Ooh-la-la Surprise

1 evil mysterious guy + 1 busy Japanese teacher = 1 spilt coffee = 1 date = meet the group + 1 worried unnie = O.O + a gorgeous guy = LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT

Mariah: I just texted Heechul and he said it's cool if we visit. He's keeping it from the others, so we can surprise them.

Me: Alright, kaja!

Mariah: *texts Heechul - we're here.*

Heechul: *opens the door* Took you long enough.

Me: Yeah, well... :P *switching shoes out*

Heechul: *walks ahead of us*

Mariah and I: Sur--- O_O bwo is going on?!

Suju members (minus Teukie & Kyu): O_O Uh-oh!!

Teukie & Kyu: O.o uh-oh bwo? *sees Mariah and I, realizes majority of Suju is shirtless (except Sungmin & Wookie), they run over and cover our eyes* ANI LOOKING!! YAH1 DON'T JUST STAND THERE, GO PUT A SHIRT ON!! AIGOO!! AISH...YOU GUYS!!!! >_<

Me: Wait..ani..but I want to see! Gosh dang it, wae did you guys have to say uh-oh!? GAH!

Teukie: *smirks* Fine, then you can look *removes hands*

Me: Jinja!? O.O

Teukie: But only at me ;)

Me: *blushes. Thinking - hotness overload is great, but bad. Covers eyes* Ani...

Teukie: Bwo, waeyo? *smirks* Can't handle my hotness, can you? *pulls my hands away*

Me: ... O_O *blushes more*

Teukie: Awwww jagiya *hugs me and smirks even more*

Me: O\\\\O *blushes even more if that's possible*

Mariah: Yah! I want to see too!

Kyu: Arasso, you can look ^_^ *removes hands*

Mariah: :D Jinja! *tries to peek around him*

Kyu: Aniyo -_- *crosses arms*

Mariah: O_O ... -_- bwo! Aish...you! *lightly nudges him*

Kyu: *laughs his evil laugh*

Mariah: *suddenly realizes he is shirtless also and blushes*

Kyu: You finally noticed ;)

Sungmin & Wookie: Go put some shirts on you s! :p

Other Suju members: *come back into the living room with shirts on* Yeah, go put a shirt on! I don't want my dog/turtle seeing your chest!

Kyu & Teukie: *rolls eyes* Fine.

Other Suju members: So, what did you think? I know you guys at least got a pretty good peek ;)

Mariah & I: You all have very nice torsos *blushing*

Kyu & Teukie: But ours are better *smirking and puts their arms around us/their respective girlfriend* By the way, how were you guys able to come up to our dorm?

Mariah: Heechul had let the guard know that we had permission to visit. 

Teukie & Kyu: Why didn't you tell us?

Heechul: They wanted to surprise everyone and I wanted to surprise them ;) I say it worked out beautifully for everyone involved. 

Mariah and I: I definitely agree *we wink at our boyfriends*

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MrsHaeTeuk #1
Soooo I was working on editing the chapters that have been written for this story...but this one chapter makes no sense in the beginning..I'm pretty sure that some dialogue is missing...sadly searching for it in a Facebook message doesn't help..cause the conversation I found had nothing to do with what I'm looking for and made me think that my cousin and I have the craziest conversations and ideas for this story lol XD #soconfused #cantfindthemissingdialogue
Chapter 8: One word (if it counts as a word) awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Lol It was super kyeopta unnie! <3
tienvo95 #3
Chapter 3: Is this teukso fan fiction??
is katie "kang sora"?
tienvo95 #4
Chapter 4: Really love it^^
MrsHaeTeuk #5
I have decided that I'm going to post all the chapters that have been created so far, then I'm going to make chapters to tie everything together so it all makes sense ^_^
Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy. Birthday!!! See lots spam REALLY THOUGH HAVE A BEUTIFUL DAY WHEN YOU WAKE UP TODAY. REMEMBER DON'T STAY UP TO LATE OR SLEEP IN TOO LONG SO U CAN ENJOY IT ARASSO? ^_^
MrsHaeTeuk #7
Mianhe for not updating, trying to come up with the next chapter..for some reason it's easier to come up with every other chapter but the one I actually need :(