatever is happening between them"

"Oh really? How?"

"I know all your dirty tricks Baekhyun – “, Taeyeon inched in closer to glare directly at Baekhyun " – That you used on me in High School. I hope to God you're not teaching them to D.O. too!"

"What?!", Baekhyun looked incredulous. "I never used any tricks on you! I only tried to be friendly, it's not my fault you went all googly-eyed and fell for me!"

"What?!", Taeyeon felt like somebody had punched her, and Baekhyun’s expression got solemn. The nerve of this guy to say that to my face! She balled her hands into fists and was about to land a punch on his face, when Soojung appeared and stopped her.

"Woah, woah, violence is not good, Taeyeon!", The girl remarked as she caught her hand midair.

Baekhyun’s mouth was half-open as he probably tried to digest what had just happened. "How dare you!", He pointed a finger at her, only realizing she’d been about to hit him now, being the slow idiot he was. He took a threatening step forward and Taeyeon was all but ready to go all-out with him too, she’d had enough, but he was caught and restrained by Junmyeon from behind.

"Get a grip, Baekhyun-ah!", Junmyeon admonished him. Chanyeol ran up to them too.

"I'm sorry for my friend's behavior sun-bae! He's not in his right mind right now!", Chanyeol apologized, bowing fervently. The same way he had done when Baekhyun had fallen on Taeyeon a few days ago.

"Oh, shut up!", Both Baekhyun and Taeyeon snapped at the taller guy together, who just stood there pouting, probably regretting being caught in the cross fire.

"Why don't you teach this jerk some manners so that you don't have to apologize on his behalf all the time!", Taeyeon snarled.

"Who the hell even wants to apologize to you?!", Baekhyun retorted and then glared at Chanyeol.

"Let's go, Taeyeon", Soojung started to pull her away. "People are watching, get a grip!", She whispered admonishingly and Taeyeon turned at last.

"I'm sorry. He’s just so infuriating at times!", She said as they walked away, wanting to pull her hair out in anger.

“I’ve never seen you act this impulsively. That Baekhyun guy’s got some guts huh?”, Soojung said, and Taeyeon turned to glare at her, before taking – snatching – the water bottle out of her hands and taking a swig walking ahead. She heard Soojung laugh and call after her but she didn’t bother stopping.



"Just stay calm, act like you are the one in control", Taeyeon advised her cousin as they entered the University gate.

Seungwan nodded, trying to appear calm. When in reality she was freaking out.

What had she done? Why had she over-reacted like that? Kyungsoo had simply told her he didn’t want to be in a relationship, what was so wrong about it that she had to go around crying like a sissy? When had she become this pathetic?

But would he have acted the same way if it had been someone else, someone better instead of me? She couldn’t help the self-deprecating thought from crossing her mind. But she shook it away.

After waking up late that Monday morning, she’d seen no point in going to the university. Though she’d pretended to be angry with Taeyeon for not waking her up, she’d secretly felt relieved at not having to go. She put on a good show of being fine but she still felt faint-hearted in reality and didn’t want to face Kyungsoo so soon after what had happened. She had lazed around the house, her heart lurching painfully whenever she thought of the disaster that had been her date but she convinced herself to stay calm. She had never wanted anything more with him anyway, then why was she hurt over the simple fact that he didn’t either?

She had decided she was going to give him space and tell him that it was alright if he doesn't want anything to do with her. She would try her best to stay away. Although she had never been greedy for his attention before, something had changed. She had gotten used to talking to him and she wanted to get to know him more, even if it was just something as simple as an exchange of greetings. The thought that she won't be able to do that anymore, made her miserable.

“I’m fine”, She smiled at Taeyeon, who was still eyeing her warily, as they entered the premises of the campus and then looked around. Her heart flipped when she saw Kyungsoo near the fountain area, in front of the administrative block. He was pacing around, as if waiting for something and almost as soon as her eyes registered him, he looked up and straight in her direction.

Her heart sank. Their date's events crossed her mind, and she felt a sharp pain somewhere inside her and she fought back the stinging in her eyes. She couldn’t do it. Not with him looking at her like that, with those sincere doe eyes. As he started to walk towards her, her knees began to wobble.

“I….”, She croaked. “I’ll talk to him later!”

She turned and made a run for it, ignoring Taeyeon’s calls. She ran until her lungs allowed her and finally stopped for air, taking deep breaths, leaning forward on her knees. After a few minutes, she straightened up and looked around to see she’d made it to the other end of the campus.  Since it was fall, all the leaves had withered away leaving bare trees and branches. She sat down at a bench, downcast.

She had been a coward again, she knew, but she couldn’t talk to him right then. I just need a little more time, she told herself as she slowly walked back to the Business block, already late for her class, but without any energy to make a run for it again.

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Do check out Miss Me On Lonely Roads guys! I just uploaded it.


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yoojiningning #1
Chapter 70: Thank you so so much for writing this! 🥺 It was perfect and beautiful, seriously. I hope you continue to write more stories here 🙏🏼 Once again, thank you!
wanyeollie #2
Chapter 70: Finally finished MLTIF. It’s so beautiful. Thank you for this author-nim 😭
wanyeollie #3
Chapter 36: what’s wrong with wendy 😨
wanyeollie #4
Chapter 35: Uhoh could the girl be nayeon 🤔
luvienieca_5 #5
seohyunmylove #6
Chapter 67: It's been a while since I read this fanfic .I've been busy ,but I'm surprised by how the events are progressing I think kyungsoo will have a hard time to make wendy forgive him but for baekyeon I think they will get together so soon. So excited for the next chapter
ChanyeolsRolleecoast #7
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOD.
ChanyeolsRolleecoast #8
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOD.
ChanyeolsRolleecoast #9
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOD.
ChanyeolsRolleecoast #10
Chapter 67: OH. MY. GOD.