Chapter 2

Hoseok gets bitten

After getting all the kids into the car Ciel quickly rushing off to the hospital, Hoseok was still crying as she was driving ciel had to stop at a red light. At that moment looked back to see the kids were either panicked or confused she then pulled out her phone "Yoongi I need you to call your dad's workplace and tell him that we are taking hoseok to the hospital " Ceil said, "I want daddy "hoseok says for the first since the accident.


Yoongi nodded and took the phone ciel turned back as soon as the light turned green she quickly drove off "yoongi do you know your dad's work number '? yoongi had nodded his head as dialed namjoon office number.


"Hello, this is Mr.Kim office Misa speaking " namjoon's  secretary said answering the phone "Hello I need to speak to daddy, " yoongi said once misa had answered the phone.

"Umm..who is this " misa asked 


"yoongi I need to talk to daddy, " yoongi said again after hearing his yoongi say his name misa remember that namjoon her boss did have a son named yoongi .

"yoongi your daddy is in a meeting right now can you leave a message that ill give to him once the meeting his over" Misa said " Oh..Okay can you tell daddy that something happened to hobi an were taking him to the ...." yoongi had stop mid-sentence to look over at ciel " are we taking hobi  to the hospital that appa works at " yoongi asked his babysitter ciel nodded as she continued to drive.

"Okay, we're taking him to the hospital, the one appa works at, "yoongi said going back to the phone call with namjoon's secretary Misa."Okay, yoongi ill inform your daddy "mIsa said "okay" said hanging up the phone.



After yoongi had ended the call misa had gotten up and headed to the meeting room her boss was in she remembered him telling her that if one of his kids or jin were in the hospital an he was in a meeting important or not to coming and get him as it was more important for him to be there with his kids or husband .

Misa had entered the room quietly everybody had stopped what they're doing and looked over at her, she bowed in apology for interrupting the meeting after that everyone but namjoon went back to looking at the board up front.Misa had walked over to namjoon and whispered into his ear everything yoongi has told  "how long ago was this "namjoon whispered, "like 2 minutes ago sir".

Namjoon had gotten up and gathered his thing as he now need to leave "I'm sorry one but I have to leave we can reschedule this meeting at a later time " he said looking at the businessmen and women "Namjoon what could you possibly need for " one of the businessmen said everyone nodded in agreement as they as also wanted an answer as to why he had to leave .

Namjoon let out a small breath "my son is the hospital " namjoon said "and what that means " another person said "namjoon turned and looked at the person who said that "it means that I need to leave as its more important to be with my son instead of some meeting as he need more " namjoon . 

"Namjoon you cant just leave cause you son begining in the hospital it could just be a simple cut "the same person said namjoon blood began to boil he then sait his bag on the table "I want you all to listen an listen well my family comes first no matter what and they will always be more important I could get the best deal in the world my family will still come first " Namjoon said in an angry tone some of the people in the room as they had never had seen namjoon this angry before .

"I've already wasted time talking and explaining myself, "Namjoon said grabbing his bag an walking out the room followed misa ."misa did you grab my keys "? he asked "yes, " she said handing namjoon his car key "thank you ".Namjoon soon walked out the building after few minutes he made it his car he gotten in the quickly drove off to the hospital.

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